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This is a transcript for dialogue with Alice Hostetler.


GREETING GREETING Anger 40 Back off! I know how to use this gun, and I'm not afraid to shoot if you try anything! 1
Anger 70 I've put up with their shit long enough. No more! I'll... I'll kill them if they get in my way! 2
GREETING Neutral 50 What... what have I done!? Mother... 3
GREETING Neutral 50 ... 4
GREETING Neutral 50 ... 5
GREETING Neutral 50 Good to see you again. I'm just passing through here; staying at this refugee camp, under the wing of NCR thugs, is the last thing on my mind. 6
GREETING Happy 50 {Chance encounter on the road} Hey there! I'm on my way to Novac to find a new home, even if it lasts just a little while. See you around. 7
GREETING Happy 50 Hello again. Well, this is my place now. With time, I'll turn it into a good home. 8
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic000 I'm not here to hurt you. Anger 30 Then what the hell {emphasis} do you want? Don't try anything, I mean it! 9
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic001 What's going on here? Anger 50 It's payback time, that's what! They've got no right to screw me over, and I'm tired of it! 10
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic002 <Attack> Time to put you down! Anger 80 You too? Think I'm just a little girl? I'll show you! 11
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic003 I'm here to help you. Andy sent me. Neutral 50 Dammit, I can take care of this by myself! That bitch is going to pay for all these years of bossing me around. 12
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic004 I just want to talk, that's all. Fear 30 [SUCCEEDED] Okay, but this better not be a trick! 13
I just want to talk, that's all. Anger 50 [FAILED] I'm not stupid little girl anymore, you can't talk me out of this! 14
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic011 Alice, Andy's just using you to get the money. Surprise 50 Wh-What are you talking about? Andy wants to help me leave this hole... doesn't he? 15
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic012 Do you have the money? Anger 50 She's guarding it, I know she is! 16
Neutral 50 She's locked the bedroom door - like that's going to stop me. I was... I've got a gun, I'm going to make her give it to me! 17
So, where's the money? Anger 50 She's guarding it, I know she is! 18
Neutral 50 She's locked the bedroom door - like that's going to stop me. I was... I've got a gun, I'm going to make her give it to me! 19
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic015 No, look at this note I found in his room. Anger 50 ... That- that- that son of a bitch! I'll take the money and I'll kill him too! 20
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic016 What do you really want, Alice? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I... I don't know what I want. But I hate this place, and I hate these people. 21
Sad 50 It all used to be so simple. Why did they change? Why can't they see my pain? 22
What do you really want, Alice? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I... I don't know what I want. But I hate this place, and I hate these people. 23
Sad 50 It all used to be so simple. Why did they change? Why can't they see my pain? 24
Why are you doing this? Just for the money? Anger 70 [FAILED] The money, yes! It's mine, and nobody can stop me from getting it! 25
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic017 They care for you, in their own way. Sad 50 Do they? Look at my Mother, all she cares for is a patch of bare dirt where nothing green will ever grow to feed us. 26
Sad 50 My Father? A trading business that he'll never own, risking his neck every day against Wastelanders and cut-throat "merchants." 27
Anger 50 And I'm supposed to be part of those dreams? What about my dreams, stranger? What about me? 28
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic022 Okay, go ahead. I'll wait for you. Anger 50 Yeah, okay... I'll shoot the lock off the door and... and then.... Argh, dammit! 29
Pained 30 ... I can't do it, I can't. She deserves it, and worse, but I can't hurt my own mother! 30
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic047 I don't care about this. Sort it out yourselves. Anger 80 Oh, you think I won't do it? I'll show you! 31
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic054 Give me your gun, Alice. Neutral 50 Fine. Take it. But what the hell am I supposed to do now? 32
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic055 I should've known you don't have what it takes. Anger 80 Oh, you think I won't do it? You think I'm not right in wanting back my life!? I'll show you! 33
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic057 You should stay with your family - reconcile with them. Sad 50 Maybe you're right... but what will they think? How can I look them in the face ever again? 34
Pained 30 Well, I guess I don't deserve any better, huh? So be it... 35
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic058 You should get out of here and never come back. Sad 80 You're right, there's no place for me here. Just... just tell them I'm sorry, and that they won't have to worry about me, ever again. 36
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic064 Only you can answer that. Surprise 50 [SUCCEEDED]... It's all me, isn't it? The pain, the anger, my joy, all of that's just me. 37
Happy 80 I should've met you before, stranger. Thank you. 38
I... guess that's your choice. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Some choice. I can't stay here now, and I don't have the means to leave. 39
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic077 Now there really is no turning back. Pained 70 Father... what's he going to do to me? I can't stay here, I can't hide from this! 40
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic078 That was great! Good job, Alice. Pained 80 Are you out of your mind? I just... no, no, no! 41
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic080 Once I have my share, you can get out of here. Anger 80 I don't want to get out, do you hear me! I just... no, no, no! 42
VDialogueVegasNorthNorthVegasAliceHostetlerTopic081 Grab the money and run far away. Anger 80 You think I really care about the money? I just... no, no, no! 43