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This is a transcript for dialogue with Pvt. Christina Morales.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Did the colonel send you? I... I was hoping he might have changed his mind... 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Got to keep hoping the Colonel will change his mind... maybe send somebody to bring Esteban's body home. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Did you start looking for Esteban? I guess my directions could've been better... 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Feels better knowing that Esteban's not out there in the waste. But... he's still gone, you know? 4
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic000 I can bring his body back, but it'll cost you. Neutral 50 Caps. This whole rotten town wants caps. Nobody does anything just because it's right. {disgusted} 5
Neutral 50 Fine. You want caps? You can have all of Esteban's back pay. NCR owes me, and I don't even want the damn money. 6
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic001 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Then you're not from the colonel's office? Sorry... I shouldn't have bothered you. {dejected} 7
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic002 You look upset. What's wrong? Neutral 50 I know... I've been crying. Stupid. I'm supposed to be a soldier. 8
You look upset. What's wrong? Neutral 50 My husband... he's a Ranger, and he... he got murdered by a pack of Fiends. Goddamn savages laid his body out to rot. 9
Neutral 50 The brass won't say it to me straight, but they mean to leave Esteban out there. I can see that plain. 10
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic003 I haven't found him yet. Neutral 50 No... I didn't expect nothing so soon. You're doing me a favor - I don't mean to be a pest. {a little disappointed, but trying to mask it} 11
I haven't found him yet. Neutral 50 You said you wanted the caps. If you're thinking I'm not good for the money... please, you've got to take my word. 12
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic004 I brought his body to an NCR position. He's on his way back to McCarran. Neutral 50 They put him in a box? With a flag and all? I hope so. He'd have been proud. 13
I brought his body to an NCR position. He's on his way back to McCarran. Neutral 50 You're too good for this rotten town. First kind thing anybody ever did for me and Esteban. 14
Neutral 50 You ever need anything, all you need to do is ask. Thank you so much. 15
I brought his body to an NCR position. He's on his way back to McCarran. Neutral 50 You did what you said you would, and I owe you. Just like I promised, this is Esteban's back pay. Every cap. 16
Neutral 50 Maybe the caps are all that matter to you, but... you still did more for Esteban than his own country did. Thank you. 17
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic005 If your husband is dead, what does it matter if you get the corpse back? Neutral 50 You never lost anybody, have you? Not like this. Never had to think about that person you love all alone out there, cooking in the sun like meat... 18
Neutral 50 NCR never leaves a soldier behind. That's what the recruiters told us. Promised us. We believed them. 19
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic006 It seems strange the NCR wouldn't do their best to retrieve a fallen comrade. Neutral 50 Colonel says he can't spare the men to bring Esteban back home. And the Fiends, they put all kinds of mines and traps around his body. Snipers, too. 20
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic007 Sorry for your loss. I hope the Colonel reconsiders. Neutral 50 So do I. But I know he won't. Ain't important enough in the scheme of things, you know? Still... thanks for listening. {disappointed that the player can't help} 21
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic008 How did he die? Neutral 50 He was out on patrol. Bunch of drugged-up Fiends attacked them. 22
Neutral 50 Esteban laid down cover fire while the others fell back. One of the men saw him get shot. He didn't die, though, not then. 23
Neutral 50 They tried to go back for him, but there were too many Fiends, and they had to pull out. Damn savages chased them halfway to McCarran. 24
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic009 Not my problem. Goodbye. Neutral 50 Not your problem. Right. That's the motto in this town. Rotten people, rotten place. {disgusted} 25
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic010ICanDoIt I'll recover your husband's body. Neutral 50 Mister, I'd about given up hope. But you've got to be careful. I don't want anybody else dying on my account. 26
I'll recover your husband's body. Neutral 50 Ma'am, I'd about given up hope. But you've got to be careful. I don't want anybody else dying on my account. 27
I'll recover your husband's body. Neutral 50 Esteban's body is laid out between some buildings, east of the REPCONN headquarters. At least, that's what his squadmates said. 28
Neutral 50 There's an NCR position just north of there. It's on the way. They should be able to tell you what the situation is. 29
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic011 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Sorry... I'm not fit for proper conversation, not now. 30
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic012 Goodbye. Neutral 50 If you find him... or if you hear any news... I'll be right here. 31
VFreeformMcCarranPrivateMoralesTopic013 No one else will help you? Neutral 50 His best friend, Jackson, tried. Didn't even get permission from his CO, so it could have cost him a lot. But he never came back. 32


RNVNewsStory2 RNVNewsStoryLine2 Neutral 50 {Private Morales:} It was such an incredible thing he did, putting his life on the line like that for my husband. It's not something most people would do. 33
RNVNewsStoryLine2 Neutral 50 {Private Morales:} It was such an incredible thing she did, putting her life on the line like that for my husband. It's not something most people would do. 34
RNVNewsStory3 RNVNewsStoryLine3 Neutral 50 {Private Morales:} Esteban's going home now. I can't tell you what that means to me. 35