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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vault 13 overseer.

{100}{}{You see the Overseer.}
{101}{}{Ahh, you're here. Good. Well, only good that you're here. We've got a problem. A big one. The controller chip for our water purification system has given up the ghost. We can't make another one and the process is too complicated for a work-around system. Simply put, we're running out of drinking water. No water, no Vault. Now we both know we've had our differences as you've grown up. You've got the wanderlust in you - desires for things the Vault just can't satisfy. And you know I think this just might be the last safe place anywhere so I'm always worried about those who want to take off on adventures. Hey, if everyone left, I'd be out of a job! Seriously, this is crucial to our survival. And frankly, I think you're the only hope we have. You need to go find us another controller chip.}

{102}{Over_0a}{There's a picture on your PIP to help you identify it.}
{103}{Over_1}{You have three months to retrieve the chip before the vault runs out of water.}

{104}{}{One month . . . two . . . four . . . five . . . six . . .}

{105}{Over_2}{You have two months, maybe less, before the vault runs out of water. We need that chip!}
{106}{Over_3}{We estimate we have four to five months before the vault runs out of water. We need that chip!}
{107}{Over_4}{Here's some equipment you'll probably need.}
{108}{Over_4a}{If we didn't have to do this, I'd never ask. And if you don't do this, I don't know who else can. Help us. You're our only . . . chance, I guess.}
{109}{Over_5}{If you need help, come back here. Obviously, we'll do whatever we can. But we don't have a lot of time. Be safe, find that chip, and get back here.}
{110}{Over_6}{We marked your map with the location of another Vault. Not a bad place to start, I think. Then again, what the heck do I know about the outside? I . . . look. Y' You know you're important to me and to . . . I-I really . . . just be safe, OK?}
{111}{Over_7}{You're back! And in one piece! How goes the search?}

{112}{}{Not good, but I noticed the radiation count is low. Why don't we just move the people out of the vault?}
{113}{}{I haven't found the chip yet. Can't we just make a replacement?}
{114}{}{Nothing yet.}

{116}{Over_8}{Look, I know it's got to be tough. But we're counting on you. And we're running out of time. Please! Keep trying!}
{117}{Over_9}{Ahh, you never did listen to me. We don't have the necessary parts anymore. We've used up all the supplies required.}

{118}{}{Oh, ok. Thanks.}

{119}{Over_10}{We've debated this before. You ought to know now, after being out there! You think the rest of us could survive that? Besides, I'd be out of a job! I'm management! It's not like I know how to do anything useful!}

{120}{}{We agree on that.}

{121}{Over_12}{Well, do you have the chip?}

{122}{}{Not yet. Sorry.}
{123}{}{I still say we just pack everybody up and move out of here.}
{124}{}{No, but I have a lot of other things to tell you!}

{126}{Over_13}{[The Overseer sighs.] Don't be sorry. I know you're trying your best and that means a lot. But you can't give up now.}
{127}{Over_14}{This isn't the best time to debate that. Get the chip, give us the option. Most of these people, including me, won't survive out there.}

{128}{}{OK, I'll go see if I can find it.}

{129}{Over_16}{We have no time, no options. I know it's a lot of responsibility for you, but we have no choice. We need the chip now.}
{130}{Over_19a}{Please tell me you've found the chip.}

{131}{}{No, but I've seen some amazing things!}
{132}{}{Sorry, haven't been able to track it down yet.}

{135}{Over_20}{Well, keep looking. Time's growing short.}
{136}{Over_21}{We don't have time for this! We need the chip. Time's running out. [Sigh]}
{137}{Over_22}{Is there some problem, do you need more equipment? Is there anything we can do to help?}

{138}{}{Nope, just going to take some time. It's a big world out there.}
{139}{}{I could use some more stuff.}
{140}{}{Yeah, you could get off your fannies and help.}

