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This is a transcript for dialogue with Penitentiary guard.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 TW043_010_Start 003B07CF Initiating patrol sequence. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
2 003B07CE The current threat level is: High. Security escort requested. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
3 005267B5 This patrol will proceed through: A-Wing. B-Wing. Prison Yard. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
4 005267B6 This patrol will proceed through: Prison Yard. Solitary. D-Wing. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
5 TW043_020_AWing 0005A2C0 Now proceeding to: A-Wing. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
6 A-Wing is occupied by the Penitentiary's general population. Guard robot briefly describing the Penitentiary.
7 TW043_030_SecurityA 0005A2C2 Now entering: Security Station Alpha. Please secure this location. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
8 TW043_100_BWing 0005A254 A-Wing: Secure. Now proceeding to: B-Wing. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
9 B-Wing is designated for minimum security. Select inmates receive amenities such as: a window. Guard robot briefly describing the Penitentiary.
10 TW043_110_DiningHall 0005A255 B-Wing: Secure. Now proceeding to: Prison Yard. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
11 TW043_115_PrisonYard 005267B4 Now proceeding to: Prison Yard. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
12 TW043_120_Solitary 0005A2C8 Prison Yard: Secure. Now proceeding to: Solitary. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
13 TW043_121_Solitary2 005267B3 Solitary is occupied by high-risk inmates, such as: Mad Dog Malone. Guard robot briefly describing the Penitentiary.
14 TW043_130_DWing 0005A264 Solitary: Secure. Now proceeding to: D-Wing. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
15 D-Wing is designated for criminal organizations, including: Mad Dog Malone's gang. Union organizers. And Communists. Guard robot briefly describing the Penitentiary.
16 TW043_140_SecurityD 0005A299 Now entering: Security Station Delta. Please secure this location. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
17 TW043_200_SecurityDoor 0005A2C1 Security Door recognized. Guard robot addressing a security door.
18 Password: Papa-Alfa-Sierra-Sierra-Whiskey-Oscar-Romeo-Delta. Guard robot addressing a security door. [TRANSLATION NOTE: The names here are phonetic alphabet for 'Password'; the password is 'password'.]
19 TW043_220_End 0005A2C3 Patrol complete. Thank you for your assistance. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
20 005267BE Prison Yard: Secure. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
21 005267BF D-Wing: Secure. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
22 0005A24B 0005A253 Download complete. Resuming patrol sequence. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
23 0005A250 0005A2B3 Commencing download of security data. Please wait. Guard robot noting the progress of his patrol.
24 003CBFB7 003CBFC4 Further escape attempts will not be tolerated.
25 003CBFC5 This escape attempt has been noted on your record.
26 003CBFC6 Fugitive detected.
27 003CBFC7 Halt, prisoner!
28 003D2924 This line intentionally left blank. Do not record.
29 003CBFB8 003CBFE6 Multiple convicts detected. Requesting backup.
30 003CBFE7 All Prisoners: Please return to your cells.
31 003CBFE8 Assaulting a correctional officer is a felony.
32 003CBFE9 Further resistance will not be tolerated.
33 003CBFEA The warden will be notified of your actions.
34 003D293B This incident will be reported to your parole board.
35 003CBFB9 003CBFD8 Fugitive identified.
36 003CBFD9 Cease and desist!
37 003CBFDE Commencing disciplinary action.
38 003D2922 This line intentionally left blank. Do not record.
39 003CBFBA 003CBFDC Prison break detected.
40 003CBFDD Prisoner: Stand down. Failure to comply will result in corrective action.
41 003D2936 Attention, all prisoners: Return to your cells. Further unrest will not be tolerated.
42 003D2937 You are in violation of Federal Prisons Regulation 28-B-9.
43 003D2938 Commencing lawful use of deadly force.
44 003D293A This line intentionally left blank. Do not record.
45 003CBFBB 003CBFD2 Minor damage to facilities detected. Logging work order... done. Guard robot commenting while on his patrol.
45 003CBFD3 Security patrol in progress. Your assistance is requested. Guard robot commenting while on his patrol.
45 003CBFD4 Please verify that all prisoners are in their assigned cells. Guard robot commenting while on his patrol.
46 003CBFD5 The Prisoner Collar control system is offline. Alternative correctional methods have been authorized. Guard robot commenting while on his patrol.
47 003CBFD6 Disciplinary violations may result in fines, loss of privileges, solitary confinement, and/or death. Guard robot commenting while on his patrol.