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This is a transcript for dialogue with Crandon.


CrandonJoinUp Need a hand with any trouble? Neutral 50 You want to help us out? What makes you think we want you around here, huh? 1
CrandonNorthVegas Tell me about North Vegas. Neutral 50 We've been here for a few years, just looking for a place we can call our own. 2
Neutral 50 Life's harsh, but still, it beats the hell out of the desert. We've got numbers, we've got food, and we've got trade. That's progress, stranger. 3
CrandonStuffToDo What is there to do here? Neutral 50 Keep your nose to the ground, stranger, that's what. Mind your own business and let us mind our own, are we clear? 4
Neutral 50 If you've got a mind to loot the old H&H Tools factory, don't even bother. That place is sealed tighter than a Radscorpion's bunghole. 5
Neutral 50 Every salvager who tries gets blown up, flattened, or gutted by traps. Then he starts to stink up the town and we're the ones to clean up the mess. 6
CrandonStuffToDoRepeat What was that about salvage and traps? Neutral 50 That's right, the H&H Tools factory on the main drag. It's been sealed for ages, and it's lousy with traps. Still, might be something valuable to you. 7
CrandonTownWatch Tell me more about your role here. Neutral 50 Jules, myself, and a few others patrol the streets and sewers. Any punks come up out of the rest of the city, we give 'em the run off. 8
Tell me more about your role here. Neutral 50 Like I told you, we look out for each other here. Me, Jules, and a few others make sure any trouble stays the hell out of our streets. 9
CrandonWatchStage1 What would you like me to do? Neutral 50 Some squatters decided to take space where they don't belong, over by the playground. We'd prefer to keep 'em off the streets and out of sight. 10
Neutral 50 Maybe you could go and talk to them... convince them to see things our way. 11
What would you like me to do? Happy 30 Good work with those newcomers. I think you can handle more serious business... with more serious rewards. 12
Anger 50 There's a handful of greasers down in the sewers causing trouble. They ain't packing too much iron, but I'd like them dealt with all the same. 13
CrandonWatchStage2 Got any more work for me? Happy 30 Good work with those newcomers. I think you can handle more serious business... with more serious rewards. 14
Anger 50 There's a handful of greasers down in the sewers causing trouble. They ain't packing too much iron, but I'd like them dealt with all the same. 15
CrandonWatchStage3 Anything else you'd like me to do? Neutral 50 You know, this time I may actually need a gun with a brain. 16
Neutral 50 Talk to Mrs. Hostetler. She's near the Crimson Caravan. I think her daughter's making bad "friends," the kind that'll slit your throat in the dark. 17
CrandonWhoAreYou Who are you? Neutral 50 Name's Crandon, stranger. I keep an eye out for trouble around here. 18
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Can I help you with something, stranger? 19
GREETING Neutral 50 I hear tell you pretty well wiped out the Fiends around here. Not bad, not bad. 20
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome back, merc. 21
GREETING Neutral 50 Have you taken care of those squatters? 22
GREETING Neutral 50 Have you run off those greasers? 23
GREETING Happy 30 Good to see you around. Take care, merc. 24
GREETING Neutral 50 You're still around, huh? 25
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasCrandonTopic000 I'm a friend, trust me. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Really? You'll forgive me if I ask you to back that claim up, won't you? 26
I respect your independence, and I'm good at taking care of troubles. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] That's the kind of stuff I like to hear, stranger. All right, we could use someone like you. 27
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasCrandonTopic001 What kind of trouble? Neutral 50 Folks that don't belong. Murderers, rapists, extortionists, and everything in between. 28
Neutral 50 You know, business as usual in North Vegas, stranger. 29
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasCrandonTopic002 Doesn't the NCR keep order around here? Surprise 40 NCR... did you just crawl out from under a rock? Those folks only care about {emphasize all three "theirs"} their business, their people and their pockets. 30
Anger 30 NCR's order? Don't make me laugh, stranger. We work this land, we own these streets, and we yank up the bad weeds ourselves, got it? 31
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasCrandonTopic004 I'm not interested in this, right now. Neutral 50 Suit yourself. 32
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasCrandonTopic005 Goodbye. Neutral 50 I'll see you around. 33
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasCrandonTopic007 If you've got the caps, I'll back any claim you want. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Hmm. Honesty's a good trait, stranger, but I don't deal with mercenaries unless I'm damn sure they can be trusted. 34
I've got the skills, the will and the firepower. All I expect is a decent reward for my work. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Spoken like a true mercenary. Well, you seem like you can handle yourself, stranger, and we can use people like that. 35
Neutral 50 We may not squander our wealth like those fools in the Strip, but we take care of our own business. Consider this a token of good faith. 36
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasCrandonTopic008 I'm on it. Neutral 50 I like your speed, stranger. Let me know when that's done. 37
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasCrandonTopic009 I've got other things in mind, right now. Neutral 50 Mercs with a brain are no good to me, stranger. Let me know when you start behaving like a real gun. 38
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasCrandonTopic010 I'll deal with them. Neutral 50 Glad to hear it. Let me know when they're gone. 39
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasCrandonTopic012 Okay, I'll go see her. Neutral 50 I like your enthusiasm, stranger. Let me know when that's done. 40
I haven't sent them to the sewers, yet. Anger 30 I thought you'd be made of stronger stuff, merc. Don't prove me wrong or I'll have to find someone else with the guts to do what's right. 41
I've taken care of those troublemakers. Neutral 50 Great work. I gotta make sure this place doesn't eat itself from the inside. 42
I've taken care of those troublemakers. Neutral 50 Great work. I gotta make sure this place doesn't eat itself from the inside. 43
Happy 30 I take care of those who help with that. Here, you earned it. 44
I've dealt with those newcomers. Neutral 50 That's good to hear. Can't ever be too careful with strangers around here. 45
Not yet. I'll get on it. Neutral 50 I'm starting to think you're as undesirable around here as those strangers. Do something to change my mind, merc. 46
I've dealt with those newcomers. Neutral 50 That's good to hear. Can't ever keep too many eyes on strangers around here. 47
Happy 50 I take care of those who help with that. Here, you earned it. 48
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasCrandonTopic016 I'm not interested in this right now. Neutral 50 Suit yourself. 49