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This is a transcript for dialogue with Protectron.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 000B24A8 000B24AF no text, sound of Protectron getting hit
2 000B24A9 000B24AC no text, sound of Protectron dying
3 000BF987 000BF98A Protect and serve.
4 001C5A27 Move along, citizen.
5 001C5A28 Attention: Interfering with a law enforcement robot is a felony.
6 001C5A29 Please remain calm if you are injured.
7 001C5A2A Your compliance with hard hat regulations has been noted. Thank you for your cooperation.
8 001C5A2B Hard hats are required while within a work site. Please wear your hard hat.
9 001C5A2C This work site has gone zero days without an incident. "ZERO" reads oddly - automated system.
10 001C5A2D Warning: Union violation detected. Last recorded break was 9999 hours ago. 9999 reads oddly - automated system.
11 001CAFE9 The object you are holding appears to be a fire hazard. Please dispose of it.
12 003C6830 The Responders need you. Visit the church in the town of Flatwoods. Food. Shelter. Security.
13 003C6831 This highway is under the protection of the Responders.
14 003C6832 The Responders are here to keep you safe, citizen.
15 003C6833 Citizen. Do not be alarmed. The Responders are here to help.
16 003C6834 Remain calm. The Responders are watching out for you.
24 000BF9A8 000BF9AD Engaging hostile target.
25 000BF9AE Law abiding citizens, please leave the area.
26 000BF9AF Please take cover until the danger has been eliminated.
27 000BF9B0 Do not be alarmed. Order will be restored soon. Please stand by.
28 000BF9B1 Your cooperation is requested.
29 000BF9B2 Warning. Hostiles in area.
30 000BF9B3 Please clear the area until order has been restored.
31 000BF9B4 Violence will not be tolerated.
32 000BF9B5 A lawful use of deadly force is in progress. Citizens are advised to clear the area.
33 000BF9B6 Do not be alarmed. Law and order will be restored shortly.
34 000BF9B7 For your safety, please take cover until the lawbreaker is dealt with.
35 000BF9B8 Multiple hostile targets detected. Requesting backup.
36 000BF9B9 Engaging multiple hostiles.
37 000BF9BA Engagement with multiple hostiles in progress. Please stand clear of the combat area.
38 000BF9BB Put down your weapons and submit to authority.
39 000BF9BC This is a lawful use of deadly force. Please direct complaints to your local law enforcement authorities.
40 000BF9BD Continued resistance is unlawful.
41 000BF9BE Warning. Systems failure imminent.
42 000BF9BF Warning. Repair urgently required.
43 000BF9C0 Warning. Continued operation cannot be guaranteed. Please contact an authorized repair representative immediately.
44 000BF9C1 Calculating chance of success... 80%.
45 000BF9C2 Calculating chance of success... 50%.
46 000BF9C3 Calculating chance of success... 20%.
47 000BF9C4 Calculating chance of success... less than 5%. Your safety can no longer be guaranteed.
48 001C5A1D Warning: this unit is not bound by the Hippocratic Oath.
49 00225DC0 Continued resistance is unlawful.
50 00225DC1 Warning. Systems failure imminent.
51 00225DC2 Warning. Repair urgently required.
52 00225DC3 Warning. Continued operation cannot be guaranteed. Please contact an authorized repair representative immediately.
53 00225DC4 Multiple hostile targets detected. Requesting backup.
54 00225DC5 Violence will not be tolerated.
55 00225DC7 Engaging hostile target.
56 0052F220 Please disperse. programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
57 0052F221 Safety is not guaranteed in the event of a hostile protest. programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
58 0052F222 Warning. Strike has turned violent. Securing area. programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
59 0052F223 Return to work. Violators will be terminated. programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
60 000BF9A9 001C5A2F Clear! about to attack with electric "paddles"
61 000C151F 000C1548 Trespasser, be advised that deadly force will be used against you without further warning.