{141}{Over_23}{Do your best. Remember, we're all counting on you.}
{142}{Over_24}{Here, take the last of our ammo and portable healing supplies. We're in trouble. Hurry!}
{143}{Over_25}{Do what? With who? Anyone else would be less qualified and have less supplies. It'd be suicide.}

{144}{}{Your choice. I'll do my best, but I don't know if it'll be enough.}
{145}{}{I understand.}

{146}{Over_26}{It has to be. If you fail, so does the Vault.}

{147}{}{Got it.}

{149}{Over_27}{Good, then get going!}
{150}{Over_28}{Have you found the chip?}

{152}{}{Yes, but I think we should talk more about letting people leave the Vault.}

{154}{Over_29}{Great! Let me have it. We'll see if it works.}
{155}{Over_30}{Please, the chip!}
{156}{Over_31}{Okey-dokey. One moment, the chip is initializing. Here - here - here - There it goes . . . Self-test is green . . . re-boot is good . . . Hah! It's working! And it looks like we have a winner! Haha! [The overseer sighs with relief.] You—you've saved us. You've done it!}

{157}{}{Ahh, it was nothing.}
{158}{}{You're welcome.}

{159}{Over_32}{Nothing? No, oh no! It was something. Don't downplay what you've done. You've saved a lot of lives. All right, now we need a report on what's out there. Please go to the library.}


{161}{Over_33}{You saved the Vault. You should be proud. But now, we need your report. We'll get it from you in the library. Please go there now.}


{163}{Over_34}{Well, you've certainly earned that right. But let's take care of survival first. Give me the chip and we'll discuss this when you give your report.}

{164}{}{Fair enough.}
{165}{}{I don't know.}

{166}{Over_37}{Oh, that's great! Can I have the chip, please?}
{167}{Over_38}{No, not that. I want the com-pu-ter chip.}
{168}{Over_38a}{No. The chip.}
{170}{Over_40}{Thank you. Now, go to the library and rest for a while, ok?}

{171}{}{Nuh-huh, uh-nuh?}
{172}{}{Uh, nuh? Nuh-uh-uh-nuh.}

{173}{Over_41}{Yes, you can touch things.}
{174}{Over_41a}{Oh, yes. You did good and I'm sure you have a lot to tell.}
{175}{Over_42}{I uh, I just wanted to let you know that the water supply has stabilized. Actually, we're rebuilding our reserves. You did great . . . I uh, I am a little concerned, however.}

{176}{}{About what?}

{178}{Over_43}{I' I don't like your reports. What was in the reports, that is. Heh. In fact, they scared the heck out of me. It's those mutants. I've done some calculations and, well, I've come to an unpleasant conclusion.}

{179}{}{What's that?}

{180}{Over_44}{[Sigh] The mutant population is far greater than could be expected by natural growth or mutations. This leads me to believe in—I don't really understand it. But it looks like someone's generating new mutants. And at a startling rate.}

{181}{}{Say again? Without the confusion?}
{182}{}{Must be a lab somewhere then.}

{183}{Over_45}{Someone's making mutants!}

{184}{}{What do I need to do?}

{185}{Over_46}{Exactly! And as you've probably guessed, none of these mutations could have occurred naturally, even with the radiation from the war.}

{186}{}{What do you want me to do about it?}

{187}{Over_47}{As long as someone is creating hostile mutants at this rate, the Vault's safety is at stake! Find and destroy this lab as soon as you can.}

{189}{}{Once more into the breach, my friend.}

{190}{Over_48}{You have no idea how sorry I am to send you back out.}
{191}{Over_49}{Oh, yeah. Hmm . . . I' I' I' It's like this. There is a bad place where the bad mutants come from. It is bad. Vault is good. Please, go destroy bad place.}
{192}{Over_50}{Has the mutant laboratory been discovered yet? Even better, tell me it's been destroyed.}

{194}{}{Not yet, but I've got some good leads.}
{195}{}{Nope, I'm a little lost.}

