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Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for James Hoffy, Redding's caravan master


{100}{}{You see a burly, thick-set man with short, bushy hair.}
{101}{}{You see James Hoffy, the caravan master.}
{102}{}{You see a scarred, tough-looking man with a calculating stare.}
{103}{}{Come on, get out of here.}
{104}{}{This ain't no charity ward. Now get out.}
{105}{}{Who let you out of the house, anyway?}
{106}{}{Anyone home in there?}
{107}{}{You're not quite smart enough to grunt, are you?}
{108}{}{Come on, already. Just move it out of here.}
{109}{}{I ain't got time for no stupids.}
{110}{}{I hear that you had some trouble with some of your caravans. Everyone has trouble sometimes - just don't make a habit of it.}
{111}{}{I hear you did some caravan work already. That's good. There's always room for good caravan guards.}
{112}{}{Who are you?}
{113}{}{Are there any caravans ready to go out now?}
{114}{}{Where do the caravans from Redding usually go?}
{115}{}{Hear any news around town lately?}
{116}{}{Have you ever heard about something called a Garden of Eden Creation Kit?}
{117}{}{Thanks for letting me know. Goodbye.}
{118}{}{Hello there, I'm James Hoffy. But usually people call me Jimmy. I organize the caravans around here.}
{119}{}{What do ya want, Pally?}
{120}{}{Are there any caravans ready to go out now?}
{121}{}{Where do the caravans from Redding usually go?}
{122}{}{Hear any news around town lately?}
{123}{}{Have you ever heard about something called a Garden of Eden Creation Kit?}
{124}{}{I was just looking around, Jimmy. Thanks. Goodbye.}
{125}{}{That I don't know. You'd have to ask the caravan drivers. You can usually find a caravan here on the 1st, 11th, and 21st of each month. Real neat and tidy that way. You see here, this is the way it works: When a caravan's in town and looking for help, the caravan master has his tent set up here just south of my castle. Real neat and tidy that way.}
{126}{}{Your castle? What do you mean?}
{127}{}{I see. I guess I'll talk to them, then. Thanks. Goodbye.}
{128}{}{We run caravans all over the fricking place. Let me tell you: We've got gold ore going out to Vault City, we've got some going out to New Reno (ooo-la-la, if ya know what I mean), and we've even got some going to those prissy bastards in the NCR.}
{129}{}{What can you tell me about Vault City?}
{130}{}{What can you tell me about New Reno?}
{131}{}{What can you tell me about the NCR?}
{132}{}{Let me ask you about something else.}
{133}{}{That's all I need to know for now. Thanks, Goodbye.}
{134}{}{What else is a man's home? Sheesh, were you brought up in a tent or something?}
{135}{}{Actually... I was.}
{136}{}{I've heard enough from you, damn bigot. Goodbye.}
{137}{}{Oh, yeah. Well, I guess that explains things, then. A lot of things. Heh, heh.}
{138}{}{Now that we've straightened that out, let me ask you something else.}
{139}{}{Yeah, I bet it has. Goodbye.}
{140}{}{Vault City (Jimmy spits disdainfully). Yeah, I'll tell you about those sons-of-bitches. Fucking bastards are too good for the rest of us. They only trade medicine to us because they need our gold. Otherwise they'd just let us all rot. I wouldn't spend too much time there, kid. But if you want to see it, Ben Wade heads out from here on the 1st of every month.}
{141}{}{What can you tell me about New Reno?}
{142}{}{What can you tell me about the NCR?}
{143}{}{Thanks. Let me ask you about something else.}
{144}{}{That's all I need to know for now. Goodbye.}
{145}{}{Now that's a town. Just make sure you keep your wits about you and your gun handy. Lot's of fighting going on there. If those families ever worked together on something, then New Reno'd really be a power to be reckoned with. The way it is though... Pffft. You want to get there, join up with Savinelli - he leaves here on the 21st of each month.}
{146}{}{What can you tell me about Vault City?}
{147}{}{What can you tell me about the NCR?}
{148}{}{Thanks. Let me ask you about something else.}
{149}{}{That's all I need to know for now. Goodbye.}
{150}{}{The New California Republic is just full of self-righteous sons-of-bitches. They've got everything down their way all straightened out all right. A little too straight. They're as self righteous a bunch as you could ever meet. Stanwell runs a caravan from here to the NCR on the 11th of
each month.}
{151}{}{What can you tell me about Vault City?}
{152}{}{What can you tell me about New Reno?}
{153}{}{Thanks. Let me ask you about something else.}
{154}{}{That's all I need to know for now. Goodbye.}
{155}{}{A Garden of Eden Creation Kit? I don't know for certain, 'cept I know we don't have one of them here. Hmm. You might try a vault. They're supposed to have all kinds of teck-no-logical stuff, ain't they?}
{156}{}{I suppose I'll have to try that. Let me ask you something else.}
{157}{}{Thanks for the tip. Goodbye.}
{158}{}{Yeah, I hear that they got some newbie to go scrounging around the Wanamingo mine for an old part.}
{159}{}{I heard that the Sheriff got someone to do some of his his dirty work for him.}
{160}{}{Not a whole lot going on lately, I guess. Just the usual digging, and caravans and stuff.}
{161}{}{Yeah, well, that newbie is me. Got a problem with that?}
{162}{}{Someone's got to keep order in this flea-pit of a town.}
{163}{}{Let me ask you something.}
{164}{}{I just thought I'd check. Thanks and goodbye for now.}
{165}{}{Nope, no problem at all. You know that you're messing around with politics with that, don't ya?}
{166}{}{What do you mean?}
{167}{}{Yeah, sure. Goodbye.}
{168}{}{Well, whichever mine owner you give the chip to is gonna do real well with it. Well enough to put the other mine outta business.}
{170}{}{That's called capitalism, my friend. Goodbye.}
{171}{}{Well, if the mine you give the chip to happens to be the Kokoweef Mine, then we're going to see a lot more Jet in town. If you give the chip to Dan McGrew over at the Morningstar, we're gonna get a lot of those NCR pukes nosing around, instead. Either way, someone wins an' someone loses.}
{172}{}{If I didn't do it, someone else would. Tell me about something else.}
{173}{}{That's the way of the world, isn't it? Goodbye.}
{174}{}{As long as it's not me, pally. Long as it's not me.}
{175}{}{Let me ask you something.}
{176}{}{Just checking. Goodbye for now.}
