Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Dialogue for humans, robots and creatures ("critters") in Fallout. Each number corresponds to the proto ID used by the game. Note that scripts use a different numbering system (see WORLDMAP.TXT), where the proto number is increased by 16,777,216. To identify which proto is referenced in a script (e.g. Fallout random encounters), substract that value from the proto call.

Eg. Glow2 references Critter_type := 16777261;. After subtracting 16,777,216, we obtain proto ID 45, which corresponds to a floater.

{100}{}{Vault Dweller}
{201}{}{Human male dressed in protective leather clothing}
{301}{}{Human male wearing heavy steel armor.}
{401}{}{A pathetic loser.}
{600}{}{Vault Dweller}
{700}{}{Powered Armor}
{800}{}{Vault Overseer}
{900}{}{Super Mutant}
{1000}{}{Greater Mole Rat}
{1200}{}{Person in Robes}
{1400}{}{Zombie Guard}
{1500}{}{Combat Armor Female}
{1600}{}{Glowing One}
{1700}{}{Leather Jacket Man}
{1900}{}{Leather Jacket Woman}
{2100}{}{Male Combat Armor}
{2201}{}{Human female wearing attractive steel armor.}
{2300}{}{Super Mutant Lieutenant}
{2401}{}{Human female wearing protective leather armor.}
{2600}{}{Vault Dweller}
{2700}{}{Male Guard}
{2801}{}{A two headed, mutant cow.}
{3100}{}{Man in Leather Armor}
{3400}{}{Vault Dweller}
{3500}{}{Vault Dweller}
{3601}{}{A canine, probably of a mixed breed.}
{4100}{}{Person In Power Armor}
{4300}{}{Lesser Centaur}
{4400}{}{Mr. Handy}
{4800}{}{Cave Rat}
{6200}{}{Cathedral Student}
{7000}{}{Raider Guard}
{7300}{}{Garl's Advisor}
{7700}{}{Floating Eye}
{7800}{}{Pig Rat}
{7900}{}{Killian Darkwater}
{10100}{}{Child of the Cathedral}
{10700}{}{Nightkin Guard}
{10800}{}{Tough Super Mutant}
{10900}{}{Ghoul Guard}
{11200}{}{Sheriff Greene}
{11300}{}{Deputy Fry}
{11800}{}{Daren Hightower}
{13900}{}{Super Mutant Medic}
{14001}{}{His hands are glowing with a strange energy.}
{14101}{}{A strange energy flares from his eyes.}
{14201}{}{Her head glows with a strange energy.}
{14301}{}{Small sparks of energy flow over his body.}
{14500}{}{Super Mutant Lieutenant}
{15900}{}{Tough Rat}
{16000}{}{Radiated Rat}
{16100}{}{Tough Radiated Rat}
{16200}{}{Lesser Mole Rat}
{16400}{}{Large Brahma}
{16500}{}{Deathclaw Spawn}
{16600}{}{Nasty Radscorpion}
{16700}{}{Bloody Floater}
{16800}{}{Greater Centaur}
{16900}{}{Lowly Peasant}
{17600}{}{Great Mantis}
{17700}{}{Mean Pig Rat}
{18300}{}{Mad Glowing One}
{18600}{}{Super Mutant Guard}
{18700}{}{Mean Super Mutant}
{18800}{}{Mad Super Mutant}
{18900}{}{Deadly Super Mutant}
{19000}{}{Tough Nightkin}
{19100}{}{Deadly Nightkin}
{19200}{}{Super Nightkin}
{19300}{}{Master Nighkin}
{20600}{}{Vault Dweller}
{20800}{}{Doc Morbid}
{26400}{}{Initiate Knight}
{26500}{}{Senior Initiate Knight}
{26600}{}{Apprentice Knight}
{26700}{}{Journeyman Knight}
{26800}{}{Senior Knight}
{26900}{}{Initiate Knight}
{27000}{}{Senior Initiate Knight}
{27100}{}{Apprentice Knight}
{27200}{}{Journeyman Knight}
{27300}{}{Senior Knight}
{27400}{}{Junior Paladin}
{27600}{}{Senior Paladin}
{27700}{}{Junior Paladin}
{27900}{}{Senior Paladin}
{28000}{}{Initiate Scribe}
{28100}{}{Senior Initiate Scribe}
{28200}{}{Apprentice Scribe}
{28300}{}{Journeyman Scribe}
{28400}{}{Senior Scribe}
{28500}{}{Initiate Scribe}
{28600}{}{Senior Initiate Scribe}
{28700}{}{Apprentice Scribe}
{28800}{}{Journeyman Scribe}
{28900}{}{Senior Scribe}
{29000}{}{Robed Man}
{29100}{}{Master's Child}
{29200}{}{Cathedral Student}
{29300}{}{Robed Woman}
{29400}{}{Master's Child}
{29500}{}{Master's Pet}
{29600}{}{Master's Thug}
{29700}{}{Master's Guard}
{29800}{}{Master's Pet}
{29900}{}{Master's Thug}
{30000}{}{Master's Guard}
{30301}{}{You see a Siberian Husky waiting patiently for her master.}
{30400}{}{Mysterious Stranger}
{30500}{}{Mindless Ghoul}
{30600}{}{Eyeball, Mk II}
{30701}{}{Deathclaw Egg}
{30900}{}{Mother Deathclaw}
{31100}{}{Dead Traveler}
