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This is a transcript for dialogue with Quinn.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Oh, why hello there. Pleasure to meet you! I'm Quinn. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Sorry sorry! So busy! 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Just couldn't stay away from us, could you? 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Oh, hello, my boy! You've come back for more stories from ol' Quinn, have you? 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Oh, hello, my girl! You've come back for more stories from ol' Quinn, have you? 5
So this is the Lincoln Memorial?
Is the Lincoln Memorial around here somewhere? Disgust 50 Yeah. Just east of here. Bunch of guys with guns are holed up there. 6
Is the Lincoln Memorial around here somewhere? Surprise 50 Yeah. Just east of here. Some freed slaves just occupied it. We trade with them occasionally. 7
Sounds like a normal guy.
Why should I have to pay for gossip? Neutral 50 I don't give away anything for free. Besides, its obviously worth something to you. 8
MS14Bribe Oh look! I dropped these 50 caps in your pocket... Disgust 50 Very funny. 9
Neutral 50 Crowley has some scam going where he's going to get rich. 10
Neutral 50 He tried to get me to kill these three guys, but I wouldn't do it. I've met Dave, and he's no more of a Ghoul bigot than I am. 11
What can you tell me about Mister Crowley?
So, what's that Mister Crowley up to? Surprise 50 I might know something interesting, if you're willing to pay for it. 12
Come on. You can tell me. Ahzrukhal said so. <Lie.>
How about I don't. How about you just tell me. Fear 50 Okay! Okay! No need to get upset. 13
Disgust 50 Crowley is running some sort of scam. He tried to get me to kill some wastelanders, but I wouldn't do it. 14
Neutral 50 Dave is one of them. I've met Dave, and he's mighty strange, but he's no bigot. He doesn't hate Ghouls any more than I do. 15
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Disgust 50 I don't think so. 16
UnderworldQuinnGreeting1 What? You're not going to tell me how rare it is to see a human in Underworld? Neutral 50 Me? No, not at all. I'm used to your people. Truth is, I spend most of my time away from Underworld. 17
UnderworldQuinnGreeting1a Where do you go? Neutral 50 Oh, here and there and everywhere. I've explored all up and down the coast, from the Commonwealth, to the Pitt, all the way down to Crater Banks. 18
Neutral 50 I also do a fair bit of trading. You see, folks here, they don't have much of a connection to the outside. 19
Neutral 50 So I move their goods and caps out to the Wastes and bring back in what I trade for 'em. 20
UnderworldQuinnGreeting1b Wow, I just realized... I don't care. Neutral 50 Suit yourself. But you're missing out. Do you want something else? 21
UnderworldQuinnGreeting2 Nice to meet you, Quinn. Neutral 50 You too, stranger. I know a lot of people around here don't take kindly to humans wandering around, but I've met a lot of your people in my travels. 22
UnderworldQuinnGreeting2a Travel? Where do you go? Neutral 50 Oh, here and there and everywhere. I've explored all up and down the coast, from the Commonwealth, to the Pitt, all the way down to Crater Banks. 23
Neutral 50 I also do a fair bit of trading. You see, folks here, they don't have much of a connection to the outside. 24
Neutral 50 So I move their goods and caps out to the Wastes and bring back in what I trade for 'em. 25
UnderworldQuinnGreeting2b Oh, I just remembered... I don't care. Neutral 50 Suit yourself. But you're missing out. Do you want something else? 26
UnderworldQuinnGreetingEND Oh, God. I'm out of here. Neutral 50 Suit yourself. I'll be here if you change your mind. 27


HELLO HELLO Sad 50 Too bad about Crowley. I heard Tenpenny put out a contract on him. 28
HELLO Neutral 50 Oh, hello there! 29
HELLO Neutral 50 Oh... we hardly ever get humans down here these days... 30
HELLO Neutral 50 Are you following me? 31
HELLO Neutral 50 Do you want to hear a story about the Wastes? 32
UnderworldTalkResponseShort1 UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Hey, hello! I just got back! Good to see you! 33
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Remind me to sit you down and tell you about some of the things that I've seen. 34
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 I'm back! And you wouldn't believe some of the things that happened to me this time. But I can't talk now. Maybe later? 35
UnderworldTalkHelloResponseShort Neutral 50 Hey there, long time, no see! I've got some good stories to tell you later! 36