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Fallout Wiki

Whoa, watch your step! You don't want to be facing this fearsome fellow if you accidentally stumble into a restricted area. Whether sporting the latest in dual miniguns, rockets, or laser cannons, the Sentrybot not only takes its job seriously, it also takes no prisoners! It's proof of RobCo's commitment to defense that these deadly guards are concealed in chambers throughout this facility, so let this be a warning: Watch where you step, or out'll come RobCo, guns blazing!— Description in the REPCONN headquarters museum

The prototype sentry bot was a prototype sentry bot that was never released by RobCo.


An antique,[1] prototype sentry bot, of which the only known example is in a state of disrepair. It has four wheels and a set of arms stemming from its back, arching around over its shoulders. Where the arms would normally join on the main body of the final models it has three jets on each side, similar to those used by Mister Gutsy/Mister Handy robots.


REPCONN headquarters, as an exhibit on the museum tour route.


The Prototype sentry bot appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.



  1. GECK ID SentryAntique