Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

# Message File: obj_dude.msg #
# #
# Log: #
# #
# Created: April 14, 1998 #
# #
# Updated: #

# The following lines are for describing the NPC when #
# glanced and and examined. #


{110}{}{Your feet really itch.}
{120}{}{You're developing a nasty bunion on each foot.}
{130}{}{Your shoes feel really tight; those bunions are really getting inflamed.}
{140}{}{That nasty bunion on each foot seems to have turned into an extra toe. But at least that persistent, burning itch has gone away.}
{141}{}{Oh my God, it's Bess!}

{150}{}{You gain }
{151}{}{xp for getting the GECK.}
