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This is a transcript for dialogue with Old Man Stockton.


1-I'm Stockton. You've heard of Old Man Stockton, yes?
2I run three caravans that travel throughout the Commonwealth.
3You ever buy anything from Goodneighbor or Diamond City? Odds are, it's been delivered by my men.
4If you ever find yourself needing to buy or sell something, especially in bulk, talk to one of my employees in the market.
5You look thirsty. Enjoy an iced cold Nuka-Cola on me, friend.
6I hope you find your visit here profitable.


(Stockton's holotape)
{Very nervous} Update. Observed unusual activity has ceased.A1a
8{Urgent} Window is open for a heavy to make contact but they should act now.Player Default: The package is still in my possession. It cannot remain here safely for much longer. Out.A1b
9Player Default: Window is open for a heavy to make contact but they should act now.{Serious, urgent} The package is still in my possession. It cannot remain here safely for much longer. Out.A1a


10MS17_600a_StocktonTurnIn{Very cordial, thankful / Grateful} There you are. You're the one that rescued my Amelia.OldManStockton: From what she told me it sounds just... horrible. Just horrible.A
11NPCMOldManStockton: There you are. You're the one that rescued my Amelia.{Can't imagine it, sounds concerned for his daughter / Sad} From what she told me it sounds just... horrible. Just horrible.Player Default: Happy to help.A1a
12Player Default: Happy to help.{Happy to give it / Grateful} Here's your amply deserved reward.OldManStockton: I had hired a mercenary to do the job, but clearly I should've hired you instead, eh? Thank you.A1a
13Player Default: Amelia said something about a reward.{Happy to give it} Of course she did. And you'll be paid, never you fear.OldManStockton: I had hired a mercenary to do the job, but clearly I should've hired you instead, eh? Thank you.B1a
14Player Default: Well, she's safe now.{Happy to give it / Grateful} Here's your amply deserved reward.OldManStockton: I had hired a mercenary to do the job, but clearly I should've hired you instead, eh? Thank you.X1a
15Player Default: Doctor Chambers said Amelia was a synth. Is that true?{Sounds shocked - but he's so suave it's hard to tell if he's acting (he is) / Sad} Is that what they said? That whole Compound sounds... insane. Amelia's my daughter and that is that.Y1a
16{Happy to give it / Grateful} You've helped my family out dearly and for that, you deserve a reward.OldManStockton: I had hired a mercenary to do the job, but clearly I should've hired you instead, eh? Thank you.Y1b
17Player Default: Here's your amply deserved reward.{Sharing a joke, super friendly and thankful} I had hired a mercenary to do the job, but clearly I should've hired you instead, eh? Thank you.A1a
18MS17_600b_StocktonTurnInPCRailroad{Happy to see the PC, daughter is said mockingly - she isn't his daughter and the player should know that / Conspiratorial} There you are. You're the one that rescued my "daughter," yes?OldManStockton: I hadn't asked for help from... our mutual friends. But I'm glad you were there, nonetheless.A
19NPCMOldManStockton: There you are. You're the one that rescued my "daughter," yes?{Thankful / Grateful} I hadn't asked for help from... our mutual friends. But I'm glad you were there, nonetheless.Player Default: Helping you is becoming a habit.A1a
20Player Default: Helping you is becoming a habit.{Friendly / Friendly} One I am grateful for. You deserve this for all you've done.OldManStockton: I had hired a mercenary to do the job, but clearly I should've contacted you instead, eh? Thank you.A1a
21Player Default: She mentioned a reward.{Happy to give it} For all you've done you deserve it.OldManStockton: I had hired a mercenary to do the job, but clearly I should've contacted you instead, eh? Thank you.B1a
22Player Default: I'm surprised you didn't contact Dez about this.{Explaining himself, logically} Caravans are attacked all too often. I thought it was just an unfortunate coincedence. The evidence pointed to raiders.X1a
23{Thoughtful} And with all of us still recovering from the mishap with the Facility. Well, I didn't want to call for assistance unless I knew it was required.X1b
24{Happy to give it} But it turned out well. So well, that you deserve to be rewarded.OldManStockton: I had hired a mercenary to do the job, but clearly I should've contacted you instead, eh? Thank you.X1c
25Player Default: Doctor Chambers said Amelia was a synth. Was she right?{Hushed, conspiratorial} Keep it down. Amelia's a synth though even she doesn't know that.Y1a
26{Thinking aloud, firm} After what she went through with those monsters, maybe she suspects. But there's nothing to be done about that now.Y1b
27{Concerned for her} A runner has already picked her up. Hopefully the poor girl finds a safe new home.Player Default: Helping you is becoming a habit.Y1c
28Player Default: One I am grateful for. You deserve this for all you've done.{Amused, friendly} I had hired a mercenary to do the job, but clearly I should've contacted you instead, eh? Thank you.A1a
29MS17_600c_StocktonTurnInDeadRailroad{Very fretful, distracted - but trying to be gracious / Afraid} Thank you for saving Amelia.OldManStockton: But right now is a perilous time for any Railroad agents.A
30NPCMOldManStockton: Thank you for saving Amelia.{Rushed, intense / Afraid} But right now is a perilous time for any Railroad agents.OldManStockton: I'm leaving the Commonwealth, and I recommend you do, as well.A1a
31OldManStockton: But right now is a perilous time for any Railroad agents.{Scared, warning to someone he respects / Afraid} I'm leaving the Commonwealth, and I recommend you do, as well.A1a
32-If you're here about the missing caravan the contract's already been picked up.
