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The following page lists conversations between NPCs in Operation: Anchorage. The headers below are organized by the technical quest in which these conversations are implemented.


These are scripted conversations which occur during Aiding the Outcasts.


This is the first of three scripted "conversations" between Defender Morrill and two generic Outcasts following him in Bailey's Crossroads. It occurs at the entrance to the ruined buildings between the metro plaza and the Outcast outpost. The three responses used by the two Outcasts are entirely random. As a result, only two of the three responses will be heard on a given run of the quest.

Speaker Conversation
Defender Morrill "Outcasts, we've got to secure those ruins before we can reach the base!"
Brotherhood Outcasts "Yes, sir! Proceeding."
"Yessir. Heading uphill, wiping out some green."
"Let's move, people."


This is the second of three scripted "conversations" between Defender Morrill and two generic Outcasts following him in Bailey's Crossroads. It occurs in the middle of the ruins. The three responses used by the two Outcasts are entirely random. As a result, only two of the three responses will be heard on a given run of the quest.

Speaker Conversation
Defender Morrill "Point secure. That just leaves these mutants in the ruins. Outcasts, move out!"
Brotherhood Outcasts "Ready. Let's hit the ruins."
"Entering the ruins."
"Pushing into the ruined building."


This is the third of three scripted "conversations" between Defender Morrill and two generic Outcasts following him in Bailey's Crossroads. It occurs at the Outcast outpost once all enemies have been killed. The three responses available to the two Outcasts are entirely random. As a result, only two of the three responses will be heard on a given run of the quest.

Speaker Conversation
Defender Morrill "All mutants have been put down. Outcasts, proceed to the base!"
Brotherhood Outcasts "Area clear. Returning to base."
"Done here. Back to base."
"That's the last of them. Moving to base."


There are two versions of this conversation, which occurs while riding the elevator down into the Outcast outpost, depending on how the player interacted with Defender Morrill before boarding the elevator. If Morrill died for any reason, including being killed by the player, or if the player successfully used an Average Speech challenge while wearing Outcast power armor, the second version will be used. Otherwise, the first version will be used, with an alternate line depending on the player character's gender.

Bugged Defender Sibley's last line in the first version of this conversation does not play in-game, as the generic Outcast's last line is flagged to end the conversation.

# Speaker Conversation
1 Brotherhood Outcast "...all I'm saying is, why can't we just ice the guy and use his computer ourselves?"
"...all I'm saying is, why can't we just ice the chick and use the computer ourselves?"
Defender Sibley "McGraw gave orders. It's that simple."
Brotherhood Outcast "Come on, man. How long you gonna let McGraw screw us over like this?"
Defender Sibley "That's enough. McGraw's in charge, so we follow his orders, no matter how much we don't like it."
2 Brotherhood Outcast "...like I said, Morrill should be up top. So who the hell's in the elevator?"
Defender Sibley "No idea. Stay sharp, but don't open fire without my order."
Brotherhood Outcast "Man, this is the last thing we need..."


This conversation occurs in the Outcast outpost when Defender Sibley leads the player character to Specialist Olin.

Speaker Conversation
Defender Sibley "Knock knock, Olin. Got a new best friend for you."
Specialist Olin "What?"
Defender Sibley "Yep. Let's hope you treat this one better than the last guy, huh? Heh heh."
Specialist Olin "Go to hell, Sibley. You know that wasn't my fault."
Defender Sibley "Sure, whatever. Just make some progress, okay? We're all looking to get out of here."
Specialist Olin "Fine, then get out and let me do my job."


This quest holds the conversation that occurs at the end of Operation: Anchorage!, when Defender Sibley confronts Protector McGraw after the Lone Wanderer emerges from the simulation.

Speaker Conversation
Defender Sibley "All right, McGraw. This has gone on long enough."
Protector McGraw "Dammit Sibley, now's not the time."
Defender Sibley "No, sir. Now IS the time. There's no way in hell I'm letting this... local... walk out with anything."
Protector McGraw "I've made it quite clear that it's not your call. A deal's a deal."
Defender Sibley "Sorry, sir, but it IS my call now. I'm not taking orders from you anymore."
Protector McGraw "Treason, Sibley? Really? You're not going to get away with this."
Defender Sibley "No, you're not going to get away with giving up the tech we risked our asses for."
Protector McGraw "Burn in hell, traitor!"
Defender Sibley "I'll see you there..."


This quest holds three dynamically-occurring but non-randomized conversations between General Constantine Chase and Lieutenant Thomas Morgan in the US Army Field Headquarters.

