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This is a transcript for dialogue with Patricia Myers.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0066F95C 0066F97E Welcome Welcome! Name's Pat, I run Nuka-World on Tour. How can I help ya?
2 00678C0E Wow... I can't believe Pete was actually telling the truth!
3 We're lucky to have had your help to kill that ugly beast.
4 00678C0F Wow... I can't believe Pete was actually telling the truth!
5 Your performance was shameful - How the hell we gonna get rid of that thing now?!
6 00678C11 Now then... What can I do for ya?
7 00678C12 Tried all the food yet? My favorite are the fried radroaches.
8 00678C13 Nice to see you're still around.
9 So, I've checked out Nuka-World on Tour. 0066F971 How'd you enjoy it?
10 Why wouldn't you believe Pete about the creature? 0066F98B Well, you see... I haven't done the best job keeping Pete safe. From the wasteland, sure, but not so much from himself.
11 He's had an issue with chems for a while now, and he concocted some strange stories. Hard to tell what's real and what's a trip.
12 Sorry to say he wasn't just crying wolf this time. Just wish I could finally get him clean... Start trusting him again.
13 What is this Nuka-World? 0066F970 Huh. Surprisingly, I don't get that question a whole lot.
14 We're a traveling carnival! We used to be linked to the Nuka-World theme park,and, now we're kinda just doin' our own thing.
15 Kept the name, though... and we keep the delicious Nuka-Cola flowing, too!
16 00678BA4 00678BDD Raiders attacked us at the last place we set up. Now we're all scattered. Eh, still waiting on the others to turn up, but we might not be that lucky.
17 Currently it's just Gunther, Del, my brother Pete and Betty. Uh, she just joined us recently.
18 00678BF9 Alright. If you need anything else just come find me.
19 00678BFA If you need me ya know where to find me.
20 00678BFB Enjoy the fair!
21 00678BFC Oh I like your honesty.
22 You know where to find me if you change your mind.
23 00678BFD Nothing with the ride itself, but Pete keeps telling this fanciful story about some odd looking monster.
24 Scratch that - I bet it IS a problem with the ride and Pete's just spinning stories to skip out on fixing it.
25 00678BFE I don't think so but you could always ask Pete himself. He should be around here somewhere.
26 00678C0C *Laughs* Ah, Maybe... But it's all we've ever known.
27 It's not easy, but, it's the best way for Pete and I to keep the memory of our folks alive.
28 00678BA5 00678C05 Wish I was made in the shade like Pete... but no, leave it to good ol' Pat to keep this place running.
29 00678C06 Oof. Okay, you got this, Pat. Keep a smile on, keep the energy up...
30 00678C07 The show must go on... (sigh)
31 00678C08 Bleech, what was that? You gotta be kidding me...
32 00678C09 (sigh) What're we gonna do, Pop?
33 00678C0A I could really go for a Brahmin Burger right about now. Mmm.
34 00678BA6 00678BF4 Anyone and everyone is welcome! ...Except cowboys. Got enough of them over at Gunther's.
35 00678BF5 Hey there, adventurer! Here to explore the fairgrounds?
36 00678BF6 Welcome to Nuka-World on Tour!
37 00678BF7 Make sure to give the food stall a visit! We've got all sorts of fine treats 'round there.
38 00678BF8 Today might be your lucky day! Why not give the Nuka-Cade a go?
39 You're not being helpful. 00678BEE I wasn't trying to be helpful...
40 ...but maybe try aiming at the head next time.
41 I could try again? 00678BE0 If you find the courage to try again...
42 The back seemed pretty tough, maybe try aiming at the head next time?
43 Do you always let others do your dirty work? 00678BFF Now now. Don't be getting cheeky. A carnival is a lot of work that needs to be shared! Speaking of, I need to go do my rounds.
44 You're welcome. Anything else you need help with? 00678BE3 There is always something to do around here for people who want some honest work.
45 We can't offer much but I'm sure everyone will reward you for your efforts.
46 Just have a wander and ask around. Maybe check out the Tunnel of Love?
47 Can't save this mess... 00678C0B Oh, what's that over there? Anywhere but here? Maybe wander over and bless them with your presence instead.
48 More food choices would be amazing. 00678BE6 Now that I can agree with! Can't quite get grub like you could before the bombs. I sure do miss me some funnel cake...
49 Our fried meats on stick are delicious, though! I mean, I wish the meat weren't coming from a, well... Never you mind, give it a try!
50 Have working rides would be a start. 00678BDA Right... About that. According to Pete, it's out of commission.
51 Not really enjoying this... 00678BE9 Oh... what are we missing?
52 Anything I can do? 00678BDC I don't think so but you could always ask Pete himself. He should be around here somewhere.
53 00678BBB 00678BE2 Nothing with the ride itself, but Pete keeps telling this fanciful story about some odd looking monster.
54 Scratch that -- I bet it IS a problem with the ride and Pete's just spinning stories to skip out on fixing it.
55 I love it! But I'd love to ride the roller coaster. 00678BF2 That's what I like to hear!
56 Pete is having trouble with getting it up and running.
57 I have a different question. 0067F0CD Oh...Um... What's on your mind?
58 Why keep Del around then? 00678C00 Well everyone has a black sheep in their family, don't they?
59 But we also need a medic around here and after all these years we can't just abandon him in the wasteland.
60 Let's talk about something else. 0067F0CB Oh...Um... What's on your mind?
61 Surely it should be harder having constant access to Chems when travelling? 00678C14 Not when you have your very own dealer amongst the Carnival family...
62 Del thought he'd be helping Pete since he struggled to cope with the loss of our folks...
63 It didn't help - it only made it all worse... I'll never forgive Del for that...
64 Let's talk about something else. 00678BE8 Okay... What's up?
65 Who are these people? 00678BEA Gunther, our resident cowboy, and Del, our resident grumpy medic, have both been with the Tour since before the bombs.
66 My little brother, Pete, is our part-time mechanic, full-time pain in my rear though... *laughs* Love that kid.
67 Some folks come and go though. Uh, we just took on Betty - a local from around here.
68 We have room for anybody as long as they're honest and hardworking!
69 I wanted to ask something else. 0067F0C8 Fine by me.
70 What happened to them? 00678BE4 They used to run the Tour before the war. But, not long after the bombs, we had a run-in with some bad guys.
71 They died protecting us... Pete was still young, so I've been taking care of him - and the carnival - ever since.
72 Is it not a bit silly to run a Carnival in the Wasteland? 0067B3AE *Laughs* Maybe... But it's all we've ever known.
73 It's not easy to run it in these wastelands but it's the best way for Pete and I to keep the memory of our folks alive.
74 How long have you been traveling with the Carnival? 00678BE7 Oh, well, uh... Forever, really... My folks ran this thing ever since I was little.
75 Now, I keep it goin' in tribute to 'em.
76 Curious. Could I ask something else? 0067F0CA Fine by me.
77 Can I ask about something else? 0067F0C5 Oh...Um... What's on your mind?
78 I wanted to ask something else. 0067F0CC Sure... If you want.
79 I wanted to ask something else. 0067F0C6 Okay, sure.
80 Anything I could help with? 0067F0C3 I'm sure there will be something for you to do if you ask around.
81 Maybe ask Pete? He keeps telling me about some troubles he's having with setting up the Nuka Launcher.