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This is a transcript for dialogue with Captain Parker.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Dammit, I didn't want you to kill him, just find me some evidence! 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Well... that was a bit messier than I would have liked. Was there anything else? 2
GREETING Neutral 50 The Legion being wiped out at Nelson gave us some breathing room - hopefully the brass will use that. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Losing Forlorn Hope was a real blow to us - I hope things can be turned around soon. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Hell of a thing at Nelson - NCR and the Legion wiped out. I wonder what the hell happened. 5
GREETING Neutral 50 I just got word that the monorail from McCarran was blown up by terrorists. My God. I can't believe it. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 Word around the east side is that you took out some major players in the Fiends. That should make life safer for a lot of people. 7
GREETING Neutral 50 Have you heard the news? Caesar's agents assassinated President Kimball - it'll be war for sure, now. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm sure every NCR soldier you've met has said this, but you're a damn hero for saving the President. If there's anything you need, let me know. 9
GREETING Neutral 50 Something I can help you with, stranger? 10
GREETING Neutral 50 Thanks for all your help earlier. 11
GREETING Neutral 50 Have you found out what happened to those missing refugees? 12
GREETING Neutral 50 Good to see you - something else I can do for you? 13
GREETING Neutral 50 Maybe you should just move along, I don't need your kind of trouble. 14
GREETING Neutral 50 Look, I don't have the manpower to run your ass out on a rail, so just do me a favor and get lost. 15
GREETING Neutral 50 Back again? What can I do for you? 16
GREETING Neutral 50 You're back. Have you changed your mind about helping out? 17
ParkerDisappearances Tell me about those disappearances again. Neutral 50 Some people have gone missing from the camp lately. Haven't seen any signs of violence or heard about any feuds, they just... up and left. 18
Neutral 50 I remember hearing some of the missing folks were doing business with Dermot and Saint James - a couple of scavengers from Westside. 19
ParkerHelp ParkerHelp Neutral 50 Well... that was a bit messier than I would have liked. Was there anything else? 20
ParkerIntro Who are you? Neutral 50 Captain Parker. I'm in charge of this camp. {Name's Parker. I'm in charge of keeping this camp operating smoothly.} 21
Tell me about Keith again.
I've got evidence - Keith has a set of marked cards he uses to cheat. Neutral 50 Marked cards, huh? I suppose it's obvious, really. Here, you've earned this. 22
Neutral 50 I'm going to go take Keith into custody. If you're interested in a little extra pay, I wouldn't mind the back-up. 23
I've got evidence - Keith is selling drugs to the locals. Neutral 50 Son of a bitch - I knew he was involved with drugs. Thanks - this gives me the evidence I need. Here - you've earned this. 24
Neutral 50 I'm going to go take Keith into custody. If you're interested in a little extra pay, I wouldn't mind the back-up. 25
I've got proof that Keith is selling drugs and using marked cards. Neutral 50 Drugs {emphasis} and crooked gambling? Can't say I'm surprised. Here, you've earned this. 26
Neutral 50 I'm going to go take Keith into custody. If you're interested in a little extra pay, I wouldn't mind the back-up. 27
ParkerRefugeeCamp What exactly is this place? Neutral 50 This here's where folks go when their luck runs out. Drifters up from the Republic, locals that can't turn a dime, drunken reprobates from all around. 28
Neutral 50 If you don't have the caps to get onto the Strip, odds are you'll end up here. 29
ParkerResults I found this ledger in Dermot's room. Neutral 50 Let me see that... I know these names. Nephi and Cook-Cook are major players with the Fiends. Dermot and Saint James must be working with them. 30
Neutral 50 But, this just a list of names and not evidence of a direct connection with the missing people. 31
I found this ledger in Dermot's room. Neutral 50 Damn. Combined with that girl's bear you found in Saint James' room, this is enough for me to have them brought in for questioning. 32
I found this ledger in Dermot's room. Neutral 50 Thank you for your help - I'll make sure those sick bastards get what's coming to them. Here, you've earned this. 33
ParkerTeddyBearGirl I found this teddy bear in Saint James' room. Look familiar? Neutral 50 That... I think that's her teddy bear! It's suspicious, but it doesn't tell us what happened to the refugees. 34
I found this teddy bear in Saint James' room. Look familiar? Neutral 50 Damn. Combined with that ledger you found in Dermot's room, it's enough for me to have them brought in for questioning. 35
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic000 Sounds like a chaotic place. Is there any way I can help? Neutral 50 Well, I am a little short staffed. Maybe you could give me a hand. 36
Neutral 50 Some people have gone missing from the camp lately. Haven't seen any signs of violence or heard about any feuds, they just up and vanished. 37
Neutral 50 I've also got Keith and his gambling to deal with - I {emphasis} know that skunk's cheating folk out of their savings, I just can't prove it. 38
