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This is a transcript for dialogue with Paul Pembroke.


1PaulVendorScene{now owner of the Colonial Taphouse, chipper, upbeat} Feels good to be here. Like I'm finally where I belong. Now what'll it be?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
2{now owner of the Colonial Taphouse, chipper, upbeat} You drinking, friend?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
3{now owner of the Colonial Taphouse, chipper, upbeat} What's your poison?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
4{now owner of the Colonial Taphouse, chipper, upbeat} You're always welcome here. What'll it be?Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
5{now owner of the Colonial Taphouse, chipper, upbeat} Let me pour you a glass.Player Default: Let's see what you've got.A
6Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{selling drinks} Bottoms up...A1a
7Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{selling drinks} Here's the menu...A2a
8Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{selling drinks} Cheers...A3a
9Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{selling drinks} Plenty on tap.A4a
10Player Default: Let's see what you've got.{selling drinks} Here's what we got.A5a
11Player Default: Not interested.All right, then.B1a
12Player Default: Not interested.Well, we're always open...B2a
13Player Default: Not interested.Gotcha.B3a
14Player Default: Not interested.Let me know if that changes.B4a
15Player Default: Not interested.Some other time.B5a
16Player Default: I'll think about it.Take as much time as you need.X1a
17Player Default: I'll think about it.Not a problem.X2a
18Player Default: I'll think about it.Later, then.X3a
19Player Default: I'll think about it.All right.X4a
20Player Default: I'll think about it.Okay. Let me know.X5a
21Player Default: You look good Paul. How are you?{chipper, upbeat} Let me tell ya, it's like I finally woke up, you know? You helping me out. It turned everything around.Y1a
22Now how about a drink?PaulPembroke: Let me tell ya, it's like I finally woke up, you know? You helping me out. It turned everything around.Y1b
23-{private, quiet, glum} Come to laugh at a man down on his luck? Huh?
24{private, quiet, glum} Leave me alone. Not looking to make friends.
25{private, quiet, glum} Get a long day of work ahead of me, if I'm lucky, so beat it.
26{private, quiet, glum} You're bothering me.
27{private, quiet, glum} Got my own problems.


28-{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Grrargh!
29{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Aggghh!
30{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Nyyarrggh!
31{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Rrarggh!
32{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Yearrgh!
33{Quick noise of physical exertion while swinging a weapon. Short and sweet.} Hyargh!
34{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Hunh!
35{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Gah!
36{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Yah!
37{Quick and violent shove, a sharp, short exertion!} Rargh!
38{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} *heavy breathing* *cough cough*
39{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Oof! *heavy breathing*
40{Heavy breathing and coughing, clutching a mortal wound and struggling to stay alive} Agh! *cough* *wheeze*
41{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Gah!
42{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nargh!
43{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Unf!
44{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Grrh!
45{A quick grunt or exertion, blocking a heavy blow from your opponent} Nnh!
46{InPain} Agh.
47{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Argh!
48{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Weergh!
49{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Yeagh!
50{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Nargh!
51{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Oof!
52{Struck by a weapon or bullet, a short, violent grunt of pain.} Agh!
53{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Aaaayyyaarrrrgghh!
54{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Yyyaaaarrgghh!
55{Powerfully swinging a weapon, up over your head and bringing it down hard on your opponent. Quick and violent, not drawn out.} Rrrraaaaarrggghhhh!
56{Worried} A little help over here!
57{Angry} I'm not going down without a fight.
58{Impressed} I think I hit one of them.
59{Afraid} Oh, hell. I don't think we can win this.
60{Afraid} There's too many of them.
61{Angry} I thought so.
62{Worried} Over here!
63{Angry} Found you.
64{Puzzled} Hmm. Oh well.
65{Relieved} I guess it was nothing.
66{Worried} Maybe I was imagining things.
67{Worried} I lost 'em.
68{Worried} Where'd they go?
69{Worried} Does anybody see them?
70{Relieved} Is it over?
71{Relieved} I'm glad that's over.
72{reassuring yourself / Relieved} I think I'm okay.
