Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Overbey was the editor of the Charleston Herald before the Great War.


Their office and terminal is located on the third floor of the Charleston Herald building. The terminal notes several leads they were pursuing, including researching the new Automated Voting System and Ballot Measure 6.[1][2] After one of the newspaper's reporters wrote a highly controversial article regarding Sam Blackwell, Overbey supported them, and served as the individual who fielded the backlash.[3][4]

Despite calls for Carter's resignation and severe threats from the United States government, Overbey looked after the reporter and stated publicly the newspaper's intention to keep their identity undisclosed, quoting the freedom of the press and duty to report important news without compromising their sources.[4][5]


The Herald editorial on Allegheny Asylum mentions a male editor who attempted to file for reporter Eleanor Tarquin's release from Allegheny Asylum as part of an undercover investigation in 2061, though it is unknown if this was Overbey.


Overbey is mentioned in Fallout 76.

