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This is a transcript for dialogue with Birch.


GREETING GREETING Anger 80 I thought I was quite clear. Leave or we will be forced to take action! 1
GREETING Sad 80 The Great One is dead. Slain by your hand. Don't worry, I hold no grudge towards you. 2
Sad 100 You'll have to forgive my people at a time like this, Outsider. They aren't used to being so lost. 3
Sad 50 And for once, I don't have the words to help them. 4
GREETING Sad 70 The choice you made disturbs me, Outsider. Why you chose to side with my wife when it's quite clear Oasis would be in peril eludes me. 5
Sad 50 No matter. What's done is done, and I'll still do the best that I can keeping Him safe from those that seek to harm Him. 6
GREETING Happy 70 You've done a great deed this day, my friend. You've ensured the safety of the Great One and the inhabitants of Oasis. 7
GREETING Happy 70 Yes, Outsider? What is it? 8
GREETING Happy 70 I know why you're here and despite what my wife thinks, I know you'll do what's best for Oasis. 9
Neutral 50 After all, He chose you and He would never want to put us in harm's way. 10
GREETING Happy 80 What's wrong? Why are you leaving? 11
GREETING Happy 80 As soon as the rest of the Treeminders are in place, we'll begin. 12
GREETING Happy 80 What is it you wish to talk about, my friend? 13
GREETING Happy 80 You have no idea how overjoyed I am to see you! Normally Outsiders are forbidden inside Oasis, but He has made an exception. 14
GREETING Happy 90 We will speak once we've arrived in the Pavilion. Not to worry, all will be explained. 15
GREETING Happy 90 I'm so glad you're here. It's been a while since anyone's visited us, and He's been waiting for someone like yourself to arrive. 16
Happy 70 If you wouldn't mind following me, I'll bring you right to Him. 17
GREETING Happy 90 Outsider! You have arrived! Please, come closer... I have something of the utmost urgency to speak to you about! 18
Fear 50 Do hurry, He doesn't like to be kept waiting! 19
GREETING Happy 70 Yes, my friend? What can I do for you now? 20
GREETING Sad 50 What is it, Outsider? 21
MS10BirchCT01 I've never seen anyplace like this. Happy 60 No, I suppose you haven't. In fact, few who live outside of Oasis have. 22
Happy 80 Everything you see around you, from the tallest tree to the smallest blade of grass is a gift. A gift from Him. 23
MS10BirchCT01aAnimalF Amazing, this place seems so abundant with animal life. Happy 80 The innocent creatures are drawn here by His gifts. They come from across the Wasteland to live in this sanctuary. 24
Neutral 50 This part of the world is healing, my friend, and it's all thanks to Him. 25
MS10BirchCT01bLifegiver I can't explain it, but I can feel this place just teeming with life. Happy 80 That's His power you feel, Outsider. With His outstretched limbs He shelters us and keep us safe. 26
MS10BirchCT02 This place is weird. Where do you plug stuff in? Happy 90 Ha ha ha! We no longer use devices like that. We cast our technology away many years ago. 27
Happy 80 Everything you see around you, from the tallest tree to the smallest blade of grass is a gift. A gift from Him. 28
MS10BirchCT03 This place scares me. It's so... different. Happy 60 What you call scared, I call humbled. This place is a blessing to all of us. 29
Happy 80 Everything you see around you, from the tallest tree to the smallest blade of grass is a gift. A gift from Him. 30
MS10BirchCT04 Who is it you keep referring to as "Him"? Happy 70 He is the One Who Grows, He is the One Who Gives and He is the One Who Guides. 31
Neutral 50 No one speaks His name out of reverence for His majesty. 32
Neutral 50 Thanks to Him, the Treeminders have a home. 33
MS10BirchCT04aInt The way you're saying "Him," I could swear you're referring to a god... Happy 70 He's no mere god, my friend. 34
Neutral 50 He is the One Who Grows, He is the One Who Gives and He is the One Who Guides. 35
Neutral 50 Thanks to Him, the Treeminders have a home. 36
MS10BirchCT05 I wish you could just tell me who "He" is, already... Happy 70 He is the One Who Grows, He is the One Who Gives and He is the One Who Guides. 37
Neutral 50 No one speaks His name out of reverence for His majesty. 38