73{Worried} Oh shit.
74{Worried} Found 'em.
75{Worried} You could have just run for it.
76{Concerned} I think I heard something.
77{Worried} Did you see that?
78{Concerned} What was that?
79{Worried} I can do this.
80{Worried} Oh shit, look out.
81{Angry} Get them!


82-Yes? Are you still thinking about it?
83It's fine. I'm not busy.


85MS13BAfterConfrontationPlayer Default: And we're going to relieve Mr. Latimer of some of his money.{Disbelief} Holy shit, Cooke. Does Malcolm know about this?HenryCooke: What do you think? No, of course not. Anyway, that's between him and Nelson.A1a
86HenryCooke: Now you're talking. I promise, you won't regret it. In a few hours we're both going to be sitting pretty.{Suspicious} Good? Hardly. But I don't mind you helping me get rich.A1a
87MS13BAfterConfrontationPaul{Suspicious} Holy shit.PaulPembroke: I can't believe it. He's dead.A1a
88PaulPembroke: Holy shit.{Disbelief} I can't believe it. He's dead.PaulPembroke: You may as well check Cooke's body. He's probably got money. More than I could pay you.A1a
89PaulPembroke: I can't believe it. He's dead.{Worried} You may as well check Cooke's body. He's probably got money. More than I could pay you.PaulPembroke: Hell, I've got to get out of here. You should too. Before someone walks in here and pins this on us.A1a
90PaulPembroke: You may as well check Cooke's body. He's probably got money. More than I could pay you.{suddenly snapping back to reality from your shock at Cooke's death / Worried} Hell, I've got to get out of here. You should too. Before someone walks in here and pins this on us.A1a
91MS13BConfrontCooke{Angry} We need to talk.PaulPembroke: It's time for you to shut up and listen, Cooke.A1a
92HenryCooke: Now that is a very bad idea. You don't want to pull a gun on me unless you intend to use it.{losing control in fury / Angry} You think I won't use it? Do I just need to kill you, is that what you're saying?HenryCooke: Think about what you're doing.A1a
93Player Default: Paul, put the gun away. Nobody needs to get shot here.{Angry} Screw that.HenryCooke: Hold on. I'm sure we can work this out.A1a
94Player Default: Put the guns away before this gets out of hand.{Angry} Too late.HenryCooke: Wait. I can make this right, Paul.X1a
95Player Default: Why don't you see if Cooke is going to listen?{Disgust} He never listens.HenryCooke: I get it, Paul. You've got every right to be pissed off at me. But we can work this out.Y1a
96HenryCooke: Hold on. I'm sure we can work this out.{Suspicious} Keep talking.Companion: This is borin'... somebody do somethin' already!A1a
97HenryCooke: Look, I'll, uh, I'll stay away from Darcy from now on. It's over. You have my word on that.{Angry} Your word? What's your fucking word worth, huh?HenryCooke: I'll make it up to you! I know a way to get a lot of money. Right now.A1a
98HenryCooke: If you were flush again, everything would be different. Besides, I owe you. For what I've done.{asking the player for her opinion / Thinking} Well... what do you think?Player Default: Sounds like a win-win to me.A1a
99HenryCooke: Jesus, Paul, what now?{Defiant} It's time for you to shut up and listen, Cooke.HenryCooke: What the hell is this? And what are you doing here?A1a
100Player Default: I'm not with him. Just looking for a drink.{shocked surprise / Disbelief} What?!B1a
101{Disgust} Well thanks for nothing. Should have known better than to trust you.HenryCooke: Good answer.B1b
102HenryCooke: Well, I'm listening Paul. What do you have to say this time?{Angry} Just this. You leave Darcy alone, starting now. Or else.HenryCooke: Now that is a very bad idea. You don't want to pull a gun on me unless you intend to use it.A1a
103MS13BConfrontCookeCombat{Angry} Too late.HenryCooke: Damn fool.A1a
