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Psychotrip is a scenario for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.

Story Introduction[]

Alcohol and Psycho are not the best of combinations, especially when under attack. You crawl out of bed and into the night, its silence soon disrupted by the sound of gunshots. Your vision is blurry: Who’s your friend? Who’s your foe? Who knows...? You pick up your shotgun and load a pair of shots. You're going to find out.


Army Lists[]

Side Force Number Heroic?
Raiders Cait 1 Yes


  • Battlefield size: 3 feet x 3 feet (90 cm x 90 cm).
  • Terrain: Player's choice

This scenario pits Raiders against Scavengers. The Raiders have to include Cait (Heroic) in their force. Both of them get an equal amount of points to spend in models and upgrades.


Phase Instructions
1 The Scavengers player must reserve at least 30% of their force’s models to count as Scouts. Set them aside for now, and count their number.
2 The Raiders player counts the difference in the number of models between theirs (not including Cait) and the Scavenger 'scout’ models. That number of buildings is then placed (in an alternating sequence between opponents, with the Raiders player going first) near the centre of the board, at least Blue from the edges
3 The Scavengers player deploys their non-Scout forces Yellow from any board edge.
4 The Raiders player chooses one of the buildings and deploys Cait and another of their models within Orange of it.
5 The Raiders player assigns Number Tokens to each of the remaining Raiders models, as well as the Scavenger Scouts. Place corresponding AI Markers face-down, one per Number Token, each within Orange of a building

Scenario rules[]

Game Duration: 8 rounds.


The objective is to obliterate the enemy forces.

Additional rules[]

  • The AI Markers in this scenario will remain where they are, unrevealed. They represent the undistinguishable silhouettes Cait sees.
  • As an activity, Cait can interact with an AI Marker by making a Per Test. If successful, reveal that AI Marker. Cait can also reveal an AI Marker by attacking it (after which, damage will be allocated accordingly).
  • At the beginning of each round, the Raiders player can reveal an AI Marker of their choice.
  • When an AI Marker is revealed, place the corresponding model at that position. It can now be activated and used, by its controller, as normal. If it was revealed by attacking it, resolve damage once the model is in place.

Victory conditions[]

Side Condition Reward
Scavengers All enemy units eliminated. The scavengers earn 200 Caps.
Raiders All enemy units eliminated and Cait survives. The Raiders earn 200 Caps.

External links[]