33The mercenary I hired comes highly recommended. I'm certain I don't need further assistance.
34Best of luck to you and your endeavors, though.


35RRM01_0300_MeetingStockton{Salesman, laced with double meaning (secret code words being used here) / Friendly} Welcome, my friend. Might I ask, do you have a geiger counter?Player Default: I have a geiger counter built into my Pip-Boy.A
36{Salesman, laced with double meaning (secret code words being used here) / Friendly} Ah, are you here about the geiger counter?Player Default: I have a geiger counter built into my Pip-Boy.A
37Player Default: I have a geiger counter built into my Pip-Boy.{Salesman, friendly} What a fortunate soul you are. Never will you have to worry about walking into a hot spot unawares.A1a
38{Salesman, trying to be convincing} If you're ever in the market to sell that handy device, please let me know.OldManStockton: You're with our mutual friends, yes?A1b
39Player Default: No, I don't have one.{Salesman pitch} Then today may be your lucky day. We're expecting a full shipment shortly. Remember: what you don't know, could kill you.OldManStockton: You're with our mutual friends, yes?B1a
40Player Default: "Mine is in the shop."{Slightly confused, double speak / Surprised} You? I was expecting someone of the... feminine persuasion.OldManStockton: You're with our mutual friends, yes?X1a
41Player Default: "Mine is in the shop."{Slightly confused, double speak / Surprised} You? I was expecting someone a bit more... armed.OldManStockton: You're with our mutual friends, yes?X2a
42Player Default: Why do you ask?{Salesman, spinning a tale (sounds fake)} We're expecting a full shipment of geiger counters shortly. Some scavenger found them in an abandonned vault.Y1a
43{Enticing} Come back later and perhaps you'll be able to purchase one of these life-saving devices.OldManStockton: You're with our mutual friends, yes?Y1b
44Player Default: If you're ever in the market to sell that handy device, please let me know.{Double speak, still doesn't trust the PC / Conspiratorial} You're with our mutual friends, yes?Player Default: That's right.A1a
45Player Default: That's right.{Double speak} It's always nice to make new friends.OldManStockton: You've just joined, haven't you? All you need to know is this is the first stop for all our new... packages.A1a
46Player Default: Yeah, I'm with the Railroad.{Hushed, annoyed. The player just said something that could get them both in trouble if overheard. / Irritated} Perhaps you should lower your voice? And choose your words with greater care.OldManStockton: You've just joined, haven't you? All you need to know is this is the first stop for all our new... packages.B1a
47Player Default: Let's say I am.{Appreciative of the player's shrewdness} Of course.OldManStockton: You've just joined, haven't you? All you need to know is this is the first stop for all our new... packages.X1a
48Player Default: You're the one that needs help, right?{Troubled} Indeed, I do.OldManStockton: You've just joined, haven't you? All you need to know is this is the first stop for all our new... packages.Y1a
49Player Default: It's always nice to make new friends.{Opening up, double-speak (packages = synths) / Friendly} You've just joined, haven't you? All you need to know is this is the first stop for all our new... packages.A1a
50{Serious / Conspiratorial} So maintaining proper security here and preventing any unnecessary delays is crucial.Player Default: No one likes delays.A1b
51Player Default: No one likes delays.{Double meaning / Conspiratorial} It's bad for business.OldManStockton: My current package has been in my possession far too long.A1a
52Player Default: You're talking about synths, right?{Hushed and annoyed / Irritated} Yes, I am talking about synths.OldManStockton: My current package has been in my possession far too long.B1a
53Player Default: A trader always has to move his merchandise efficiently.{Shrewdly appreciative} Exactly.OldManStockton: My current package has been in my possession far too long.X1a
54Player Default: Why do all packages start here?{Cautious, a little wary} If you don't know the answer to that already, I'm not certain I should tell you.Player Default: No one likes delays.Y1a
55Player Default: Why do all packages start here?{Choosing his words carefully, believes he's being overheard} When a package leaves the manufacturer they go to a specific location. The location changes, but for now it's here.Y2a
56{Grim} So if I'm compromised, the whole supply chain dries up.Player Default: You've got a tough job here.Y2b
57Player Default: Why do all packages start here?{Evasive} Let's just stick to business, shall we?OldManStockton: My current package has been in my possession far too long.Y3a
58OldManStockton: It's bad for business.{nervous / Conspiratorial} My current package has been in my possession far too long.A1a