104MS13BPaulAlonePlayerVoiceFemale01: Cooke won't be bothering Darcy any more.{Grateful} Good! I knew you could handle him.PaulPembroke: Oh, and I managed to scrape together what I promised. Here. It was worth it to get Darcy back.A1a
105Player Default: Yeah. I ended up having to kill him.{Worried} Oh. Wow. Well... I guess he had it coming, right?A1a
106{Angry} Bastard should have thought of that before he started messing around with my wife.PaulPembroke: Anyway... thanks for your help. I'll uh, see you around.A1b
107Player Default: Yeah. I ended up having to kill him.{Defiant} Okay. I don't care what you had to do. Just as long as he leaves Darcy alone from now on.PaulPembroke: Anyway... thanks for your help. I'll uh, see you around.A2a
108Player Default: What are you going to do now?{Concerned} Well... start trying to win Darcy back. This was only step one.PaulPembroke: Anyway... thanks for your help. I'll uh, see you around.Y1a
109PaulPembroke: Good! I knew you could handle him.{Concerned} Oh, and I managed to scrape together what I promised. Here. It was worth it to get Darcy back.PaulPembroke: So... what happened? Did he give you any trouble?A1a
110Player Default: Bastard should have thought of that before he started messing around with my wife.{Nervous} Anyway... thanks for your help. I'll uh, see you around.Player Default: Good luck. I hope it all works out.A1a
111PaulPembroke: Oh, and I managed to scrape together what I promised. Here. It was worth it to get Darcy back.{Worried} So... what happened? Did he give you any trouble?Player Default: Yeah. I ended up having to kill him.A1a
112Player Default: Good luck. I hope it all works out.{Grateful} Thanks.A1a
113Player Default: Not likely.{Puzzled} Okay. Bye.B1a
114Player Default: Bye.{Grateful} Yeah, good-bye.X1a
115MS13BPaulAloneChemsDeal{hopefully / Question} What is it?Player Default: Good luck. I hope it all works out.A
116Player Default: Good luck. I hope it all works out.{Grateful} Thanks.Player Default: Good. I could use some backup for this. The meet is near the Back Street Apparel building.A1a
117Player Default: Nothing.{Puzzled} Okay. Bye.Player Default: Good. I could use some backup for this. The meet is near the Back Street Apparel building.B1a
118Player Default: Bye.{Puzzled} Uh, okay. Bye.Player Default: Good. I could use some backup for this. The meet is near the Back Street Apparel building.X1a
119Player Default: Good. I could use some backup for this. The meet is near the Back Street Apparel building.{Confident} I know where that is. Let's go.A1a
120Player Default: I just hope you don't screw this up. The meet is near the Back Street Apparel building. Let's go.{Irritated} Don't worry. This isn't my first rodeo.B1a
121Player Default: The meet is near the Back Street Apparel building.{Confident} Right, down along the river. Let's do this.X1a
122Player Default: Note says the meet is near the Back Street Apparel building. You know where that is?{Confident} Oh yeah, down along the river. Come on, let's do this.Y1a
123MS13CAmbushPaul{quietly - you don't want your voice to carry / Nervous} This looks like it. That's Nelson Latimer talking to that ghoul.PaulPembroke: Why don't you work your way around these buildings to get a good angle on them. I'll wait for the shooting to start, then join in from here.A1a
124PaulPembroke: This looks like it. That's Nelson Latimer talking to that ghoul.{Nervous} Why don't you work your way around these buildings to get a good angle on them. I'll wait for the shooting to start, then join in from here.Player Default: Sounds good.A1a
125Player Default: You first. I'll back you up.{quietly - you don't want your voice to carry / Worried} God dammit, really? Fine. But you better back me up or this isn't going to be much of an ambush.B1a
126Player Default: You first. I'll back you up.{quietly - you don't want your voice to carry / Worried} No way. There's too many of them for me to take on alone. When you're ready, start shooting and I'll back you up.B2a