Neutral 50 Thanks to Him, the Treeminders have a home. 39
MS10BirchCT06 Can you cut the "Him" crap already and just tell me who he is? Happy 70 He is the One Who Grows, He is the One Who Gives and He is the One Who Guides. 40
Neutral 50 No one speaks His name out of reverence for His majesty. 41
Neutral 50 Thanks to Him, the Treeminders have a home. 42
MS10BirchCT07 Why do you call yourselves Treeminders? Anger 60 We care for this place and keep it safe from those who would seek to exploit it. 43
Neutral 50 He gives to us, so we give back to Him. It's an arrangement that's worked well for almost two decades. 44
Neutral 50 We shun technology and embrace nature. That's the life of a Treeminder. 45
MS10BirchCT07SC I may be willing to help, but I need straight answers about who "He" is. Neutral 50 I would have preferred that He made the introduction, but I understand your hesitation. 46
Happy 70 The Great One is a god-tree. A living, breathing, speaking god-tree! 47
Happy 90 The Treeminders are blessed to have this being watch over us. 48
MS10BirchCT08 Treeminders, huh? That's a strange name. Anger 60 Is it so strange to care for one's home and keep it safe from those who would seek to exploit it? 49
Neutral 50 He gives to us, so we give back to Him. It's an arrangement that's worked well for almost two decades. 50
Neutral 50 We shun technology and embrace nature. That's the life of a Treeminder. 51
MS10BirchCT09 I think you're all a bunch of lunatics. Neutral 50 Ha ha ha. I don't expect you to understand everything you see here. After all, you carry the taint of technology upon you. 52
Neutral 50 Treeminders shun technology and embrace nature. All technology has brought the world is violence and death. 53
MS10BirchCT10 If you hate technology, why carry weapons? Neutral 50 Sadly, the Wasteland is a hostile place and sometimes we're forced to defend ourselves against it. 54
Neutral 50 If that means fighting with manufactured weapons, then so be it. 55
Neutral 50 Had He not asked to see you, you never would have gotten this close to the gates. 56
MS10BirchCT11 Shun technology? How do you defend yourselves? Neutral 50 The Wasteland is a hostile place and sometimes we're forced to defend ourselves against it. 57
Neutral 50 If that means fighting with manufactured weapons, then so be it. 58
Neutral 50 Had He not asked to see you, you never would have gotten this close to the gates. 59
MS10BirchCT12 Yeah, sure. I guess that's why Maple stuck a rifle in my face... Disgust 80 Listen my friend, I will forgive your insolent tone because He has asked to see you. 60
Disgust 50 But make no mistake. If you wish to cause trouble here, we have the means to defend ourselves. 61
MS10BirchCTCeremony01 Okay, let's begin the ceremony. Happy 70 Very good! Take your place in front of the basin and let's begin. 62
MS10BirchCTCeremony02 Could we wait just a bit? I'm not quite ready. Happy 70 I understand, my friend. Preparing to meet Him takes much preparation and soul searching. 63
Neutral 50 You may walk about Oasis as you see fit, but please don't take too long. 64
Happy 60 When you're ready to undergo the ceremony, just ask. 65
MS10BirchCTCeremony03 Forget this whole thing. This is insane! Anger 60 Then you are free to go. He had requested to see you, but He said not to take you against your will. 66
Sad 60 It saddens me greatly you don't wish to see Him, but you must follow your own path. 67
Neutral 50 If you change your mind, come speak to me and we'll begin again. 68
MS10BirchCTDirect01 Which brings us to why I'm here, I suppose. Happy 70 Yes. Indeed it does. Sorry I don't speak to Outsiders very often and I tend to get lost in conversation. 69
Neutral 50 As you approached Oasis, He said you were coming and I was sent out to meet you personally with a request. 70
Happy 70 He wishes to meet with you. You'd be the first Outsider to do so in a very long time. 71
MS10BirchCTDirect02 So what was all this about meeting someone? Happy 70 Yes, my apologies. I don't speak to Outsiders very often and I tend to get lost in conversation. 72
Neutral 50 As you approached Oasis, He said you were coming and I was sent out to meet you personally with a request. 73
