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This is a transcript for dialogue with Dog.

Topics (NVDLC01Dog.txt)[]

FollowersAcknowledgeMyOrder FollowersAcknowledgeMyOrder Neutral 50 {Affirmative growl} Hhh-hhnn. Dog hears you. 1
FollowersFired It's time for us to part ways. Neutral 50 {Sad, questioning} Why you send Dog away? Dog hear you right? 2
FollowersFiredNo On second thought, stick with me for a little longer. Neutral 50 {Pleased he's not fired} Dog stays. 3
FollowersFiredYes Yes, I'm sure. Neutral 50 {Dismissed, whines a bit like a whipped dog} Dog will leave. 4
FollowersHired I think we should travel together. Neutral 50 {Shakes head, player already has a follower} Nnnn-Nnn... too many, Dog waits until you lose one... {beat} maybe let Dog feed? 5
I think we should travel together. Neutral 50 {Affirmative} Dog is ready. Where we go? 6
FollowersLetsGo Let's get going. Neutral 50 {Agreeable, been told to follow} Rhhhr. Dog will follow. 7
FollowersOverburdened FollowersOverburdened Neutral 50 {Negatory, asked to carry too much, then whines a bit, like he's like to help but can't} Hnnh-Nnn. Dog can't carry any more. 8
FollowersStealthing FollowersStealthing Neutral 50 {Quiet, stealthy, low growl} Hnnnn. Dog is following. 9
FollowersStealthing Neutral 50 {Quiet, stealthy, low growl} No have wrist-collar now - Dog still good at not be seen. 10
FollowersStealthing Neutral 50 {Quiet, stealthy, low growl} How Dog hunted back West. For Lou. 11
FollowersTactics Let's talk about your tactics. Neutral 50 Hnnrrh? What do you want Dog to do? 12
FollowersTacticsCombat I want you to change your combat style. Neutral 50 {Puzzled} Hrnnnh? What do you want? 13
FollowersTacticsCombatAggressive I want you to attack enemies the moment you see them. Anger 20 {Low growl} Hrrrrrrrrrrr... Dog will do that. 14
FollowersTacticsCombatEND Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 {Nods} Hnnnh... Dog is listening. 15
FollowersTacticsCombatGOODBYE That's all. Let's get going. Neutral 50 {Nods, affirmative} Dog hears you, will follow. 16
FollowersTacticsCombatMelee Switch to a melee weapon. Neutral 50 {Surprised, then agrees} Dog good at smashing things that move with bear trap. 17
FollowersTacticsCombatPassive I want you not to attack enemies unless I've already engaged them. Neutral 50 {Confused, then shrugs} Only if save pieces for Dog... 18
FollowersTacticsCombatRanged I want you to use ranged weapons. Neutral 50 {Slow, confused, then gives in} Dog will try... trigger and sight... Dog prefer to hit with bear trap. 19
FollowersTacticsDistance Let's talk about how close you're following me. Neutral 50 {Confused} Hnnh? 20
FollowersTacticsDistanceDefault Stay close to me. Neutral 50 {Pleased} Hrnnnh, Dog will be kin. Like others in night. 21
FollowersTacticsDistanceEND Your distance is good. Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 {Agrees} Hnnh-hnnn. 22
FollowersTacticsDistanceGOODBYE All right, you're good. Let's get out of here. Neutral 50 {Eager, chomping at the bit} Hnhhr! 23
FollowersTacticsDistanceLong Keep your distance. Try to flank them. Neutral 50 {Slightly disappointed} Hnn. 24
FollowersTacticsEnd Enough about tactics. Neutral 50 {Nods} Hnnh-nnn. Dog not sure he remember anyway. 25
FollowersTrade Let's trade equipment. Neutral 50 {Affirmative} Dog fetches... will share... have food? 26
FollowersWait Wait here. Neutral 50 {Squats down, heels, agreeing tone} Hrnnh. Dog will wait. 27
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {DUPE: Dog, Slightly malicious} Dog will obey. Dog will stay here... for now. 28
GREETING Anger 50 {Hears the player} You...? Master... no, not Master. {Beat, gets angry} Dog remembers you. {Slow anger} Left Dog in cage, mean to Dog... now, Dog... {Dog Hates Player<Dog fumes at the player and wants to kill>} 29
GREETING Pained 30 {Badly wounded, at end of fight} You... you hurt Dog, keep hurting him. Dog hungry, not want to hurt any more... not want to... {Make the player feel bad for beating up the reject. Evil players will still enjoy it, though.} 30
GREETING Sad 20 {Dog likes player, hears the player} You...? Master... no, not Master. {Beat, gets sad} Dog remembers you. {Slow realization he may hurt someone he likes, conflicted} Kind to Dog... Dog can't... {Dog Likes Player<Dog wants to kill self>} 31
GREETING Sad 30 {Dog likes player, wounded badly stops combat} Kind to Dog... then hurt Dog... you hate Dog, hate... 32
GREETING Neutral 50 {Confused} Master? Dog not hear you come in... too hungry, now... at cage door? {Beat, nods} Master, Dog is listening now you are close and he can {emph} hear you over hunger. {Confused, then reverent, obedient.} 33
GREETING Fear 10 {Slightly subduded, doesn't like being here} Dog is waiting. 34
GREETING Anger 20 {Dog confused, momentary blackout} Why Dog eyes go black for bit. {Suspicious} You talk to other voice? {Pacing, getting angrier.} 35
GREETING Anger 10 {Dog not free, impatient, make this more threatening than normal} Dog wants {emph} out... Dog is {emph} hungry. {Dog not free, Dog complains about being stuck and hungry.} 36
GREETING Anger 20 {Dog not free, return, impatient} Let Dog {emph} out. Hungry, {emph} hate being in here. {Pacing, getting angrier.} 37
GREETING Anger 10 {Act 2 Gala Event Start, frustrated that he's about to be asked to do something he doesn't want to} Why are we here? Dog not want to be here... place too much like a cage for Dog. 38
Fear 10 {Quiet, this is a little creepy in its hopefulness} If Dog was fed like last time, Dog would listen. If the feeding was quiet. {Dog is referring a "bad" thing he did. Deep down, wants to do it again. He devoured a girl needing his help, couldn't, wouldn't stop himself.} 39
GREETING Neutral 50 {Dog: Act 2 Intro} Where are you taking Dog? {Shakes head} Dog doesn't want to leave, heard Master... saw Master in sky. {Player's trying to get Dog into position, he wants to stay and look at the hologram of Elijah in the center courtyard.} 40
Neutral 50 And when Master not there... woman at fountain... {slight wonder, child-like insistence} she is made of lines and light, want to watch. 41
GREETING Neutral 50 {Slightly hopeful} You are the nice voice... kind to Dog. You keep the other Voice quiet. 42
GREETING Fear 10 {Slightly fearful, then angry} Remember you... you were mean to Dog, make Dog sleep... and other Voice come out. 43
GREETING Neutral 50 Hnh. Dog remember you. 44
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic01 NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic01 Neutral 50 {Curious, slow} I don't remember you. Who are you. 45
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic01 Happy 20 You look like food, smell like food. Dog - hungry. 46
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic02 NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic02 Neutral 50 {Slow, to himself} Reminds me, keeps the voice out of my head. He can't talk when the pain's howling at me. 47
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic02 Anger 50 Dog is hungry. {Frowns at Dean} Tired of your voice... when do we eat? 48
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic03 NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic03 Anger 10 {Slow question, starts getting evil} Run from Dog? Dog knows how to hunt. Dog will find you, tear you apart. 49
NVDLC01DeanToDogTopic03 Neutral 50 Dog's been shot before, many times. Won't stop me from catching you. 50
NVDLC01DogDevourTopic01 NVDLC01DogDevourTopic01 Happy 10 {Growling, just fed, slightly full} Hnnhhhh... {bestial} Dog getting full. {Dog's bark after devouring one of the Ghost People, happy to feed.} 51
NVDLC01DogDevourTopic01 Happy 10 OM NOM NOM {Joke line.Dog's bark after devouring one of the Ghost People, happy to feed.} 52
NVDLC01DogDevourTopic01 Anger 10 Rhrrrrrr... {Dog makes feeding, tearing noises as he devours a victim.} 53
NVDLC01DogDevourTopic01 Anger 20 RhhhhaaarrrRRRRRRRR! {Dog's roar before rushing to eat an enemy. His animation at this point resembles a roar (because he does).} 54
NVDLC01DogDialogueKitchenNotListen NVDLC01DogDialogueKitchenNotListen Anger 50 {Snarling} Not listen, {emph} Dog out of cage now. {Ignoring the player's Pip-Boy audio message.} 55
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic003 We need to get you to the Gala Event. Get you to your place. Neutral 50 Dog... Dog has heard that before. Was there pretty lights? {Frowns, gets a little more focused} There... were things to pull? Hard to pull, but Dog did. And... {quiet} a cage. {Dog, slowly remembering he triggered the Gala Event once already, and bad memories associated with it.} 56
Fear 10 ...and Dog was hungry there. Dog... {frowns} was someone else there, with Dog. Then... {pained, doesn't want to remember the girl's screams} then there was noise, then... lights... and streets... screamed. {Recalling what happened with the girl he was trapped with, tearing her apart.} 57
Fear 10 ...Dog doesn't want to go to cage. It's inside Dog now, Dog can see the cage, hear the noises. {Beat} The way to casino... it'll hurt you. Inside. {Whispering, frightened at the memory of tearing apart the girl who helped him.} 58
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic006 Have orders for you - for going, staying, all that. Neutral 50 {Nods} Dog is listening. 59
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic007 Come on, then. I won't make it easy on you. Anger 50 {Snarling, evil, malicious} Dog will crush you, snap your bones, make red everywhere. {<Dog howls with murderous rage>} 60
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic009 Dog! Stay! If you don't, Master will be mad! Surprise 10 [SUCCEEDED] {Stops in mid-attack} Hnnh? Master? {Beat} Don't want Master to be mad... what does Master want Dog to... 61
Dog... listen to me... don't do this. Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Malicious} Dog tired of listening to you - put {emph} you in cage, piece by piece. 62
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic010 No, hold it tightly by the neck - now sink your teeth into it, tear it apart. Happy 10 {Dog, eager, slightly amazed} ...knows now. Voice was always small... {stronger} Dog could have torn it apart, eaten it all this time, tear it... 63
No, hold it tightly by the neck - now sink your teeth into it, tear it apart. Neutral 50 {Dog, Breathing heavy} ...Dog... Dog is... empty. The voice... {Beat, slightly evil} Dog is hungrier than ever... {Devoured his other personality, he's free... and so are his brutal instincts. Not a good thing.} 64
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic011 Dog, hidden on you is the key. Find it, and toss it to me. Neutral 50 Dog... Dog doesn't have a... hnh. Here it is. {Frowns} Dog... Dog didn't know it was there. {Frowns, suspicious} How did it get there? 65
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic012 I need your obedience. First, I'm going to show you a trick. Neutral 50 Does Master want Dog to fetch someone? {Beat, quiet} Dog will hunt down whoever you want, bring them here. 66
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic013 Now that you are awake, Master wants you to listen, Dog. Neutral 50 {Nods, quiet} Master, Dog is here. What does Master want? {Confused, then reverent, obedient.} 67
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic014 Just give me the key - you want out of the cage, don't you? Surprise 10 {Good Node, slightly confused} Yes, Master... Master sounds different, quieter. Master... {Beat} Dog doesn't want to be in the cage any more. Dog will be good this time, Dog promises. {Confused because he's used to Elijah being mean, and the player's being nice.} 68
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic016 Shut up, reject, and give me the key. Now. Neutral 50 {Bad Node: Cringing} Yes, Master. Here, Dog sorry, Dog... just... {Beat} just let Dog out of the cage. Don't want to be here any longer. 69
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic017 Yes, well, it had to be done. Now, I need you to remain here. Neutral 50 {Frowns, building determination, getting empowered} Now {emph} Dog speak. Now Dog not afraid. {Beat} And... {frowns} hungry. {Emph} More hungry. {Dog is free, has child-like empowerment. He'll now eat, kill, smash whatever he wants without any restraint - except player.} 70
Neutral 50 {Dog, Slightly malicious} Dog will obey. Dog will stay here... for now. 71
Neutral 50 {Slightly unsettling here} After... after that, Dog find food... tear apart food, eat. Chase it down, can't run, feed. Finally, until Dog is full. 72
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic019 Fine. Let's go, follow me. Neutral 50 Yes, Master. Dog waited a long time... brought you many people. Dog will follow. 73
Fine. Let's go, follow me. Neutral 50 Already have a Dog with you... Dog will meet you at the Fountain. {Slightly too eager} Maybe find food on the way. 74
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic020 Go to the Fountain and wait for me there. Neutral 50 {Eager, a little quiet} Master, Dog waited a long time... brought you many people. If Dog finds more, will bring them to the Fountain, Dog promises. 75
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic021 Master needs you to pull on the chain on your neck as hard as you can. Neutral 50 {Nods, about to kill himself} Yes, Master. {Quiet} Dog hopes to see you soon. {Strangely calm as he's about to commit suicide, almost matter-of-fact as he slavishly obeys orders.} 76
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic022 What weapons are you good at? Neutral 50 Dog good at punching... hitting people with metal bear jaw until they go quiet. 77
