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This is a transcript for dialogue with Phyllis Daily.


1DN036_Main{Irritated} Kid, I don't know who you are, but you'd better clear out before I go haywire and blast you.Player Default: Whoa, slow down I just want to talk.A
2Player Default: Glad to see you don't have a death wish. Now get out of here.{Defiant} Fine, just do whatever you came here to do and get the hell out of here. And stay out of my stuff.A1a
3Player Default: Whoa, slow down I just want to talk.{Sarcastic disbelief, though not at all playful / Sarcastic} Right, you just strolled in out of the Commonwealth lookin for Synths to talk to.Player Default: Calm down. Tell me what's going on.A1a
4Player Default: Get that gun off me or you'll regret it.{Sarcastic} Ooh, I'm shakin' right down to my circuits. You can't scare a Synth kid.Player Default: Calm down. Tell me what's going on.B1a
5Player Default: I don't want any trouble. I'm just passing through.{Angry} Bullshit. No one comes out here.X1a
6{Disbelief} You can't lie to a Synth kid, we can hear it in your voice.Player Default: Calm down. Tell me what's going on.X1b
7Player Default: Go haywire? What do you mean?{Angry} It means I'm a Synth you numbskull, and if you don't take off I'm liable to put a hole in your head.Player Default: Calm down. Tell me what's going on.Y1a
8Player Default: Calm down. Tell me what's going on.{Conspiratorial} They've got something they use to control us, to make us do things we don't want to do.Companion: Sounds like there's a story here.A1a
9Player Default: You're nuts, lady.{Suspicious} Maybe that's just how they programmed me, so I wouldn't blow my cover when I started shooting.Companion: Sounds like there's a story here.B1a
10Player Default: Really? You're a Synth? I've never seen you at the meetings...{Irritated} You think this is a joke? They take people out of their beds and replace them with... with things like me. Machines.Companion: Sounds like there's a story here.X1a
11Player Default: What's a synth?{Amused} Are you not from around here? Or are you just dumber than a box of hair?Y1a
12{Suspicious} Those... people... I'm not gonna say their name in case it's a trigger, but they replace people with machines.Y1b
13{Conspiratorial} But instead of gears and motor, it's synthetic blood and guts. They could be anyone. For all I know, you're one of them.Companion: Sounds like there's a story here.Y1c
14Player Default: What's a synth?{Stern} Black outs. People I've hurt that I don't remember.Companion: Sounds like there's a story here.Y2a
15Player Default: They've got something they use to control us, to make us do things we don't want to do.{Thinking} Any second now they might send some signal, or I'll see the color orange, or whatever it is they do and BOOM.A1a
16{Somber} One more dead fool.A1b
17{Irritated} Now, are you going to get out of here or wait for them to make me kill you?Player Default: I don't want any trouble, I'm leaving.A1c
18Player Default: They've got something they use to control us, to make us do things we don't want to do.{Irritated} Got your lookeloo at the synth? Ready to get out of here before they make me hurt you?Player Default: I don't want any trouble, I'm leaving.A2a
19Player Default: They've got something they use to control us, to make us do things we don't want to do.{Irritated} Well, what's it gonna be? If you're smart, you'll clear out kid.Player Default: I don't want any trouble, I'm leaving.A3a
20Player Default: I don't want any trouble, I'm leaving.Glad to see you don't have a death wish. Now get out of here.Phyllis: Fine, just do whatever you came here to do and get the hell out of here. And stay out of my stuff.A1a
21Player Default: You've openly admitted to being a synth. As a member of the Brotherhood of Steel it is my duty to see you purged.The Brotherhood of Steel? You're welcome to try.Phyllis: Fine, just do whatever you came here to do and get the hell out of here. And stay out of my stuff.B1a
22Player Default: You've openly admitted to being a synth. As a member of the Brotherhood of Steel it is my duty to see you purged.Fine. Take care of your business then get the hell out of here.Phyllis: Fine, just do whatever you came here to do and get the hell out of here. And stay out of my stuff.B2a
23Player Default: You've openly admitted to being a synth. As a member of the Brotherhood of Steel it is my duty to see you purged.Get the hell out of here you arrogant little shit!Phyllis: Fine, just do whatever you came here to do and get the hell out of here. And stay out of my stuff.B3a
24Player Default: I found your journals. Why don't you tell me about what happened to Samuel.{Surprised} That- That's none of your damn business.Phyllis: My grandson Samuel and I were on our own since my daughter died.X1a
25Player Default: I found your journals. Why don't you tell me about what happened to Samuel.{Irritated} Fine, but don't think this means you're welcome here.Phyllis: Any second now they might send some signal, or I'll see the color orange, or whatever it is they do and BOOM.X2a
26Player Default: I found your journals. Why don't you tell me about what happened to Samuel.{Disbelief} Kid, you must've been kicked in the head by a Brahmin if you think that's happening.Phyllis: Any second now they might send some signal, or I'll see the color orange, or whatever it is they do and BOOM.X3a
