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This is a transcript for dialogue with Old Man Harris.


AndaleOldManHArrisGreeting1 Whoa, slow down, grandpa. What's wrong? Fear 50 What's wrong? You don't see anything wrong with a quiet little town full of friendly people in the middle of a blasted wasteland? 1
AndaleOldManHArrisGreeting3 Yeah... you go get some sleep, crazy old man. I'll be going now... Neutral 50 If you know what's good for you, you'll get out as soon as you can. They're crazy! Crazy, I tell you! 2
AndaleOldManHarrisGreeting1a Well, I haven't talked to anyone here but you. Are they friendly? Fear 50 No! Well... yes. But it's all a trick. Don't you know anything? Does that number on your back mean that you just crawled out of a vault or something? {Afraid, Warning the player.} 3
Neutral 50 Just about everyone in the wasteland knows to avoid Andale, and they're right to do it. People wander in here, and they don't wander back out. 4
Well, I haven't talked to anyone here but you. Are they friendly? Fear 50 No! Well... yes. But it's all a trick. Don't you know anything? Did you just crawl out of a vault or something? {Afraid, Warning the player.} 5
Neutral 50 Just about everyone in the wasteland knows to avoid Andale, and they're right to do it. People wander in here, and they don't wander back out. 6
You know, there is something a bit "off" about them... Fear 50 Of course there's something off about them, everyone knows to avoid Andale! The caravans know it, the Raiders know it, even the Radscorpions know it. {Afraid, Warning the player.} 7
Neutral 50 Folks wander into this place, and they don't wander back out. Oh sure, it seems nice, a regular town of out time here, but don't let it fool you. 8
AndaleOldManHarrisGreeting1a1 Well, I'll be careful, I guess. Neutral 50 You should! Otherwise, you'll end up just like the rest! 9
Neutral 50 What? You don't believe me? Just look in the basements! Or out in that shed! You'll see what I mean! 10
AndaleOldManHarrisGreeting1a2 Shhh.... time for a nap, gramps. Neutral 50 What? You don't believe me? Just look in the basements! Or out in that shed! You'll see what I mean! 11
AndaleOldManHarrisGreeting1b What's wrong with being friendly? Neutral 50 Nothin' wrong with being friendly, but these folks aren't just friendly they're killers! 12
Fear 50 You just watch your back around here! And get out while you can! 13
AndaleOldManHarrisGreeting1c You're right. I hate friendly people. Neutral 50 And you're right sensible to. Especially around here. The friendly neighbor bit is just an act, these people are stone cold killers! 14
Fear 50 Get out while you can! Just get as far away from here as possible! 15
AndaleOldManHarrisKids What's going to happen to the kids? Neutral 50 They'll stay here with me and I'll raise them myself. It's a shame that they have to grow up without their parents. 16
Sad 50 But, to tell you the truth, it's a lot better than growing up with their parents, everything considered. 17
Pained 50 Better an orphan than a cannibal, I guess? {Trying to find humor in the tragedy.} 18
AndaleOldManHarrisNowWhat Now what will you do? Sad 50 We'll do our best, is what we'll do. Me an the kids here in Andale... what's left of it, anyway. 19
Neutral 50 It'll be hard goin', but we'll do the best we can. 20
Neutral 50 I just hope that one day, these kids'll grow up to go some good for this place, after all the evil that's been done here. 21
AndaleOldManHarrisPast So, you grew up here too? Sad 50 Sure did. Can't say that I'm proud of it, though. It was all just normal. It's what we all did. I didn't ever think much about it. 22
Neutral 50 I married Gladys, just like every boy in Andale married the girl closest to his age. We had Linda and she grew up to marry Jack. 23
Sad 50 It wasn't until Gladys died that I thought about what went on around here. So many people over the years... hundreds... thousands, maybe? 24
Neutral 50 But what could I do? I'm just an old man. But you ended it. Bless you. 25
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 I saw what happened out there, stranger. Those people may have been my family but... it had to be done. 26
Neutral 50 I was like them for so many years... it's... I can't even talk about it. 27
Neutral 50 The only thing that I can do is try to raise these kids and make Andale into a decent place. 28
GREETING Neutral 50 This is such an ugly place... so many bad memories. But we're trying. 29
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm not sure why you'd come back here, but I'm glad to see you. 30
GREETING Neutral 50 Little by little, each day, I'm trying to clean up the mess my family left. 31
GREETING Neutral 50 Wha- how? How did you get in here? What are you doing in this town? Get out! Get out while you can! 32
GREETING Neutral 50 Get out of here! Run! 33
GREETING Neutral 50 They're crazy! Crazy I tell you! 34
GREETING Neutral 50 Get out of town while you still can! 35


GOODBYE I have to go now. Neutral 50 Get out! Get out while you can! 36
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Run, stranger! Run! 37
I have to go now. Neutral 50 Go, get out of here before they get you too! 38
HELLO HELLO Neutral 50 What... who are you? 39
HELLO Neutral 50 Why are you still here? Go! 40
HELLO Neutral 50 Are you crazy? Get out of here! 41
HELLO Neutral 50 Don't be fooled by them! 42