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This is a transcript for dialogue with Brotherhood mess officer.


1-{Neutral} Not sure I have anything to serve a Ghoul.
2{Neutral} That your synth? Do those things even eat?
3{Neutral} Mess is self-service, brother. You take what you need.
4{Neutral} Mess is self-service, sister. You take what you need.
5{Neutral} I used to be a field scribe. Deathclaw snapping my femur like a twig put an end to that.
6{Neutral} Hungry? Rations are first-come, first serve.
7{Neutral} You need some patching up? Go see Knight-Captain Cade.
8{Neutral} With the Prydwen in town, the Institute doesn't have a chance.
9{Neutral} Hopefully the next recovery team'll bring back some decent supplies. Been having to get real creative lately.
10{Neutral} Proctor Teagan's looking for folks to procure supplies from local farms. You should talk to him.
11{Neutral} If you fry up a hunk of Cram with a little Nuka-Cola, it almost tastes like food.
12{Amused} Never did understand how you folks ate inside those big tin-cans.
13{Neutral} There are days I miss being out in the field. Usually during lunches.
14{Neutral} Pull up a stool, Paladin.
15{Neutral} Pull up a stool, Knight.
16{Neutral} Pull up a stool, Sentinel.