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This is a transcript for dialogue with Poplar.


GREETING GREETING Sad 70 Birch's word is the law. You must leave Oasis at once. 1
GREETING Happy 70 Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Bloomseer Poplar, soothsayer and healer of Oasis. 2
Neutral 50 It brings me great honor to welcome you. 3
GREETING Happy 70 You have more questions for me perhaps? 4
GREETING Happy 70 I'm very happy to see you again, savior of Oasis. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 What is it, Outsider? 6
Tree Father Birch said you may have a gift for me?
Leaf Mother Laurel said you may have a gift for me? Happy 70 I somehow knew you'd be the one to make the changes that Leaf Mother Laurel desired. 7
Happy 50 I helped to create the hoods that you see all Treeminders wear. It's said that the cloth has a part of the Great One's spirit woven into the fibers. 8
Happy 50 I present this to you as thanks. Wear this with pride and bring the message of renewal to all the corners of the Wasteland. 9
MS10TLBirchLaurelTopic What's your opinion of Tree Father Birch and Leaf Mother Laurel? Fear 50 Lately, things have gotten a bit worse between them. It sometimes takes months for them to agree on things. 10
Sad 70 I know they love each other greatly, but I'm afraid the strain of leadership is tearing them apart. 11
MS10TLCaves Any information you could give me on the caves below Oasis would be helpful. Fear 50 Be wary of the water in the caves, I fear they still carry the sting of radiation from the bombs. 12
MS10TLDoNow What will you do now? Neutral 50 Look to the future and seek the true meaning of what transpired here. If there's an answer out there somewhere, I'll find it. 13
MS10TLFuture What do you see in my future? Neutral 50 Please, I must rest a day's time before I can again see into the future... I find the experience quite draining. 14
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I see four-leaf clovers in the sky with time as their deadliest adversary. 15
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I see a woman searching in vain for a relative long lost. 16
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I feel the torment of a man who returns home and discovers the changes his absence has wrought. 17
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I divine a great document and the passages that changed the face of the world. 18
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I see four headless men and a being robbed of its dignity. 19
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I picture a place of great sorrow where men are traded for money and treated like Brahmin. 20
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I see a selfish man who lives among the clouds playing a dangerous game with the lives of those below him. 21
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I see a mysterious man and a town on the brink of destruction. 22
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I divine a group of individuals who society views as monsters and a town suspended above the ground. 23
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I feel people's hatred and love for a man who hunts men that aren't men. 24
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I see a great leader whose message carries through time as a rallying cry to the oppressed and a warning to the oppressors. 25
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I hear the cry of a woman obsessed and the man who desires her. 26
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I discern a lonely child trapped in a city on fire. 27
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I divine an endless search for knowledge to help others survive the desolation. 28
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I see a clash between insects and industry and the men that control them. 29
What do you see in my future? Happy 70 I see a town in need of a savior and a woman in red. 30
How is it you're causing all of these things to grow around you?
What's causing this place to grow? Happy 50 In what we call the Harvest Month, the Great One creates seeds among his branches within seed pods. 31
Neutral 50 At the end of this time, the pods open and the seeds are carried quite easily upon the wind. It's quite beautiful. 32
Neutral 50 Wherever the seeds take purchase, they grow into trees, plants, grass or all manner of wonderful things. 33
MS10TLHaroldPoplarTopic01 I agree completely! Sad 60 Oh, if only Tree Father Birch saw it as you do! Of everyone, he's been here the longest. 34
Neutral 50 You'd think he'd realize that this place won't remain a secret forever. The caravans know about it and you found it. 35
Fear 70 How long before someone comes to take this place by force? No, I say allow this place to grow and that issue becomes moot. 36
MS10TLHaroldPoplarTopic02 What if there are other that don't share your opinion? Neutral 50 You'd think they'd realize that this place won't remain a secret forever. The caravans know about it and you happened upon it. 37
Fear 70 How long before someone comes to take this place by force? No, I say allow Oasis to grow and that issue becomes moot. 38
MS10TLHaroldPoplarTopic03 You speak heresy! Tree Father Birch should hear about this! Disgust 60 Heresy? Not at all. Leaf Mother Laurel's word is just as binding as Tree Father Birch's. I have no obligation to follow one or the other. 39
Anger 50 How dare you speak to a Bloomseer like that! I know our laws better than any Outsider would! Now begone! 40
MS10TLHaroldTopic Tell me about your "god." Happy 90 He's not my god, He's everyone's god. You, me, everyone. This place isn't meant for just the Treeminders, it's for all mankind. 41
Can you tell me about your "god" again? I'd forgotten what you said. Happy 90 Like I said, He's everyone's god. This place isn't meant for just the Treeminders, it's for all mankind. 42
MS10TLJoinTopic So, how did you end up here? Neutral 50 My father was a healer like myself. He had the most curious books I would read about trees and plants and their medicinal properties. 43
Neutral 50 Many years later, I heard a rumor about a place such as this. I spent a decade in search of it. 44
Happy 80 I've been in this wonderful place for over fifteen years now. 45
MS10TLTreeminder What did you have to do to become a Treeminder? Happy 80 I was the third one to arrive here in Oasis. Tree Father Birch was a bit wary at first, but Leaf Mother Laurel convinced him to let me stay. 46
Neutral 50 If she hadn't been around, I doubt Birch would have let me stay here. 47
Neutral 50 After a while, they taught me their ways and together we developed the Ceremony of Purification that you undertook. 48


HELLO HELLO Sad 70 Such a shame, you could have been of great benefit to us. 49
MS10TreemindersCeremonySay MS10TreemindersCeremonySay Neutral 50 I bid you depart, agents of destruction, through the power of His divine will. 50