62 000C1549 Leave the restricted area immediately. No further warning is required.
63 000C154A This is a restricted area. You will be sanctioned with deadly force if you do not leave immediately.
64 000C154B You are now trespassing. Be advised that deadly force may be used against you.
65 000C154C Warning. You are trespassing. You must leave immediately.
66 000C154D This is a restricted area.
67 000C1558 000C1586 That is stealing. Stealing is prohibited.
68 000C1587 Please put your hands in the air and prepare for disciplinary action.
69 000C1588 Unauthorized materials requisition detected.
70 000C155E 000C158E You are sentenced to death for the crime of murder.
71 000C158F Halt, lawbreaker! You are hereby sentenced to death for felony murder.
72 000C1590 Commencing judicial sanction for felony murder.
73 000C1561 000C1567 Surrender... accepted.
74 000C1564 000C157E Antisocial behavior detected.
75 000C157F Criminal behavior will be punished.
76 000C1580 Antisocial behavior will not be tolerated.
77 000C15AE 000C1607 Attention. This is now a combat zone. You may suffer harm up to and including death if you remain in the area. This notice required by law.
78 000C1608 Do not attempt to flee. Justice will be administered swiftly and fairly.
79 000C1609 Hostile target detected.
80 000C160A Please stand clear. This is now a free fire zone.
81 000C160B Commencing lawful use of deadly force.
82 000C15AF 000C1614 Intruder, identify yourself.
83 000C1615 Unidentified intruder detected. Beginning search.
84 000C1616 Approach and identify yourself. Law-abiding citizens will not be harmed.
85 000C15B0 000C15D3 Hostile has escaped. Transmitting description to designated law enforcement authorities.
86 000C15D4 Fugitive has evaded pursuit. Law enforcement authorities now have primary responsibility for apprehension.
87 000C15D5 Search complete. No hostiles detected. Standing down.
88 000C15B1 000C15C3 Fugitive has been located. Commencing attack.
89 000C15C4 Your attempted escape is only making things worse for you.
90 000C15C5 Do not make any further escape attempts, lawbreaker.
91 000C15B2 000C161F Warning. Dangerous fugitive is on the loose. Do not attempt to apprehend.
92 000C1620 Attention. Fugitive should be considered armed and dangerous.
93 000C1621 Continuing search for fugitive.
94 000C15B3 000C15DB Situation... normal. Law and order has been restored.
95 000C15DC Attention citizens. You may now resume your normal activities.
96 000C15DD Law and order has prevailed.
97 000C15B4 000C1628 Do not attempt to flee. You will be identified and sanctioned.
98 000C1629 Fugitive is attempting to evade capture. Beginning pursuit.
99 000C162A Initiating search for hostile target.
100 000C15B5 000C15E3 All clear.
101 000C15E4 Area secure.
102 000C15E5 False alarm. Standing down.
103 000C15B6 000C1635 Hostile target identified.
104 000C1636 Hold it right there.
105 000C1637 Commencing attack on hostile target.
106 000C15B7 000C15EB Scanning for hostiles.
107 000C15EC This area clear. Proceeding with search protocol.
108 000C15ED Please step into the open and identify yourself. Law-abiding citizens have nothing to fear.
109 000EA2FB 000F6294 Must. Chop. Wood. Forever.
110 0021521A Warning. Warning. Radiation has increased to unsafe levels. area has recently been hit by a nuclear missile
111 0021521B A nuclear missile has been detonated. All citizens please leave the area in an orderly manner. area has recently been hit by a nuclear missile
112 0021521C Please be advised that atomic conditions have been detected in this area. area has recently been hit by a nuclear missile
113 00215C3C Warning. This area has been hit by an atomic explosion. Please evacuate. area has recently been hit by a nuclear missile
114 00215C3D Please follow all evacuation procedures for a nuclear attack. This is not a drill. This is not a drill. area has recently been hit by a nuclear missile
124 001C5A1A 001C5A1F Subject appears to be deceased.
