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Fallout Wiki

Pretty Pete was a bartender for the raiders in Appalachia.


Pretty Pete was one of three bartenders serving the raiders with chems and alcohol. He specialized in pouring the drinks. After Lex overdosed, Pete became distraught and got wasted and then wandered into a fissure site, leaving Molly as the only bartender.[1]


Pretty Pete is mentioned only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.


  1. A Vault Dweller: How'd you end up tending bar in Crater?"
    Molly: "Process of elimination. There were three of us in the inebriation business when we first set up - me, Pretty Pete, and Lex. Pete poured, Lex slung chems. But Appalachia ... seems it was just too much for them. Lex tragically OD'ed on her own stash not long after we arrived. Pete was so distraught, he got wasted and wandered right into one of those big bat fissures. Now, I don't touch the stuff. My own little sacrifice. A reminder of the ones it took to get me my monopoly."
    (Molly's dialogue)