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This is a transcript for dialogue with George, the man found outside of Nellis Air Force Base.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Whoa there, pal. You better slow down, or you'll get blown up like the rest of the idiots who thought they'd scavenge in Boomer territory. 1
Neutral 50 Now that I've got your attention, might you be interested in a little information? It'll cost you, but it's well worth the investment. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 Welcome back. Have you reconsidered my offer?{test} 3
GREETING Neutral 50 I told you what you need to know. Now get moving! 4
GREETING Neutral 50 Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick! You're the first one to make it through alive, let alone manage a return trip! 5
GREETING Neutral 50 That was pretty incredible. I've never seen anyone come out of the Boomer's rain of death alive before.{test} 6
VFreeformNellisNellisGeorgeTopic000 Thanks for the warning. What's going on past those signs? Neutral 50 Oh lordy lordy, you haven't heard of the Boomers? What rock have you been living under? 7
Neutral 50 They're a bunch of artillery-slingin' grenade lobbin' odd-jobs camping out in Nellis. Wander into their territory and you're as good as mincemeat! 8
VFreeformNellisNellisGeorgeTopic001 300 caps? Nah, I've got better things to spend my caps on. Neutral 50 Suit yourself. Come back and see me when you get tired of picking shrapnel out of your backside. 9
VFreeformNellisNellisGeorgeTopic002 Is there a way to get past? Neutral 50 There is a way, and I'll tell you... for a little wager? 10
VFreeformNellisNellisGeorgeTopic007 Wager? Let's hear it. Neutral 50 Well, I know the secret to get past. If you give me the caps, I'll tell you. 11
Neutral 50 If you make it back alive I'll double your money! 12
VFreeformNellisNellisGeorgeTopic009 <Pay 300 caps> You've got yourself a bet. Neutral 50 Okay, here you go. That page has the details, but it's all in the timing as you move from building to building. 13
Neutral 50 I'll be here watching, so I'll know if you've made it to the gate or not. Remember, there's 600 caps in it if you make it. 14
300 caps? I'm a bit short right now. How about 200? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Alright, I suppose I can cut you a deal, but not a cap lower. I gotta make a living here. 15
Neutral 50 Okay, here you go. That page has the details, but it's all in the timing as you move from building to building. 16
Neutral 50 I'll be here watching, so I'll know if you've made it to the gate or not. Remember, I'll pay double your wager if you make it back. 17
300 caps?! 50 sounds like a fair price. Neutral 50 [FAILED] No deal. My info, my price. 18
You can tell me, or you can tell the underside of my boot. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Whoa, simmer down. I'll tell you. I'm a gambler and a scavenger. 19
Neutral 50 I've made some cash from gambling, and some cash from... reclaiming goods that are no longer being used. Now do you want my help or not? 20
Who the hell are you? Neutral 50 [FAILED] Who am I and what I am doing is my business. Now are you in the market for info or not? 21
VFreeformNellisNellisGeorgeTopic019 I believe you said you would double my money. Neutral 50 Yep, here are your caps. 22
That was X caps.
That was 600 caps. Neutral 50 Sorry about that, poor memory. Here you go. 23
That was 400 caps. Neutral 50 Sorry about that, poor memory. Here you go. 24
VFreeformNellisNellisGeorgeTopic021 <Lie> Make it 700 caps or I'll tell the Boomers to adjust their trajectory. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] You drive a hard bargain. Here you go. Have a nice {sarcasm on nice} day. 25
I think it deserves closer to 1000 caps. Neutral 50 [FAILED] No deal, here's what we agreed upon. 26
I think it deserves closer to 1000 caps. Neutral 50 [FAILED] No deal, here's what we agreed upon. 27
VFreeformNellisNellisGeorgeTopic022 Yep, thanks for the compliment. Bye! Neutral 50 Aren't you forgetting... nevermind. Goodbye. 28