Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Nathaniel Hawke was the Director of Operations for Wilson Atomatoys before the Great War.


Hawke worked with Colonel Thomas Nelson and CEO Marc Wilson to convert part of the Atomatoys' manufacturing capability for military purposes. Together with the factory crew, he managed to complete the initial conversion a week ahead of schedule, with everything ready for production to begin on November 1, 2077. After the board meeting on the company's progress with SCYTHE Program (the one during which Arlen Glass was removed from the premises), he had a date with Paula Marshall, executive receptionist.[1][2] However, in his shock from the meeting, he forgot about their date and went straight home. She chose to forgive him, as she too was shocked at Arlen's firing.[3]


Nathaniel Hawke is mentioned only in Fallout 4.