Neutral 50 {Thinking} Dog sometimes pick up club when thing need to hit is big, need to punch in many places. 78
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic028 <Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 ...hungry. {Evil, greedy} Come here, or Dog will chase you, break you until you no run anymore. 79
<Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 {quiet} ...Dog can. {Beat} What Master wants, Dog can do. {Quiet} Please don't be mad with Dog... 80
<Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Pained 30 ...Dog is tired... Dog tired of fighting, being here... {getting rage back} Tired of {emph} you keeping Dog caged here. 81
<Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 {slightly mesmerized} ...now Dog is listening to voice, your voice only. 82
<Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 {Generic Affirmation for Safety: Dog} Uh-huh. 83
<Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 {Generic Negatory for Safety: Dog} Nnn-nnn. 84
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic029 Dog, do you know why you have to go to the position on the map? Neutral 50 {Confused} Hard to pull things...? Dog has to pull very, very hard to... {beat, slow fear/curious} are we going there? 85
Fear 10 Dog not want to stay and pull things... hard to do... {quieter} and cage there. 86
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic030 Do you know how the Ghost People taste? Neutral 50 {Slightly sour-faced, shakes head} Taste like plastic and copper. Gas inside, in pockets, hssss when teeth sinks into them. 87
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic031 So Master vanished around that time. Neutral 50 {Nods} Master went away until you show up with him on your arm. 88
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic033 If the casino already opened, what are we doing here? Neutral 50 {Shrugs} Don't know. {Beat} Dog keep bringing people here. 89
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic034 {Dog}I had questions for you. Neutral 50 {Nods, obedient} Yes, Master. 90
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic037 I watched you devour one of the Ghost People. Neutral 50 {Slight irritation, frustration} Dog doesn't like to eat them always, sometimes so many. Keep stabbing Dog, cutting him. 91
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic038 Doesn't that make the voice mad? Neutral 50 {A little quieter} Voice doesn't get mad when Dog feeds on the people here. Voice not like Ghost People, worried there are too many to eat, too many knives. 92
Doesn't that make the voice mad? Neutral 50 {Slight frustration} Started eating them because wouldn't go quiet when Dog smashed them with bear jaw. Only want one. 93
Neutral 50 {Frustrated} Got Dog angry, others kept cutting him and slicing him with knives when he tried to make one go quiet with teeth. 94
Neutral 50 So Dog started crushing them, then when they stop twitching, then eats them. Then they not get back up with hssss-chkk noise, Dog not like that. {Hssss-chkkk is the noise they make, not important to get the SFX exact.} 95
Neutral 50 Dog can tell when they not yet dead... twitch a bit, make low noise, then noise when they get back up, listen. {Quiet, as if relaying an important secret.} 96
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic039 Why do you eat the Ghost People? Neutral 50 {Slight frustration, treating them like bees that get in the way of his honey} Dog doesn't like to eat them always, sometimes so many. 97
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic042 Did you bring me here? Neutral 50 {Affirmative} Dog fetches. Dragged you here... Dog thinks. You not struggle like others. Trap makes you sleep, make your voice go to cage. 98
Neutral 50 Dog doing what he was told. Tried to catch as many as he can, can eat the others. 99
Neutral 50 No eat you, though. Master talk through you, like voice inside Dog. {Beat} Dog missed hearing Master, not hear Master for long time. 100
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic043 Do you know the way back? Neutral 50 Might find way back if Master lets you go. If he not want you to go, he makes head red spray. {Thinking, to himself} Then Dog has to find another one. 101
Neutral 50 {Confused, never thought about anyone leaving before} To leave...? Go through gate, walk. Hard to find way, Dog can do it, too hard for most to come here. {It's why...} Why so quiet in streets. {The last sentence is an explanation: "It's why it's so quiet here."} 102
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic045 Ready for more? Come on, let's finish this. Neutral 50 {Snarling, then roars as he launches himself at player} Nrrrrrrh... rhhhhharrhhh! 103
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic046 Dog! Stop! Or Master will be mad! Neutral 50 {DUPE} [SUCCEEDED]{Stops in mid-attack} Hnnh? Master? {Beat} Don't want Master to be mad... what does Master want Dog to... 104
Dog... stay back, listen to me. Anger 20 [FAILED] {Getting more and more angry} No... Dog no listen to you, no listen to your voice anymore - will tear you apart, feed on you. 105
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic047 Dog, the Master sent me. He commands you to listen to my voice now. Surprise 10 [SUCCEEDED] {Confused} Master? {Beat, quiet, reverent} Master... Dog... Dog is listening. 106
No, look, I wasn't the one who caged you here, all right? Anger 20 [FAILED] {Getting more and more angry} No... no, you put Dog here, you keep him here! Like other cages you put Dog in! 107
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic049 Dog, listen to the other voice inside now. Go to sleep, let him come out. Fear 10 {Frightened} If... if other voice comes out... Dog... Dog won't wake up. Dog doesn't want to sleep, please don't make him... {Script Notes: Player is coaxing Dog to give up, letting God emerge.} 108
Dog, listen to the other voice inside now. Go to sleep, let him come out. Sad 10 {Dog, a little sad} ...don't make me go to sleep. I... {frowns, slowing speech} Dog is tired. Dog is tired, can't... keep eyes open. Sleep... Dog needs to sleep. 109
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic050 The other voice? See it in your head - not as a voice, but as a ball, the size of your hand. Surprise 10 {Dog, Confused, curious, as if holding a ball in his hand} Dog... Dog never thought of the voice as... small. As something he could hold... {Dog's about to eat his imaginary personality, killing it.} 110
The other voice? See it in your head - not as a voice, but as a ball, the size of your hand. Surprise 10 {Dog, confused} ...do you want Dog to do? {Frown} Voice is small now, Dog... {building, getting slightly evil} Dog could... Dog choke the voice, crush it into red mash. {Confused, then slow child evil. Holding the "God voice" in his hands, turning it left and right, and realizing he could smash it like a bug.} 111
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic051 You're not leaving me any choice, I have to stop you. Sad 10 {Sad} Dog is sorry, so sorry, didn't want to, but... 112
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic052 Take that chain around your neck, grab the ends, and pull slow and hard until you hear a crack. Neutral 50 {Nods, about to kill himself} Yes, Dog can do that. {Quiet} Dog hopes to see you soon. {Strangely calm as he's about to commit suicide, almost matter-of-fact as he slavishly obeys orders.} 113
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic053 <Storage Node for Final Battle, Likes Player Topics. Do Not Translate.> Fear 10 ...you, you need to go, run. {Whispering, as if confiding in player} Dog is going to burn voice... burn voice out, burn it away. 114
<Storage Node for Final Battle, Likes Player Topics. Do Not Translate.> Surprise 10 {Dog finally gets it} ...in the water. {Slow realization, quiet, to himself} Dog understands now. Dog knows what happened. {Confused, then slow child evil. Holding the "God voice" in his hands, turning it left and right, and realizing he could smash it like a bug.} 115
<Storage Node for Final Battle, Likes Player Topics. Do Not Translate.> Sad 10 {Dog, crumbling, sad} And Dog... Dog doesn't want to unremember you, may {emph} forget you. 116
<Storage Node for Final Battle, Likes Player Topics. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 ...listen to you. If Master sent you, Dog is listening. 117
<Storage Node for Final Battle, Likes Player Topics. Do Not Translate.> Sad 20 {Despairing} ...why keep hurting self, voice keeps... telling Dog to do things. Dog just wants voice to go away... away. 118
<Storage Node for Final Battle, Likes Player Topics. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 ...listen to you. Your voice... Dog will listen to you. 119
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic055 If you try to burn the voice out of you, this casino will be destroyed, and us along with it. Neutral 50 Dog is tired of voice inside, tired of being in another cage, again. Try to... 120
If you try to burn the voice out of you, this casino will be destroyed, and us along with it. Sad 10 {Sad} ...shouts at Dog, the voice shouts, and to stop the voice, Dog needs to burn it out. 121
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic060 This is important - do you remember what happened exactly? Neutral 50 {Clams up, quiet} Dog can't remember. {Beat, quiet} Don't want to go, can't make him stay there. 122
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic062 Dog, think back to the lights, the pretty ones. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Slightly wary, warming up} The lights were pretty. In the sky. Pointed at casino. {Beat, like wonder} And the casino opened up. 123
Um... do you want to talk about it? Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Clams up} Uh-uh. Dog... Dog wants to stop talking now. 124
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic064 Could I find my way back? Neutral 50 Maybe. Not sure you could find way back once leave. Dog has to smell and hunt for path back here sometimes... {frowns} Cloud keep moving. {Last part - "finding road back is hard, buddy."} 125
Neutral 50 It okay... no one {emph} ever leave except Dog... and Dog not want to leave. {Beat, drops this more like threat} You here until Master lets you go. {Slow downnote, like the pronouncement of doom - the player has no escape.} 126
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic067 Imagine the voice, not as a voice... but as water. Look at the voice now, what do you see? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Dog can {emph} see the voice. {Frowns, studying his reflection} Looks just like Dog... 127
Try to picture the voice, inside, and, uh, turn in and look at it. Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Confused} Dog... Dog does not understand. Voice? The other voice? {Beat, slight frustration} What do you want Dog to do. 128
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic068 Then... step into the water, step into yourself. Fear 10 If Dog... if Dog goes into the water... Dog can't help if Master gets mad. {Beat, sad} You were nice to Dog, Dog {emph} wants to help. {Script Notes: Dog is trying to be nice in this node. Doesn't want to be sent away.} 129
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic071 Fine, reject. You want to die? I'll accomodate you. Sad 10 {Sad, despairing} Dog doesn't want to die. But the voice keeps shouting, and... 130
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic072 Dog, that voice doesn't control you, all right? Sad 10 {Sad} Dog tried to shut it out, tried to hurt self enough to make it... 131
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic073 Do you need to eat them to make them stay down? Neutral 50 {Slow} No... if you rip their arms off... or legs, mask people stay down. Easier to rip off legs and arms when they fall on ground, just keep hitting them. {Thinking it over.} 132
Neutral 50 If can't make them fall down and rip off legs, make them ash. Saw one caught in electric sparks so much, he turn into burnt pile. Not get back up. 133
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic075 Forget it. I'm sick of dragging you around anyway. Neutral 50 Dog knows... please... help Dog end the voice, Dog just wants it to go away. Dog... 134
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic076 I don't mean you any harm... you just need to calm down, focus. Neutral 50 Dog tried. Just hard... hard to hear over voice sometimes... so loud... pain... pain... 135
I don't mean you any harm... you just need to calm down, focus. Neutral 50 {Whispering} ...help Dog, please. Please. 136
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic077 When we were sneaking, you mentioned Lou... who's Lou? Sad 50 Lou... ten... ant? Long ago. Smart. {Beat} Gave us all things to do. Like watch. And kill. {Beat} Gone now. {Confused, then sad. He's referring to "Lou" an old Lieutenant from a previous game, it's a nod to history.} 137
Neutral 50 Miss Lou. Miss the Base. Miss the Church. Don't like here. {Frowns} Don't want to talk about it any more, makes head hurt. 138
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic078 So... dismemberment and disintegrations take them down. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Dism... disin... {gives up} chop legs off while stand up, eat when fall down. If not that, make them electric ash. {Tries to say dismemberment and disintegrations, gives up.} 139
That all seems lethal. Sort of. Neutral 50 [FAILED] All make them stay down. {Thinks to self} Most of time. 140
Look, listen to my voice, maybe... maybe I can help.
