Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Pest Control v1.4 is a program used by Robobrains.[1] It allows the operator to configure the Robobrain to attack all, none, small living, large living, or unauthorized "pests."[2]


Pest Control v1.4 is mentioned only in Fallout.


  1. ↑ ROBCTRL.MSG: "{149}{}{Program parameter changed. Current applications are: Facility Maintenance v2.1, Movement v4.8b, Repair v0.8a, Pest Control v1.4, Hearts v1.0 and Sensors '76.}"
  2. ↑ ROBCTRL.MSG: "{141}{}{Current application: Pest Control v1.4. Current setting: [Click!] unauthorized. Change to: [Click!] all, none, small living, large living, or unauthorized.}"