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic001 Charming place. Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Yeah? Like what? 39
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic002 What can you tell me about the missing people? Neutral 50 They never seemed to have much in common - that's why I didn't notice it sooner. Young folks, old folks, men, women... all disappearing. 40
Neutral 50 I remember a family with a little blonde girl. She... never talked much, but she always carried this little stuffed teddy bear. 41
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic003 I'm not really interested in running your errands, sorry. Neutral 50 Well, you did ask if we needed help. 42
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic004 Can you remember anything else? Neutral 50 Seem to recall a lot of them did business with those scavengers over on the West Side - Dermott and Saint James. 43
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic005 You just shot that man, solely because he insulted you! Neutral 50 Yep. I always warned him not to push my buttons. Well, ain't nobody going to miss him, anyways. 44
Neutral 50 Here you go. I promised you an extra reward for coming along, so that's what you get. 45
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic006 That might have been a tad... excessive. Neutral 50 Maybe, maybe not. I always warned him not to push my buttons. Well, ain't nobody going to miss him, anyways. 46
Neutral 50 Here you go. I promised you an extra reward for coming along, so that's what you get. 47
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic007 Just the matter of my extra pay. Neutral 50 Here you go. I promised you an extra reward for coming along, so that's what you get. 48
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic008 I'll be back later. Neutral 50 Keep at it. I need to find out what happened. 49
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic011 Tell me about this "Keith." Neutral 50 Keith's a two-bit hustler, he runs a gambling operation out of his shack. Ask me, he wins way too often to be playing fair. 50
Neutral 50 I suspect he's running drugs, too, I just can't prove it. Maybe you can find something - talk to him, poke around his shack, something. 51
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic012 Sure, I'm in. Why not? Neutral 50 Glad to have you. Let's go. Just stick close and follow my lead. Keith's a cowardly son of a bitch, but he might try something if he's desperate. 52
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic013 I'll leave this one to the law. Neutral 50 Fair enough - you've done a lot already. I appreciate it. 53
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic014 Okay, I'll look into it. Neutral 50 Glad to hear it. 54
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic015 That's too bad, but not my problem. Neutral 50 Hey, you asked, I answered. 55
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic016 Saint James and Dermot were behind it. They're dead now. Neutral 50 How do you know? Did you find proof? 56
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic017 I found this evidence in their rooms - they attacked when I confronted them. Neutral 50 Those sick bastards - can't say I'll shed any tears for them. Here, you've earned this. 57
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic019 I'll keep looking. Neutral 50 All right. Maybe Dermot's got something, as well. 58
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic021 I'll keep looking. Neutral 50 All right. Maybe Saint James has something connected to the refugees as well. 59
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic022 Any ideas what to look for? Neutral 50 We know there's a connection with the refugees, but we need to know where they could be found. There could be more evidence in Dermot's room. 60
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic023 Any ideas what to look for? Neutral 50 We need a direct connection to the refugees, now that we've got an idea of what happened to them. Saint James could have something in his room. 61
vDialogueVegasEast21ECaptainParkerTopic024 I found all the evidence you'll need from Saint James' and Dermot's rooms. Here. Neutral 50 Let's see... a bear. Yes, this belonged to the little girl, so that's a direct connection to the missing people. 62
Neutral 50 And this ledger - I know these names. Nephi and Cook are major players with the Fiends. Dermot and Saint James must be working with them. 63
I found all the evidence you'll need from Saint James' and Dermot's rooms. Here. Neutral 50 Thank you for your help - I'll make sure those sick bastards get what's coming to them. Here, you've earned this. 64


CaptainParkerArrest CaptainParkerArrest Neutral 50 Keith! In the name of the NCR, I'm placing you under arrest for illicit gambling and the sale of unlicensed chems. 65
CaptainParkerArrest Neutral 50 Keith! In the name of the NCR, I'm placing you under arrest for the sale of unlicensed chems. 66
CaptainParkerArrest Neutral 50 Keith! In the name of the NCR, I'm placing you under arrest for illicit gambling. 67
CaptainParkerArrest Neutral 50 Come quietly now, I don't want to have to hurt you. 68
CaptainParkerArrest Neutral 50 You son of a bitch! 69
GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 See you. 70