Happy 70 He wishes to meet with you. You'd be the first Outsider to do so in a very long time. 74
MS10BirchCTDirect03 Fine, fine. Get to the point already. Happy 70 You have much to learn about patience, my friend. However, you are correct, I will get to the point. 75
Neutral 50 As you approached Oasis, He said you were coming and I was sent out to meet you personally with a request. 76
Happy 70 He wishes to meet with you. You'd be the first Outsider to do so in a very long time. 77
MS10BirchCTQuest01 I would be honored to meet this person. Happy 50 Yes... person. {Almost to yourself as if musing.} 78
Neutral 50 To meet Him, you must undergo the Ceremony of Purification. Once that's complete, you'll be able to speak to Him. 79
Happy 70 Whenever you're ready, we may begin. 80
MS10BirchCTQuest02 And where can I find this person? Happy 50 Yes... person. {Almost to yourself as if musing.} 81
Neutral 50 To meet Him, you must undergo the Ceremony of Purification. Once that's complete, you'll be able to speak to Him. 82
Neutral 50 Whenever you're ready, we may begin. 83
MS10BirchCTQuest03 Okay already. Let's get this going. Neutral 50 To meet Him, you must undergo the Ceremony of Purification. Once that's complete, you'll be able to speak to Him. 84
Neutral 50 Whenever you're ready, we may begin. 85
MS10BirchCTQuest04 Just a minute... What does this ceremony involve? Neutral 50 It's simple really. You drink the Sap from the basin here in the Pavilion. 86
Happy 60 The Sap will purify your mind and body of anything harmful that could possibly hurt Him. 87
Neutral 50 I assure you, nothing harmful will happen to you. 88
MS10BirchCTQuest05 Hang on, you never said anything about a ceremony! Surprise 60 There's no reason to be alarmed. 89
Neutral 50 All that must be done is you must drink the Sap from the basin here in the Pavilion. 90
Neutral 50 The Sap will purify your mind and body of anything harmful that could possibly hurt Him. 91
MS10BirchCTQuest06 Can't we skip all this nonsense? Disgust 50 I'm afraid not. No one gets to see Him without first drinking the Sap from the basin here in the Pavilion. 92
Neutral 50 The Sap will purify your mind and body of anything harmful that could possibly hurt Him. 93
Neutral 50 Other than that, there's nothing more to the ceremony. 94
MS10BirchCeremonyInter01 I'm sorry, I'm ready now. Happy 80 Then please, return to the basin and we will begin. 95
MS10BirchCeremonyInter02 I've changed my mind. I'm not quite ready. Happy 70 There's nothing to fear here. This is our tradition and our custom, as well as a measure of protection for Him. 96
Neutral 50 If you need a bit of time to reflect, then please do so. All I ask is you return quickly. 97
Happy 60 When you're ready to undergo the ceremony, just ask. 98
MS10BirchCeremonyInter03 I'm leaving. This is just crazy. Anger 60 Then you are free to go. He had requested to see you, but He said not to take you against your will. 99
Sad 60 It saddens me greatly you don't wish to see Him, but you must follow your own path. 100
Neutral 50 If you change your mind, come speak to me and we'll begin again. 101
MS10BirchEndgame01 I was glad to do it. Oasis needs to be protected. Happy 50 In your short visit here I can see you've learned much. That's a rare gift in these turbulent times. 102
Happy 80 I believe there are a few Treeminders who wish to speak to you before you depart. I think you'll find their appreciation quite rewarding. 103
Happy 70 Good luck in all your journeys, my friend. I hope your time here has opened your heart as well as it opened your eyes. 104
MS10BirchEndgame02 Sure, I guess. Happy 50 Perhaps you haven't learned quite as much as I hoped from your visit here, but I'm glad to see you made the right choice in the end. 105
Happy 80 I believe there are a few Treeminders who wish to speak to you before you depart. I think you'll find their appreciation quite rewarding. 106
Happy 70 Good luck in all your journeys, my friend. I hope your time here has opened your heart as well as it opened your eyes. 107
MS10BirchEndgame03 I could have used a pile of caps instead, but whatever. Sad 50 I'm saddened that worldly possessions and wealth still drive you, but I'm glad to see you made the right choice in the end. 108