127Player Default: What about Nelson?{with a shrug - you don't care what happens to Nelson / Neutral} If he's smart he'll get the hell out of here when the shooting starts. If he's not... too bad for him.Y1a
128{Question} Now, are we all set?Player Default: Sounds good.Y1b
129MS13CTravelChatterCookePaulHenryCooke: Trust me, Paul. This is all going to work out for the best.{Suspicious} We'll see. You better not be trying to screw me over again.HenryCooke: Jesus, Paul. Why would you think that?A1a
130HenryCooke: Jesus, Paul. Why would you think that?{Disgust} I know you and Malcolm have been laughing at me for years. "Poor Paul, why's he such a screw up at everything."HenryCooke: What? No. Of course not. I thought we were friends.A1a
131HenryCooke: What? No. Of course not. I thought we were friends.{bitterly / Depressed} Yeah, so did I.HenryCooke: Okay, I deserve that. But you've got it all wrong. This whole thing with Darcy... like I said... it just happened. It wasn't about you, Paul.A1a
132HenryCooke: Okay, I deserve that. But you've got it all wrong. This whole thing with Darcy... like I said... it just happened. It wasn't about you, Paul.{bitterly / Depressed} I don't want to talk about it any more.HenryCooke: Whatever you want.A1a
133MS13DivideSpoilsCookeHenryCooke: There's no plausible way I could explain to Marowski how I wasn't involved in this - unless I "die" here along with everyone else.{Surprised} Just like that? You're leaving town and never coming back?HenryCooke: Yeah. You won't be able to blame me for all your problems any more.A1a
134MS13EDivideSpoils{Happy} Great. Then you take the money from Nelson, I'll take the chems and we'll call it even.A1a
135{Happy} Great. Then we'll each take half the chems.A2a
136Player Default: No. I'm taking all of it as the rest of my payment.{Angry} That was never part of the deal!Player Default: You're right. We'll split it 50-50.B1a
137Player Default: 70-30 seems more like it.{bitterly / Disgust} Yeah, whatever. Screw me over one more time. I guess I should be used to it by now.X1a
138{Disgust} You can deal with selling the chems then. Give me half of Nelson's money and I guess that's the best I can expect.Player Default: Works for me. Good luck.X1b
139Player Default: 70-30 seems more like it.{bitterly / Disgust} Yeah, whatever. Screw me over one more time. I guess I should be used to it by now.X2a
140{Disgust} You take four of the crates, I'll take the other two. Then we're done.Player Default: Works for me. Good luck.X2b
141Player Default: 70-30 seems more like it.{bitterly / Defiant} No, not this time. 50-50 is fair and that's what we're doing.X3a
142{Confident} You take the money from Nelson, and I'll take the chems.Player Default: Works for me. Good luck.X3b
143Player Default: 70-30 seems more like it.{bitterly / Defiant} No, not this time. 50-50 is fair and that's what we're doing. We'll each take half the chems.Player Default: Works for me. Good luck.X4a
144Player Default: What are you going to do with the money?{Happy} Now that Cooke is gone... I can buy his house. Darcy can finally be an Upper like she's always wanted.Y1a
145{Concerned} So, you're fine with 50-50, right?Player Default: That works for me.Y1b
146{Friendly} So it's just the two of us. 50-50 seems fair to me.Player Default: That works for me.A1a
147Player Default: Works for me. Good luck.{Grateful} Yeah, maybe my luck is finally starting to turn.A1a
148Player Default: Works for me. Good luck.{Disbelief} Good luck?... you're a real piece of work. I'm done here.A2a
149Player Default: Works for me. Good luck.{Disbelief} Good luck?... you're a real piece of work. Just make sure you get me the money you owe me and we'll be done with each other.A3a
