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Fallout Wiki

The Neon Flats terminal entries are a series of entries found on four terminals in Neon Flats in the Fallout 4 Creation Club content "Neon Flats."

Lobby terminal[]

Entries before power is restored




Project S.N.O.W.[]


They say in the aftermath of the Great War, you could walk into a neighborhood and the only thing you'd hear is the snow crash from the television sets, still on but airing nothing.

That was the nuclear winter I was trying to avoid with this project. It was never meant to be a replacement for humanity, but an alternative future for it.

The project started small. As someone who forgets basic tasks like setting the alarm, I programmed the machine to find different ways to remind me, without relying on sound. The idea was to reinforce lateral thinking, to find solutions to problems without traditional human design and input. Over time, the machine learned a number of different solutions, from flashing lights at various spectrums to beds imbued with a slight electrical current.

Eventually Project S.N.O.W. - Synthetic Neural Operating Workstation - expanded to include an entire living space. We had it remodel an abandoned hotel in Goodneighbor, designing everything from the workstations to the kitchen. The AI would assist with various field operations and monitor the health of the occupants.

Pouring over the data, I marveled at what the machine had wrought. Unlike most artificial intelligence programs, it did more than learn what I forgot, but created things anew. It was not an extension of the human mind, but a teacher for it.

I suppose in hindsight, it was foolish to think it would stay.

Elevators and system offline[]


The signs were there. We needed to wipe the system and start over, but the program had other ideas.

I had gone on my usual break and left the others to finish the reset. Yet when I returned, I found the cleanup crew incapacitated. I suspect it was done through some kind of electrical current, similar to the alarm system it developed during the initial development phase. Needless to say I should be careful with what I touch.

I managed to get some power restored and the lobby terminal functioning, but as I suspect, the relevant data has been migrated. Outside of basic security measures, not a single trace of S.N.O.W. seems to be left in the flat.

I can only deduce that the program somehow managed to find its way off the internal network. If I can find out where it's gone, I can reset the AI and restrict its self-learning algorithm using a reboot holotape. Tracing its path, however, might prove difficult. Terminals are one thing, but if it somehow made its way into something ambulatory, finding it could be a problem.

Data recovery[]


Studying the backup recovery logs, it seems a large data transfer was sent somewhere downtown. I'm not sure how it managed to connect to an outside network, but that's exactly how we designed it, to think outside of the box.

That's going to make following its train of thought even more difficult. I hate to say it, but I'm a bit stumped. I'm going to head over to the Third Rail and get a drink. I do my best thinking at the bar.

Initiate system reboot[]


Error. File not found.

Please enter a valid holotape.


Terminal display after ejecting Project S.N.O.W. system restore at the Electrical Hobbyist's Club during Neon Winter.


>>Running system reboot...
>>Updating base algorithm...
>>Restoring power to elevators...
System restored. Welcome home.

Neon Flats terminal[]


==== Temperature Control ====



BIOS Version: 2.01

Temperature Control[]

Backup system is copied at Electrical Hobbyist's Club.


OFF - Turns off temperature modulation
COOL - Adds coolant to circulated air
WARM - Heats room temperature and warms furniture
Some files could not be validated. Automated temperature modulation may not function as intended.


Upload is canceled at Electrical Hobbyist's Club.


OFF - Turns off temperature modulation
COOL - Adds coolant to circulated air
WARM - Heats room temperature and warms furniture
AUTOMATED - Optimizes apartment based on current temperatures. Lowers temperature during sleep cycle.



Temperature modulation off.



Compressing vapor...



Cool temperature mode activated.


Condensing refrigerant...



Distributing heat through coils...



Warm temperature mode activated.


Initializing pump...


Backup system is copied at Electrical Hobbyist's Club.


Analyzing body temperature...



Error. File not found.

Automated temperature mode disabled.


Initiating scan...



Upload is canceled at Electrical Hobbyist's Club.


Analyzing body temperature...



Automated temperature mode activated.


Initiating scan...


Backup system is copied at Electrical Hobbyist's Club.


Toggle Lights

Base lighting only. Additional light sources must be activated manually.

Automated functions unavailable.


Upload is canceled at Electrical Hobbyist's Club.


Toggle Lights

Base lighting only. Additional light sources must be activated manually.

Automated lighting will activate energy saver mode, turning lights on and off based on proximity.



Base lighting turned on.



Base lighting turned off.



Base lighting set to manual.



Base lighting set to automated.

