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This is a transcript for dialogue with Whitley.


NVDLC04DialogueEDENVDLC04EDETopic064 {ED-E Audio Log 8 - Whitley} Neutral 50 ED-E? {Amused} What are you doing in here all alone? And who left these old videos playing? Come on, let's get you into your recharge bay.{No Sound File} 1
Neutral 50 We've got a big day tomorrow. 2
NVDLC04EDEAudioLog001 {ED-E Audio Log 1} Neutral 50 Experiment log 369248/B - Eyebot Duraframe universal interface override system. This is Dr. Whitley presiding.{No sound file} 3
Neutral 50 We've boosted signal gain and enlarged the overflow buffer system. That should ensure 100% connectivity and control. ED-E, whenever you're ready. 4
Neutral 50 {SFX - ED-E activating one of the ED-E Access Points} <Electronic sounds> 5
Neutral 50 {Elated} Yes! Success! {Composing himself} Um, reporting full success on 369248/B. ED-E was able to interface with and override the test panel in under three seconds. 6
Neutral 50 Great job, team. Now, let's start on the proposal for the full rollout. 7
NVDLC04EDEAudioLog002a {ED-E Audio Log 2 - Whitley} Neutral 50 {SFX - Something like an arc welder followed by ED-E bleeping in distress.} <Distressed beeping>{NPCRobotEdEAlertLowHealth} 8
Neutral 50 {Starting confused, getting angry; ED-E is being tortured.} Dr. Grant? What the hell do you think you're doing? 9
{ED-E Audio Log 2 - Whitley} Neutral 50 {Angry} You didn't even disengage his damage-avoidance protocols! You're {emph} hurting him!{No sound file} 10
{ED-E Audio Log 2 - Whitley} Neutral 50 {Furious} Get the hell out of here!{No sound file} 11
NVDLC04EDEAudioLog003 {ED-E Audio Log 3 - Whitley} Neutral 50 {Angry} I don't believe it! Grant actually went to Colonel Autumn and got approval for her damned "efficiency guidelines!"{No sound file} 12
Neutral 50 {Reading from a memo} "All experiments will be carried out with the test subject fully active, to reduce iteration time." {disgust} It's barbaric! 13
Neutral 50 I've explained this to the Colonel - just because the Eyebots don't have true AI doesn't mean they're just machines. 14
Neutral 50 I guess results are all that matter around here. Forget things like "ethical procedures" or "humane treatment." 15
Neutral 50 I'm starting to have serious misgivings about leadership around here. {wry chuckle} At least I've got you to talk to, huh ED-E? 16
NVDLC04EDEAudioLog004 {ED-E Audio Log 4 - Whitley} Neutral 50 {Audio should cut in abruptly here} All due respect sir, I think you're making a mistake. We're close to a breakthrough with the Duraframe Eyebots, I can feel it! {Pause, this is one half of a telephone conversation} Yes, sir.{No sound file} 17
Neutral 50 Yes sir, I understand that we need the Duraframe assets for Hellfire armor, but-{cut off by person on the other end of the line} No, sir. Yes, sir. I understand, sir. 18
Neutral 50 I'll tell the team to start disassembling the ED series prototypes right away. 19
Neutral 50 {Change of tone; the phone call is over and Whitley is noticing ED-E listening.} ED-E, you little rascal. Were you eavesdropping again? I think those videos you watch are a bad influence on you. How much of that did you hear? 20
Neutral 50 <Sad beeping> 21
Neutral 50 Hmm... didn't Dr. Grant say she'd upgraded your navigational systems? I think I have an idea.... How'd you like to be just like RALPHIE? 22
NVDLC04EDEAudioLog005 {ED-E Audio Log 5 - Whitley} Neutral 50 {Hushed, tense - trying to avoid being overheard} Good, you're back on-line. Listen to me, ED-E - if you stay here, they'll dismantle you for parts. You have to go now.{No sound file} 23
Neutral 50 I've uploaded destination coordinates for our outpost in Navarro into your system. I want you to go to the Enclave there, okay? 24
Neutral 50 {Getting a little choked up} Do you understand me? It's going to be a long journey, my little friend. You'll have to fly very far, and fly very fast. Can you do that? 25
Neutral 50 <Sad beeping> 26
Neutral 50 I know you can. Be careful out there, ED-E. Maybe I'll see you again some day. 27
NVDLC04EDEAudioLog010 {ED-E Audio Log 10 - Whitley} Neutral 50 Experiment log 369248/A - Eyebot Duraframe universal interface override system. This is Dr. Whitley presiding.{No sound file} 28
Neutral 50 Initial tests of the override system are promising. Against unsecured or lightly-encrypted targets, the Eyebots have a 98% success rate. 29
Neutral 50 More heavily protected systems are still problematic. Military-grade encryption presents a very real possibility of critical overload of key systems. 30
Neutral 50 We've stopped tests before any robots were destroyed, but if we don't address the problem our Eyebots will fry themselves hacking military networks. 31