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This is a transcript for dialogue with Ron the Narrator.


VEndingCLCaesarAlive VEndingCaesarAlive Neutral 50 {narrating}Caesar entered The Strip as though it was his Triumph. The Legion pushed the NCR out of New Vegas entirely, driving them back to the Mojave Outpost. 1
Neutral 50 {narrating}The Legion occupied all major locations, enslaving much of the population and peacefully lording over the rest. 2
Neutral 50 {narrating}Under the Legion's banner, civilization - unforgiving as it was - finally came to the Mojave wasteland. 3
VEndingCLCaesarDead VEndingCaesarDead Neutral 50 {narrating}The Legate is crowned as the new Caesar. He entered The Strip as though it was a military target, destroying anyone who resisted him. 4
Neutral 50 {narrating}The Legion brutally occupied all major locations, killing and enslaving a large amount of the population. 5
Neutral 50 {narrating}Under the Legion's banner, civilization - savage as it was - finally came to the Mojave wasteland. 6
VEndingConclusion VEndingConclusion Neutral 50 {Narration, starting to wrap things up}And so the Courier's road came to an end... for now. 7
Neutral 50 {Narration, wrapping things up}In the new world of the Mojave wasteland, fighting continued, blood was spilled, and many lived and died - just as they had in the Old World. 8
Neutral 50 {Narration, final closing comment of the game}Because war... war never changes. 9
VEndingCourierFemale VEndingCourierFemale Neutral 50 {Narration, Good Karma, NCR Victory, Female}The Courier, fair and even-handed in her dealings throughout the Wasteland, was honored by the NCR for her support of the military at Hoover Dam. 10
Neutral 50 {Narration}She was presented with the Golden Branch, the highest civilian decoration given by the Republic. 11
VEndingCourierFemale Neutral 50 {Narration, Neutral Karma, NCR Victory, Female}Though the Courier's agenda was a mystery to many, she was honored by NCR for her support of the military at Hoover Dam. 12
Neutral 50 {Narration}She was presented with the Golden Branch, the highest civilian decoration given by the Republic. {{This line is a dupe, do not record twice.}} 13
VEndingCourierFemale Neutral 50 {Narration, Evil Karma, NCR Victory, Female}With brutal methods that few in NCR would approve of, it was the Courier who secured NCR's victory at Hoover Dam. 14
Neutral 50 {Narration}Despite her extreme actions, she was awarded with the Golden Branch, the highest civilian decoration given by the Republic. 15
VEndingCourierFemale Neutral 50 {Narration, Good Karma, Legion Victory, Female}Though the Courier herself was just and forthright in her dealings throughout the Wasteland, she helped the Legion achieve victory. 16
Neutral 50 {Narration}Caesar honored her with a golden coin, minted in celebration of her contributions and distributed throughout the wasteland. {{May have already been recorded, dupe line.}} 17
VEndingCourierFemale Neutral 50 {Narration, Neutral Karma, Legion Victory, Female}The Courier, a mercenary at heart, helped the Legion achieve victory at Hoover Dam. 18
Neutral 50 {Narration}Caesar honored her with a golden coin, minted in celebration of her contributions and distributed throughout the wasteland. {{This line is a dupe, do not record twice.}} 19
VEndingCourierFemale Neutral 50 {Narration, Evil Karma, Legion Victory, Female}The Legion marched over the Hoover Dam with the help of one who was as brutal and merciless as the worst of them: The Courier. 20
Neutral 50 {Narration}Caesar honored her with a golden coin, minted in celebration of her contributions and distributed throughout the wasteland. {{This line is a dupe, do not record twice.}} 21
VEndingCourierFemale Neutral 50 {Narration, Good Karma, House Victory, Female}The Courier, fair and kind-hearted to those in the Wasteland, ensured that Mr. House would keep New Vegas stable and secure for future generations. 22
Neutral 50 {Narrating}Mr. House afforded her every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38, both out of gratitude and a quiet pride in his choice of lieutenants. 23
VEndingCourierFemale Neutral 50 {Narration, Neutral Karma, House Victory, Female}The Courier, who had a mixed history in the Wasteland, kept the status quo at Hoover Dam. 24
Neutral 50 {Narration}Mr. House kept New Vegas stable, if not free, for generations, and afforded the Courier every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38. 25
VEndingCourierFemale Neutral 50 {Narration, Evil Karma, House Victory, Female}The Courier, cruel and merciless, had ensured that Mr. House would maintain complete control over New Vegas and everyone in it. 26
Neutral 50 {Narration}Mr. House afforded her every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38, mostly as a reward, but partly out of fear. 27
VEndingCourierFemale Neutral 50 {Narration, Good Karma, Indy Vegas, Female}Supporting the ideals of independence, the Courier was recognized as the woman responsible for a truly free New Vegas. 28