125 001C5A20 Your vital signs are troubling. Do you need assistance?
126 001C5A21 This patient appears to need a coroner.
127 001CAFE7 001CAFE8 Kill. Kill. Kill.
128 002C505D 002C5060 Shutting down. Unit Offline.
129 002C505E 002C5062 Shut-down signal received. Unit returning to charge pod.
130 002C505F 002C5061 Powering up. Protectron on duty!
131 00309399 00308616 For your security. All protestors must disperse. entering combat, programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
132 00308617 Protecting populace from likely agitators. entering combat, programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
133 00308618 Striking is prohibited. Be advised. entering combat, programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
134 00308619 All employees must return to work. No exceptions. entering combat, programmed to attack labor protestors/strikers
135 004E0E8F Scanning. Executive ID found on possible protester. Removing. entering combat, player is carrying an executive ID
136 004E0E90 Executive staff have been removed from protected list. entering combat, player is carrying an executive ID
137 004E0E91 Warning. Possible fraudulent executive ID. Retrieving company property. entering combat, player is carrying an executive ID


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 000038AF 00004000 Wow. You went above and beyond the call of duty. Be careful, the other government employees don't like overachievers in their ranks. Here's your pay.
2 00004001 Well, that was more than I expected for a government employee. Here's your reward. You deserve it.
3 00004002 That was bare minimum effort. Good enough for government work. Here's your reward.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00027DF0 00027DF1 Hello, Tomahawk Scout. Register at the Orienteering Terminal to get your Control Card for this week's Orienteering Fun Run!


(Lode Baring)

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
10 0032989E 003298D2 System restored. Activating collection protocols.
11 003298D3 All systems nominal. Mining procedures engaged.
12 003298D4 Reinitialization complete. Beginning mineral harvest.
13 0032989F 003298AB Mineral collection complete. Issuing claim tokens.
14 003298AC Collection successful. Claim tokens dispensed. Robotic.
15 003298AD Reclamation successful. Transferring minerals to storage for later collection. Robotic.
16 003298AE Mineral transfer required. Please use claim token. Robotic.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0035A299 0035A2A8 Please commence enjoying Fashnacht.
2 0035A2A9 This is an official Faschnacht fun zone.
3 0035A29C 0035A2A0 Combat Override Ignored. Faschnacht Mode has higher priority.
4 0035A2A1 Do not interfere with Faschnacht. The party must go on.
5 0035A29D 0035A2AB Zis is my favorite celebration!
6 0035A2AC Confetti is just so much fun, no?
7 0035A2AD Faschnacht mask within parameters. Continue to Party.
8 0035A2AE Party mode engaged, maximum fun levels achieved.
9 0035A29E 0035A2A3 Hello!
10 0035A2A4 Guten Tag!
11 0035A2A5 Velkom to Helvetia!
12 0035A2A6 Please enjoy ze faschnacht party!
13 003689AA 003689AC Please resume enjoying the celebration.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
148 000977BD 0037E49F Warning! Facility recipe list unavailable! Activating failsafe procedure - grilled chair leather.
149 0037E4A0 Knife sharpening procedure engaged. Please stand clear.
150 0037E4A1 Error. Temperature systems offline. Food safety compromised. Robotic.
151 0037E4A2 Running recipe generation protocol. Raspberry creme brulee. Ingredients required: seven. Ingredients available: blowtorch. Robotic.
152 0037E4A3 Engaging food safety evaluation. Oh no.
153 0037E4A4 Attempting to generate new recipe. Maple mole rat. Attempting to save. Save failed.
154 0037E4A6 Hello, member "Name Unavailable." Always a pleasure.
155 0037E4A7 We should have a table opening any moment, sir.
156 0037E4A8 I believe we have a table opening shortly, madam. Robotic.
157 0037E4A9 So busy this time of day.
