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This is a transcript for dialogue with NCR trooper in Primm.


vDialoguePrimmPrimmNCRTrooper1Topic000 What's going on in Primm? Neutral 50 Some convicts from the prison up the road have taken over the town. Everyone inside is either dead or in hiding. 1
Neutral 50 What's more, there are two tribes of raiders causing trouble in this area as well. You'd be safer heading back up to Goodsprings. 2
vDialoguePrimmPrimmNCRTrooper1Topic001 I can take care of myself. Neutral 50 It's your ass. Don't say you weren't warned. 3
vDialoguePrimmPrimmNCRTrooper1Topic002 Thanks for the warning. Neutral 50 Be careful. You may want to talk to Lieutenant Hayes. 4
Neutral 50 He's in a tent down the road. Just stay on the west side of the overpass if you don't want to get shot. 5
vDialoguePrimmPrimmNCRTrooper1Topic003 Shouldn't you be protecting the town or something? Neutral 50 We'd love to, but they don't fall under NCR jurisdiction. Even if they did we're in no shape to protect them. 6
vDialoguePrimmPrimmNCRTrooper1Topic004 Why can't you protect them? Neutral 50 We don't have the equipment to take out the convicts, and even if we did we need some extra hands for backup. 7
Neutral 50 You should talk to Lieutenant Hayes. He's in a tent down the road. Just stay on the west side of the overpass if you don't want to get shot. 8