Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Nathan Emmott is a developer who worked at Bethesda Softworks on Fallout 76 as a systems designer. In the updated credits for Wastelanders, he was listed as the lead monetization designer.

Employment history[]

November 2005April 2008NCSoftQA Tester / Associate Designer
February 2010May 2013BioWareSystems Designer
May 2013PresentBethesda Game Studios AustinPrincipal Monetization Designer


Fallout series[]

YearTitleCredited as/for
2018Fallout 76Systems Designer
Lead Monetization Designer

Other work[]

YearTitleCredited as/for
2005Guild WarsQA Tester
2006Auto AssaultAdditional QA Tester
2007Richard Garriott's Tabula RasaSenior QA Tester
2007Dungeon RunnersDesigner
2011Star Wars: The Old RepublicSystems Designer
2017Quake ChampionsPrincipal Monetization Designer

External links[]
