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Fallout Wiki

Ouroboros gate is the entrance to Ouroboros.


The city itself is surrounded by a wall composed of flatbed trailers lying on their side. Just outside the wall is a trench filled with junk and debris of various shapes and sizes. The city gates are made from a flatbed cut in half and then mounted on the axle of yet another flatbed. A lift-gate from a truck spans the trench at the gate. Rising above the wall on either side of the gate is a small watchtower. Guards are stationed in the watchtowers at all times. Another guard is stationed at the lift-gate.

Daily activity[]

The guards watch for any large forces approaching the city. If one is spotted then the lift-gate is raised and the gates sealed. The defenders then try to outlast the siege. There are ample food and water stored in the city to last for a month or more. This should be long enough to outlast any attackers who do not have well-established supply lines. Small groups or individuals are allowed to approach and enter the city without any hindrance.


Ouroboros was to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.

Behind the scenes[]

Ouroboros means "tail-devouring snake" in Greek, and is usually depicted by a snake or dragon eating its own tail.
