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Dialogue for Kerith, deathclaw mother in Vault 13.


{100}{}{You see a deathclaw.}
{101}{}{You see Kerith, the deathclaw mother.}
{102}{}{You see a typical deathclaw. The creature is huge, with a powerful body, sharp teeth, and long claws. This one appears to be female but you can not tell with any certainty. You notice the scars of several injuries on her torso.}
{103}{}{A human visitor is an unexpected but not unwelcome event. I am Kerith.}
{104}{}{What can I help you with?}
{105}{}{You D'claw mother?}
{106}{}{Who D'claw father?}
{107}{}{Door look like crap. What happen?}
{108}{}{Who build nest room?}
{109}{}{Me go now.}
{110}{}{So, you are the deathclaw mother?}
{111}{}{Who is the deathclaw father?}
{112}{}{What happened to the door? It looks like it has seen better days.}
{113}{}{Who built this hatchery?}
{114}{}{I'll be leaving now.}
{115}{}{Yes. I am the current pack mother. After my eggs hatch, the other mothers will have their turn.}
{117}{}{Other mothers?}
{118}{}{I see.}
{119}{}{There are other mothers?}
{120}{}{Yes, there are more mothers. Should anything happen to me, one will be chosen to take my place. The pack must survive.}
{121}{}{Uh, me understand.}
{122}{}{I understand.}
{123}{}{These eggs were sired by Gruthar, the pack leader. It is Gruthar who decides who will mate and who will not. The pack will be made strong by Gruthar.}
{124}{}{Uh, okay.}
{125}{}{Hmmm. I see. Selective breeding to improve the strain.}
{126}{}{That is a painful memory. A treacherous human sneaked in here and planted a bomb among the eggs while I was asleep. Fortunately he was not as stealthy leaving and I awoke to find the bomb. There was not enough time to deal with the device properly, so I threw it at the door and placed myself between it and the eggs. The eggs and I survived. The door did not.}
{127}{}{What happen to human?}
{128}{}{How get by guard outside?}
{129}{}{Me got more questions.}
{130}{}{What happened to the person who did this?}
{131}{}{How did this person get by the guard outside?}
{132}{}{I have some more questions.}
{133}{}{His name is Matt, and he is a prisoner here. Personally, I wanted him dead -- but Gruthar would not allow it. I do not see the wisdom in this, but Gruthar's word is law and he will be obeyed. Should you talk to this human, take care. He can not be trusted!}
{134}{}{How get by guard outside?}
{136}{}{How did this person get by the guard outside?}
{138}{}{The guard was added after this incident occurred. We were more trusting back then. Now we are more careful.}
{139}{}{What happen to human?}
{140}{}{Me got it.}
{141}{}{What happened to this person?}
{142}{}{I see.}
{143}{}{We built the cave portion, and a human friend installed the door. He got the parts from a settlement north-east of here.}
{144}{}{That nice.}
{145}{}{That's nice.}
{146}{}{Hello again. It is good to see you. What can I help you with?}
{147}{}{Me just say hello. Me go now.}
{148}{}{Just saying hi. I'll be going now.}
{149}{}{It saddens me to have to kill you.}