Neutral 50 {Narration}She ensured that Mr. House's tyranny was broken and that neither Caesar's Legion nor NCR would ever gain control over New Vegas. 29
VEndingCourierFemale Neutral 50 {Narration, Neutral Karma, Indy Vegas, Female}Preferring neither the best of the NCR nor the worst of the Legion, the Courier was the woman responsible for a truly independent New Vegas. 30
Neutral 50 {Narration}She had removed Mr. House from power over the Strip and broken the influence of the NCR and Caesar's Legion in the Mojave Wasteland. 31
VEndingCourierFemale Neutral 50 {Narration, Evil Karma, Indy Vegas, Female}Supporting all of the chaos that comes with independence, the Courier was the woman responsible for a truly free New Vegas. 32
Neutral 50 {Narration}She ensured the fall of Mr. House and the end of the Legion's and NCR's influence over New Vegas. 33
VEndingCourierMale VEndingCourier Neutral 50 {Narration, Good Karma, NCR Victory, Male}The Courier, fair and even-handed in his dealings throughout the Wasteland, was honored by the NCR for his support of the military at Hoover Dam. 34
Neutral 50 {Narration}He was presented with the Golden Branch, the highest civilian decoration given by the republic. {{This line may be a dupe, don't record again if recorded once already.}} 35
VEndingCourier Neutral 50 {Narration, Neutral Karma, NCR Victory, Male}Though the Courier's agenda was debated by many, he was honored by NCR for his support of the military at Hoover Dam. 36
Neutral 50 {Narration}He was presented with the Golden Branch, the highest civilian decoration given by the Republic. 37
VEndingCourier Neutral 50 {Narration, Evil Karma, NCR Victory, Male}With brutal methods that few in NCR would approve of, it was the Courier who secured NCR's victory at Hoover Dam. 38
Neutral 50 {Narration}Despite his extreme actions, he was awarded with the Golden Branch, the highest civilian decoration given by the Republic. 39
VEndingCourier Neutral 50 {Narration, Good Karma, Legion Victory, Male}Though the Courier himself was just and forthright in his dealings throughout the Wasteland, he helped the Legion achieve victory. 40
Neutral 50 {Narration}Caesar honored him with a golden coin, minted in celebration of his contributions and distributed throughout the wasteland. {{This line may be a dupe, don't record again if recorded once already.}} 41
VEndingCourier Neutral 50 {Narration, Neutral Karma, Legion Victory, Male}The Courier, a mercenary at heart, helped the Legion achieve victory at Hoover Dam. 42
Neutral 50 Caesar honored him with a golden coin, minted in celebration of his contributions and distributed throughout the wasteland. {{This line may be a dupe, don't record again if recorded once already.}} 43
VEndingCourier Neutral 50 {Narration, Evil Karma, Legion Victory, Male}The Legion marched over the Hoover Dam with the help of one who was as brutal and merciless as the worst of them: The Courier. 44
Neutral 50 {Narration}Caesar honored him with a golden coin, minted in celebration of his contributions and distributed throughout the wasteland. {{This line is a dupe, don't record again if recorded once already.}} 45
VEndingCourier Neutral 50 {Narration, Good Karma, House Victory, Male}The Courier, fair and kind-hearted to those in the Wasteland, ensured that Mr. House would keep New Vegas stable and secure for future generations. 46
Neutral 50 {Narration}Mr. House afforded him every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38, out of gratitude - and a quiet sense of pride for his choice in lieutenants. 47
VEndingCourier Neutral 50 {Narration, Neutral Karma, House Victory, Male}The Courier, who had a mixed history in the Wasteland, kept the status quo at Hoover Dam. 48
Neutral 50 {Narration}Mr. House would keep New Vegas stable, if not free, for generations. Mr. House afforded the Courier every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38. 49
VEndingCourier Neutral 50 {Narration, Evil Karma, House Victory, Male}The Courier, cruel and merciless, had ensured that Mr. House would maintain complete control over New Vegas and everyone in it. 50
Neutral 50 {Narration}Mr. House afforded him every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38, partly out of gratitude, and party out of fear. 51
VEndingCourier Neutral 50 {Narration, Good Karma, Indy Vegas, Male}Supporting the ideals of independence, the Courier was recognized as the man responsible for a truly free New Vegas. 52
Neutral 50 {Narration}He ensured Mr. House's tyranny was broken and neither Caesar's Legion nor NCR would ever gain control over New Vegas. 53
VEndingCourier Neutral 50 {Narration, Neutral Karma, Indy Vegas, Male}Preferring neither the best of the NCR nor the worst of the Legion, the Courier was the man responsible for a truly independent New Vegas. 54
Neutral 50 {Narration}He had removed Mr. House from power over the Strip and broken the influence of the NCR and Caesar's Legion in the Mojave Wasteland. 55
