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This is a transcript for dialogue with patron.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
98 0041A326 00563324 Catch me after. You're in the middle of playing a song on the guitar. You're being polite, but this person is being really rude.
99 00563325 Listen with our ears, friend. You're in the middle of playing a song on the guitar. You're being polite, but this person is being really rude.
100 00563326 Not a patron of the arts, huh? You're in the middle of playing a song on the guitar. You're being polite, but this person is being really rude.
101 00563328 Gotta say, Duchess here pulls a mean dram. Cool, non-chalance.
102 00563329 Appalachia's bout the prettiest place I've seen since Nashville. Cool, non-chalance.
103 0056332A Don't mind me. Just here to spread the guitar gospel. Cool, non-chalance.
104 0056332B Saw quite a few folks on my way here. Honestly didn't know there were this many people left. Cool, non-chalance.
105 0056332C Little hide-aways like this. Too rare not too enjoy. Cool, non-chalance.
106 0056332D Like the get-up. Reminds me of a TV dinner with attitude. Wild. Cool, non-chalance.
107 0056332E Heard someone finally hit it rich around here. Hope they're the sharing kind. Cool, non-chalance. Bit of a smirk on the last line.
126 00563345 Men and women of quality, they're real rare these days. Some will pay a lot of money to have folks like that... on hand. A bit coy. You make your make your money as a slave trader, but you don't share that far and wide.
127 00563346 Don't mind me. Just taking in the sights. Coy. You make your make your money as a slave trader, but you don't share that far and wide.
128 00563347 Life's real hard out here, Vaulter. Need to be... creative to make a living these days. Coy. You make your make your money as a slave trader, but you don't share that far and wide.
129 00563348 Well, aren't you a pretty number. Coy. You make your make your money as a slave trader, but you don't share that far and wide. You think you could sell this person.
130 00563349 Strapping thing, aren't ya. Lot of folks pay for the privilege to have someone like you around. Coy. You make your make your money as a slave trader, but you don't share that far and wide. You think you could sell this person.
131 0056334A Haven't seen a suit like that since Anchorage. Coy. You make your make your money as a slave trader, but you don't share that far and wide. You think you could sell this person.
132 0056334B Did you hear someone found a vault full of gold in them hills? Can bet a whole new herd is on their way here right now. Coy. You make your make your money as a slave trader, but you don't share that far and wide. You're excited about the prospect of new people.
133 0056334D I came all the way here from DC. Cost me everything I had... everything. A bit exhausted. You've seen some shit.
134 0056334E Duchess, she spotted me some food and clothes on credit. Said I could do odd jobs to pay her back. First person to really help me out since I got here. A bit exhausted. You've seen some shit.
135 0056334F Sorry. I need to get this done. A bit exhausted. You've seen some shit.
136 00563350 The Capitol... it's... it's hell on Earth. No way I'm going back there. A bit exhausted. You've seen some shit.
137 00563351 I heard a rumor on the way here... Appalachia... it's bat country. That can't be true, right? A bit exhausted. You've seen some shit.
138 00563352 Is... is that guy over there... is he one of those Scorched things? Are they not all crazy? A bit exhausted. You've seen some shit.
139 00563353 Wow. You a soldier or something? Didn't think you could get those suits outside the Army. A bit exhausted. You've seen some shit.
147 00585392 Can't believe they'd let one of those freaks in here. Some of us are trying to enjoy ourselves. Stern. You're talking about a Ghoul, a hideously scarred human being (but still technically a human)