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Fallout Wiki

Numen[1][2] is a term utilized by the Church of Harold to refer to mutated humans.


In some situations, the term also specifically refers to those mutants who are uniquely compatible with plant life, such as Harold with Bob.[3]


The term Numen is used in volume 2 of The Armageddon Rag and in the 2024 Magic: The Gathering crossover event.


  1. The Armageddon Rag, Vol. 2:
    Who is Harold?
    Harold turned long ago after the Great War. He is First among Numens, the Light of our Path. His courage and wisdom lead us. His heroic deeds act as an example to us all. (See the Publications section for more!) He shows us the Way. He is the Harold, Seer of the Unseen. Knower of the Unknown. Adulterator of the Unadulterated.
  2. Church of Harold brochure - Oldmens as well as Numens. As the Great Harold once said, "Be kind to the Smoothskins One Saved the world once. 'Course, it they broke it to start with."
  3. The Armageddon Rag, Vol. 2:
    Why was it created?
    Our mission, stemming from the Union of Plant and Numen, is to Rebuild the world, one Twig at a time.