# Speaker Conversation
01 General Chase "What are we looking at for losses if we pull this off?"
Lieutenant Morgan "I'd say about 20 percent, sir. But that number significantly decreases if we can get the tin cans in there."
General Chase "Good, good. Keep monitoring the battlefield and let me know when we've punched through the Pulse Field."
Lieutenant Morgan "Sir, yes sir!"
02 General Chase "How's our boys in the suits doing?"
Lieutenant Morgan "The T-51b units are at 95 percent readiness level. We've had a bit of trouble adapting them to the cold."
General Chase "Well, tell those men they need to be ready. As soon as the Pulse Field is down, we need them cocked, locked and ready to rock."
Lieutenant Morgan "Absolutely sir. I'll make sure they're ready."
03 General Chase "Any word from Washington on my latest request?"
Lieutenant Morgan "Sorry sir, they said the technicians are still dragging their heels a bit on the fusion power plant issues."
General Chase "Well you tell them that if they want their viable liberation contingency ready in case Operation: Anchorage fails, they need to get off their asses!"
Lieutenant Morgan "Affirmative, sir. I'll inform them of your, ummm, displeasure at their progress."


This quest contains a scripted conversation used for the scene at the Abandoned Mining Town involving McKinney and an unnamed American soldier, in which McKinney is killed by a sniper after peeking out from cover. The scene starts with the two soldiers hiding behind cover. The unnamed soldier warns the player character about the sniper, after which McKinney finds the sniper's location and runs out from cover, getting killed. The unnamed soldier then says his last two lines in the scene.

Speaker Conversation
American soldier "Hold it. Sniper."
McKinney "Got him!"
American soldier "McKinney! Jesus! You got a death wish?!"
McKinney "He's up on that ridge. Right over there."
American soldier "Fu-ucck!!! Damnit, McKinney! We've got to take out that goddamned sniper! We're pinned in here."

Outcast Conversation System[]

This quest (editor ID: DLC02ConvOutcast) implements a dynamic conversation system for all generic Brotherhood Outcasts in and around the Outcast outpost, using randomized prompts and responses. Defender Morrill is technically able to say these lines as well, but his AI routines do not allow him to talk with other NPCs.

Speaker Conversation
Brotherhood Outcast (1) "Want to get your take on something..."
"Hey... Um... Ah, nevermind... It's nothing..."
"So, um..."
"You know, I've been thinking..."
"Got a second? I just..."
"I need to talk to you... Two minutes of your time, that's all I'm asking..."
Brotherhood Outcast (2) "What? What is it?"
"What's on your mind?"
"Spit it out, soldier."
"You got somethin' to say, say it."
"I'm listening..."
"Come on, I don't have all day. What's up?"
Brotherhood Outcast (1) "Don't you get the feeling that this is all just a waste of time? I mean, how do we REALLY know that simulation gives access to the tech?"
"It's just... I don't know, I feel kind of bad about that Gary guy. Not his fault the Pip-Boy didn't work. Did we really need to... you know."
"Look, we've been dropping like Bloatflies lately. How long can we keep those Frankensteins at bay? One more focused attack, and we're all dead."
"Just... If Casdin were in charge, we would have had the tech and been back at Fort Independence yesterday. Protector McGraw is in over his head."
"You ever wonder what they're doing? You know, back at the Citadel? I mean, sure, Lyons went off-mission... but it wasn't a bad life, was it?"
"This is such a wild goose chase. Lost tech? Please. Only thing we're going to find in this tomb is canned peaches and moldy blankets."
"Let's say we DO find some really high-grade tech. Seems to me, a group of enterprising grunts could strike off on their own. Go... independent."
"Just hear me out. I've been thinking… imagine what a group like Talon Company could do with the two of us. Huh? You and me, goin' merc..."
"Well. I, um... Listen, when all this is over, I... I think I might go back. Not to the Citadel! I mean, all the way back. You know, back west."
Brotherhood Outcast (2) "What? You cannot be serious. Just... stop talking. You're going to get us both killed."
"Have you lost your mind? If the Protector hears you talking like that..."
"Troop, you are having a serious malfunction... Would you listen to yourself? That's treason!"
"Huh? What are you TALKING about? Look, would you just... just get back to your assignment. I'm not listening to this."
"I don't know where this is coming from soldier, but I've heard enough. Button it, or I'll report you myself."
"No! No, no, no no. You want to talk crazy, do it someplace else. I'm keeping my mouth shut and following orders."
"Oh, not again! You've got to shake this stuff off. Get your head clear. You're an Outcast, now, just like the rest of us. Deal with it already. Okay?"
Brotherhood Outcast (1) "I know, I know... It's just..."
"Oh, get off your high horse! You see what's happening around here. We've been falling apart since we left the Citadel. I'm sick of it!"
"Yeah, but... I mean..."
"Come on, you know I'm right! I overheard what you said yesterday."
"Oh. But I just thought... You know..."
"Wait, wait! What I MEANT to say, was that, um..."
"Right, like you're the model of well adjustment. I see the way you eye McGraw. You'd cut and run if the opportunity presented itself. Admit it."
"I thought you'd understand. You of all people. I guess I was wrong."
Brotherhood Outcast (2) "This conversation's over."
"Do us both a favor and walk away, and forget this conversation ever took place."
"Get away from me, moron. And pray I don't report you."
"Ugh! No more. Just... no more."
"You still here? Cause some of us have orders to follow."
"Dismissed, soldier."
"Treason. That's the word, soldier. Think about it while you're getting the hell away from me. Now shoo."
"Enough! Okay? You go down, I ain't letting you drag me down with you."
"Back off, troop, or I WILL report your sorry ass."
Brotherhood Outcast (1) "Look, I'm sorry if I upset you. Okay? I'll just... get back to my duties now. No problem."
"Well that was a waste of time..."
"Think about what I said."
"*Sigh.* Whatever."
"Okay, okay. I'm going. But I'm right. You know I'm right."
"Pfft. All right. I'll leave you alone, so you can pretend everything is fine. But you're kidding yourself, you know that."
"I'm leaving, already!"
"All right, all right. Forget I said anything."
"Wow, okay, I'm sorry. I was just... kidding..."