VEndingCourier Neutral 50 {Narration, Evil Karma, Indy Vegas, Male}Supporting all the chaos that comes with independence, the Courier was the man responsible for a truly free New Vegas. 56
Neutral 50 {Narration}He ensured the fall of Mr. House and the end of the Legion's and NCR's influence over New Vegas. 57
VEndingIndependent VEndingIndependent Neutral 50 {Narration}The Courier, with the aid of Yes Man, drove both the Legion and the NCR from Hoover Dam, securing New Vegas' independence from both factions. 58
Neutral 50 {Narration}With Mr. House out of the picture, the remaining Securitrons on The Strip were hard-pressed to keep order. {Beat}Anarchy ruled the streets. 59
Neutral 50 {Narration}When the fires died, New Vegas remained, assuming its position as an independent power in the Mojave. 60
VEndingIndependent Neutral 50 {Narration}The Courier, with the aid of Yes Man, drove both the Legion and the NCR from Hoover Dam, securing New Vegas' independence from both factions. {{Dupe of another line for scripting}} 61
Neutral 50 {Narration}With Mr. House out of the picture, part of the Securitron army was diverted to the Strip to keep order. {Beat, slightly lower}Any chaos on the streets was ended, quickly. 62
Neutral 50 {Narration}Chaos became uncertainty, then acceptance, with minimal loss of life. {Beat}New Vegas assumed its position as an independent power in the Mojave. 63
VEndingIntro VEndingIntro Neutral 50 {Narration}And so the Courier who had cheated death in the cemetery outside Goodsprings cheated death once again, and the Mojave wasteland was forever changed. {And so the Courier cheated death, playing a pivotal role in the future of the Mojave wasteland.} 64
VEndingMrHouse VEndingMrHouse Neutral 50 {narrating}Mr. House's Securitron army took control of Hoover Dam and The Strip, pushing both the Legion and the exhausted NCR out of New Vegas. 65
Neutral 50 {narrating}Mr. House continued to run New Vegas his way, a despotic vision of Pre-War glory. The streets were orderly, efficient, cold. 66
Neutral 50 {narrating}New Vegas continued to be the sole place in the wasteland where fortunes were won and lost in the blink of an eye. 67
VEndingNCR VEndingNCR Neutral 50 {narrating}The New California Republic celebrated its second victory at Hoover Dam, establishing definitive control over the entire Mojave Wasteland. 68
Neutral 50 {narrating}Soon after, they negotiated terms to annex The Strip, Freeside, and many surrounding communities. 69
Neutral 50 {narrating}The Mojave wasteland, at long last, had entirely fallen under the NCR's banner. 70
VIntroNarration VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 1}War. War never changes. 71
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 2}When atomic fire consumed the earth, those who survived did so in great underground vaults. 72
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 2}When they opened, their inhabitants set out across the ruins of the Old World to build new societies, establishing villages, forming tribes. 73
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 3}As decades passed, what {slight emphasis}had been the American southwest united 74
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 3}beneath the flag of the New California Republic, dedicated to Old World values of democracy and the rule of law. 75
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 4}As the Republic grew, so did its needs. Scouts spread east, seeking territory and wealth in the dry and merciless expanse of the Mojave desert. 76
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 4}They returned with tales of a city untouched by the warheads that had scorched the rest of the world - and a great wall spanning the Colorado River. 77
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 5}The NCR mobilized its army and sent it east, to occupy Hoover Dam and restore it to working condition. 78
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 5}But across the Colorado, another society had arisen, under a different flag. 79
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 5}A vast army of slaves forged from the conquest of 86 tribes - Caesar's Legion. 80
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 6}Four years have passed since the Republic held the dam - just barely - against the Legion's onslaught. The Legion did not retreat. 81
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 6}Across the river, it gathers strength. Camp fires burn, training drums beat. 82
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 7}Through it all, the New Vegas Strip has stayed open for business, under the control of its mysterious overseer, Mr. House, 83
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 7}and his army of rehabilitated tribals and police robots. 84
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 8}You are a Courier, hired by the Mojave Express to deliver a package to the New Vegas Strip. 85
VIntroNarration Neutral 50 {paragraph 8}What seemed like a simple delivery job has taken a turn for the worse. 86