Dog, I stopped because I don't want to hurt you - now listen. I want to help. Neutral 50 {DUPE} [SUCCEEDED]{Nods, slowly} You... were kind to Dog. Dog will listen... Dog is glad you came... 141
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic081 How do you do it? Neutral 50 Dog knows where to hit them, make them stay down... base of neck, lower back, hit it hard enough, life snaps out of them. 142
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic082 Can you show me where? Neutral 50 Dog can... see where back of collar is? Follow down, to lower back - hit neck, middle back, right on spine, crack. Then they not get back up. 143
Neutral 50 Dog hits them, then Dog eats them... easier to make quiet twice that way. 144
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic083 Dog... just calm down... there's no need to keep fighting. Anger 20 {Getting more and more angry} No... Dog no listen to you, no listen to your voice anymore - will tear you apart, feed on you. 145
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic086 Is that why you have a bear trap locked on your arm? Neutral 50 Dog put his hand in it, hurts. Made the voice go away, now can't get it off. Don't want it off, hurt keeps voice sleeping... {angrier, yet pleased} bleeding. 146
Neutral 50 {Confiding in player} It also keeps {emph} others quiet, too. Dog hits them with metal bear teeth until their voices stop, makes Master's voice come back. 147
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic087 Can you tell me how you got to the Sierra Madre? Neutral 50 {Confused} Here? Followed voice in air, then here... here as long as can remember. {Hushes voice a bit} Don't like this place... hard to find things to eat sometimes. 148
Neutral 50 {To himself} Better than the cage. {Frowns, petulant/angry} Dog doesn't {emph} like being locked up. Voice in air didn't say anything about a cage and nothing to eat. 149
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic088 Those scars on your body - where did you get them? Sad 10 {Shrugs, a little sad/sheepish} Hurt self. Hurt makes the voice go away... it doesn't like pain. 150
Anger 20 {Pissed} Dog doesn't like pain, either, but keeps voice quiet, so Dog will hurt self until voice dies. Dog hurt self enough, voice go away, never come back. 151
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic089 I need you to stay here and trigger the switches. Sad 10 {Complaining} Dog doesn't understand... {to himself} too hungry, hard to hear words... {slightly petulant and evil here} Master, when can Dog {emph} feed. {< Dog complains about being hungry and doesn't understand what to do when the player is asking him to trigger the Gala Event. >} 152
Fear 10 {Quiet, this is a little creepy in its hopefulness} If Dog was fed like last time, Dog would listen. If the feeding was quiet. {Dog is referring a "bad" thing he did. Deep down, wants to do it again. He devoured a girl needing his help, couldn't, wouldn't stop himself.} 153
Neutral 50 {Slightly fearful} Maybe voice could make Dog stay, Dog not want to be in cage, Dog want to be free, find Master. 154
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic090 {Dog}That's enough for now. Neutral 50 Hnnh-hnn. 155
{Dog}That's enough for now. Neutral 50 {Nods} Yes, Master. {Responding to player telling him goodbye.} 156
{Dog}That's enough for now. Neutral 50 {Nods} Nnnh-Hnnn. {Responding to player telling him goodbye.} 157
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic091 Your name is carved on your chest. Is that part of it? Neutral 50 Yes... {frowns} no... don't know what the word means, everyone says the same, except the voice. {Hushed, frightened} The voice says it backward. 158
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic093 {Dog}I had other questions for you. Anger 10 Dog is getting tired, Master. {Grumbling, slight threat} When can Dog eat? 159
{Dog}I had other questions for you. Neutral 50 Too much talking makes Dog's head hurt. {Beat} Getting hungry. 160
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic094 Me hear voice, too? Then got here, bad place. Neutral 50 {Nods gravely} Dog trapped here, too. This place not like West. Air like copper wire. Gut heavy, hurts, beeps sometimes. {In this sequence of nodes, Dog and a dumb character are sharing info. It's only available for dumb characters.} 161
Neutral 50 Back West... in bone cities... {Beat, slight wonder} Dog wore a collar on wrist, turned him into color of ground, turned him into color of sky. {Referring to his Stealth Boy, a wrist-mounted device Dog's people used to cloak themselves.} 162
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic096 Voice in the air? Neutral 50 {Frowns, getting complicated} Dog hears many voices... one in air. {Scared, thinking about God} The... other one. {Brightens up a bit} And Master. Master is the nicest. {Frowns} Gets mean, mad sometimes. But lets Dog feed. 163
Neutral 50 Master was quiet for a long time until Dog heard him on your arm... {frowns, confused} did you eat him? {Sympathizes with player for eating a human being} Dog gets hungry, too. {Quiet} Being hungry makes the voice... mad. 164
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic097 What do you eat? Neutral 50 {Eager} Dog eats whatever he can catch. Sometimes they run, but Dog is strong, moves fast. 165
Sad 10 {Sad} Sometimes... makes voice mad when I eat... {brightens up, "but..."} Master doesn't mind. 166
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic098 Nuh-uh! Neutral 50 {Nods} Is true. Dog wore it right on his hand, where bear trap is now... he thinks. {Dumb characters still sharing stories about past.} 167
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic099 Why you want to look like ground? Neutral 50 When put it on, hard to see. Hard to see... Dog was told not to be seen then. Same as now, except different. {Dumb story time, cont. Getting confused here. He's remembering his stealth orders back West, where mutants were spies.} 168
Fear 10 Dog and others... had to hide in Base. And Church. The Master was there. Master was... {frowns} spoke like many people. Smart. Like Lou-Lieutenant. {Lieutenant, occasionally called Lou by the slower troops. Which was most of them.} 169
Sad 50 {Remembering back, slight tender} Dog misses the Church. {Beat} When got dark, no people, Dog could sit on floor and look up at ceiling. {Beat} Could... take off wrist-collar then. 170
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic101 Maybe you go back someday. Neutral 50 All gone. {Beat, a little sadder} All gone. {Beat, slightly stronger} It better now that found {emph} new Master. 171
Neutral 50 {Slightly evil} New Master tells Dog what to do, rewards Dog, like old Master. Dog goes get people, drag them here... like vat. Dog knows how to do that. 172
Neutral 50 {Deliver this gruesomely} If people fight, Dog hit them until they stop. And if more than one, Dog can eat them, so Dog hunts hard for as {emph} many as he can find. {Don't make this line amusing... the horror should start escalating by this point.} 173
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic104 Where does the voice come from? Anger 20 {Slight anger, frustration} Don't know where other voice come from. Wish would go away. Always trying to stop Dog, caging Dog. 174
Neutral 50 {Thinking} Voice started talking not long ago, Dog think... was always there. Start talking when Master showed up? {Irritated} Making Dog sleep, go to cage. 175
Neutral 50 Voice hates Master. It okay... {Curious} voice {emph} always hide when Master around, go quiet, watch Master as he does things. Voice scared of Master, Dog thinks. 176
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic105 Sounds like good trade. Neutral 50 {Pleased, agreeing with player here} Master always feed Dog if not in cage. Master lets Dog do what Dog wants. {Grumbling} Not like other voice in cage. Always mad with Dog, shouting at him. 177
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic106 I want to hear more about the Master. Neutral 50 {Brightening up} He takes care of Dog. He tells Dog what to do. Told Dog to come here, put collars on people. 178
Neutral 50 Sometimes people fight. Dog holds them until they go quiet, don't make any noise. {Beat} If collars don't fit or go too quiet... {shrugs} find others for Master. 179
Happy 10 {Strangely intense} Master makes the other voice go away - the other voice hates Master, Dog can feel it. Master's voice is like pain, protects Dog. {Put a slight trace of evil in this, Dog's gleeful that something else causes God pain.} 180
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic107 Where's your collar? Neutral 50 {Quiet, bad dog} Lost it. Got hungry. {Beat} Made the other voice mad, madder than it ever was, mad enough to lock Dog up. 181
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic108 What's the other voice? Fear 10 {Hushed} Other voice... don't wake him up. When voice wakes up, Dog goes to sleep and voice climbs up in Dog's head. 182
Anger 10 {To himself} The voice puts Dog in places... puts him in cages and locks him in. 183
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic109 Do you know how to wake him up? Neutral 50 Sometimes when Dog gets tired. Or eats too much, gets full. Sometimes... {frowns} when Dog goes to the cage... then voice wakes up. 184
Anger 10 {Getting irritated, pissed} The voice locks Dog in when it comes up, always trying to keep Dog from food. Voice did it at the cage where you found me. {Happy, draw this out} Then Master came. {Slight evil creeping in here, suggestion that maybe God doesn't do all bad things, he's trying to keep Dog on a leash.} 185
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic019 Not having your help doesn't matter if this heals you. Sad 10 {Dog, slightly sad} Dog understands... Dog has done... bad things, knows why voice was... 186
Not having your help doesn't matter if this heals you. Sad 10 {Dog, quiet sad} ...Dog hopes you find a way to save self, like you help Dog, and... 187
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic021 Then I don't want you to merge, I need you here... Dog, listen to my voice. Dog? Sad 10 {Dog, slightly regretful} Dog understands. Need help, need Dog in case. 188
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic022 We came this far, I'll manage. Go on, let go. Neutral 50 {Dog, Quiet} You were there all the time... 189
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic034 Dog, Master is here now, Master wants you to stop this. Surprise 20 [SUCCEEDED] {Surprised} Master? {Grateful} Master, Dog hoped you would come, voice... voice is going... 190
Dog... don't do this, listen to me, my voice. Sad 20 [FAILED] {Pleading} Dog... Dog wants to, Dog does, but... 191
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic084 So the Gala Event was triggered at least once? Fear 10 Uh-huh. Master ordered it. "Take places." Then... {frowns} Master went away. {Starts getting quieter} Left Dog... Dog in cage. 192
Neutral 50 Casino open long time ago, not sure when... voice keeps putting Dog in cage. Haven't seen Master since, only hear voice on your arm and from walls. 193
NVDLC01DogDialogueRandomBark NVDLC01DogDialogueRandomBark Fear 10 {Dog voice, frightened} Get away while you can, before he comes back. {Dog is in a cage, locked in by his other (multiple) personality. He's scared, talking to himself, lines should make player sympathetic to him.} 194
NVDLC01DogDialogueRandomBark Fear 20 {Dog voice, frightened, rocking back and forth} Makes Dog hurt self. {Dog is in a cage, locked in by his other (multiple) personality. He's scared, talking to himself, lines should make player sympathetic to him.} 195
NVDLC01DogDialogueRandomBark Fear 20 {Dog voice, whispering, frightened} Master, help me, Master, help me. Please. {(Father = Elijah.) "Dog" is in a cage, locked in by his other (multiple) personality. He's scared, lines should make player sympathetic to him.} 196
NVDLC01DogDialogueRandomBark Sad 20 {Dog voice, frightened, sad} Don't let him make me hurt myself. Hurt keeps him away. {Dog is in a cage, locked in by his other (multiple) personality. He's scared, talking to himself, lines should make player sympathetic to him.} 197
NVDLC01DogDialogueRandomBark Sad 20 {Dog voice} So hungry. {Dog is in a cage, locked in by his other (multiple) personality. He's scared, talking to himself, lines should make player sympathetic to him.} 198
NVDLC01DogDialogueRandomBark Fear 50 {Dog voice, frightened} I'll be good this time, I promise, Master, just keep him away. {Dog is in a cage, locked in by his other (multiple) personality. He's scared, talking to himself, lines should make player sympathetic to him.} 199
NVDLC01DogDialogueSpecificBark NVDLC01DogDialogueSpecificBark Neutral 50 {Dog voice} Noise makes my stomach hurt. 200
NVDLC01DogDialogueSpecificBark Neutral 50 {Dog voice} Turn the noise off. 201
NVDLC01DogDialogueSpecificBark Neutral 50 {Dog voice} Puts Dog in the cage, hiding downstairs. 202
NVDLC01DogDialogueSpecificBark Neutral 50 {Dog voice} He's watching, waiting for you to try and let me go. 203
NVDLC01DogDialogueSpecificBark Neutral 50 {Dog voice} So hungry. 204
NVDLC01ETDogBoneBark NVDLC01ETDogBoneBark Disgust 10 {Slight complaint} Bones. Dog not like bones, don't taste good... {thinking to himself} unless meat on them. {Dog sees the skeletons in the courtyard and says he doesn't like eating bones.} 205
