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Assistant Paris was an assistant scientist at the Big Mountain Research and Development Center in 2077.


Working at the X-13 research facility, Paris was an active member of Project Blue Blood, in which Paris was tasked with menial duties, such as being sent to receive a shipment of cattle prods for the project's night stalker specimens.[1][2]

Knowledgeable over the experiments taking place around them, Paris ended up being the first to notice and expressed well-warranted concern, when the nightstalkers began exhibiting more aggressive behavior towards their handlers. It was then suggested to Paris that he should run new blood tests on the nightstalkers, to find out why this phenomenon was occurring. Meanwhile, Paris' boss, Dr. Calis, arrogantly glossed over the concerns of his assistant, and personally went down to the basement's holding cells to trigger a reaction from the nightstalkers, via cattle prod, in order to show the other project leads some much-needed progress on the nightstalker project.

Discerning no notable data with the blood work, Paris postulated that a change in the nightstalkers' brain chemistry occurred due to the effects of consistent exposure to electrical shocks, in correlation with the chemistry of the injections that the nightstalkers received, in which he then began lamenting the potential for lost progress on the nightstalker project for the war effort, even though the handlers had yet to find a means to control the behavior of their specimens.[3][4][5][6]

Paris was not just an assistant for the nightstalker project, however, and can be acknowledged for his unauthorized work on modifying the X-13 research facility's virtual reality simulation. This addition of Jack and the Beanstalk to the programming, while praised by his colleague Mori, earned nothing more than the ire of Dr. Calis.[7]


Paris is mentioned only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.

