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FO76 New App trainyard 3

The New Appalachian central train yard terminal entries are a series of entries found on a terminal in New Appalachian Central Trainyard in Fallout 76.

Switch-tower operator's terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the switch operator's tower at the northern end of the railyard.


Operator: Al Wortzik

Incoming Mail 08.12.2077[]


From: Cary Skinner

From everything we've learned, the armored train is scheduled to stop at New Appalachia Bank on Sept. 28th around 5AM. There will be four armed guards with the shipment, two aboard the train and two riding behind in one of the other cars. It's easy pickings, I promise. I figure a three-way split between you, me and my brother would be fair - if you do your part.


> Loading...

Incoming Mail 08.14.2077[]


From: Cary Skinner

I got the map of the trainyard you sent. It looks like if you can rig switches 4 and 7, we can keep the train on the loading tracks. When we hit it, the engineer is going to try and gun it out of there, but guess what - thanks to you, they ain't going anywhere. All you got to do then is cover us from one of the switch-towers in case someone tries to sneak up on us.


> Loading...

Incoming Mail 09.10.2077[]


From: Cary Skinner

It took some doing, but we bribed one of the cops that'll be riding shotgun on the armored train to lay low while my brother takes his place. And get this - he told us that the vault at the bank should be damn full that day. He wanted to make it a four-way split, but we told him no way. We'll pay him just enough to keep his mouth shut. If he tries to blab anything after the job, I'll go around to his place and make sure he stays quiet, permanently.


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Incoming Mail 09.25.2077[]


From: Cary Skinner

All right, Al. We're three days from the job. So let's go over this one more time. The train pulls in at 5AM, they start loading up the vault car at around 5:15AM. When they're almost done, that's when we hit them. According to you, they take between ten and twenty minutes to load, so if you don't see anything happening by 5:35AM, then something's gone wrong and you should lay low. If we take the train, we'll load up everything we can on my brother's truck and meet at the farm. Make sure you delete all this when you're done memorizing. Hang in there, buddy, we're about to get rich!


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Incoming Mail 10.01.2077[]


From: Marlin Rellicker, Trainyard Supervisor

Al, we need you to stop what you're doing and let the workers continue the clean-up at the New Appalachian Central Trainyard, then come on down to the central office right away. There's a man here from the federal authorities that has a few questions for you. Oh, and bring all your paperwork for the last three months, please. We've already backed up the emails on your terminal, so no need to bring those with you. See you soon.


> Loading...


FO76 New Appalachian central trainyard (Terminal)

Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk on the second floor of the railyard bank building. It is locked and requires Hacker rank 1.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink

Safe Control[]

Note: Accessing this command unlocks the nearby safe. It requires Picklock level 1.