Soldier Conversation System[]

This quest (editor ID: DLC02ConvSoldier) implements a dynamic conversation system for generic American characters in the Anchorage Reclamation simulation, using randomized prompts and responses. This includes all types of American soldier (listed in further detail on their article) and all strike team units (listed in further detail on their article), as well as American grease-monkeys and the American war correspondent.

For simplicity, both the speaker and target are referred to here as American soldiers.

Speaker Conversation
American soldier (1) "So... you ready for this?"
"How you feelin'?"
"This waiting is killing me. I just want get out there, get it over with. How 'bout you -- doin' all right?"
"Almost time. You doin' okay?"
"God, the adrenaline is giving me the shakes. How you holdin' up?"
"How can you be so relaxed? Before the day is out, we'll be fighting for our lives. You do realize that... right?"
"Look at you, all calm, cool and collected. Doesn't the fact that we're surrounded by Chinese troops make you even a little bit anxious?"
American soldier (2) "All I need is a weapon at my front and you sons o' bitches at my back. I'm ready to get this thing done."
"I'm ready to kill me some Commies, I can tell you that much."
"I ever tell you I got an aunt lives in Anchorage? She's in there... somewhere. And God help me, I'm gonna get those Reds out of her backyard."
"Man, Anchorage ain't nothin'. You know what all this is? Practice. Next stop, Shanghai. Just you wait."
"You know me. My day ain't complete unless I've killed me some Reds. So let's start the killin' already..."
"I'm feelin' that 'twitch' in my eyebrow. You, know, that one I get when there are Commies around. Gonna be a fun day!"
"What good's having a weapon if they won't let me use it? Pal, I am ready to flick the safety off and engage."
American soldier (1) "Well, don't you go actin' the hero on me, all right? You'll hog all the medals, like last time."
"Yeah, well, you just remember you're not a one-man army, and you may live long enough to enjoy the victory."
"Oh, that's right. You signed up for this crap. Sometimes I forget you actually like killing people. Maybe we can just send you in by yourself."
"Spoken like a true defender of freedom. Just don't go doin' anything stupid out there, okay? Remember, I'll be standing next to you."
"I just want to get in there, kill a couple Reds for good measure, and then get my ass back to base camp."
American soldier (2) "Well, now, remember... We got a lot of damn Chinese to kill. Millions of 'em. You're gonna have to step up your game. Do some real soldierin'."
"I haven't died yet, have I? In fact, I'm startin' to think I'm indestructible. Like some kind of superhero. You can call me... 'Supergrunt.'"
"Soldier, you just stick with me. We'll be the most highly decorated soldiers in the Army when this thing is done."
"Hey, I'll do whatever it takes. You know why? If I don't protect the weak -- you know, people like you -- who will?"
"Well, I do have a sort of 'secondary objective' I need to get done. My kid brother back home wants one of them Chinese guns. Things could get ugly."
American soldier (1) "Okay, now you're just babblin'. I'll talk to ya later."
"You're crazy, you know that?"
"We live through this, and you're buying the beers."
"It's like talking to a child sometimes, you know that?"