150Player Default: That doesn't seem fair.{Defiant} Sure it is. I have to pay the mayor's cut to bring it in to Diamond City, plus the hassle of getting it there in the first place.B1a
151Player Default: That doesn't seem fair.{Defiant} Hey, I'm not hassling with the chems for a lousy 30% cut. You got what you wanted, deal with it.B2a
152Player Default: That doesn't seem fair.{Disgust} Now you know what my whole life has felt like.B3a
153Player Default: Whatever you want to do.{Friendly} Well, good luck. Maybe I'll see you around Diamond City.X1a
154Player Default: Whatever you want to do.{Stern} I want my money. I know you're good for it.Player Default: Works for me. Good luck.X2a
155Player Default: Aren't the chems worth more than the money?{Concerned} Sure, if you owned a chems shop right here. But I'll have to pay the mayor his cut plus move all this back to town.Y1a
156Player Default: Aren't the chems worth more than the money?{Defiant} Screw that. You wanted the bigger cut, so you can deal with the hassle of transporting and selling the chems.Player Default: Works for me. Good luck.Y2a
157MS13EDivideSpoilsPaulFight{Angry} This was supposed to be Cooke's way of paying for what he'd done to me!Player Default: You're right. We'll split it 50-50.A1a
158Player Default: You know I'll kill you if you try and stop me.{Disgust} This has how it's gone all my life. I've been screwed every time I had a chance to make it big.B1a
159{Angry} I hope you choke on all your damn money.B1b
160Player Default: You know I'll kill you if you try and stop me.{Defiant} No. Not again. I've been getting screwed over all my life and this time... fuck it.B2a
161Player Default: Why do you need the money so bad?{Depressed} It's Darcy. I've been nothing but a disappointment to her.Y1a
162{Depressed} When we got married I was rich, young and handsome. Since then... nothing has gone my way.Y1b
163{Grateful} This is my chance to make a new start. With Cooke gone, I can buy his house and we can finally live in the Stands like Darcy's always wanted.Player Default: You're right. We'll split it 50-50.Y1c
164MS13EDivideSpoilsPayPaul{Suspicious} Have you got my money yet?Player Default: Yeah, here you go.A
165Player Default: Yeah, here you go.{Irritated} Least you could do. You already screwed me out of what was rightfully mine.A1a
166Player Default: Yeah, here you go.{Irritated} I'm getting tired of your excuses.A2a
167Player Default: Not yet.{Disgust} Unbelievable.B1a
168Player Default: I need more time.{Irritated} I'm getting tired of waiting for what's rightfully mine.X1a
169Player Default: What do I owe you again?{rolling your eyes in disgust / Disbelief} You're something else. 500 caps, remember? The crumbs you left me from the Latimer ambush.Player Default: Yeah, here you go.Y1a
170MS13IntroAfterFightHenryCooke: Go on. Get out of here.{completely humiliated after being beaten up by your wife's lover / Depressed} I'll be at home, Darcy. Taking care of our son.A1a
171MS13IntroFightScene{taking a swing at your wife's lover / Angry} You son of a bitch!DarcyPembroke: Don't hurt him, Henry!A1a
172MS13IntroScene{angry and agitated / Angry} Come on, Darcy! Let's go!HenryCooke: Take it easy. I don't think she wants to leave just yet.A1a
173HenryCooke: Take it easy. I don't think she wants to leave just yet.{heatedly - "my wife" is pointed reminder to Cooke / Angry} This is between me and my wife!A1a
174{Angry} Why don't you mind your own damn business for once?DarcyPembroke: God, Paul, why do you always have to make a scene?A1b
175DarcyPembroke: Pour me another drink, Henry.{Pleading} Dammit, Darcy, I just want you to come home.DarcyPembroke: I'll be home. Later.A1a
176DarcyPembroke: I'll be home. Later.{with barely contained anger / Angry} I can't believe you'd do this to me, Cooke.HenryCooke: Do what to you, Paul?A1a
