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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sapling Yew.


GREETING GREETING Disgust 70 You big dummy! Now we gotta wait for another Outsider! 1
GREETING Disgust 70 Go away, you big meanie! 2
GREETING Happy 70 So you're the Outsider huh? You seem nice to me! 3
GREETING Happy 70 Hiya! 4
GREETING Happy 50 You're my hero, ma'am. I want to be just like you when I grow up. 5
GREETING Happy 70 Hey! My second best friend in the whole wide world! 6
GREETING Happy 50 Hiya. 7
Tree Father Birch said you may have a gift for me?
I hear you may have a gift for me? Happy 60 Yeah, I think you're pretty swell for someone from Out There! And... and you were really nice to me too. 8
Happy 70 I was gonna give this to my bestest friend Harold, but he doesn't have pockets, the silly-head! 9
Happy 70 This is a charm that my parents gave me for my fifth birthday. It's really neat! Take it! 10
MS10TLBirchLaurelTopic What's your opinion of Tree Father Birch and Leaf Mother Laurel? Happy 100 They're the best parents ever! 11
MS10TLCaves Any information you could give me on the caves below Oasis would be helpful. Fear 80 My parents told me never to go past the old gate... there are monsters in there! 12
MS10TLDoNow What will you do now? Sad 80 Now that Harold's gone, I lost my bestest friend! All I want to do is cry! 13
What will you do now? Happy 80 I dunno, maybe go play with Harold? I wanna hear another one of his super swell stories! 14
MS10TLHaroldTopic Tell me about your "god." Happy 80 Oh, you mean Harold? He's really nice. Sometimes when I get really lonely, I go into the Grove and talk to him. 15
Neutral 50 Sometimes I even curl up all cozy like and sleep next to his roots after I have a bad dream. 16
Neutral 50 I tell him what I'm scared of and he tells me what he's scared of. It makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one. 17
Can you tell me about your "god" again? I'd forgotten what you said. Happy 80 That's okay, I like talking about Harold's... he's really nice... he's my best friend! 18
Neutral 50 Sometimes I even curl up all cozy like and sleep next to his roots after I have a bad dream. 19
Neutral 50 I tell him what I'm scared of and he tells me what he's scared of. It makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one. 20
MS10TLHaroldWantstoDieTopic Did you know your god wants to die? Sad 100 What?! How can you say something so awful and terrible?! Leave me alone, I never wanna talk to you again! 21
MS10TLHaroldYewTopic01 Hey, maybe if you tell me what Harold is scared of I won't be scared either. Happy 70 Awww, I never knew an Outsider could be scared of anything! 22
Fear 80 Harold told me that he's scared of fire. If fire ever got on him, it would burn him and Bob until they were all gone. 23
Happy 70 That's why we keep the fires far away from him. 24
MS10TLHaroldYewTopic01SC Tell me, too! Then I won't be scared either. Happy 70 Awww, I never knew an Outsider could be scared of anything! 25
Fear 80 Harold told me that he's scared of fire. If fire ever got on him, it would burn him and Bob until they were all gone. 26
Happy 70 That's why we keep the fires far away from him. 27
MS10TLHaroldYewTopic02 What's Harold scared of? Happy 70 Sorry, that's only for secrets between friends! 28
MS10TLHaroldYewTopic03 I can't believe a tree would be scared of anything. Sad 60 Hey! He's not a tree! He's my friend! Don't be mean. 29
MS10TLHaroldYewTopic04 Yeah, well guess what? He's really a monster! Anger 70 Hey! He's not a monster! You meanie! I never wanna talk to you again! 30
MS10TLJoinTopic So, how did you end up here? Happy 100 I was born here, silly! 31
MS10TLTreeminder What did you have to do to become a Treeminder? Happy 90 Just get born I guess. He he! You're funny! 32
SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure Happy 50 Sorry, that's only for secrets between friends! 33


HELLO HELLO Disgust 70 You stupid-head! I can't believe you mouthed off to the Tree Father. 34
HELLO Sad 100 I hate you! I hate you! 35
HELLO Disgust 25 Are you talking to me? {obnoxious mean girl} 36
HELLO Disgust 50 Um. Yeah. Please go away. {obnoxious mean girl} 37
MS10TreemindersCeremonySay MS10TreemindersCeremonySay Neutral 50 All this may He be so good as to grant us, who is to come to judge the living and the dead, and the world by his verdure. 38