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This is a transcript for dialogue with Keller.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 What do you want? 1
GREETING Neutral 50 What did Contreras say? 2
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic000 Have you seen a guy named Price around? Neutral 50 We work together. I'm handling his deliveries for the moment while he handles a business opportunity that came up. 3
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic001 Brahmin tipping is a cherished pastime. Neutral 50 What? Look, do you have something to drop off or not? 4
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic003 <Draw weapon> You're a dead man. Neutral 50 Whoa! Hold on a minute, buddy... 5
<Draw weapon> You're a dead man. Neutral 50 Whoa! Hold on a minute, lady... 6
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic005 Um, well... Nevermind. Neutral 50 Crazy wastelander. 7
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic006 Close enough. Yeah, Contreras told me to give Price this package. Neutral 50 Lets see here... 8
Neutral 50 Congratulations, you're under arrest for chem trafficking. Hand over your weapons and come with me. 9
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic007 <Draw Weapon> We agreed you should die. Neutral 50 Contreras will still get his. Killing you will just save me some paperwork. 10
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic008 He said he would help you. Neutral 50 Great. Let him know we'll be keeping an eye on him. He is free to do business... 11
Neutral 50 But, if he isn't regularly reporting on illegal transactions, he's a dead man. 12
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic009 I had no idea that package had chems! Contreras gave it to me! Neutral 50 Contreras, eh? We suspected he was involved somehow. 13
Neutral 50 It looks like you just gave me the evidence I've been looking for. 14
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic010 <Draw Weapon> You'll never take me alive, pig! Neutral 50 Good. Saves me paperwork. 15
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic011 Who the hell are you? Neutral 50 Ranger Keller. I've been undercover for months tracking chems in this area. 16
Neutral 50 This has to be the easiest catch yet. 17
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic012 <Draw Weapon> You won't be telling anyone about this. Neutral 50 Heh, an accomplice afterall. Well, it'll save me some paperwork just killing you. 18
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic013 Hey, I'm just the messenger. I didn't know anything about this. Neutral 50 You know what? I believe you. 19
Neutral 50 You're free to go. Contreras, however, won't be moving drugs ever again. 20
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic014 C'mon guy. You're no merchant. You've got Ranger all over you. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] What?! How the hell did you figure that out? 21
[INT/PER] Hey, that wasn't the right response for the password! Neutral 50 [FAILED] Password? That little bastard said nothing about a password. 22
Neutral 50 Price is in NCR custody and you're going to join him, unless you've got a damn good explanation for why you're looking for him. 23
Neutral 50 Hand over your weapons. You're under arrest. 24
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic015 The way you stand, your weapon, even your armor is fitted in a military fashion. Neutral 50 Hell. Thought I'd done a better job than that. Well, if that's how it is, you can call me Ranger Keller. 25
Neutral 50 Price is in deep with the NCR for supplying drug ingredients to the local gangs. He's currently being held for questioning. 26
Neutral 50 What is your business with Price? 27
I'm sure Contreras could work with you. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] It might work since he's acting as a major hub for this activity. It's not like he has much choice now that we have evidence. 28
Neutral 50 If you can convince Contreras to work with the Rangers to break up the drug ring, I'll call off the firing squad. 29
Neutral 50 Just report back to me when he's agreed to make the deal. Otherwise, he's dead. 30
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic018 <Give 250 caps> I'm sure Contreras would be willing to work with you... Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] I wouldn't normally do this, but seeing so much money change hands between scumbags on a daily basis has me thinking. 31
Neutral 50 I'm never going to be able to track all of these bastards down without some help, and Contreras seems to be a central hub of activity. 32
Neutral 50 Tell Contreras I'm willing to put in a good report with the brass if he cooperates. Just give me a cut of the action and report any major moves. 33
<Give 250 caps> I'm sure Contreras would be willing to work with you... Neutral 50 [FAILED] You don't bribe a Ranger. You had better have something compelling to say, or you can join Contreras in hell. 34
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic019 Just some supplies for McCarran from the Crimson Caravan. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] All right, if you hear anything, report it to myself or Lt. Boyd immediately. We need to track down his source. 35
<cover package> Oh this? Nothing important. Neutral 50 [FAILED] <Takes Contreras' package> Bullshit, lets see what you've got here... 36
Neutral 50 Well, it looks like you've got the materials here to make chems. You're under arrest unless you've got a damn good explanation. 37