177HenryCooke: Do what to you, Paul?{Angry} You smug bastard. You keep away from my wife, godammit!HenryCooke: You'd better get out of here. Before you do something stupid.A1a
178MS13PaulIntroAlonePlayer Default: I'll make sure Cooke gets the message.{Angry} Good. Don't kill him if you don't have to, but otherwise... I don't care what you do to him. He deserves to suffer for what he's done.A1a
179Player Default: Don't worry. I'll make him suffer.{Angry} Good. I hope you don't have to kill him, but you can make it as painful as you want. He deserves whatever he gets.B1a
180Player Default: How far do you want me to go?{Angry} As far as you need to. I don't want him dead, but otherwise... He deserves to suffer for what he's done.Y1a
181{Angry} Just get him to leave Darcy alone.Player Default: I'll make sure Cooke gets the message.A1a
182MS13PaulIntroScene{hopefully / Pleading} Did you change your mind? I swear, I'll pay you for your help.Player Default: Okay. I'll help you.A
183{tentatively / Nervous} Hey. You there. I, uh... I have a question for you.Player Default: Go ahead, I'm listening.A
184{tentatively / Pleading} I still need to ask you something.Player Default: Go ahead, I'm listening.A
185{hopefully / Pleading} Will you help me talk to Cooke? Get him to leave my wife alone?Player Default: Okay. I'll help you.A
186Player Default: Let's go. You do the talking, I'll be the intimidating presence.{Confident} All right. Come on.A1a
187Player Default: Let's get this over with.{Confident} Okay. Come on.B1a
188Player Default: This will work better if I talk to Cooke by myself.{Angry} You're probably right. I'm so angry at Cooke, I might lose control.Player Default: I'll make sure Cooke gets the message.X1a
189Player Default: This will work better if I talk to Cooke by myself.{Defiant} I don't think so. Cooke might try to talk his way out of it, and you don't know him like I do.X2a
190{Confident} Let's get this over with. Come on.X2b
191Player Default: If you're just going to talk to him, why do you need me along?{Angry} I don't want to hurt Cooke, but if he doesn't listen to me... I don't know what I might do.Y1a
192{Confident} He won't dare act so smug when he sees you at my back. And then nobody has to get hurt.Y1b
193{determined / Defiant} Let's get this over with. Come on.A1a
194Player Default: Go ahead, I'm listening.{stop talking - embarrassed to go on / Depressed} You were in the Taphouse before, when...Player Default: You and the bartender got in a fight.A1a
195Player Default: Not interested.{Pleading} Wait, just hear me out. I'll make it worth your while.B1a
196{stop talking - embarrassed to go on / Depressed} You were in the Taphouse before, when...Player Default: You and the bartender got in a fight.B1b
197Player Default: You and the bartender got in a fight.{bitterly / Disgust} Nice of you to call it a fight. But we both know what really happened. Cooke kicked my ass.PaulPembroke: I'm supposed to pretend I don't know he's sleeping with my wife.A1a
198Player Default: You got your ass kicked by your wife's lover.{Disgust} Yeah. Pretty pathetic, right?PaulPembroke: Guy's sleeping with my wife, and I can't even do anything about it.B1a
199Player Default: You got beaten up by the bartender.{Disgust} Yeah. Good old Henry Cooke, everybody's best pal. Especially Darcy's.PaulPembroke: I'm supposed to pretend I don't know he's sleeping with her. Until he decides he's bored with her and she comes crawling back home to me.X1a
200Player Default: You tried to punch out the bartender. What was that all about?{Depressed} I thought it was dead obvious. Cooke is sleeping with my wife.Y1a
201{Disgust} And I'm supposed to just pretend I don't know. Until Cooke decides he's bored with her and she comes crawling back home to me.Player Default: Sounds like a tough situation.Y1b