Happy 80 I believe there are a few Treeminders who wish to speak to you before you depart. I think you'll find their appreciation quite rewarding. 109
Happy 70 Good luck in all your journeys, my friend. I hope your time here has opened your heart as well as it opened your eyes. 110
MS10BirchHDeadEndgame01 I have to say I'm surprised you aren't angrier with me. Sad 90 Before you reached His heart, He imparted his last words to me. He told me about his will to die and how I mistook this for some mystical sign. 111
Sad 100 How could I have been so blind? How could I have mislead all these people? 112
Sad 90 Perhaps if I would have spent more time getting to know Him, things would have turned out different. 113
MS10BirchHDeadEndgame02 And here I thought you'd be ready to kill me. Neutral 50 No, Outsider, my anger lay not with you, but with myself. 114
Sad 90 Before you reached His heart, He imparted his last words to me. He told me about his will to die and how I mistook this for some mystical sign. 115
Sad 100 How could I have been so blind? How could I have mislead all these people? 116
Sad 90 Perhaps if I would have spent more time getting to know Him, things would have turned out different. 117
MS10BirchHDeadEndgame03 Welcome back to the Wasteland, asshole. Disgust 50 You're words sting, Outsider. Normally I'd have you cast from this place for such a statement, but my eyes have been opened. 118
Sad 90 Before you reached His heart, He imparted his last words to me. He told me about his will to die and how I mistook this for some mystical sign. 119
Sad 100 How could I have been so blind? How could I have mislead all these people? 120
Sad 90 Perhaps if I would have spent more time getting to know Him, things would have turned out different. 121
MS10BirchHDeadEndgame04 What will become of Oasis? Neutral 50 Even though the Great One has left us, our memories of Him will never die. 122
Neutral 50 With Bloomseer Poplar's help, I'm confident we can keep Oasis alive and carry on as Treeminders. 123
Neutral 50 Go now, Outsider. Go but never forget the gifts the Great One bestowed upon us. 124
MS10BirchHDeadEndgame05 You'll make due. Neutral 50 Even though the Great One has left us, our memories of Him will never die. 125
Neutral 50 With Bloomseer Poplar's help, I'm confident we can keep Oasis alive and carry on as Treeminders. 126
Neutral 50 Go now, Outsider. Go but never forget the gifts the Great One bestowed upon us. 127
MS10BirchHDeadEndgame06 I could care less about your problems. I'm out of here. Sad 70 Your words carry no remorse, no caring. 128
Sad 70 I'm at a loss as to how this place failed to open your eyes, but more importantly, to open your heart. 129
Sad 100 Go now, Outsider. Go and never look back. 130
MS10BirchPostCT01 I'm afraid Harold isn't a god. He's just a human that had some bad luck. Surprise 80 Oh, He's testing you now, just like He tested us! 131
Happy 90 He wants to see if your faith is strong by spinning these incredible stories. Who else but a god could produce all of this? 132
Neutral 50 Don't worry, you'll soon see things as I do. 133
MS10BirchPostCT02 He's not a god, Birch. His name's Harold. Surprise 80 Oh, He's testing you now, just like He tested us! 134
Happy 90 He wants to see if your faith is strong by spinning these incredible stories. Who else but a god could produce all of this? 135
Neutral 50 Don't worry, you'll soon see things as I do. 136
MS10BirchPostCT03 Can we just dispense with all of the religious crap? His name's Harold! Surprise 80 Oh, He's testing you now, just like He tested us! 137
Happy 90 He wants to see if your faith is strong by spinning these incredible stories. Who else but a god could produce all of this? 138
Neutral 50 Don't worry, you'll soon see things as I do. 139
MS10BirchPostCT04 Did you know your god wants me to kill him? Happy 70 Yes, I've been pondering that riddle myself for some time now and I think I know what He's trying to tell us. 140
Neutral 50 The Great One's influence is growing and soon it will break free of the confines of this secluded vale. 141
Fear 70 We can't allow Oasis to call attention to itself like that. It would be the end of Him. 142
