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Pete's journal is a paper note in Fallout 76, introduced in the Nuka-World on Tour update. It is written by Pete Myers.


The note can be found at Nuka-World on Tour, on the bed inside of Pete Myers' staff trailer. It is on the uppermost hill to the south. Unlike the other Nuka-World on Tour journals, this note can be taken.



Pat's been trying to convince me that the medicine Del gives me isn't good for me. She says stuffs bad for me and that I 'need a different outlet.' Guess I could give it a try? I found an old book a while back, full of poems and stuff. I like reading them, maybe I'll try writing my own?

Long, cold, desolate
the winding road we travel
how long has it been?

Taking the prescription Del gives me really helps me write this stuff. I don't think I want to show anyone yet. Better not tell Pat either, she's got enough to worry about with the terminal breaking and records being lost.

Making you feel so small
You become a child once more
The smaller you are
the higher you get
the higher you get
the more lonely you are
But I found comfort in my solitude
In my solitude
I found company in my monsters
And suddenly
my monsters started dancing

I might have gone too far this time. Pat is absolutely furious. I should... ergh hang on imma be sick again ...

Bump. bump. Bump.
The feeling in my chest
A slow rhythm beats
Wont let me rest.
Bump, bump, bump.
The carts broken wheel
Do you hear it?
Wont let me heal.
Can feel my heart rate slowing
Mustn't let it go down.
The fury keeps me going

I'm sick of raiders constantly disturbing our peace. We're out here trying to bring some joy and light to the wastelands and we keep attracting selfish bastards that kill our families and take our goods. Poor Chloe got a real battering. I had to update her program to get her back up and running, back to her usual self popping all the baloons.

A Wasteland take on a Rossetti classic.

It is over. what is over?
This old world now over truly
The glory days my parents yearned for;
Now the rad dust gathers newly
While our wagons travel duly
It is finished. What is finished?
We are finished, known or unknown
Lives are finished; time diminished;
Abandoned fields are left unsown
In their place mutated crops grown
It suffices. What suffices?
All suffices reckoned rightly:
We shall roam where roads entice us,
This new world's done naught but spite me
And though this Ash Heap is unsightly,
And our wagon waiting idly,
We carry on whatever the price is

I saw something crazy big up on the hill behind the camp. I wanted to check it out, make sure we were safe here but Pat doesn't believe me. Del's thinking about increasing my perscriptionIn-game spelling, punctuation and/or grammar. I swear I'm not crazy! Just need a way to prove it...

Behind the scenes[]

One of Pete's poems in this note, described as "a Wasteland take on a Rossetti classic," is a reference to the poem "What Is Pink?" by Christina Rossetti, which follows a similar questioning format.