{197}{Over_51}{Well, keep searching.}
{198}{Over_52}{Good. But hurry, the more time they have to produce them, the harder they'll be to stop.}
{199}{Over_53}{Well, based on the information you provided about population density, I think you should concentrate your search to the west.}
{200}{Over_54}{What news do you have of the mutants?}

{201}{}{I wasted the head SOB.}
{202}{}{I've killed the Master, the mutant leader.}
{203}{}{Nuh, ungh. Uh-nuh, nuh.}

{204}{Over_55}{Excellent! What about the laboratory? Did you destroy that, too?}

{206}{}{Yep, sure did. Killed all the mutants and blew up their production vats. The vault has nothing to fear now.}

{207}{Over_58}{You should be proud of yourself for all you've accomplished. We depended on you and you came through. Now let's talk about your future . . .}
{208}{Over_59}{Are you sure? Missing something would be deadly to the Vault. I think you should go back and check it out. Try to the west, there seems to be a large concentration of mutants there.}
{209}{Over_60}{Go back out and find it. It needs to be destroyed for the vault to be safe. Try to the west, most of the mutants seem to be there.}
{210}{Over_61}{What's that? You've killed the mutant leader?}

{211}{}{Uh-huh, nuh, huh. Nuh-nuh.}

{212}{Over_61aS}{There are still more mutants appearing? You need to destroy their vats? Great job! Go back out there and take care of it.}
{213}{Over_62}{What news of the mutants?}

{214}{}{I blew them up.}
{215}{}{The mutant vats have been destroyed.}

{217}{Over_63}{All of them?}

{218}{}{Well, all of them at the vats.}
{219}{}{Uh, nuh-nuh.}

{220}{Over_64}{What about the mutant leader? What about this so-called Master?}

{221}{}{Far as I know, he's still alive.}

{223}{Over_66}{He must be stopped. If not, he could rebuild his empire of mutants and would certainly strike back at us. The vault will not be safe until the Master is dead.}
{224}{Over_68}{Is the mutant leader . . . taken care of?}

{226}{}{He will be . . . soon.}

{228}{Over_69}{I know this has been hard on you. But this Master's the type who'll rebuild his mutant army. Then he'll come for us. Please, go out and finish the job.}
{229}{Over_70}{Well, Th' Tha' That's great. That's very good. You sound like you're in control out there. Please, finish this up soon so that you and I can . . . When you're out there, remember, the people of the Vault know you've saved them.}
{230}{Over_71}{We can't have this. Not now. Not with everything else going on. The rules of the Vault are there for our protection and the survival of our species.}
{231}{Over_72}{What's wrong with you?! You turned against us?! I can not allow that.}
{232}{Over_73}{The water caravans from this Hub place have started to arrive. I've been running the figures and I've got some disturbing news.}

{233}{}{What's that?}

{235}{Over_74}{Oh, never mind. Just try and find the water chip. Get the chip. We still need it.}
{236}{Over_75}{The caravan water will maintain our current supply, but not increase it substantially. And these Hub merchants are charging us an arm and leg. This helps and we're thankful for that, but it's not a solution.}

{238}{}{There's something else, isn't there?}

{239}{Over_76}{Keep looking for a replacement chip. It's the only way we can maintain our independence and the security that comes with our seclusion.}
{240}{Over_77}{We're taking a terrible risk by showing these people the way to our vault. I understand your choice, and it may be what saves us. But I'm worried. Can we trust these people?}

