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This is a transcript for dialogue with Cypress.


GREETING GREETING Sad 70 I'm afraid you're no longer welcome in His home. Please begone. 1
GREETING Happy 70 Branchtender Cypress at your service. Welcome to our little home. 2
GREETING Happy 70 Ah, Outsider. So nice to see you again. 3
GREETING Happy 70 Well, well... if it isn't our old friend! Good to see you! 4
GREETING Neutral 50 What do you want? 5
MS10FinTLReward Tree Father Birch said you may have a gift for me? Happy 70 We're very much alike, you and I. We both searched the Wasteland seeking answers, but I found my answer here. 6
Happy 50 I hope one day you'll find what you're looking for. I know it's out there somewhere... just be patient. 7
Happy 50 Here, please take this relic of my older days. Perhaps it will help you on your journey. 8
MS10TLBirchLaurelTopic What's your opinion of Tree Father Birch and Leaf Mother Laurel? Neutral 50 I wish they wouldn't argue so much. It makes everyone uncomfortable. 9
Any information you could give me on the caves below Oasis would be helpful.
May I have the key to the caves? Happy 70 Sure. Here you go. Good luck to you! 10
MS10TLDoNow What will you do now? Neutral 50 I'll do what I do best. I'll make sure Oasis never falls even if it means my own death. 11
MS10TLJoinTopic So, how did you end up here? Neutral 50 I was an Outsider like yourself... wandering the world aimlessly, wasting my life trying to seek my fortune. 12
Neutral 50 When my eyes beheld the splendor of Oasis, I knew I'd found a holy place. Tree Father Birch allowed me to stay and I've been here ever since. 13
MS10TLTreeminder What did you have to do to become a Treeminder? Neutral 50 Actually, you already did some of it. I had to do the Ceremony and meet with the Great One. 14
Neutral 50 Then Tree Father Birch taught me everything I needed to know about Oasis and how it has to remain a secret. 15
Fear 70 That's why I'm so worried. I just think letting this place spread into the Wasteland would be an unwise decision. 16
Remind me again what you did to become a Treeminder. Neutral 50 Like I said before, thanks to Tree Father Birch, I learned everything I needed to know about Oasis and how it has to remain a secret. 17
Fear 70 That's why I'm so worried. I just think letting this place spread into the Wasteland would be an unwise decision. 18
MS10TLTreeminderCypress01 I think you're right. Who knows what would happen to this place? Fear 70 Exactly! I was out there once like you. I wandered the Wasteland for many years. 19
Sad 90 All I saw was poverty, famine, sickness, hate and death everywhere I turned. 20
Fear 70 But this place... this place isn't anything like that. We can't let all that evil inside here... we just can't! 21
MS10TLTreeminderCypress02 What if all the Treeminders don't agree with you? Fear 70 That would worry me. I was out there once like you. I wandered the Wasteland for many years. 22
Sad 90 All I saw was poverty, famine, sickness, hate and death everywhere I turned. 23
Fear 70 But this place... this place isn't anything like that. We can't allow that kind of evil inside Oasis... we just can't! 24
MS10TLTreeminderCypress03 I don't think Leaf Mother Laurel is going to like hearing you say that! Disgust 70 Go tell her what you want, my opinion is my own. That's one of the founding ideals of the Treeminders. 25
Disgust 50 And being an Outsider, I'd expect you not to judge our laws! 26


HELLO HELLO Disgust 70 It's time for you to leave. 27
MS10TreemindersCeremonySay MS10TreemindersCeremonySay Neutral 50 Leave our homes and bodies immediately; live no longer in them, but pass over into places where you can harm no one. 28