NVDLC01ETDogEnterBark NVDLC01ETDogEnterBark Neutral 50 Cage over there with things to pull, hard to pull, Dog can do it. {Beat, confused} Done it before? Not remember. {<Dog says he has seen a small area with complicated looking switches in it nearby>} 206
NVDLC01ETDogGalaBark NVDLC01ETDogGalaBark Neutral 50 Place with hard to pull things is over there... {looks at player's compass} "W" on your wrist thing? {Remembers how to say "west"} Weh-st. West. {<Dog says the complicated switch thing is in the area to the west>} 207
NVDLC01EndingDog NVDLC01EndingDog Neutral 50 {Dog Dead: Narration} When Dog fell in the Sierra Madre casino, two died as one. 208
Neutral 50 {Narration} Dog died hungry, alone, frightened. 209
Neutral 50 {God-Voice, Narration} The voice in his head died with him. Screaming. Furious. {Beat, emph} Enraged. 210
Neutral 50 {Narration, sad but happy} But the voice was gone, and Dog was grateful. 211
Neutral 50 {God-Voice, Narration, sad quiet - like losing a handicapped younger brother} At least Dog was dead and the voice needed to watch over him no more. 212
Neutral 50 {Narration} In the moment before their lives ended, the wall between the two personalities fell. The two became silent as they saw the chain between them. 213
Neutral 50 {God-Voice, Narration} Hunger and control are twin greeds, something Dog and his shadow had never realized. {Draws this end credits sequence to a close, slightly rough, as if bitter.} 214
NVDLC01EndingDog Neutral 50 {Dog Alive: Narration} Dog, free of the voice inside his head and no longer waiting on the voice of the Master, wandered back West. 215
Neutral 50 {Narration} His hunger never ended. Often, small communities would suddenly vanish. 216
Neutral 50 {Narration} They were assumed to have been hit by Wasteland creatures and dragged away... dogs, Brahmin, and humans alike. {Slow, draw to a close and end on a downnote, Dog devoured these communities.} 217
NVDLC01GalaEventActivate NVDLC01GalaEventActivate Fear 10 {Frightened, make player squirm} Dog is scared... wants out of cage. Cage you put me in. {Beat, pleading} Will pull levers, be good, just let Dog {emph} out. {AUDIO: From a speaker.} 218
NVDLC01GalaEventActivate Happy 10 {Eager} Dog is ready to be good, pull switches, see the {emph} lights. {AUDIO: From a speaker.} 219
NVDLC01WTDogInsideBark NVDLC01WTDogInsideBark Anger 10 {Grumbling} Tired of being inside. Want outside, get food inside Dog. {Dog is tired of being inside when food is outside.} 220
NVDLC01WTDogRoofBark NVDLC01WTDogRoofBark Neutral 50 {Curious} Why leave a bear trap here, so high up. {Beat, to himself} Someone's arm must have lost it. 221
PLAYERINIRONSITES PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 {Curious, player is pointing a gun at him, he doesn't understand what it means} Don't shoot. Bullets hurt. 222
PLAYERLAYMINE PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 {Curious} Want Dog to fetch bomb-thing? Or not touch? 223
PLAYERTHROWGRENADE PLAYER THROW GRENADE Neutral 50 {Responding to a grenade being thrown, makes howl like a bomb dropping.} Arooooooooo! 224


NVDLC01DogDialogueClinicBark NVDLC01DogDialogueClinicBark Neutral 50 {Confused} People missing heads... make mistake coming here. {slightly eager} Make Dog hungry. {Dog sees some headless corpses laid out on clinic tables.} 225
NVDLC01DogDialogueCloudBark NVDLC01DogDialogueCloudBark Neutral 50 {A little quiet, dismissive} Hnnh. City smells bad in some places, so bad it makes people fall down. 226
NVDLC01DogDialogueGenericIdle NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {1st Time, Switching Station, Slight concern} Really dark down here. {Beat} Smell like oil and 'tronics. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 227
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {1st Time, Clinic} Dog not like this place. Air smells like burnt sparks and blood. 228
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {1st Time, Cafe} {In cafe, stumbling over pronunciation} Cafe. Food place. Maybe something in kitchen? {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 229
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Cafe} Like it here. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 230
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Salida/Puesta Only} When Dog catch a Ghost in plastic, Dog tear him apart so they don't get back up. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 231
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Salida/Puesta only, Snffs} Smells like... flesh in plastic... lots of food around here. We should catch some. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 232
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Salida/Puesta only} {Worried} Lots of marks on walls from other dead people. They not get far. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 233
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Hushed, whispering, looks around} Hope the voice doesn't come back. Mean. Bad. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 234
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Rocks on legs} Where is Master? Did he go away? {Apologetic} Dog will be good this time. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 235
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Slight disgust} Swallowed something bad. Taste like burnt wires. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 236
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Sad 50 {Himself, sad} Always yell at Dog. Yell at Dog because gets hungry, can't stop it... always need more. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 237
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Himself, a little scared} Insides growling. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 238
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Himself} So hungry. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 239
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 Don't like this place. Want to go back, back to the Base. {Beat, quiet} Or the Church, miss the Church. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 240
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 {Relaxing} Air in here not burn chest. 241
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 :: Mournful whining to self :: {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 242
NVDLV01DogDialogueGenericIdle Neutral 50 :: Stomach rumbling.:: {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 243
NVDLC01DogDialoguePostGalaBad NVDLC01DogDialoguePostGalaBad Neutral 50 Nooooooooooo! {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's terrified by the lights and the sounds.} 244
NVDLC01DogDialoguePostGalaBad Neutral 50 :: Howling, frightened. :: {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's terrified by the lights and the sounds.} 245
NVDLC01DogDialoguePostGalaBad Neutral 50 Let me out, let me out! {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's terrified by the lights and the sounds.} 246
NVDLC01DogDialoguePostGalaBad Neutral 50 Noise hurts, noise {emph} hurts! {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's terrified by the lights and the sounds.} 247
NVDLC01DogDialoguePostGalaBad Neutral 50 Streets are hurting my ears! {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's terrified by the lights and the sounds.} 248
NVDLC01DogDialoguePostGalaBad Neutral 50 Too bright, too bright. {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's terrified by the lights and the sounds.} 249
NVDLC01DogDialoguePostGalaGood NVDLC01DogDialoguePostGalaGood Neutral 50 {Hypnotized by light show in sky} Lights and fire. {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's pretty happy about it.} 250
NVDLC01DogDialoguePostGalaGood Neutral 50 {Quiet} Pretty. {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's pretty happy about it.} 251
NVDLC01DogDialoguePostGalaGood Neutral 50 {Frowns} Lots of noise. {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's pretty happy about it.} 252
NVDLC01DogDialoguePostGalaGood Neutral 50 {Curious} Where is Master? Did Master make fires in the sky? {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's pretty happy about it.} 253
NVDLC01DogDialoguePostGalaGood Neutral 50 {At festival} :: Delighted clapping :: {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's pretty happy about it.} 254
NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaBad NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 :: Weeping. :: {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 255
NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 :: Whimpering :: {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 256
NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 :: Howling in frustration :: {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 257
NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 Please let me out. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 258
NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 Dog is sorry, sorry, sorry. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 259
NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 What did I do? {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 260
NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaGood NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 Where are lights. Dog want to see the lights. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 261
NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 Can't wait to see the lights. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 262
NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 :: Impatient Growl :: {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 263
NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 {Scared} Hurry up, Dog doesn't like being here. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 264
NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 {Crude rhyme} Got to go... Casin-oooo. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 265
NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 Didn't... we do this before? Can't remember. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 266
NVDLC01DogDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 Want show and lights and yelling to start. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 267
NVDLC01DogDialogueVendingBark NVDLC01DogDialogueVendingBark Neutral 50 {Blinks at a vending machine} Pretty circle on machine, {emph} all glowing. 268
NVDLC01DogKitchenBarks NVDLC01DogKitchenBarks Neutral 50 {1 - Sad, sing song} ...going to make casino burn, no more being... {<Script Notes: Dog and God's personality are waging war on each other in these lines - they blend the words as they fight back and forth.>} 269
NVDLC01DogKitchenBarks Neutral 50 {3 - "we"} ...can hear you now. {Beat, cold} Not much longer, not... 270
NVDLC01DogKitchenBarks Neutral 50 {5 - "tired"} ...of putting Dog to sleep, he wakes up in cage, hungry, Dog wants... 271
NVDLC01DogKitchenBarks Neutral 50 {7 - "The reason I have to take control is..."} ...Master. Master set me free, Dog needs to... 272
NVDLC01DogKitchenBarks Neutral 50 {9 - "We both"} ...die. Dog wants to die. Don't care anymore, tired of you, tired of place. Master will... 273
NVDLC01DogKitchenEnd NVDLC01DogKitchenEnd Neutral 50 {1D} Hello? Voice? You there? {Waits, deliver this as a snarl} It's Dog...{confused} ...Dog can hear himself. Voice is... is in cage? Locked. {<Script Notes: This is after God's personality has been buried.>} 274
NVDLC01DogKitchenEnd Neutral 50 {2D - Frowns, building determination} Now Dog speak. Now Dog not afraid. {Beat} And... {frowns} hungry. {Emph} More hungry. {<Script Notes: This is after God's personality has been buried. The end should start sounding dangerous, like it may not have been the right thing to} 275
NVDLC01DogKitchenEnd Neutral 50 {3D - Slightly unsettling here} Dog find food... tear apart food, eat. Chase it down, can't run, feed. Finally, until Dog is full. {<Script Notes: This is after God's personality has been buried. This should be an uh-oh moment, as the player realizes this may not have been a good } 276
NVDLC01DogKitchenGas NVDLC01DogKitchenGas Neutral 50 {Sniffs, slightly confused, to himself} Something... wrong in the air. {<Dog sniffs around noticing a gas valve has been turned off.>} 277
NVDLC01DogKitchenIntercom NVDLC01DogKitchenIntercom Neutral 50 {1 - Sad, sing song} ...going to make casino burn, no more being... 278
NVDLC01DogKitchenIntercom Neutral 50 {3 - "we"} ...can hear you now. {Beat, cold} Not much longer, not... 279
NVDLC01DogKitchenIntercom Neutral 50 {5 - "tired"} ...of putting Dog to sleep, he wakes up in cage, hungry, Dog wants... 280
NVDLC01DogKitchenIntercom Neutral 50 {7 - "The reason I have to take control is..."} ...Master. Master set me free, Dog needs to... 281
NVDLC01DogKitchenIntercom Neutral 50 {9 - "We both"} ...die. Dog wants to die. Don't care anymore, tired of you, tired of place. Master will... 282
NVDLC01DogKitchenSuicide NVDLC01DogKitchenSuicide Anger 10 {About to set fire to the kitchen, killing himself} All fire now. Burn away voice, leave Dog in peace. {<Dog begins muttering about ending it once and for all>} 283
