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This is a transcript for dialogue with Argyll.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 I know Mother Pearl is letting you wander Nellis as you please, Outsider, but I have patients to tend to. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 If I haven't said it before, Outsider, let me say it now - welcome to Nellis. Word from Pearl is that you're to be greeted as a friend. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 You raised the Lady from the Lake! The future is looking up. How can I help you, Outsider? 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Yes, Outsider? 4
NellisArgyllPatientHarmed NellisArgyllPatientHarmed Neutral 50 Are you sure you know what you're doing? You nearly killed that man! 5
NellisArgyllPatientHarmed Neutral 50 You've made him worse! Is that what you savages call medicine? 6
NellisArgyllPatientHarmed Neutral 50 Were you exaggerating your knowledge of medicine? Even I would've known not to do that! 7
NellisArgyllPatientHealed NellisArgyllPatientHealed Neutral 50 Excellent treatment. I hadn't thought of that! 8
NellisArgyllPatientHealed Neutral 50 I thought that man was done for, but you brought him around. 9
NellisArgyllPatientHealed Neutral 50 That was some fine doctoring. I could learn a thing or two from you! 10
NellisArgyllPatientHealed2 Neutral 50 Excellent treatment. I hadn't thought of that! 11
Neutral 50 I thought that man was done for, but you brought him around. 12
Neutral 50 That was some fine doctoring. I could learn a thing or two from you! 13
NellisArgyllPatientHealedDumb NellisArgyllPatientHealedDumb Neutral 50 Now I know what they mean by "dumb luck"! 14
NellisArgyllPatientKilled NellisArgyllPatientKilled Anger 50 Hold it right there! You had no business treating that man. You may've spared him a lingering death, but that's straight-out malpractice. 15
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic000 Can you spare any medical supplies? Neutral 50 You've done right by us, so I suppose I could spare some supplies. 16
Neutral 50 We've recently started making our own stimpaks, but we just don't have the materials to make other meds. Sorry about the lack of selection. 17
Can you spare any medical supplies? Neutral 50 Just let me know what you need. 18
Can you spare any medical supplies? Neutral 50 Sorry friend, we really don't have a need for wasteland currency around here. We produce most of what we need. 19
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic000DUPLICATE000 I'm sorry, I don't know enough to help. I wish I did. Sad 70 Don't apologize. Their care is my responsibility, but everything I know came from an old first aid field manual. 20
Sad 100 I don't know what else to do to help them... 21
Player has medical knowledge.
I have extensive medical knowledge. Let's see what I can do. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] If what you say is true, you can do us a world of good. 22
Sorry. I'm sure you know more than I do. Neutral 50 [FAILED] No need to apologize. Their care is my responsibility, not yours. Thing is, everything I know came out of a first aid handbook! 23
Neutral 50 If you think you know more than that, let me know. 24
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic002 <Lie> I'm a medical expert and my specialty is giant insect bites! Anger 80 [FAILED] These patients were gravely injured. It's not a joking matter! 25
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic003 <Lie> I assume the ants' tibular nastis pierced the patients' anterior traxes? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Well... I don't know, actually... I suppose it's possible. You should take a look! 26
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic004 I have wounds that need mending. Neutral 50 I can patch you up in exchange for doses of Fixer. 27
I have wounds that need mending. Neutral 50 I can patch you up in exchange for doses of Fixer. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 28
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic005 I need help with an addiction. Neutral 50 I can unburden you of that in exchange for doses of Rad-Away. 29
I need help with an addiction. Neutral 50 I can unburden you of that in exchange for doses of Rad-Away. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 30
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic006 I'm suffering from radiation sickness. Neutral 50 I can help you in exchange for Stimpaks. 31
I'm suffering from radiation sickness. Neutral 50 I can help you in exchange for Stimpaks. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 32
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic008 All right. Here's three doses of Fixer. Neutral 50 You're going to feel a little pinch. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 33
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic009 No, thanks. Neutral 50 Fair enough. 34
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic010 Here's two doses of Rad-Away. Neutral 50 Hold still. This'll burn for a moment. 35
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic011 No, thanks. Neutral 50 The symptoms of withdrawal will pass with time. 36
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic012 Here are two Stimpaks. Neutral 50 This'll make you feel better. 37
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic013 No, thanks. Neutral 50 Well, try to avoid further exposure. 38
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic015 All right. Here's two doses of Fixer. Neutral 50 You're going to feel a little pinch. 39
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic016 Here's three doses of Rad-Away. Neutral 50 Hold still. This'll burn for a moment. 40
VFreeformNellisNellisArgyllTopic019 Here are three Stimpaks. Neutral 50 This'll make you feel better. {[DUPLICATE LINE?]} 41
VFreeformNellisTopic000 I'm still looking for ways to make myself useful. Neutral 50 Well, look elsewhere. I can't let you near a patient after what happened. 42
I'm finished with your patients. Neutral 50 You're finished? So are they, I'm afraid. Your medicine was almost as dangerous to them as those giant ants! 43
I'm finished with your patients. Neutral 50 You did more harm than good, I think. Your heart was in the right place, at least. 44
I've finished treating your patients. Neutral 50 Those men owe you their lives. Seems we could learn a thing or two from you savages, when it comes to medicine, at least. 45
I'm still looking for ways to make myself useful. Neutral 50 Well, there are still patients left to treat... though I worry you'll just make them worse. 46
I'm still looking for ways to make myself useful. Neutral 50 There are still patients in need of treatment. Help them if you can. 47
I'm looking for ways to make myself useful. Neutral 50 I have three patients here who were gravely injured fighting those giant ants in the generator building a few days ago. 48
Neutral 50 I've stabilized their wounds, but they're in bad shape. Do you have medical training? 49
VFreeformNellisTopic001 I need medical treatment. Neutral 50 Seeing as you're a friend of ours, I suppose we could trade for what you need. 50
I need medical treatment. Neutral 50 I'm afraid medications are in short supply. Maybe you should seek medical treatment away from Nellis. 51
VFreeformNellisTopic002 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Goodbye. 52


NellisArgyllMedicalChatter NellisArgyllMedicalChatter Neutral 50 Got yourself cut up pretty good, eh? 53
NellisArgyllMedicalChatter Neutral 50 Next time don't wait so long before you seek medical attention. 54
NellisArgyllMedicalChatter Neutral 50 It's a good thing you made it in when you did. 55
NellisArgyllMedicalChatter Neutral 50 You need to be more careful, you can really get hurt out there. 56