158 0037E4AA Your presence has been documented by ... our staff.
159 0037E4AB We apologize for the wait. The chef's vision simply cannot be rushed.
160 0037E4AD Need a pick me up? Visit any medical terminal.
161 0037E4AE Warning! Illness detected. Contagion level ... acceptable. Suggested prescription: antibiotics. Robotic.
162 0037E4AF Radiation above normal levels. Suggested prescription: a Rad-Away and call me in the morning. Robotic.
163 0037E4B0 Attention, member. Mutation detected. Suggested prescription: immediate application of Rad-Away.
164 0037E4B1 Analyzing patient. Moderate injuries detected. Suggested prescription: Stimpak. Robotic.
165 0037E4B2 Warning! Severe injuries detected! Suggested prescription: immediate application of multiple Stimpaks. Robotic.
166 0037E4B3 Attention member! Life-threatening injuries detected! Suggested prescription: multiple Stimpaks or visit to local morgue. Robotic.
167 0037E4B4 Analyzing patient ... congratulations! No immediate concerns detected!
168 0037E4B5 The finest medicine money can buy. Robotic.
169 0037E4B6 Diagnoses, free-of-charge. Remedies, at cost. Robotic.
170 0037E4B7 Everything for what ails you. Robotic.
171 0037E4B8 All medical ailments will be documented by the facility. Robotic.
172 0037E4BA Greetings, guest. Please, make yourself at home. Robotic.
173 0037E4BB Refreshments are available downstairs. Robotic.
174 0037E4BC You are standing in the Whitespring Congressional Bunker. Robotic.
175 0037E4BD This entryway has been restored to it's original, late 21st century motif. Robotic.
176 0037E4BE Enjoy your stay, guest. Robotic.
177 0037E4BF Guests are permitted one food disbursement and one liquid disbursement. Robotic.
178 0037E4C0 Guest are invited to take a load off. Robotic.
179 0037E4C1 Welcome to the Roosevelt Lounge. Robotic.
180 0037E4C2 Auxiliary room is currently off limits to due catastrophic structural damage. Robotic.
181 0037E4C3 Welcome back, member. Make yourself comfortable. Robotic.
182 0037E4C4 Loitering in this area is permitted. Robotic.
183 0037E4C5 Hungry, member? Refreshments can be purchased downstairs. Robotic.
184 0037E4C6 In need of some stopping power? Visit the Whitespring Production Center. Robotic.
185 0037E4C7 Looking for an extra boost? Purchase a serum from the Science Wing. Robotic.
186 0037E4C8 Feeling under the weather? Medical supplies available for sale in the Medical Bay. Robotic.
187 0037E4C9 Member location ... documented. Robotic.
188 0037E4CA Extermination Operation active. Member support requested. Robotic.
189 0037E4CB Bot Patrol operation available. Members should report to designated Bot-Stop. Robotic.
190 0037E4CC Resource Drop available. Members should proceed to survey area. Robotic.
191 0037E4CD Don't you look dashing, sir. Robotic.
192 0037E4CE A decidedly smart look today, ma'am. Robotic.


(Protest March)

# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
32 004F51A7 004F51AE Protestors must be eliminated.
33 004F51AF Grafton's mayor for life has issued a cease to exist order.
34 004F51B0 Searching for protestors to terminate.
35 004F51A8 004F51AA Protestors detected. Initiating target protocol.
36 004F51AB I have detected protestors.
37 004F51AC Protestor. Surrender now so I may terminate you.
38 00524C70 004EDAE8 Protestors must be eliminated.
39 004EDAE9 Re-elect Grafton's mayor.
40 004EDAEA Protests are bad for Grafton's economy.
41 004EDAEB This protest is illegal.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
10 00556652 005566C2 Shoplifters will be prosecuted.
11 005566C3 Purchases should be completed at the counter.
12 005566C4 Damaging merchandise will be considered agreement of purchase.