202Player Default: Nice of you to call it a fight. But we both know what really happened. Cooke kicked my ass.{Disgust} I'm supposed to pretend I don't know he's sleeping with my wife.A1a
203{Disgust} Until he decides he's bored with her and she comes crawling back home to me.Player Default: Sounds like a tough situation.A1b
204Player Default: Yeah. Pretty pathetic, right?{Disgust} Guy's sleeping with my wife, and I can't even do anything about it.Player Default: Sounds like a tough situation.B1a
205Player Default: Yeah. Good old Henry Cooke, everybody's best pal. Especially Darcy's.{Disgust} I'm supposed to pretend I don't know he's sleeping with her. Until he decides he's bored with her and she comes crawling back home to me.Player Default: Sounds like a tough situation.X1a
206Player Default: Sounds like a tough situation.{Angry} You don't know the half of it. But I'm not just going to sit here and let Cooke steal my wife and destroy my family.PaulPembroke: I'm going to go back and talk to him. And I want you to come with me.A1a
207Player Default: Everybody's got their problems, pal.{Pleading} No, I need your help. I'll... I'll pay you. I've got some money, and I can get more.PaulPembroke: I'm going to go back and talk to him. And I want you to come with me.B1a
208Player Default: So where do I come in?{Defiant} I'm going to go back and talk to him. And I want you to come with me.Y1a
209{Angry} You saw, he won't take me seriously otherwise. I don't want to have to really hurt him, I just want him to leave Darcy alone.Player Default: Okay. I'll help you.Y1b
210Player Default: Okay. I'll help you.{relieved / Grateful} Okay, good. Good. I'm sure Cooke will back down once he sees you're with me.Player Default: Let's go. You do the talking, I'll be the intimidating presence.A1a
211Player Default: Still not interested.{Depressed} I don't know why I expected you to help me.Player Default: Let's go. You do the talking, I'll be the intimidating presence.B1a
212Player Default: You're going to have to make it worth my while.{Worried} Uh. Well... okay. I can only pay you 80 caps right now, but I'll scrape together more after we take care of Cooke.Player Default: Let's go. You do the talking, I'll be the intimidating presence.X1a
213Player Default: You're going to have to make it worth my while.{Worried} I mean, I can pay you, but I've only got 80 caps. Sorry, I hope it's enough.Player Default: Okay. I'll help you.X2a
214-{Angry} Come on, Cooke! Now you can kill me and say it was my fault!
215{Angry} This is what you deserve, Cooke!
216{Angry} You backstabbing bastard!
217{Angry} You had to rub my face in it, didn't you?
218{Angry} I'm not going to be pushed around any more!
219Is it over?
220{Defiant} If you think it's a good idea, I'm in. Cooke owes me, big time.
221{Grateful} Oh yeah. I'm in. It's about time my luck started turning around.
222{Worried} I don't know. Things just got... crazy. I can't believe he's actually dead.
223{hopefully / Nervous} Did you... talk to Cooke?
224{Worried} Let's do this.
225{the player should be worried - you're not inspiring a lot of confidence / Worried} I'll, uh, back you up. Don't worry.
226{Confident} I know where we're headed. Just follow me.
227{Confident} It's not too far. Come on.
228{Somber} It wasn't supposed to happen this way.
229{Defiant} Come on. I want to get this over with.
230{Depressed} Leave me alone!
231{Depressed} Oh, great. It's you.
232{Angry} Here to find a new way to ruin my life?
233{Angry} What do you want?
234{Somber} It's a shame about... you know. But, he had it coming I guess.
235{Grateful} My life's really turned around since our little adventure.
236{Grateful} Everything worked out for the best, didn't it?
237{Happy} Hey, how are you doing?
238Luck's a fickle thing. Gotta hold onto to it when it comes.
239Man has to fight for what's his. Only rule I ever stuck by.
240Eh, I think you've listened to me drone on enough.