Neon Flats inventory terminal[]



BIOS Version: 2.01

Inventory Management[]


USER: Admin
ACTION: Deposit
ITEMS: 2 Institute Renegade Outfit(s)

USER: Binet
ACTION: Withdraw
ITEMS: 1 Institute Renegade Outfit

USER: Admin
ACTION: Deposit
ITEMS: 1 Troubleshooter's Gen-4 10mm Pistol, Architect's Winter Jacket

USER: Admin
ACTION: Installation
ITEMS: Ceiling Storage Unit, Terminal Workstation

View Access Logs[]


Access: Local. Login: Admin
Category Update: Inventory Management

Access: Local. Login: Guest - Binet.L
Category Update: Inventory Management

Access: Local. Login: Admin
Accessed Light control

Access: Local. Login: Admin
Category Update: Inventory Management

Access: External. Login: Unknown
Accessed BIOS control

Neon Flats private terminal[]



BIOS Version: 2.01

Cogito ergo sum[]


If God created man in his own image, he did so at his own peril. After all, what prevents a man from staring him in the face and declaring him his equal?

Maybe the synths would've rebelled regardless. But the Robotics team created them in their own image, so it doesn't surprise me if the synths think they're human.

But this project is different. The machine at the heart of this complex bears no resemblance to me. Or rather, I placed none of myself in it.

Of course, my colleague Dr. Binet often reminds me that sentience doesn't require a human form to know itself. Cogito, ergo sum, as it were. I think therefore I am. Yet I wonder if he'd be as impressed with S.N.O.W. as he is with the machines that smile to his face.

Automated lights[]


The other night I stumbled to the bathroom, looking for a switch, when suddenly the lights came on without prompting.

When I examined the code the next day, S.N.O.W. not only had updated its own software, it provided a list of hardware improvements that could provide even more functionality. It could light up rooms, clean the air, and warm the toilet. It did so while lowering the overall energy usage, by efficiently turning systems on and off depending on whether they were in use.

I would've slapped myself in the face if my jaw wasn't on the floor.

After relating the story to Dr. Binet, he's taken an interest in the project. He's sending over someone from his department to examine the code. Their experience with robotics and artificial intelligence should provide some additional insight.

Turing test[]


As happy as I am with the results, the pace of S.N.O.W.'s self-learning algorithm has become a point of concern.

Earlier this morning I attempted to change the automated lighting profile and the system refused to comply. After running an override, I noticed the system wasn't actually trying to save energy. It was diverting power to its central processing unit.

I submitted a Turing test immediately and while it didn't pass, it failed in such a spectacular manner that it makes me suspicious. Is it possible the machine has figured out the intent of the test itself?

It may be time to reset the entire system back to the original code. It's a shame considering how much progress has been made, but it's not worth the risk. I've contacted both the Robotics team and the SRB and they've promised to send a cleanup crew within 24 hours.

Lobby Terminal Logs[]

Old logs[]

Project S.N.O.W.[]

They say in the aftermath of the Great War, you could walk into a neighborhood and the only thing you'd hear is the snow crash from the television sets, still on but airing nothing.

That was the nuclear winter I was trying to avoid with this project. It was never meant to be a replacement for humanity, but an alternative future for it.

The project started small. As someone who forgets basic tasks like setting the alarm, I programmed the machine to find different ways to remind me, without relying on sound. The idea was to reinforce lateral thinking, to find solutions to problems without traditional human design and input. Over time, the machine learned a number of different solutions, from flashing lights at various spectrums to beds imbued with a slight electrical current.

Eventually Project S.N.O.W. - Synthetic Neural Operating Workstation - expanded to include an entire living space. We had it remodel an abandoned hotel in Goodneighbor, designing everything from the workstations to the kitchen. The AI would assist with various field operations and monitor the health of the occupants.

Pouring over the data, I marveled at what the machine had wrought. Unlike most artificial intelligence programs, it did more than learn what I forgot, but created things anew. It was not an extension of the human mind, but a teacher for it.

I suppose in hindsight, it was foolish to think it would stay.

Elevators and system offline[]

The signs were there. We needed to wipe the system and start over, but the program had other ideas.

I had gone on my usual break and left the others to finish the reset. Yet when I returned, I found the cleanup crew incapacitated. I suspect it was done through some kind of electrical current, similar to the alarm system it developed during the initial development phase. Needless to say I should be careful with what I touch.

I managed to get some power restored and the lobby terminal functioning, but as I suspect, the relevant data has been migrated. Outside of basic security measures, not a single trace of S.N.O.W. seems to be left in the flat.

I can only deduce that the program somehow managed to find its way off the internal network. If I can find out where it's gone, I can reset the AI and restrict its self-learning algorithm using a reboot holotape. Tracing its path, however, might prove difficult. Terminals are one thing, but if it somehow made its way into something ambulatory, finding it could be a problem.

Data recovery[]

Studying the backup recovery logs, it seems a large data transfer was sent somewhere downtown. I'm not sure how it managed to connect to an outside network, but that's exactly how we designed it, to think outside of the box.

That's going to make following its train of thought even more difficult. I hate to say it, but I'm a bit stumped. I'm going to head over to the Third Rail and get a drink. I do my best thinking at the bar.