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic021 You might want to ask Contreras at Camp McCarran that question. Neutral 50 Contreras?! What's his involvement? Was he selling drugs to Price? 38
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic022 What's going to happen to him? Neutral 50 He'll be shot. We have no tolerance for chem dealers in the military. 39
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic023 Ok. I'll just be on my way then. Neutral 50 Stay out of trouble. 40
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic024 <Draw Weapon> Well, I can't just let him be killed. Word of this stops here. Neutral 50 I have Contreras. No one is going to miss you. 41
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic025 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Goodbye. 42
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic027 <Give 250 caps> Okay, make that 500 caps. I'm sure Contreras can skim for you. Neutral 50 I wouldn't normally do this, but seeing so much money change hands between scumbags on a daily basis has me thinking. 43
Neutral 50 I'm never going to be able to track all of these bastards down without some help, and Contreras seems to be a central hub of activity. 44
Neutral 50 Tell Contreras I'm willing to put in a good report with the brass if he cooperates. Just give me a cut of the action and report any major moves. 45
Neutral 50 Otherwise, he'll be reported as a traitor selling contraband to the enemy and go in front of a firing squad. 46
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic028 <Draw Weapon> I think I'll just take my caps back from your corpse. Neutral 50 You really don't know what you just got yourself into, girlie. 47
<Draw Weapon> I think I'll just take my caps back from your corpse. Neutral 50 You really don't know what you just got yourself into, boy. 48
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic030 Well, I was given this package to deliver to him. Neutral 50 Let's see... Well, it looks like you've got the materials here to make full-blown chems. 49
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic031 Son of a... Sir, I didn't know anything about this. Neutral 50 You know what? I believe you. 50
Neutral 50 You're free to go. Contreras, however, won't be moving drugs ever again. 51
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic032 Nothing. I was just told he was a local merchant I should check out. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] All right, if you hear anything, report it to myself or Lt. Boyd immediately. We need to track down his source. 52
Oh, just delivering packages. No clue whats in em, but its really important. Neutral 50 [FAILED] What's that you're carrying? Looks like some kind of delivery to me... 53
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic033 <Draw Weapon> And now I'm going to kill you, you lying son of a bitch. Neutral 50 Whoa! Hold on a minute, buddy... 54
<Draw Weapon> And now I'm going to kill you, you lying son of a bitch. Neutral 50 Whoa! Hold on a minute, honey... 55
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic035 <Draw Weapon> Special delivery! Neutral 50 Ah, hell! {About to have a surprise gunfight.} 56
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic036 Oh... Well, I'll come back when he's around. Neutral 50 Whatever you say, buddy. 57
Oh... Well, I'll come back when he's around. Neutral 50 Whatever you say, lady. 58
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic037 No one works for Price, so who the hell are you? Neutral 50 Ah, shit. Well since you seem to have things figured out, the name's Keller. I'm an NCR Ranger investigating chem runners. 59
Neutral 50 Price is in deep with the NCR for supplying ingredients to the local gangs. He's currently being held for questioning. 60
Neutral 50 What's your business with him? 61
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic038 You said you were handling Price's goods while he's away? Neutral 50 Yeah. You need something? 62
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic041 Contreras would like to work with you. Neutral 50 Really now? We had our suspicions about that man, but he's got so many shipments going so many different directions it's been hard to track 63
Neutral 50 What exactly is his offer? Does he realize bribing a Ranger is a hanging offense? 64
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic042 Leave him alone and he'll share contact information. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] He has himself a deal. However, If he tries to run or he continues to deal strategic assets with enemies, he's a dead man. 65
Neutral 50 Tell Contreras to expect to see me around more often. He better have a new bit of information when I stop in or I'm reporting his ass to Boyd. 66
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic043 Don't charge him and he'll help you take down the local dealers. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] He has himself a deal. However, If he tries to run or he continues to deal strategic assets with enemies, he's a dead man. 67
Neutral 50 Tell Contreras to expect to see me around more often. He better have a new bit of information when I stop in or I'm reporting his ass to Boyd. 68
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic045 He gave me a package to deliver and now he asked me to kill you. Neutral 50 Sounds like the evidence we need to bring him in for questioning and search his shack, but why are you telling me all of this? 69
VFreeformMcCarranNVNCRAgentKellerTopic046 If Contreras is a scumbag, I want him caught. Neutral 50 Well, thanks for the tip, but we'll need more evidence. Talk to Boyd at McCarran. 70
Neutral 50 I've been working with her in this investigation. 71