MS10BirchPostCT04a Harold makes unusual requests. Happy 80 The Great One does tend to speak in riddles, but if that is His way, then so be it. 143
Sad 80 My talks with Him have become quite puzzling of late. I think He's beginning to fear His future. 144
Neutral 50 The Great One's influence is growing and soon it will break free of the confines of this secluded vale. 145
Fear 70 We can't allow Oasis to call attention to itself like that. It would be the end of Him. 146
MS10BirchPostCT05 Are you aware that Harold wants to die? Happy 70 Yes, I've been pondering that riddle myself for some time now and I think I know what He's trying to tell us. 147
Neutral 50 The Great One's influence is growing and soon it will break free of the confines of this secluded vale. 148
Fear 70 We can't allow Oasis to call attention to itself like that. It would be the end of Him. 149
MS10BirchPostCT06 You don't scare me Birch, and neither does that overgrown weed you call a god. Anger 100 That's it! You are no longer welcome in Oasis! Get out IMMEDIATELY! 150
Disgust 80 If you remain here against my wishes, we'll have no choice but to put you down! 151
Did you know that crazy tree thing wants me to kill it? Anger 70 I've had enough of your blasphemy! 152
Disgust 70 I've tolerated it this long because you're an Outsider, but no more. If you wish to test me again, you'll find yourself banished from Oasis! 153
MS10BirchPostCT07 So what can I do to help? Happy 50 If the same sap that you drank to purify yourself could be applied to His heart, it should stop the spread. 154
Happy 70 I can promise you no harm would come to Him. That's all I ask of you, Outsider. Nothing more, nothing less. 155
MS10BirchPostCT08 Killing him should stop his influence from spreading. Neutral 50 You misinterpret His words, my friend. He wants you to extinguish that which seeks to make Him vulnerable. 156
Happy 50 If the same sap that you drank to purify yourself could be applied to His heart, it should stop the spread. 157
Happy 70 I can promise you no harm would come to Him. That's all I ask of you, Outsider. Nothing more, nothing less. 158
MS10BirchPostCT09 You don't scare me Birch, and neither does that overgrown weed you call a god. Anger 100 That's it! You are no longer welcome in Oasis! Get out IMMEDIATELY! 159
Disgust 80 If you remain here against my wishes, we'll have no choice but to put you down! 160
Good! Free firewood for all! Anger 70 I've had enough of your blasphemy! 161
Disgust 70 I've tolerated it this long because you're an Outsider, but no more. If you wish to test me again, you'll find yourself banished from Oasis! 162
MS10BirchStartCT01 Just a minute. Who are you and what is this place? Sad 50 I'm sorry, in my excitement, I got ahead of myself. 163
Happy 80 I'm Tree Father Birch, and I have the great fortune of being leader of His people, the Treeminders. 164
Neutral 50 Beyond that gate is our home, Oasis. 165
MS10BirchStartCT02 I'm not following anyone until I know what's going on here. Sad 50 I'm sorry, in my excitement, I got ahead of myself. 166
Happy 80 I'm Tree Father Birch, and I have the great fortune of being leader of His people, the Treeminders. 167
Neutral 50 Beyond that gate is our home, Oasis. 168
MS10BirchStartCT03 Ha ha ha! What the hell are you wearing? Neutral 50 I am wearing the clothes of a Treeminder. We shed our Wasteland garments like the ones you're wearing long ago. 169
MS10BirchStartCT04 Whoa, whoa. Slow down, old man. What the hell are you babbling about? Sad 50 I'm sorry, in my excitement, I got ahead of myself. 170
Happy 80 I'm Tree Father Birch, and I have the great fortune of being leader of His people, the Treeminders. 171
Neutral 50 Beyond that gate is our home, Oasis. 172
MS10BirchStartCT05 Sure, lead on. Happy 90 Excellent! Please, follow me. All will be explained soon. 173
MS10BirchStartCT06 Who's waiting for me inside? Surprise 80 Why, He is of course. 174
Happy 50 If you'll just follow me to the Pavilion, all will be explained. 175
MS10BirchStartCT07 The Treeminders? Happy 80 Yes, we're the Treeminders. We're His people. 176
Happy 50 If you'll just follow me inside to the Pavilion, all will be explained. 177
