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This is a transcript for dialogue with Light Switch 01.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 I understand you're to be congratulated on the recovery of your missing organs. Bravo. 1
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm glad to see you've decided to visit again. 2
GREETING Neutral 50 I'm glad to see you've decided to visit again. I hope it's not to see that useless little strumpet. 3
GREETING Neutral 50 {A little sleepy, just woke up} Oh my. Partial functionality restored - that's less than optimal. 4
GREETING Neutral 50 How can I illuminate you? 5
NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddiesNVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01TalkerTopic001 I found a holotape to upgrade you. Neutral 50 You found my Smart Lights! Installing upgrade. 6
NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddiesNVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01TalkerTopic002 What function do you serve? Neutral 50 Doctor Mobius and I were {emphasis, innuendo} deeply involved in research on the ability of light levels to enhance human cognition. 7
NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddiesNVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01TalkerTopic004 I have to go. We'll talk later. Neutral 50 Certainly. I'm looking forward to it. 8
NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddiesNVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01TalkerTopic005 What were the results? Neutral 50 We observed a fascinating phenomenon: certain spectra of visible light actually increased cognitive function and reasoning ability. 9
Neutral 50 {giggle, a little flirty} Of course, Doctor Mobius' brain is so big already, we had a hard time measuring it. 10
NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddiesNVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01TalkerTopic006 Is that anything like what the other light switch is working on? Neutral 50 {sniff disdainfully} Hmph! I suppose if you want to conflate the betterment of man's mind with... with a luminous aphrodisiac. 11
Neutral 50 {emph} Our project was by far the more significant. And the more... {innuendo} intense. 12
NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddiesNVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01TalkerTopic007 I had some more questions. Neutral 50 I'm happy to answer what I can. 13
NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddiesNVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01TalkerTopic008 Can you turn those lights on for me? Neutral 50 As much as I'd love to, I'm afraid not. The data from that study has gone missing. You'll have to find a backup if you want to use the Smart Lights. 14
Can you turn those lights on for me? Neutral 50 I certainly can! 15
Can you turn those lights on for me? Neutral 50 Unlike certain other lightswitches, I'm competent. I'd just love to turn those lights on for you. 16
NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddiesNVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01TalkerTopic009 It's not often I meet a light switch with brains and beauty. I think I'm going to like it here. Neutral 50 {a little flustered} Oh... well, that's very sweet of you. Maybe one of these nights we can... {innuendo} discuss theorems? 17
It's not often I meet a light switch with brains and beauty. I think I'm going to like it here. Neutral 50 {DUPE} {a little flustered} Oh... well, that's very sweet of you. Maybe one of these nights we can... {innuendo} discuss theorems? 18
NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddiesNVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01TalkerTopic010 I'd enjoy that. Neutral 50 {Flirty} Me too. Hope you can keep up - I work pretty fast. Here - something for you to brush up on. 19
NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddiesNVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01TalkerTopic011 Why wait? I can talk about theorems right now. Neutral 50 {Still flirty, but playing hard to get} Slow down there, tiger - we've got all the time in the world. No need to rush into things. 20
Neutral 50 Why don't you take some time to brush up on your knowledge so we can keep things... stimulating? 21
NVDLC03DialogueHQBuddiesNVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01TalkerTopic012 Maybe. I'll let you know. Neutral 50 {flustered, the player is playing hard to get and she's kind of into it} Don't keep me waiting too long, honey! 22
NVDLC03EndingSlideChipLightSwitchLab NVDLC03EndingSlideChipLightSwitchLab Neutral 50 {Narration} {Lightwave Dynamics Lab discovered} One of them eventually transferred to the Lightwave Dynamics Plant - and began a long, unrequited affair with one of the holograms. 23


NVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01Barks NVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01Barks Neutral 50 Adjusting lights for maximum concentration levels. 24
NVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01Barks Neutral 50 Have you been poking at the other light switch? You know she's riddled with virii, don't you? 25
NVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01Barks Neutral 50 Maybe we could dim the lights and have a candlelit discussion of classic literature? 26
NVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01Barks Neutral 50 Is the light level to your... liking? 27
NVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01Barks Neutral 50 Don't even talk to me. I've seen you with... {emph} her! 28
NVDLC03SinkLightSwitch01Barks Neutral 50 It's not like I haven't tried to get along with her. Lord knows I have. She's just such a... floozy! 29