59{Double speak, the end of his leading question "kill them".} I'm supposed to deliver the package to someplace nearby. But raiders have complicated matters. So if you could...?Player Default: So I just need to wipe out a few raiders. Done.A1b
60Player Default: So I just need to wipe out a few raiders. Done.{Genuine, maybe a half chuckle at the start} I like you already.OldManStockton: It's scheduled to be a nighttime delivery. So if you can clear out the undesirables before dawn, we can do this tonight. See you soon.A1a
61Player Default: So I'm just muscle.{Unphased by the player's annoyance, doesn't mind calling the player a tool / Friendly} Other problems I can solve myself. But sometimes you need a hammer.OldManStockton: It's scheduled to be a nighttime delivery. So if you can clear out the undesirables before dawn, we can do this tonight. See you soon.B1a
62Player Default: If it's such a problem, why not just change the delivery site?{Explaining} The rendezvous site has worked for flawlessly many times. Introducing variables is always dangerous.Y1a
63{Translation of double-speak: "Raiders are trivial, the Institute is way more scary", serious} So clearing out the raiders is overall safer than risking our package being intercepted by our competitors.OldManStockton: It's scheduled to be a nighttime delivery. So if you can clear out the undesirables before dawn, we can do this tonight. See you soon.Y1b
64Player Default: I like you already.{Explaining} It's scheduled to be a nighttime delivery. So if you can clear out the undesirables before dawn, we can do this tonight. See you soon.A1a
65Player Default: I like you already.{Explaining} We're supposed to make the delivery at night. So once you clear out the undesirables, we'll meet after the sun sets.A2a
66RRM01_0300a_MoreInfoPlayer Default: You've got a tough job here.{Comfortable complimenting himself / Happy} It requires a degree of finesse. But I am happy to do my part.A1a
67Player Default: Just tell me what you mean.{Sigh at the beginning, hushed but talking straight, urgent / Irritated} This... synth... is fresh from the Institute. He's disoriented, he's never seen anything like our world. I can't hide him here forever.B1a
68{Transition from hushed to normal conversational level. Double-speak again. End of sentence is "Kill the raiders"} I've tried to deliver him at the rendezvous location, but raiders have made that impossible. So if you could...?B1b
69Player Default: Sounds like Bunker Hill's important.{Patting himself on the back / Happy} Arguably, it's the most important.X1a
70Player Default: How do they know where to go?{Hushed, confiding - accidentally says "Patriot" and realizes it} We have someone on the inside. He points them here. Why Patriot chose Bunker Hill, I'll never know.Player Default: You've got a tough job here.Y1a
71Player Default: How do they know where to go?{Wary} I think I've said too much already.Y2a
72Player Default: How do they know where to go?{Annoyed at himself} Someone I really shouldn't have mentioned.Y3a
73RRM01_0400_H222Arrives{Hushed, wary / Worried} Everything looks clear.OldManStockton: This is H2-22. H2, here's the person I talked to you about.A
74OldManStockton: Remember what I told you, H2.{Moving to light a lantern} I'll fire up the signal.A1a
75NPCMOldManStockton: Everything looks clear.{Quick introductions, trying to reassure H2 / Friendly} This is H2-22. H2, here's the person I talked to you about.Player Default: Nice to meet you, H2.A1a
76Player Default: Another person actually happy to meet me. This'll take some getting used to.{Said carefully, referring to another previous important conversation they had / Friendly} Remember what I told you, H2.OldManStockton: I'll fire up the signal.A1a
77Player Default: This isn't an ice cream social, Stockton.{Conceding the point} You're quite right.OldManStockton: I'll fire up the signal.B1a
78Player Default: Quick. Got it.{Said carefully, referring to another previous important conversation they had} Remember what I told you, H2.OldManStockton: I'll fire up the signal.X1a
79Player Default: It's my designation.{Some fire in here, he's passionate about the cause / Irritated} The Institute doesn't bother to name their property. Synths are just numbers and letters to them.OldManStockton: I'll fire up the signal.Y1a
80RRM01_0400b_ByeStockton{Just did a task} And... There.OldManStockton: Time for me to go. Keep H2 safe. Someone will be here shortly.A1a
81OldManStockton: And... There.{Wary, serious - "I wish you well" in tone} Time for me to go. Keep H2 safe. Someone will be here shortly.A1a
82-{Coy double-speak, "Good op, let's do more missions together"} A pleasure doing business with you. I will recommend your services to others.
83{Mildly giving orders} Secure the delivery site. Then we'll join you.