NVDLC01DogKitchenValve NVDLC01DogKitchenValve Neutral 50 {Confused} Why pipe not break. {Puts back into} Pipe. Break. {Frowns, relaxes} Hnh. Leave it, not important. {< Dog notices the valve has been reinforced by the player. "Why won't you break?!" >} 284
NVDLC01DogKitchenValveBroken NVDLC01DogKitchenValveBroken Neutral 50 {Slightly insistent.} Pipe {emph} stay broken. {Fixed a pipe, had just twisted it closed, wants it to stay broken so the gas flow is uninterrupted.} 285
NVDLC01DogKitchenValveBroken Anger 10 {Slightly angry} Pipe needs to behave, or Dog will hurt pipe. {Fixed a pipe, had just twisted it closed, wants it to stay broken so the gas flow is uninterrupted.} 286
NVDLC01DogKitchenValveBroken Happy 10 {Like patting a small child} All better. {Slightly lower} Pipe be good now, keep hissing. {Equivalent of "That's better."} 287


AcceptYield AcceptYield Neutral 50 {Confused} Hnnnr? {Shrugs, whatever} Hnnn. 288
Assault Assault Anger 20 {Surprised, then low, threatening growl} Hnnhh? Hrnnnnn. 289
Attack Attack Happy 20 {Eager howl} Hrrhrhhhhnnnh! 290
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Surprise 20 {Warning howl, pained/surprised} Hhh-hhh-hhhhnnn! 291
Crippled Crippled Pained 20 {Pained cry, crippled} Hhrrnnnnnhhh! 292
Death Death Neutral 50 :: Death cry :: 293
FireExplosive FireExplosive Happy 10 {Chuckling to himself, playfully, as he readies explosive} Hnnnh-Hnnnh-Hnnnh. 294
Flee Flee Fear 20 {Panting, worried} Hnnnh-hnnnh-hnnh. 295
Frenzy Frenzy Neutral 50 Rhhhharrrhhh! 296
HealthHalf HealthHalf Neutral 50 {Sad, in pain} Hrrrrrrn. 297
HealthQuarter HealthQuarter Neutral 50 {Whimpering, in pain} Hnnnhrrrrrhn. 298
Hit Hit Neutral 50 Hnh! 299
KOed KOed Neutral 50 Hnnh. 300
KnockedBack KnockedBack Neutral 50 Hnnhr! 301
NoAmmo NoAmmo Surprise 20 {Confused that gun stopped spitting bullets} Hnnnrh? 302
OnFire OnFire Fear 20 {Howling as on fire, low then builds} Hrnnnnooooo! 303
Poisoned Poison Sad 10 Hnnhrr... air smells bad. {<Watching the player enter a poisonous cloud, warning.>} 304
Poison Sad 10 {To himself} Eyes stinging. {<Watching the player enter a poisonous cloud, warning.>} 305
PowerAttack PowerAttack Neutral 50 {Roar as he smashes something through a wall} Hnnnhhhr! 306
Regenerating Regenerating Sad 10 {Disappointed, no pain = bad} Pain's going away. 307
Steal Steal Neutral 50 {Curious, then low, defensive growl} Hnnnh? Rhnhhhrrrr... 308
UsedDoctorBag UsedDoctorBag Neutral 50 {Just got healed, slightly surprised} Hnh. Better. 309
Wake Wake Neutral 50 {Waking up after getting knocked out} Nnnnnn... eyes went black. 310
Wake Neutral 50 {Waking up after getting knocked out, quiet} Good thing Dog wake up and not other voice. 311
WeaponIneffective WeaponIneffective Neutral 50 {Frustrated howl} Hrhhhnnnhh! 312


AlertIdle AlertIdle Neutral 50 {Growls} Hnnnrrrrrrrrrrrr. 313
AlertIdle Neutral 50 {Snarling, knows someone's near by} Hnnnnrrrrrr... 314
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Anger 20 {Howl on the hunt} Arrrrrroooooooooo! 315
AlertToCombat Anger 20 Rhhhhhhrrrrrrr! 316
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Disgust 20 {Dismissive grunt} Hnh. 317
CombatToLost CombatToLost Surprise 10 {Frowns} Where are they? Not done yet. 318
CombatToLost Sad 10 {Worried he's going to be punished} Lost them. 319
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Happy 10 {Hopeful} Do good? Eat now? 320
CombatToNormal Neutral 50 {Affirmative growl} Hnnnrrh, all done, all gone. 321
LostIdle LostIdle Sad 10 Where is the food? 322
LostIdle Sad 10 Dog hungry, please come out. 323
LostToCombat LostToCombat Happy 5 {Rumbling, eager} Food's back. 324
LostToCombat Happy 10 {Eager} Hunt's on. 325
LostToNormal LostToNormal Neutral 50 {Dismissive} Hnnf. 326
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Surprise 10 {Catches a whiff of something} Hnh? Smell something. 327
NormalToAlert Fear 10 {Under his breath} Something's moving, moving. 328
NormalToCombat StartCombat Happy 10 {Eager, pleased, snarl} Food! 329
StartCombat Happy 10 {Slightly evil, cruel} Dog was getting hungry. 330
StartCombatResponse StartCombatResponse Happy 10 {Eager snarl, on the hunt} Arrrooooooooooohnhrhnhr. 331
StartCombatResponse Happy 10 {Eager snarl, on the hunt} So hungry. 332
StartCombatResponse Happy 10 {Eager, pleased, draw this out} Time to feed. 333


NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 {Curious, slow} I don't remember you. Who are you. 334
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 You look like food, smell like food. Dog - hungry. 335
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 {Slow, to himself} Reminds me, keeps the voice out of my head. He can't talk when the pain's howling at me. 336
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct1 Neutral 50 Dog is hungry. {Frowns at Dean} Tired of your voice... when do we eat? 337
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 {Slow question, starts getting evil} Run from Dog? Dog knows how to hunt. Dog will find you, tear you apart. 338
NVDLC01RadioDeanAct2 Neutral 50 Dog's been shot before, many times. Won't stop me from catching you. 339
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 :: Impatient Growl :: {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 340
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 :: Weeping. :: {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 341
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 :: Whimpering :: {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 342
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 :: Howling in frustration :: {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 343
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 Please let me out. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 344
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 Dog is sorry, sorry, sorry. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 345
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 What did I do? {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 346
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 Let me out, let me out! {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's terrified by the lights and the sounds.} 347
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 {Himself} So hungry. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 348
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 Don't like this place. Want to go back, {quieter} back to the base. {Beat, quiet} Or the Church, miss the Church. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 349
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 {Himself, a little scared} Insides growling. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 350
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 :: Mournful whining to self :: {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 351
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 {Hushed, whispering, looks around} Hope the voice doesn't come back. Mean. Bad. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 352
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 {Rocks on legs} Where is Master? Did he go away? {Apologetic} Dog will be good this time. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 353
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 {Slight disgust} Swallowed something bad. Taste like burnt wires. {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 354
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 :: Stomach rumbling.:: {These are the lines Dog says randomly, either with the player or alone.} 355
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Where are lights. Dog want to see the lights. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 356
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Can't wait to see the lights. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 357
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 :: Impatient Growl :: {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 358
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Scared} Hurry up, Dog doesn't like being here. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 359
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Crude rhyme} Got to go... Casin-oooo. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 360
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Didn't... we do this before? Can't remember. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 361
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Want show and lights and yelling to start. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been told to wait and watch for a pretty fireworks display in the sky.} 362
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 :: Weeping. :: {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 363
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 :: Whimpering :: {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 364
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 :: Howling in frustration :: {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 365
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Please let me out. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 366
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Dog is sorry, sorry, sorry. {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 367
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 What did I do? {Dog is talking to himself, he's been caged in a location, and he's scared and frightened.} 368
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Hypnotized by light show in sky} Lights and fire. {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's pretty happy about it.} 369
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Quiet} Pretty. {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's pretty happy about it.} 370
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Frowns} Lots of noise. {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's pretty happy about it.} 371
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Curious} Where is Master? Did Master make fires in the sky? {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's pretty happy about it.} 372
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {At festival} :: Delighted clapping :: {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's pretty happy about it.} 373
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Nooooooooooo! {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's terrified by the lights and the sounds.} 374
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 :: Howling, frightened. :: {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's terrified by the lights and the sounds.} 375
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Let me out, let me out! {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's terrified by the lights and the sounds.} 376
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Noise hurts, noise {emph} hurts! {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's terrified by the lights and the sounds.} 377
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Streets are hurting my ears! {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's terrified by the lights and the sounds.} 378
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Too bright, too bright. {Dog is watching a fireworks display in the sky over the Villa, and he's terrified by the lights and the sounds.} 379
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {1D} Hello? Voice? You there? {Waits, deliver this as a snarl} It's Dog...{confused} ...Dog can hear himself. Voice is... is in cage? Locked. {<Script Notes: This is after God's personality has been buried.>} 380
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {2D - Frowns, building determination} Now Dog speak. Now Dog not afraid. {Beat} And... {frowns} hungry. {Emph} More hungry. {<Script Notes: This is after God's personality has been buried. The end should start sounding dangerous, like it may not have been the right thing to} 381
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {3D - Slightly unsettling here} Dog find food... tear apart food, eat. Chase it down, can't run, feed. Finally, until Dog is full. {<Script Notes: This is after God's personality has been buried. This should be an uh-oh moment, as the player realizes this may not have been a good } 382
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {1 - Sad, sing song} ...going to make casino burn, no more being... {<Script Notes: Dog and God's personality are waging war on each other in these lines - they blend the words as they fight back and forth.>} 383
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {3 - "we"} ...can hear you now. {Beat, cold} Not much longer, not... 384
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {5 - "tired"} ...of putting Dog to sleep, he wakes up in cage, hungry, Dog wants... 385
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {7 - "The reason I have to take control is..."} ...Master. Master set me free, Dog needs to... 386
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {9 - "We both"} ...die. Dog wants to die. Don't care anymore, tired of you, tired of place. Master will... 387

Icon disambig
This is a transcript for dialogue with God.

