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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ruby Nash.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Hello there. What brings you to Primm? 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome back. Good to see you again. 2
Never mind.
I don't have any. Neutral 50 Guess you'll be needing to find some, huh? Come back when you do. 3
I have 1 radscorpion gland.
I have one radscorpion gland. Neutral 50 One's enough to make a helping. Hand it over! 4
I have 3 glands.
I've got a few radscorpion glands. Neutral 50 Hand 'em over and I'll get to baking! 5
I have a bunch.
I have a bunch of radscorpion glands. Neutral 50 Is that right? Then hand 'em over and I'll get to baking a whole batch of casseroles! 6
RNashAboutPrimm Tell me about Primm. Neutral 50 My mother taught me never to say something 'less it was nice. So I don't have nothing to say about Primm, for the time being at least. 7
Neutral 50 It's a sad state of affairs. Discuss it with Mr. Nash if you care to. Just makes me want to cry. 8
Tell me about Primm. Neutral 50 Thanks to you, Primm's on the way back up. With folks watching over us, I think the raiders will keep their distance. 9
I have some radscorpion glands. Can you make me some casserole?
I'd like some of that radscorpion venom casserole. Neutral 50 Does sound good, don't it? How many radscorpion glands you got? 10
What do you cook? Neutral 50 My specialty is a radscorpion venom casserole. It's a more appetizing than it sounds! 11
Neutral 50 The venom has a sharp, smokey flavor, and it numbs your mouth so fierce you'll forget you ever had a tongue! 12
Neutral 50 It's perfectly safe, long as you don't have sores in your mouth for the venom to find your blood. 'Cause that'll kill you dead. 13
[Ask about services]
Who are you? Neutral 50 I'm Ruby Nash. Pleased to make your acquaintance. 14
Neutral 50 My husband and I are Primm long-timers. He fancies himself a trader, and I know my way around a kitchen. 15
VFreeformMcCarranPrimmRubyNashTopic000 McCarran's mess hall needs more variety. Could we work out a deal? Neutral 50 Well, business is pretty light and I'd welcome the income, but I'll need a lot of caps to buy the necessary supplies. 16
Neutral 50 200 caps would get me started. 17
VFreeformMcCarranPrimmRubyNashTopic001 <Give 200 caps> Alright. 200 caps it is. Neutral 50 Great. I'll just pick up future payments from McCarran directly when I drop off my snacks. 18
Neutral 50 You can let McCarran know they'll have fresh snacks coming in a few days. 19
VFreeformMcCarranPrimmRubyNashTopic002 <Give 100 caps> 200 seems a bit steep. How about 100? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] You drive a hard bargain, but 100 caps will do until we can get a regular deal worked out with McCarran. 20
Neutral 50 You can let McCarran know they'll have fresh snacks coming in a few days. 21
VFreeformMcCarranPrimmRubyNashTopic004 McCarran has more vegetables and water than they know what to do with... Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Fresh food and water is worth it's weight in gold... You've got yourself a deal. 22
Neutral 50 Let McCarran know they'll have fresh snacks coming in a few days. I'll pick up the produce at that time as well. 23
VFreeformMcCarranPrimmRubyNashTopic005 Maybe we could work something out later. Neutral 50 Suit yourself. I'm always open to more business. 24
Any idea what the NCR's up to in Primm?
Do you know if the NCR has any plans to attack the prison north of here? Neutral 50 I wouldn't know anything about that, dear. You might ask Johnson. 25
Do you know if the NCR has any plans to attack the prison north of here? Neutral 50 I wouldn't know anything about that, dear. You might ask Johnson. 26