{241}{}{I trust them.}
{242}{}{I understand.}

{243}{Over_78}{I'm sure you do, but we need that replacement chip for our long-term survival and economic stability. We don't produce as many goods as we need to pay for this water, and soon we won't be able to pay. Find the chip.}
{244}{Over_79}{I'm sure you do. You must also understand our need for that replacement chip. Please keep looking.}
{245}{Over_80}{Please keep looking for the water chip. These water caravans are going to cause us problems in the long run.}
{246}{Over_81}{You've done it! That's . . . wonderful. Amazing! I'm so proud of what you've accomplished, what you've endured. There's no way the people of the Vault can ever thank you enough for what you've done. You've saved all our lives. Who knows, maybe even saved the human race. [The Overseer sighs.] That makes the rest of this even harder. Everyone will want to talk to you. Every youngster will look up to you. And want to emulate you. And then what? They'll want to leave. What happens to the Vault if we lose the best of a generation? What if we are the only safe place in the world? You just gave us back all these lives . . . I can't take the chance of losing them. I've made a lot of tough decisions since I took this position. But none of them harder than this one. You saved us, but you'll kill us. I'm sorry. You're a hero . . . and you have to leave.}}
{247}{Over_100}{I don't know anything about that.}
{248}{Over_200}{It is a critical part that allows us to purify the water. Without it, we'll run out of drinking water.}
{249}{Over_201}{This is our home. We'd all be dead without it. If we care for it properly, it should last us for a long time.}
{250}{Over_202}{It was terrible. I hope we learned our lesson and we never do it again.}
{251}{Over_203}{How would I know? I can barely keep up with what goes on in here! I suspect you're going to find out.}

{252}{}{You gain 7,500 experience points for returning the water chip and saving the Vault. Congratulations!}

{253}{Over_0ab}{Here's a picture to help you identify it.}
{254}{Over_1a}{You have one month to retrieve the chip before the vault runs out of water.}
{255}{Over_1b}{You have two months to retrieve the chip before the vault runs out of water.}
{256}{Over_1c}{You have four months to retrieve the chip before the vault runs out of water.}
{257}{Over_1d}{You have five months to retrieve the chip before the vault runs out of water.}
{258}{Over_1e}{You have six months to retrieve the chip before the vault runs out of water.}

{259}{}{Yeah, well I guess you'll have to find someone else to do your dirty work.}
{260}{}{I understand. I'll work harder to find the chip.}

{261}{Over_81a}{You've done it! That's . . . wonderful. Amazing! I'm so proud of what you've accomplished, what you've endured.}
{262}{Over_81b}{There's no way the people of the Vault can ever thank you enough for what you've done. You've saved all our lives. Who knows, maybe even saved the human race. [The Overseer sighs.] That makes the rest of this even harder.}
{263}{Over_81c}{Everyone will want to talk to you. Every youngster will look up to you, and want to emulate you. And then what?}
{264}{Over_81d}{They'll want to leave. What happens to the Vault if we lose the best of a generation? What if we are the only safe place in the world? You just gave us back all these lives . . . I can't take the chance of losing them.}
{265}{Over_81e}{I've made a lot of tough decisions since I took this position. But none of them harder than this one. You saved us, but you'll kill us. I'm sorry. You're a hero . . . and you have to leave.}

# Overseer Tell-Me-Abouts generic responses
{980}{Over_100}{I don't know anything about that.}

# Overseer Tell-Me-Abouts

{1100}{Over_200}{It is a critical part that allows us to purify the water. Without it, we'll run out of drinking water.}
{1101}{Over_201}{This is our home. We'd all be dead without it. If we care for it properly, it should last us for a long time.}
{1102}{Over_202}{It was terrible. I hope we learned our lesson and we never do it again.}
{1103}{Over_203}{How would I know? I can barely keep up with what goes on in here! I suspect you're going to find out.}
{1104}{Over_200}{It is a critical part that allows us to purify the water. Without it, we'll run out of drinking water.}

{1105}{Over_21q}{We don't have time for this!}

{1106}{Over_21q}{We don't have time for this!}
{1107}{Over_21q}{We don't have time for this!}
{1108}{Over_201}{This is our home. We'd all be dead without it. If we care for it properly, it should last us for a long time.}
{1109}{Over_201}{This is our home. We'd all be dead without it. If we care for it properly, it should last us for a long time.}
{1110}{Over_21q}{We don't have time for this!}
{1111}{Over_200}{It is a critical part that allows us to purify the water. Without it, we'll run out of drinking water.}
