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A nuclear missile is a world object in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.


When the Great War broke out, 77 nuclear missiles were aimed at the city of Las Vegas and surrounding area.[1] Due to preparations made by Robert House, mainframes force-transmitted disarm codes to 59 warheads and laser cannons on the roof of the Lucky 38 destroyed nine others, while the remaining 9 warheads were able to reach targets outside of the city.[1] Raul Tejada recalls that Mr. House's anti-missile defense systems could be seen shooting down missiles from as far away as Mexico City.[2]

Several silos managed by the Commonwealth Defense Administration's Ballistic Defense Division were located in what would become the Divide, remaining unlaunched and underground after the war. The Courier delivered a device that activated these missiles within their silos, resulting in the destruction of Hopeville and Ashton.

In the Honest Hearts add-on, Randall Clark describes details about the nuclear missiles that destroyed Salt Lake City.[3] He recollects that his vehicle's engine failed and upon detonation, the light from the blast blinded individuals near him.[3] In addition, after each detonation, there was an 18 second delay of ground movement from where he was located.[3]


Ending slides[]

# Slide Voice-over narration In-game condition
Nvdlc04 endingslide missilelaunch
The Divide erupted in fire as the flame trail of the two Couriers' last message arced into the sky... Launch the missiles. Target: Any one faction.
Nvdlc04 endingslide legionimpact01
...missiles fell on the East and the Legion encampment at Dry Wells... where the Twisted Hairs had allied, then been betrayed by Vulpes and Caesar. Legion soldiers died, their silhouettes blasted into the ground and earth, the last word of the last of the Twisted Hairs. Launch the missiles. Target: The Legion.
Nvdlc04 endingslide legionimpact02
It was an ending to things - a way of erasing the road that had led to this point and the history that had walked with it.
Nvdlc04 endingslide ncrimpact01
...missiles fell on NCR and the Long 15 caravan route beyond the Mojave Outpost, the road the Courier had been walking when the tale began. Caravans and NCR outposts along the route were reduced to ash, an Old World gift from the Divide. Launch the missiles. Target: The NCR.
Nvdlc04 endingslide ncrimpact02
As catastrophic as the damage was for NCR, the act made the Courier stronger for having no history, and no retreat. It was an ending to things - a way of erasing the road that had led to this point and the history that had walked with it.
Nvdlc04 endingslide allimpact
The Divide erupted in fire, violent, red as the last message of the two Couriers arced into the sky... The missiles rained like spears down on the land, burning flags and communities alike... destroying all they struck. The history of the West was erased for the second time, thorough and complete... and America slept once more. Launch the missiles. Target: Both factions. Lack the Wild Wasteland trait.
Wild Wasteland
Nvdlc04 endingslide wildwasteland
The Couriers finally, really did it. They blew up the lands West and East of the Mojave... damning them all to hell. The act was discovered 200 years later, as other couriers explored the Mojave wastes. There, they saw NCR relics, reminders of their once proud history. Launch the missiles. Target: Both factions. Have the Wild Wasteland trait.


The model of nuclear missile found in the Divide is called the Minuteman XI in the Silo network security codes, although the codes are an exact copy of the Fort Constantine launch codes from Fallout 3.


Nuclear missiles are mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas and appear in its add-on Lonesome Road.

Behind the scenes[]

The appearance of the rocket is nearly identical to the Titan-II ballistic missile used by the United States during the Cold War, but with the name taken from the LGM-30 Minuteman family of intercontinental ballistic missiles, and then "futurized" as the Minuteman XI (Eleven). In our world, the Minuteman only goes up to the third generation (Minuteman III).



  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Courier: "What preparations did you make to save Las Vegas?"
    Robert House: "On the day of the Great War, 77 atomic warheads targeted Las Vegas and its surrounding areas. My networked mainframes were able to predict and force-transmit disarm code subsets to 59 warheads, neutralizing them before impact. Laser cannons mounted on the roof of the Lucky 38 destroyed another 9 warheads. The rest got through, though none hit the city itself. A sub-optimal performance, admittedly. If only the Platinum Chip had arrived a day sooner..."
    (Mr. House's dialogue)
  2. ↑ The Courier: "Can you tell me anything about Mr. House?"
    Raul Tejada: "Just how old do you think I am, boss? Because I can pretty much guarantee I'm older than that. Let me tell you a story from before the Great War: Everybody knew Robert House. He was a genius. A superstar. Founded RobCo at 22, dated Hollywood starlets, the works. They say he saved Las Vegas. I was in Mexico City when the bombs dropped. Even from there, we could see House's defensive rockets shooting down the incoming missiles. Everybody assumed he died in the War. Maybe he did. But his robots are still out there, roaming the Wastes. And now, a Mr. House rules New Vegas."
    (Raul Tejada's dialogue)
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Year: 2077