Topics (NVDLC01God.txt)[]

FollowersAcknowledgeMyOrder FollowersAcknowledgeMyOrder Neutral 50 {Slightly amused} Very well. 1
FollowersFired It's time for us to part ways. Neutral 50 {Slow, testing} You... want us to split up. All... three of us? 2
FollowersFiredNo On second thought, stick with me for a little longer. Neutral 50 {Snarls, low} Make up your mind. 3
FollowersFiredYes Yes, I'm sure. Neutral 50 I'll make more progress on my own - just don't get us killed. 4
FollowersHired I think we should travel together. Neutral 50 {Disgust} I'll only travel with you... get rid of the other piece of meat, then we'll talk. 5
I think we should travel together. Neutral 50 I'll follow you. For now. 6
FollowersLetsGo Let's get going. Neutral 50 {Evil, draws this out threateningly} Good. I was growing... impatient. 7
FollowersOverburdened FollowersOverburdened Neutral 50 {Cold, evil} Allying with you is already more of a burden than I can bear. 8
FollowersStealthing FollowersStealthing Neutral 50 {Irritated} Wish I had a Stealth Boy instead of this bear trap. 9
FollowersStealthing Neutral 50 {Evil, threatening} Right behind you. 10
FollowersTactics Let's talk about your tactics. Neutral 50 Tactics? Why don't you let me worry about that - you just follow along, I'll take care of you. 11
FollowersTacticsCombat I want you to change your combat style. Disgust 20 {Warning} As long as I am in control, fighting... is difficult. I'm not the... beast he is. 12
FollowersTacticsCombatAggressive I want you to attack enemies the moment you see them. Neutral 50 {Pleased} Of course... murder's in our blood. 13
FollowersTacticsCombatEND Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 {Low, seductive evil} And what do you want to discuss now? 14
FollowersTacticsCombatGOODBYE That's all. Let's get going. Disgust 20 {Snarls} Good... you were starting to bore me. 15
FollowersTacticsCombatMelee Switch to a melee weapon. Neutral 50 {Snarls} To warn you, as long as I'm in control, my coordination... suffers. 16
FollowersTacticsCombatPassive I want you not to attack enemies unless I've already engaged them. Disgust 20 {Delivered as if he wants to kill the player himself later on} As long as you don't get yourself killed. 17
FollowersTacticsCombatRanged I want you to use ranged weapons. Neutral 50 {Snarls, frustrated} While I'm in control, my ability to use his hands is... difficult. 18
FollowersTacticsDistance Let's talk about how close you're following me. Neutral 50 {Irritated} What is it? {Snarls} It won't matter in the end. 19
FollowersTacticsDistanceDefault Stay close to me. Neutral 50 {Slow, evil} If you're sure. 20
FollowersTacticsDistanceEND Your distance is good. Let's talk about something else. Neutral 50 Go on - but keep it quick. 21
FollowersTacticsDistanceGOODBYE All right, you're good. Let's get out of here. Neutral 50 {Slow, threatening} If you mean into the casino, then - yes. 22
FollowersTacticsDistanceLong Keep your distance. Try to flank them. Neutral 50 {Malicious, pleased anticipation} I'll watch over you. 23
FollowersTacticsEnd Enough about tactics. Anger 20 {Slight frustration} Fine. What else? 24
FollowersTrade Let's trade equipment. Neutral 50 {Evil} All of your weapons will do. And your stims. 25
FollowersWait Wait here. Neutral 50 {Irritated} Whatever you're planning, hurry. 26
GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {DUPE: Firm, eager} Things here... are... under control. {Beat, anger} Find the one that dragged us here, end him. 27
GREETING Happy 5 {DUPE: God Calm, trying to make sense of this, takes a breath, recovering} Thank you... for whatever you have done. I will remain here, need to get my strength back. {Script Notes: God and Dog have merged in this node, "God Calm." It's God's voice, with the anger taken off, calmer, at peace.} 28
GREETING Anger 50 {Wincing, angry, fighting to stay in control and force Dog down and kill player, vicious} ...Hnnnhrhhh... my voice... won't work, won't hold him, down, doesn't matter, won't help... {Deliver this like God is trying to break out of a cage, hates player, hates Dog.} 29
GREETING Fear 50 {Wincing, trying to stay in control, struggling, wants help} ...Hnnnhrhhh... he's gotten too strong, too scared... even my own voice won't help... {Deliver this like God is trying to warn the player and help the player, but Dog's fury is keeping him back.} 30
GREETING Neutral 50 {Low rumbling} I'll wait here until there's fires in the sky. 31
GREETING Neutral 50 {God Voice Waiting at Gala Event} You better have brought enough meat. {Under his breath, even angrier} I can feel Dog's teeth tearing at my ribs, hungry to get out. {God Voice Waiting at Gala Event God asks if player has returned with food.} 32
GREETING Neutral 50 {Act 2 Gala Event Start, Looking around, maliciously curious} So here we are. A row of switches all lined up. How familiar... 33
Neutral 50 {Cold evil, teasing} ...these switches won't move themselves, after all... there must be some {emph} trick to it. {Colder, lower taunt} Now that I'm here... what do you expect me to do? {He knows what do, being cagey. Knows he's got the player in a hard spot, and the player needs his help.} 34
GREETING Neutral 50 {God: Act 2 Intro} {Curious} So... are we on our way to somewhere else...? A Gala Event, perhaps? 35
GREETING Disgust 20 {Malicious, disgusted, "clever" is insulting} If it isn't the clever one. {Snarls, not a question} What do you want? 36
NVDLC01DogDialogueAboutTape NVDLC01DogDialogueAboutTape Neutral 50 {Warning} Can't take any chances, though... you may be some victim who simply stumbled down here. If so, can't let you let Dog out... no, not yet. {<AUDIO: Speaker filter>God starts giving directions, just in case someone else fell into his trap.} 37
NVDLC01DogDialogueAboutTape Neutral 50 {Imperious} If you're who I think you are, you came to fetch Dog, use him to drag others here. {Beat, cruel} Now I'll use {emph} you - {emph} and that Pip-Boy you're wearing. {<AUDIO: Speaker filter>} 38
NVDLC01DogDialogueAboutTape Neutral 50 {Taunting} You're smart. Clever. The key to Dog's cage is simple. Take my voice to the cage above. {Beat} Let me speak to the beast inside. 39
NVDLC01DogDialogueAboutTape Neutral 50 Then you and I... {emph} we can talk. 40
NVDLC01DogDialogueBackInYourCage NVDLC01DogDialogueBackInYourCage Anger 10 {Commanding, spoken in God's voice} Dog, back in the cage. {<AUDIO: Note this comes from a recording, on player's Pip-Boy, so will need filter. This unlocks God.>} 41
NVDLC01DogDialogueGodBasementBark NVDLC01DogDialogueGodBasementBark Neutral 50 {Malicious, whispering} Knew you would come, below the cage... down to where {emph} I am. {Beat, lower} Maybe you saw the letters I scratched on the Villa walls. {<AUDIO: Speaker filter.>1st time players hear God: Creepy-as-hell pre-recorded tape playing in dark police station basement to bait intruders.} 42
NVDLC01DogDialogueGodBasementBark Neutral 50 {Malicious, encouraging taunt} A little farther. Follow my voice... that's it. {Beat} The one in the cage? Dog. {Slight anger} I had to lock him up. He keeps... disobeying me. {<AUDIO: Speaker filter>Creepy-as-hell pre-recorded message to bait intruders smart enough to figure out what to do.} 43
NVDLC01DogDialogueGodBasementBark Neutral 50 That's me, there, on the table. The disk. {Beat, soft, creepy} My voice. {<AUDIO: Speaker filter>Player has walked into a room, sees a holotape and a radio on the table.} 44
Neutral 50 {Warning} Can't take any chances, though... you may be some victim who simply stumbled down here. If so, can't let you let Dog out... no, not yet. {<AUDIO: Speaker filter>God starts giving directions, just in case someone else fell into his trap.} 45
Neutral 50 {Imperious} If you're who I think you are, you came to fetch Dog, use him to drag others here. {Beat, cruel} Now I'll use {emph} you - {emph} and that Pip-Boy you're wearing. {<AUDIO: Speaker filter>} 46
Neutral 50 {Taunting} You're smart. Clever. The key to Dog's cage is simple. Take my voice to the cage above. {Beat} Let me speak to the beast inside. 47
Neutral 50 Then you and I... {emph} we can talk. 48
NVDLC01DogDialogueGodFirstTime NVDLC01DogDialogueGodFirstTime Happy 10 {God: Impressed, player jumped through his hoops, evil, amused. Curious} What have we here? {Beat, slight mock disappointment} You weren't who I was expecting. I'm disappointed. {This is the first time the player speaks to "God" face to face - the player's played the audio tape, and God's voice woke up.} 49
Neutral 50 {Appraising player, suspicious} Still... even if you aren't my intended guest, you take direction. Good. You can't have been an idiot to figure out how to release me from my cage... 50
Neutral 50 {Looking at player's Pip-Boy and collar} ...or perhaps you are, with that leash on your arm {emph} and the one around your neck... {mocking, evil} with our collars and manacles, why, we may as well be kin. 51
NVDLC01DogDialogueKitchenNotListen NVDLC01DogDialogueKitchenNotListen Anger 50 {Snarling} I'm in control. The Master won't help Dog now... and it won't help you. {Ignoring the player's Pip-Boy audio message.} 52
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic000 You wouldn't have locked yourself in there without some sort of key to let you out. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] The key? Why it's the Old Man, the one who brought us here. 53
Neutral 50 I hid the key on me so Dog wouldn't know... I just need the Old Man to show up, so he and I can talk. 54
Neutral 50 If Dog was in control when the Old Man appeared... well, he would just do whatever he commanded, as always. And I can't have that. 55
So... you're locked in there? Where's the key? Neutral 50 [FAILED] It's close, safe, as you know. 56
So... you're locked in there? Where's the key? Neutral 50 [FAILED] It's close, safe. I did lock myself in, after all. 57
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic001 You have multiple personality disorder. Some trauma caused this? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Slightly wary, player's onto something} Trauma... yes, in a manner of speaking. 58
Did you hit your head or something? You're acting odd. Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Taunting, playing games} No... sometimes it simply wakes voices up. 59
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic002 In Super Mutants, brain damage is usually the result of prolonged Stealth Boy usage. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Snarls} That's the easy explanation, the one {emph} humans use. Pre-War technology, as if it's the cause of all ills, mind and body. 60
Anger 20 I {emph} needed to come out of the cage to protect Dog. {Disdain} From clever humans... like you. 61
I heard electricity and radios can cause, uh, voices in people's heads. Neutral 50 [FAILED] {Taunting, playing games} Perhaps. Or maybe I was here all the time, watching. Waiting for you. 62
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic004 <Storage Node. Opening Topics. Do Not Translate.> Anger 20 {DUPE: Low, cold, hates Dog's self-mutilation} Do you see these wounds of his, covering his skin...the bear trap on his arm? He placed his own hand in it. 63
Disgust 20 The name he carved in his chest? To remind him of who he is, he inflicts pain on himself to silence me, when all I try to do... Hrr! {Doesn't finish the end sentence, just snarls and refuses to say what he's trying to do (protect Dog).} 64
Anger 10 {Quiet, more to himself} ...he cuts, hurts, and tries to murder me out of him. He won't succeed. Just makes me angrier. 65
Neutral 50 Dog is the beast, we simply change cages. {Glances around} Like the ones here. 66
<Storage Node. Opening Topics. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 Dog and I take turns in the cage... one steps out, the other goes back in. 67
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic005 What are you, exactly? You're acting different than before. Neutral 50 Dog and I take turns in the cage... one steps out, the other goes back in. Now - what do you want? 68
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic010 No, hold it tightly by the neck - now sink your teeth into it, tear it apart. Fear 10 {God's voice, quiet, horrified} No. No, Dog, no... 69
No, hold it tightly by the neck - now sink your teeth into it, tear it apart. Fear 20 {God} ...apart, Dog... we cannot be apart, you need if... hnnnh... hrrhhaharrrrr... {Screams of being torn apart} 70
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic023 What happened to your voice? Neutral 50 I'm the voice of reason. I sleep sometimes... down in the basement, in the cage. {Snarling, downnote} Now that {emph} I'm awake, {emph} Dog goes back in the cage. {Basement isn't literal, just a metaphor. I know, I know, over-explaining.} 71
Disgust 20 {Smug, superior} Dog knows I'm here, but can't do anything about it. {Beat} I'm his... conscience. Keep him tame, keep him from hurting us... doing foolish things. {Choosing his last sentence carefully because he doesn't want to admit he's being protective, makes him seem weak.} 72
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic024 That name carved on your chest... are you Dog? Disgust 20 {Dismissive, brutal} The carving's a reminder, for mirrors {to himself} and for Dog. {Disgust, to himself} Dog, who you heard coming in, howling and hungry, as always. {He's saying "and for Dog" to himself, because he's frustrated Dog carved the name on his chest to drive him away.} 73
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic025 Yes, this should be enough. Happy 10 {God voice, pleased} You're good at fetching... this should keep him where he belongs. {Beat} For now. I'll wait... send the signal, we'll be ready. 74
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic026 I haven't found enough yet. Anger 20 {God voice, snarls} Then {emph} nothing's going to keep me here... we need bait, or the beast is going to wake up, and you'll never see the Sierra Madre. {< God will not stay unless he has enough food. >} 75
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic027 Who locked you in that cage? Happy 10 {Chuckles} Locked myself in. Could feel myself... letting go. Dog's howling getting louder. {Frustrated} It happens when he's hungry and no one's around to tell him... no. {Amused, proud of his own cleverness initially, then starts getting more frustrated.} 76
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic028 <Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 I've been trapped in here for some time, then you come along and let me out. {Studying the player, suspicious, evil} So... you opened my cage for a reason. Now... I want to know why. 77
<Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 {You have questions?} Of course you do. {Beat, sinister} And so do I. 78
<Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 Dog and I take turns in the cage... one steps out, the other goes back in. Now - what do you want? 79
<Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Anger 20 {Low, cold, hates Dog's self-mutilation} Do you see these wounds of his, covering his skin...the bear trap on his arm? He placed his own hand in it. 80
Disgust 20 The name he carved in his chest? To remind him of who he is, he inflicts pain on himself to silence me, when all I try to do... Hrr! {Doesn't finish the end sentence, just snarls and refuses to say what he's trying to do (protect Dog).} 81
Anger 10 {Quiet, more to himself} ...he cuts, hurts, and tries to murder me out of him. He won't succeed. Just makes me angrier. 82
Neutral 50 Dog is the beast, we simply change cages. {Glances around} Like the ones here. 83
<Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 {resuming control, with effort, gritted teeth} ...hrnnn... will kill us {emph} both unless you do something. Never felt him so strong before, he won't listen to my voice. He's... he's... 84
<Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Pained 20 {resuming control, with effort, gritted teeth} ...hrnnn... listen to you... can't hold him back much longer... tell him... to pull on his chain, as hard as... 85
<Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Pained 20 {resuming control, with effort, gritted teeth} ...live anymore. Sick of being inside, sick of hearing his stomach screaming at me, and... 86
<Storage Node. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 ...both of us are. Tell him to listen to me. Then we can get out of this... finally... and... 87
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic049 Dog, listen to the other voice inside now. Go to sleep, let him come out. Happy 10 {God, Relieved} ...go to sleep. Good. Yes... make him sleep. Please... {Script Notes: Player is coaxing Dog to give up, letting God emerge.} 88
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic050 The other voice? See it in your head - not as a voice, but as a ball, the size of your hand. Surprise 10 {God, slow suspicious} ...on for much longer. What are you doing? What... {God doesn't realize he's about to be devoured by God and destroyed, he does suspect something bad's about to go down.} 89
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic051 You're not leaving me any choice, I have to stop you. Neutral 50 {Cold, malicious} ...it's time for you to realize who's in control here. First, we tear you apart - then this casino, and the Old Man with it. 90
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic053 <Storage Node for Final Battle, Likes Player Topics. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 {Amused} ...do this? Yes, he can. You caused this - coddled him, protected him, now I'm going to have to take control from... 91
<Storage Node for Final Battle, Likes Player Topics. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 {God's voice, quiet, echoing} ...and Dog looks just like me. {Beat, to Dog} You've hurt yourself. Inside. {Slightly tender} Do you see now, see... 92
<Storage Node for Final Battle, Likes Player Topics. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 {God, quiet, serious} He's right. If you merge us, then... I... we... or whatever we become... we can't help you when you reach whatever's at the Sierra Madre's end. {Script Notes: God wants to be healed, but he knows if this happens, he's leaving the player high and dry, and he genuinely regrets that.} 93
<Storage Node for Final Battle, Likes Player Topics. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 {God, correcting Dog's "Dog may forget you."} We {emph} will forget almost all that has happened here. You'll be alone - at the Old Man's mercy. Like Dog. Like me. {Script Notes: God wants to be healed, but he knows if this happens, he's leaving the player high and dry, and he genuinely regrets that.} 94
<Storage Node for Final Battle, Likes Player Topics. Do Not Translate.> Anger 10 {Snarl, slightly indignant} ...to stop you. You think your pull is stronger than mine? No... no, I've minded Dog, protected him far longer than you ever have. He won't... 95
<Storage Node for Final Battle, Likes Player Topics. Do Not Translate.> Anger 10 {Exhausted} ...him, just as I do. {Beat} Do you understand now? Do you understand why I have to take control? He... 96
<Storage Node for Final Battle, Likes Player Topics. Do Not Translate.> Neutral 50 {Takes a breath, sounds weak} ...too late. Too late for us... too late for you to do anything but... 97
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic055 If you try to burn the voice out of you, this casino will be destroyed, and us along with it. Anger 10 ...kill this human, Dog. Kill them. If this casino is destroyed, good, it'll kill the Old Man, too, the one who... 98
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic057 Close your eyes, and only open them if the voice tells you. Happy 10 You did it. You... I don't feel him struggling anymore... I'm in pain, and... I hate to say it, I'm starving, but... I'm not fighting him. {Script Notes: God is relieved, he's now in control, no struggling.} 99
Sad 10 {A little vulnerable here} All I wanted was him to listen to me, take {emph} care of him, keep him from hurting himself... {God's showing a vulnerable side here. He was just trying to take care of his handicapped little brother.} 100
Neutral 50 {Quiet, resolved} Now I can. One day, when he's ready, I'll let him out. When we... understand each other. {Draw this resolution to a close.} 101
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic072 Dog, that voice doesn't control you, all right? Neutral 50 {Evil} ...quiet. Shhhhh, Dog. Let me handle this. {Malicious} I'll let you feed on this human when we're done. 102
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic075 Forget it. I'm sick of dragging you around anyway. Disgust 10 {Amused, gets second wind} ...and I have more in common than we know. Soon, you'll be inside Dog, just as I am. 103
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic076 I don't mean you any harm... you just need to calm down, focus. Pained 20 {Snarls, but in pain, weakening} ...won't shut me out, Dog. It won't silence me. This human... both of them, they mean to... 104
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic080 Dog, Master is here now, Master wants you to stop this. Surprise 20 {DUPE} [SUCCEEDED] {Surprised} Master? {Grateful} Master, Dog hoped you come, voice... voice is going... 105
Maybe you just... uh... need to hear another voice, like mine. Anger 20 [FAILED] {Snarls, draws a ragged breath as he starts fight again} No... Dog is my creature, and he's more than enough to end you here and now. 106
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01DogTopic089 I need you to stay here and trigger the switches. Anger 10 {Snarling, clutching ears at start after unpleasant noise} Nnnh... getting tired of hearing your orders. {Slow, appraising his health} Dog's clawing at the cage, hungrier than usual. {God voice< God is hungry and doesn't want to turn back into Dog. He wants to know why he should stay here instead of find food. >} 107
Anger 10 {Narrows eyes, suspicious} You must {emph} need something, I can see it in your eyes. {Glancing around} The Gala... of course. How could I forget? {Realizes the player summoned him to pull a lever to trigger Gala.} 108
Neutral 50 {Slow, taunting} If you want me to... heel... if you want Dog to obey, then he'll need to be fed, {beat, a little quieter, not happy about what happened} like last time. {So, let's make a deal... the last part should be to himself, referring to something horrible Dog did that God is (surprisingly) ashamed of.} 109
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic001 What weapons are you good at? Neutral 50 Dog is better at the baser instincts than I... I merely have the brain for it. 110
Neutral 50 His sinew and muscle are difficult to move consciously... he's always hungry, clumsy, heavy. 111
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic002 All right, let's get out of here. Neutral 50 Very well... lead on. 112
All right, let's get out of here. Neutral 50 You already have someone in your shadow... I'll meet you at the Villa Fountain. 113
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic003 Meet me over at the Fountain, we'll plan our next move. Neutral 50 Very well... to the Fountain and its ghost, then. 114
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic004 So you're the one who knows how I got to the Villa. Neutral 50 {DUPE: Amused} Of course I know. {Snarling} Even if I don't see it happen - down in the cage, I hear echoes of the footfalls, the click of the collars. {Slower at the end, snapping like traps locking into place.} 115
Anger 20 {Furious} Every time I see one of you I know exactly how you got here - you couldn't help yourselves, anymore than Dog can help himself. 116
Disgust 20 {Accusing} You heard the voice, the promise, and then you walked right into one of the Old Man's traps. Then... then Dog comes for you, drags you here. {God's angry because if people wouldn't follow the broadcast, Dog wouldn't be as much a slave to the Old Man.} 117
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic007 {God}That's enough for now. Neutral 50 {Evil, smiling} We'll see. 118
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic008 I need you to stay and operate the switches for the Gala Event. Neutral 50 {Chuckles} You can lead me to water... no, being trapped in this courtyard while lights are flashing and sirens are screaming... 119
Neutral 50 I can survive one or two of the inhabitants... more than that, even Dog would have to work to keep full without being carved to pieces. 120
Neutral 50 {Studying exterior of gate} And the gate here... if it somehow got locked, it'd be the holding cell at the Police Station again, except with no way out. 121
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic009 I bet I can get Dog to stay here, if you won't. Neutral 50 Really... an amusing thought. 122
I bet I can get Dog to stay here, if you won't. Neutral 50 If you needed his teeth to devour those metal switches, chew up the diagram, then let him out. 123
Neutral 50 There's a sequence, precise and clear as a knife, that must be followed. And it requires more than instinct to operate. {Calm, measured, then disgust at end. He's got the player where he wants them.} 124
Neutral 50 {Slow, ending on sinister smug note} No, you need me, here - out of the cage. 125
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic010 What do you know about the Gala Event? Neutral 50 {Snarls} The Gala Event is the way to bring the Old Man out. {Suspicious} He won't show himself until the casino doors are open. 126
Neutral 50 So triggering the Event is key... and the key. The question becomes... can we trust each other to do this? We'll see. 127
Neutral 50 If we go there, you'll have to give {emph} me control. If you bring Dog out, then... I'll make sure you pay in blood. 128
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic011 I need you to get to your Gala Event position. Anger 30 Maybe {emph} Dog will obey you. {Beat, emph on "I'm"} I'm not as easily broken. 129
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic012 {God}I had questions for you. Disgust 20 I'm sure you do. 130
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic016 Are you going to be all right? Neutral 50 {Firm, eager} Things here... are... under control. {Beat, anger} Find the one that dragged us here, end him. 131
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic019 Not having your help doesn't matter if this heals you. Neutral 50 {God, respectful} ...furious with him. Tired of the anger. {Beat} Thank you... Courier. Even if it's only for minutes before the Sierra Madre kills us all, then... 132
Not having your help doesn't matter if this heals you. Neutral 50 {God, saying goodbye} ...when you meet him, find a way to save yourself, as you tried to save us. {One last weak joke} Otherwise, I'll be upset with you. 133
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic021 Then I don't want you to merge, I need you here... Dog, listen to my voice. Dog? Neutral 50 {God, snarling, slightly judging} Of course. You... we might not get through this, otherwise. Need to survive, no matter what the cost. Now... now... 134
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic022 We came this far, I'll manage. Go on, let go. Neutral 50 {God} ...all the time, you were there, and so close... 135
Neutral 50 {God Calm, realization, voice changes as if seeing something} ...together. {Script Notes: God and Dog have merged in this node, "God Calm." It's God's voice, with the anger taken off, calmer, at peace.} 136
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic025 Dog? Neutral 50 {God Calm, different voice, calm, but disoriented} Who... who are you? What is this place? {Script Notes: God and Dog have merged in this node, "God Calm." It's God's voice, with the anger taken off, calmer, at peace.} 137
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic028 It'd take too long to explain. Neutral 50 {God Calm, getting his bearings, takes a breath} I feel as if I've woken up. {Script Notes: God and Dog have merged in this node, "God Calm." It's God's voice, with the anger taken off, calmer, at peace.} 138
It'd take too long to explain. Pained 5 {God Calm, trying to make sense of this} I don't know you, yet I feel like I do, and a feeling of... gratitude. I... {beat, slowly realizes he's in pain} forgive me, I... I'm wounded. This chain... this bear trap on my arm... {Script Notes: Slowly realizes he's in pain. God and Dog have merged in this node, "God Calm." It's God's voice, with the anger taken off, calmer, at } 139
Pained 10 {God Calm, trying to make sense of this} ...how did I even get this far with these wounds? The pain is excruciating, I... I need to rest for a moment. 140
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic029 A cage... but at least you're not in two of them now. Neutral 50 {God Calm, slightly curious} That... that was not the answer I was expecting. {Script Notes: God and Dog have merged in this node, "God Calm." It's God's voice, with the anger taken off, calmer, at peace.} 141
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic031 Go on and rest. I have to take care of something. Happy 5 {God Calm, trying to make sense of this, takes a breath, recovering} Thank you... for whatever you have done. I will remain here, need to get my strength back. {Script Notes: God and Dog have merged in this node, "God Calm." It's God's voice, with the anger taken off, calmer, at peace.} 142
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic035 If that diagram over there holds the details, I can walk Dog through the instructions. Anger 30 [SUCCEEDED] {Getting really angry} You think you can figure out what to... {quieter, studying the player, slightly respectful} hnh. Of course you can. {God Voice Very Angry< God expresses hate for the player and gets into position. >} 143
Anger 10 {Resolved} I'll stand at my post. {Then threat comes out} Once you trigger the event... well, we'll see who makes it to the Sierra Madre. {He's knows when to choose his battles, and he'll wait for the right moment to strike back.} 144