27Player Default: I found your journals. Why don't you tell me about what happened to Samuel.{Stern} Fine. There's a bed up stairs if you need it, but it's not safe to stick around here.Phyllis: Fine, just do whatever you came here to do and get the hell out of here. And stay out of my stuff.X4a
28Player Default: I found your journals. Why don't you tell me about what happened to Samuel.{Disgust} You're a terrible liar kid. Whatever, just do what you came here for and get on your way.Phyllis: Fine, just do whatever you came here to do and get the hell out of here. And stay out of my stuff.X5a
29Player Default: What's a synth?{Tired} Look kid you're taking a risk staying here to talk to me, but if that's what it'll take to get you to leave...Phyllis: My grandson Samuel and I were on our own since my daughter died.Y2a
30Player Default: What's a synth?{Disbelief} Boy, you are just dumber than a mole rat. Do you not get that I'm dangerous?Phyllis: Fine, just do whatever you came here to do and get the hell out of here. And stay out of my stuff.Y3a
31DN036_MajorDecisionSubtopic{Tired} Well, now you understand how I know I'm a synth, and why you need to leave.Player Default: Maybe you are a synth. That doesn't mean you can't change.A
32Player Default: Maybe you are a synth. That doesn't mean you can't change.{Tired} Don't you get it kid? I'm too dangerous. I'll just end up hurting someone else.Player Default: We need good people for the Minutemen. It won't change the past, but maybe you can help some people.A1a
33Player Default: You're not a synth. It was just an accident.{Depressed} Even if you're right, what does it matter? There's nothing left for me.Player Default: We need good people for the Minutemen. It won't change the past, but maybe you can help some people.B1a
34Player Default: Never mind. It's none of my business.{Apologetic} Good. Now please just go.X1a
35Player Default: What if I knew someone who could help you?{Puzzled} Who the hell do you think is gonna help a synth, kid?Player Default: I know a group who can help you. Let me get in touch with them and they'll send someone out who might be able to tell if you are a synth.Y1a
36Player Default: What if I knew someone who could help you?{Tired} Look I already told you. My grandson Samuel was shot and the gun was in my hands.Y2a
37{Depressed} Either I'm a synth, and they made me do it, or I killed my own grandson.Player Default: Maybe you are a synth. That doesn't mean you can't change.Y2b
42DN036_PostTerminalTopic{Angry} I thought I told you to stay the hell out of my stuff.Player Default: I saw what you wrote about Samuel...A
43DN036_StayOutOfMyStuffScene{Irritated} You can have a look around, but stay out of my stuff.A2a
44DN036_SynthSubtopicPlayer Default: I know a group who can help you. Let me get in touch with them and they'll send someone out who might be able to tell if you are a synth.{Thinking} Hm... I'll think about it.A1a
45Player Default: I know a group who can help you. Let me get in touch with them and they'll send someone out who might be able to tell if you are a synth.{Depressed} If you say so.A2a
46Player Default: Go to Covenant and tell them I sent you to take the test. They can tell you if you're a synth.{Irritated} Then why are you trying to get my hopes up?B2a
47Player Default: I'll talk to the SRB. They should know if you're a synth.Kid, I don't know what the hell the "SRB" is, but I would appreciate it if you didn't joke around about this.X1a
48Player Default: I'll talk to the SRB. They should know if you're a synth.{Angry} Yeah, well wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up faster.X2a
49Player Default: There's got to be someone out there who can tell you for sure, right?{Tired} Was I ever that naive? The world doesn't work that way kid.Y1a
50DN036_TimesUp{Stern} Times up kid!A1a
51DN036_WhatHappenedSubtopicPlayerVoiceFemale01: I found your journals. Do you want to tell me about Samuel?{Tired} Fine, I guess you might as well hear the whole thing.Phyllis: My grandson Samuel and I were on our own since my daughter died.A1a
52Phyllis: Fine, I guess you might as well hear the whole thing.{Somber} My grandson Samuel and I were on our own since my daughter died.A1a
53{Somber} I managed to get us in on a farm. Hard on these old bones, but it kept us fed.A1b
54{Sad} I was on watch one night. I- I don't...Companion: Do we gotta sit here and listen to this all day?A1c
55Phyllis: I was on watch one night. I- I don't...{Depressed} I'm sitting there with a gun across my knees looking out over the hill and- and I think I fell asleep... It's just blank...A1a
56{InPain} The next thing I remember is the sound of a gun shot shaking me out of it.A1b
57{InPain} And Samuel is at my feet and there's blood everywhere.Companion: That doesn't mean it was your fault...A1c
58Player Default: I know this must be hard for you. Please, tell me the rest.{Sad} There's nothing else to tell. Everyone came running out, but it was just me and Samuel. No raiders. No gunners. Just blood.Phyllis: One moment he was there and then the next... just gone. Those little fingers that used to hold my hand...A1a
59Player Default: Whether you pulled the trigger or not, seems clear it's still your fault.{Angry} You think I don't know that you little shit?Phyllis: One moment he was there and then the next... just gone. Those little fingers that used to hold my hand...B1a
60Player Default: Was anyone else there? Could it have been raiders?{Sad} No. When they heard the shot, everyone came running out, but no one saw anyone else but me and Samuel.Phyllis: One moment he was there and then the next... just gone. Those little fingers that used to hold my hand...Y1a