MS10BirchStartCT08 I'm not following anyone. I need to be on my way. Neutral 50 I can promise you that if you leave, you'll be missing out on a great honor. Not many have even seen Him before, and yet he wants to speak to you. 178
Sad 60 Please, I beg you. Don't make Him wait any longer. Follow me inside to the Pavilion, and I promise all will be explained! 179
MS10BirchStartCT09 Okay, I'll follow you. Lead on. Happy 90 Excellent! Please, follow me. All will be explained soon. 180
MS10BirchStartCT10 No way! You're obviously out of your mind! Sad 80 I'm very saddened to hear that, a great opportunity like this may come only once in a lifetime. 181
Neutral 50 If you wish to return and speak to me, talk to Branchtender Maple. She'll allow you to go inside. 182
Neutral 50 All I ask is you keep our existence a secret. Too many out there in the Wasteland would seek to exploit Him. Farewell. 183
MS10BirchStartCT10a Perhaps some other time. I have more urgent matters to attend to. Sad 80 I'm very saddened to hear that, a great opportunity like this may come only once in a lifetime. 184
Neutral 50 If you wish to return and speak to me, talk to Branchtender Maple. She'll allow you to go inside. 185
Neutral 50 All I ask is you keep our existence a secret. Too many out there in the Wasteland would seek to exploit Him. Farewell. 186
Tree Father Birch said you may have a gift for me?
You said someone had gifts for me? Happy 50 Yes, I believe Branchtender Maple, Branchtender Cypress and my little Yew mentioned they had some things for you as gifts. 187
Happy 50 Such is our tradition when honored guests are preparing to leave. 188
You said someone had gifts for me? Happy 50 Yes, I believe Branchtender Maple and Branchtender Cypress mentioned they had some things for you as gifts. 189
Happy 50 Such is our tradition when honored guests are preparing to leave. 190
MS10TLCaves Any information you could give me on the caves below Oasis would be helpful. Disgust 60 Just like a cancer would infest our bodies, the caves below us are infested with vermin. 191
Neutral 50 You'd do well to be cautious down there, we've lost a few Treeminders in the past. 192
MS10TLCeremony I'm ready to undertake the ceremony. Happy 80 Very good! Take your place in front of the basin and let's begin. 193
I'd like to start the ceremony again. Happy 80 Very good! Take your place in front of the basin and let's begin. 194
MS10TLDoNow What will you do now? Neutral 50 I will do my best to honor the Great One's memory by tending this place until my dying day. 195
Sad 50 If anything, this place will become a memorial to Him lest we may forget. 196
What will you do now? Fear 50 Although his influence will spread through the Wasteland one day, that day is still a long way off. 197
Neutral 50 For now, we'll remain ever vigilant and watch the Wasteland for anything that could threaten this sanctuary. 198
What will you do now? Neutral 50 Now that Oasis is safe, we do what we always do. We remain ever vigilant and watch the Wasteland for anything that could threaten this sanctuary. 199
MS10TLTaskTalk I have some questions about the task you gave me. Happy 70 By all means, ask away. 200
MS10TLTaskTalk01 Why don't you just travel to Harold's heart on your own? Happy 60 I would if I was able, but He will not allow us entry. His roots bar the door, and we have yet to earn the right to pass. 201
MS10TLTaskTalk02 Were you aware that Laurel gave me this Liniment? Neutral 50 Of course I am. I know everything that goes on in Oasis. Laurel is free to pursue whatever path she chooses. 202
Neutral 50 A long time ago, it was agreed that the Tree Father and the Leaf Mother hold equal say. I don't seek to change those customs. 203
Neutral 50 I just hope that when the time comes, you'll make the right choice. 204
MS10TLTaskTalk03 Where did the sap come from? Happy 50 Bloomseer Poplar has a unique understanding of the innate power that lay dormant in the plants you see around you. 205
Happy 50 She created the sap with the knowledge she brought to us from the Wasteland. 206
MS10TLTaskTalk04 Where is the entrance to the caves? Neutral 50 You'll find the entrance in the southwestern part of Oasis. 207
What did you have to do to become a Treeminder?