241MS13CookeDiesPaulIntro{Worried} Have you run into that woman looking for Cooke?Player Default: Yeah, Colette. I talked to her.A
242Player Default: Yeah, Colette. I talked to her.{Worried} What did you tell her?Player Default: I told her he left town.A1a
243Player Default: I don't know what you're talking about.{Worried} I'm sure she'll track you down eventually. Her name is Colette. Says she's Cooke's daughter, for god's sake.PaulPembroke: The question is, what are we going to do about her?B1a
244Player Default: I can't remember.{Disbelief} You can't be serious. She's asking everybody in town about Cooke. Says she's his daughter, for god's sake.PaulPembroke: The question is, what are we going to do about her?X1a
245Player Default: What woman?{Worried} Colette. Says she's Cooke's daughter. I didn't even know he had a daughter, but I guess it's not surprising.Player Default: Yeah, Colette. I talked to her.Y1a
246Player Default: I'm sure she'll track you down eventually. Her name is Colette. Says she's Cooke's daughter, for god's sake.{in half a whisper, afraid of being overheard / Worried} The question is, what are we going to do about her?Player Default: Stay calm. There's no need to panic.A1a
247Player Default: Stay calm. There's no need to panic.{Worried} Easy for you to say. I have my family to think about. I'll just to have to deal with her myself.A1a
248Player Default: Stay calm. There's no need to panic.{Relieved} You're probably right. Nothing to worry about yet. She'll give up, leave town, and everything will be fine.A2a
249Player Default: The simple solution is just to kill her.{Worried} You're right. It's the only way to protect ourselves. Who should do it - you or me?Player Default: I'll do it.B1a
250Player Default: I don't care what you do.{Defiant} You're no help. I'll have to take care of this myself. I have to protect my family.X1a
251Player Default: I don't care what you do.{Worried} If you won't help, then... well, I have to protect my family.X2a
252Player Default: I don't care what you do.{Disgust} You're no help at all.X3a
253Player Default: What do you think we should do?{Worried} I don't think we have much of a choice at this point. It's her or us. The only question is, who should do it?Player Default: I'll do it.Y1a
254Player Default: What do you think we should do?{Worried} I don't know. That's why I came to you. I thought you might know what to do.Player Default: Stay calm. There's no need to panic.Y2a
255MS13CookeDiesPaulScaredPlayer Default: She's not going to come kill us.{Concerned} I hope you're right. I really do.A1a
256Player Default: She's not going to come kill us.{Worried} I'd like to believe that. But what if you're wrong? I have my family to protect.A2a
257Player Default: Maybe we should kill her first.{Afraid} My god... that seems... drastic.B1a
258{Nervous} I don't want to say you should... but if you felt you had to... I'd support your decision.B1b
259{Nervous} You do what you think is best. I trust you'll make the right call.B1c
260Player Default: Maybe we should kill her first.{Afraid} No, no. We can't do that. She hasn't actually done anything. I just think we should be on our guard.B2a
261{Worried} She'll eventually give up and leave, and then everything will be back to normal.B2b
262Player Default: You worry too much, Paul.{Worried} I don't think so. She seems like a very dangerous person. Possibly irrational.X1a
263Player Default: Why do you think she wants to kill us?{Afraid} Cooke was her father! We killed him! If she finds out... she seems like a very dangerous person.Y1a
264Player Default: Why do you think she wants to kill us?{Worried} Cooke was her father! If she gets it into her head that you or I was somehow responsible for his death, who knows what she'll do?Y2a
265MS13CookeDiesPaulTalkedToColettePlayer Default: I told her he left town.{Relieved} Good. I hope she believed you. She seemed pretty dangerous.A1a
266Player Default: I told her he left town.{Relieved} Oh. Well, I, uh... I guess that means I don't have to worry about her coming after me, one way or another.A2a
267Player Default: I told her he left town.{Disbelief} What did you do that for? Now she'll really be riled up.A3a
268Player Default: I told her he left town.{Afraid} What did you do that for? Now she'll really be riled up. How do you know she won't just come and kill us both?Player Default: She's not going to come kill us.A4a
269Player Default: I told her he left town.{Worried} Well, okay. I'm not sure what to do. Seems like she thinks I had something to do with it. I don't like it. She seems pretty dangerous.A5a
270Player Default: Don't worry, I didn't tell her anything.{Worried} That's good for now. But, what if she keeps digging? She might eventually decide one of us is to blame.B1a
271MS13CookeDiesPaulWhoShouldKillPlayer Default: I'll do it.{stumbling with relief that you don't have to kill someone / Relieved} Good. I mean... that's probably the best idea. I, uh... good luck.A1a
272Player Default: I'm not doing it. You do whatever you want.{Defiant} Okay, if you won't help, I will do it. I'm not afraid anymore.B1a
273Player Default: Who do you think should do it?{Nervous} I mean, I not a violent person. So... just from the standpoint of who's more likely to succeed... I think it should be you.Player Default: I'll do it.Y1a


274MS13DarcyPaulHelloSceneDarcy: Paul, where are you going?{Defiant} Nowhere you need to worry about.Darcy: Whatever. I'll see you at home.A1a