61Player Default: There's nothing else to tell. Everyone came running out, but it was just me and Samuel. No raiders. No gunners. Just blood.{Sad} One moment he was there and then the next... just gone. Those little fingers that used to hold my hand...A1a
62{Depressed} And it's all my fault. You can't imagine what that's like.Player Default: I saw my wife killed, my son taken, and was powerless to stop it. I understand how you feel.A1b
63Player Default: I saw my wife killed, my son taken, and was powerless to stop it. I understand how you feel.{Apologetic} I- Oh. I didn't- I hope you find him. Family is the only thing worth a damn in this world.Phyllis: But I guess he wasn't really my grandson. They must have just given me those memories, cause who could have done that to their own flesh and blood?A1a
64Player Default: You're right. I don't know, cause I've never murdered my own family before.{Angry} Fuck you, I didn't ask for you to pass judgement.Phyllis: But I guess he wasn't really my grandson. They must have just given me those memories, cause who could have done that to their own flesh and blood?B1a
65Player Default: I have a better idea than you might think.{Sad} I know, everyone loses people but... but not like this.Phyllis: But I guess he wasn't really my grandson. They must have just given me those memories, cause who could have done that to their own flesh and blood?X1a
66Player Default: Can't you remember anything else from that night?{InPain} No, there was no one else it could have been. It was just me and him. And the gun.Phyllis: But I guess he wasn't really my grandson. They must have just given me those memories, cause who could have done that to their own flesh and blood?Y1a
67Player Default: I- Oh. I didn't- I hope you find him. Family is the only thing worth a damn in this world.{Depressed} But I guess he wasn't really my grandson. They must have just given me those memories, cause who could have done that to their own flesh and blood?A1a
68{Somber} Now you know why I'm out here and why you need to leave before they make me kill again. I'm a synth and I can't be trusted.Player Default: Maybe you are a synth. That doesn't mean you can't change.A1b
69DN036_WhatShouldSheDoSubtopicPlayer Default: We need good people for the Minutemen. It won't change the past, but maybe you can help some people.{Disbelief} You'd still ask for my help, knowing what I've done?A1a
70{Thinking} I don't know. Let me think about it.Phyllis: Look, I- I'm sorry I drew my weapon on you, kid.A1b
71Player Default: We need good people for the Minutemen. It won't change the past, but maybe you can help some people.{With a resigned sigh and trying to raise your spirits / Somber} Maybe you're right.Phyllis: Look, I- I'm sorry I drew my weapon on you, kid.A2a
72Player Default: Stop being a coward and learn to live with what happened.{With a wince. You opened up to someone and they have not been gentle about it. / InPain} Guess I've earned that.Phyllis: I'm going to take care of a few things here, but then I'll be moving on.B1a
73Player Default: Just take things a day at a time, you don't need to rush into anything.{With a sigh. still not feeling great, but feeling better about getting things off your chest. / Thinking} Day at a time, huh?Phyllis: Look, I- I'm sorry I drew my weapon on you, kid.X1a
74Player Default: What if I knew someone who could help you?{Thinking} Yeah. Maybe that's what I'll do.Phyllis: I'm going to take care of a few things here, but then I'll be moving on.Y2a
75Player Default: I don't know. Let me think about it.{Apologetic} Look, I- I'm sorry I drew my weapon on you, kid.A1a
76{Grateful} I think you're right. I gotta find a way to make peace with what happened, and I can't keep running from it.A1b
77Player Default: Guess I've earned that.{Thinking} I'm going to take care of a few things here, but then I'll be moving on.B1a
78Do whatever you want with this place.B1b
79-{Tired} I need a while to think about things. I'll consider what you said.A
80I warned you to get out of here kid.
81Don't mess with a synth.
82I'll try to make it fast.
83Yeah you better run.
84{Irritated} Hello? You awake in there kid?
85{Irritated} You gonna just stand there or what?
86{Angry} That's it, I've had it with you. Get the hell out of here before they make me kill you.
87{A bit softer in tone, you want the player gone, but you aren't angry / Irritated} Like I said, there's a bed upstairs if you need to rest.
88{A bit softer in tone, you want the player gone, but you aren't angry / Irritated} Just do whatever you're here for and leave me alone, okay?
89{A bit softer in tone, you want the player gone, but you aren't angry / Irritated} Not really in the mood to talk.
90{You have begrudgingly allowed the player to stick around, but are not friendly in any way. Should feel still hostile. / Irritated} What on earth makes you think I want to talk to you?
91{You have begrudgingly allowed the player to stick around, but are not friendly in any way. Should feel still hostile. / Tired} Kid, just get on your way.
92{Irritated} I don't know what you're looking for, but you'd better find it and get out of here.
93{Thinking} You've given me a lot to think about.
94{Grateful} Thanks for taking the time to talk to me, kid.
96{Tired} I'll be out of your way soon.
97{Somber} Gonna be weird trying to find somewhere new to start over.
98{Thinking} Maybe I'll try heading out west.
100{Angry} I warned you kid.
101{Angry} You had no right going through my stuff and prying into my business.