May I ask you about the Treeminders? Happy 80 Of course. We're quite open about everything here. 208
MS10TLTreeminder01 How did the Treeminders begin? Happy 50 When I first beheld the glory of the Great One, I knew there'd be others who would seek to do Him harm. 209
Neutral 50 I also knew He would be calling others that he felt were pure of heart to protect Him. 210
Happy 70 Right then and there I created the Treeminders... the Great One's last line of defense. 211
MS10TLTreeminder02 How do the Treeminders normally handle other Outsiders? Neutral 50 If the Outsider doesn't have His blessing, we simply deny him entry to our home. 212
Disgust 80 If they persist on trying to gain entry, or display any hostile act that could potentially harm the Great One, we take action. 213
Neutral 50 If the Outsider were a Raider or some other nefarious type, we ensure they don't report our location back to their comrades. 214
MS10TLTreeminder03 Could I become a Treeminder? Happy 50 Becoming a disciple of the Great One takes many years of dedication and the will to cast aside your reliance on technological conveniences. 215
Happy 80 However, I feel you've been sent here for a higher purpose and could be more instrumental in our future than a mere Treeminder. 216
MS10TLTreeminder04 Your names are quite strange. What do they mean? Happy 50 The first part of our name represents our role in the Treeminders. The youngest are the Saplings, still learning what it means to live in Oasis. 217
Neutral 50 The Branchtenders are our guardians and keep our homes safe. Our healers and soothsayers are known as Bloomseers. 218
Neutral 50 Finally, the Tree Father and the Leaf Mother are the creators and the upholders of the Great One's laws. 219
MS10TLWater If this place has living plants, does that mean the water is safe to drink? Sad 80 I'm afraid the water still bears the mark of man's greed. It's His reminder of what we once were. 220
Sad 50 Perhaps one day He will see fit to lift this punishment, but I fear we have yet to command His full respect. 221
MS10TopicBailout I'd like to ask about something else. Happy 70 Go on. 222
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Neutral 50 I understand your hesitation, but I can assure you that no harm will befall you. 223


GOODBYE I have to go now. Happy 80 Goodbye Outsider, and good luck. 224
I have to go now. Happy 80 Have no fear, Outsider. I know you'll make a wise decision. 225
I have to go now. Happy 80 Speak to me when you are ready to be purified, but don't keep the Great One waiting. 226
I have to go now. Happy 80 This way, Outsider. Come along now. 227
HELLO HELLO Happy 70 How can I help you, Outsider? 228
HELLO Fear 70 Is something amiss? 229
HELLO Happy 100 We'll begin as soon as the rest of the Treeminders have taken their places. 230
HELLO Happy 100 Yes, Outsider? 231
HELLO Happy 100 I can't believe you're here! 232
HELLO Happy 100 All will be answered soon, my friend. 233
HELLO Happy 100 Welcome, Outsider... welcome to Oasis! 234
MS10Argue MS10Argue Anger 50 Agreed. Why else would the Outsider have been allowed into the Grove? Perhaps it's a test. Yes... that must be it! {calming down from argument but still a bit annoyed} 235
MS10Argue Anger 80 If we allow the spread of this miracle to continue, we're putting Him in jeopardy. I can't allow that... I won't allow it! 236
MS10Argue Anger 80 The Outsider is here to deliver us from our enemies! To keep this place safely locked away from the Wasteland! Not to exploit us! 237
MS10BirchCeremonyDrinkSay MS10BirchCeremonyDrinkSay Happy 80 You must drink from the basin if you wish to meet Him. 238
MS10BirchCeremonyDrinkSay Happy 80 Drink of the sap from the basin, only then will He reveal Himself. 239
MS10BirchCeremonyDrinkSay Happy 80 Please, drink the sap from the basin. 240
MS10BirchCeremonyDrinkSay Happy 80 When you are ready, drink from the basin. 241
MS10TreemindersCeremonySay MS10TreemindersCeremonySay Neutral 50 We will now recite the blessing to ward off any harm the Outsider may be carrying before he proceeds to the Grove. 242
MS10TreemindersCeremonySay Neutral 50 Amen. 243
MS10TreemindersCeremonySay Happy 70 Soon you will pass peacefully into sleep, Outsider. And when you awake, you will witness His glory first hand. 244