Yeah, well, I'll make Dog help me. Can't be hard to figure all this wire stuff out. Neutral 50 [FAILED] No... you can barely give me instructions, let alone order Dog. Bark your orders somewhere else. 145
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic036 If I bring food, will that calm Dog down? Disgust 10 It always does... makes him sleepier. Weaker. Easier to keep out of trouble. As for the type of food... 146
Neutral 50 Make sure it isn't struggling, if you can. {To himself, rueful, irritated} It's hard enough to choke down half of what I suspect he eats. And make sure it's not a bomb collar. {God voice< God waits for player to return. >} 147
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic037 <Lie> Just... stay here in the courtyard, I'll go get food. Neutral 50 {Suspicious} All right... for a moment there, I thought... hnh. I'll wait here then, come back when you've found a carcass. Or three. 148
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic038 {God}I had other questions for you. Disgust 20 {Irritated} More? Don't push your luck. 149
{God}I had other questions for you. Anger 20 {Malicious, taunting} You're a brave one. Sure you're ready for the answers? 150
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic039 Do you know anything else? Neutral 50 Dog might know more, you should ask him. Beware the answer, because I think Dog got hungry, he couldn't help himself. 151
Neutral 50 {Frustrated he couldn't keep his little brother out of trouble} I tried, I always try, and he... he keeps giving in. 152
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic040 How do you switch back and forth between voices? Neutral 50 All it takes is the right... command. Whenever Dog hears the... {corrects self} his Master giving orders, I go back in the cage. 153
Anger 10 So that leash on your wrist... and the one on your neck. {Beat} I won't truly be free to... express myself until every trace of that voice is destroyed. 154
Neutral 50 Still... if you ever want to speak to me, bark my audio log at him, the one in the police station. That'll call me out. 155
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic041 {God}We need to discuss tactics - and positioning. Neutral 50 {Low, threatening} Orders - for me. This should be good. 156
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic042 I was looking for someone with a collar like mine. Where is your collar? Anger 10 {Angry} It's close. Closer than I'd like... {frustrated} Dog's been into things, needs to think before he eats, chew before he swallows. He's... eager that way. {Pissed here because Dog ruined all his plans for escape by swallowing the collar.} 157
Anger 10 Now the collar's a part of me. Inside. {Slow, feeling it in his gut} I can feel its electronic heartbeat, clicking and burning down below... {thinking} like before. {He's analyzing this, then he realizes it feels different than it did, which is bad.} 158
Neutral 50 {Suspicious} It was cold and heavy before going in the cage... {suspicious} now you're here, and it's pulling and kicking again, tugging like a leash. Interesting. {Suspicious of player, keep the maliciousness and distrust here.} 159
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic043 Why did you lock yourself in the cage? Neutral 50 No... why did {emph} I lock him in the cage. {Beat, malicious} I locked him in because I could feel him... getting hungry again. There wasn't much time. 160
Neutral 50 If Dog roams, he gets into trouble... eats things he shouldn't, listens to others he shouldn't... so he's safer in here. We're safer in here. 161
Neutral 50 I hoped if I locked him in here... the one he obeys would come for him. {Disgust} Instead, I get you. 162
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic044 I need to get you out of there. Disgust 20 No... no, I don't think so. Even in here, I have more control than you do. {Malicious here, hates that the player just tried to give him orders.} 163
Neutral 50 I'm not leaving until the one who controls the collars shows... not his voice, not his hand, not his lackey... him. 164
Neutral 50 And when he comes to see me, we'll settle things. So go on, go back to your master, tell him I'm waiting for him. Dog may follow him - I won't. 165
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic045 If you weren't expecting me, who were you waiting for? Anger 20 Don't play stupid, I already have to mind {emph} one child. {Beat} You {emph} must have figured it out by now. 166
If you weren't expecting me, who were you waiting for? Disgust 20 {To himself} The Old Man obsessed with the Sierra Madre... riddled with greed. {Beat, predatory} Hoped you might be him when I woke up. All you are is his hand... 167
Neutral 50 ...you're the same kind of greed. Followed the radio, the broadcast, and now you're here, all confused. Not for long. You'll figure it out. 168
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic046 If that collar inside you is active, I didn't switch it on. Neutral 50 {Suspicious} Really. Yet it led you here, to me. And now you're here, and it's burning a hole in my guts. Maybe it's crying for its owner. 169
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic047 How the hell did you... or whoever... eat one of these collars? Neutral 50 {Frowns} They... detach. When segmented, they look like nothing more than metallic Radscorpions... and if they're attached to neck flesh, warm, red... 170
Disgust 20 {Angry} Dog doesn't {emph} care what's on the body he's crushing in his hands, he'll mangle it, twist it, make it fit until he's full. {Should spit out his frustrations at the end.} 171
Neutral 50 {Quiet} Dog can't help himself... hungry... greedy. And now the collar's inside, alive again. And we're trapped here until it goes cold. 172
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic048 Maybe you shouldn't go around shoving Old World tech in your stomach. Neutral 50 {Sneers} As if I had a choice. Sometimes instinct takes over, and that's when {emph} I go into the cage. {Beat, superior} It's like curiosity that way. 173
Neutral 50 {Taunting} After all, you wouldn't have put that collar on by choice... perhaps it was {emph} your curiosity that caused that hand to close on your neck. {Implying the player's greed got the player in his bad situation.} 174
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic050 Do you know how I got here? Neutral 50 {Amused} Of course I know. {Snarling} Even if I don't see it happen - down in the cage, I hear echoes of the footfalls, the click of the collars. {Slower at the end, snapping like traps locking into place.} 175
Anger 20 {Furious} Every time I see one of you, I know exactly how you got here - you couldn't help yourselves, anymore than Dog can help himself. 176
Disgust 20 {Accusing} You heard the voice, the promise, and then you walked right into one of the Old Man's traps. Then... then Dog comes for you, drags you here. {God's angry because if people wouldn't follow the broadcast, Dog wouldn't be as much a slave to the Old Man.} 177
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic051 Why do you say I'm the same as the Old Man? Disgust 20 {Disgust, player doesn't get it} You're not him anymore than I'm Dog. But that collar around your neck... 178
Neutral 50 ...you're an extension of the Old Man's grasp, clumsy, perhaps, but a tool, yes. And once you get acclimated to the Sierra Madre... 179
Disgust 20 ...then you'll feel the same overpowering hunger the Old Man does. And then you'll {emph} be him, not just his hand. 180
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic052 This Old Man, what do you know about him? Disgust 20 Elijah. Human, weak like all of you are. Feeling age circling him like starved dogs, howling for blood. 181
Neutral 50 To me, he reeks of age and failure. And madness. {Beat} To me, he is simply the "Old Man." To Dog, he is "Master." His name, meaningless. 182
Disgust 20 Running out of years, hopes and dreams running through his withered hands like sand from the Big Empty... and scorched by the sun. 183
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic053 You brought me here to the Villa. Anger 10 Me? You think I want to haul bodies around the wastes like a Brahmin at the whip? {Snarling, spitting} No, Dog does it, when the Old Man says fetch, Dog fetches. 184
Neutral 50 You were in a man-trap, and Dog made his rounds, and dragged you here. When, I don't know. But... it must have been... recent. Before the cage. 185
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic054 I can't leave until we get through this. Neutral 50 Of course you can't. This cage is locked tight... from you and the Old Man. 186
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic055 So you know the way back? Neutral 50 The way back doesn't matter... try to leave, try to disobey, and your collar ends the journey faster than you can say, "begin again." 187
Neutral 50 You're clever, you'd be able to find a way back if you left the Villa. Dog can... I can find the way back, if "back" is where I even wanted to go. 188
Neutral 50 Until the Old Man lets you go, you're going nowhere. This beautiful paradise, with all its toxins and death... it's home. 189
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic056 Why do you say that? Neutral 50 I don't remember you... that isn't surprising. What is... is that it was when Dog was out of his cage... free, hungry. 190
Neutral 50 He knows not to eat anything he catches in the traps... after that, however... so he dragged you here, you got spared. 191
Neutral 50 {Thinking} Dog must have fed {emph} after you arrived... once he was fed, that allowed me out of the cage, and put him inside. {Beat, curious} Do you remember how long you were out? 192
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic057 I don't remember, only woke up when my Pip-Boy went active. Neutral 50 {Thinking} Must have already been in the cage... already had the collar in me. You're lucky Dog didn't devour you... otherwise, we'd be closer than we are now. 193
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic060 Scorched by the sun? Neutral 50 {More reflective than normal, not malicious} The Old Man... this "Elijah," tried to hold the sun in his hands, arrogance, was cast down for it. Icarus' crime was to fly too high, Elijah... {More telling a story here than being a prick, he's chewing this over slowly as he speaks.} 194
Anger 20 {Anger comes back} Elijah wanted to bring the sun down to {emph} him. Hnh! {Snorts} Arrogance. 195
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic061 What is he doing here? Neutral 50 {Taunting} Heard the call of the Sierra Madre, just like you did... {emph} exactly the same way. 196
Neutral 50 {Slow, reflective here} Finds out it's more than a story, {sarcasm bleeds in} comes to this shining poisonous grail, this jewel of the desert. {More contemplative, shows a non-prick side.} 197
Anger 20 {Anger comes back} Dog knows him more than I do. Dog's always nodding, always obeying him, because he's weak and hungry and greedy for master's affection. 198
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic063 If you locked him... you... in, what if you couldn't get out? Disgust 20 {Malicious, slightly smug} Oh, I have the key, always did. {Disgusted} Hid it on the chain behind my neck before Dog came bursting out, eating everything he could. 199
Neutral 50 Wanted to make sure whoever came to fetch Dog spoke to {emph} me first, got within reach. Instead... I get you. 200
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic064 Wait. So you... or Dog... doesn't know the key is on him? Neutral 50 {Sarcastic} Dog and I don't share... everything. What {emph} I know, {emph} he doesn't. 201
Neutral 50 What he knows... what little he knows... I don't. For example, your arrival is a surprise. I wished {emph} that I could have remembered, I'm sure Dog knew. 202
Neutral 50 {To himself, angry} And when he's feeding, well... I sometimes have to find out about it later. Now all there is to do is wait for my intended guest. {Still angry about Dog swallowing the collar and trapping them here.} 203
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic066 These radios, were you using them for signal interference? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] They were here when I arrived... so I made use of them, in a manner of speaking. More their... voices, really. {Smug, eviler, clever-er at the end. He's explaining how clever he was, and he can't help it. "manner of speaking" = play on words.} 204
Neutral 50 These collars... they don't just track us. You can eavesdrop on them as well. Tune to a frequency, and you can hear everything someone is saying. 205
Neutral 50 {Slightly amused} So perhaps it's a good thing that Dog swallowed his collar. Anyone listening would find it difficult to hear past the... digestion. 206
Why did you surround yourself with all these radios? Neutral 50 [FAILED] I was afraid Dog would get lonely. The voices, as static and whispering as they are... are still company. 207
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic067 If you don't come with me, he'll set off our collars - yours and mine. Neutral 50 Then I still win. I'd rather die in this cell than have Dog follow him any longer, follow his orders, his commands, desperate for recognition. 208
Neutral 50 The Old Man... he has the need to hold on, to the past, to the Madre... I'd rather be free, let go of this shell, than have it cage me any longer. {Snarling, gets a little quieter and introspective at end.} 209
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic068 I could order Dog to come with me. I bet he'd obey. Neutral 50 {Laughs} Dog? You're not talking to him now, are you? No, even if you could drag Dog out of his cage, you still couldn't get him out of {emph} this cage. 210
Neutral 50 {Smug} I put him here for a reason... if he could have escaped, he would have. So here he stays. 211
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic069 The key's in there with you - and Dog. Neutral 50 {Cruel, laughing} Yes, but Dog doesn't know that. We don't share everything. Sometimes it's a blessing... sometimes... it causes difficulties. 212
Neutral 50 Now I think it's a blessing, it keeps you on that side of the cage. Now... you go fetch. Find your master, bring him here so we can talk. 213
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic070 I could just tell Dog he has the key. Neutral 50 {Frowns, slightly hesitant} Yes... you could. {Recovers} And once he was out, all starving and hungry... what do you think he would do then? 214
Neutral 50 {Warning} Be careful what cage you open, because he won't go back in it without a fight. He'll tear you apart, he won't care if it kills you both. 215
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic074 If he hears the Old Man's voice, he'll do what the Old Man says. Neutral 50 {Suspicious} Dog... obeys. Yes. {Wary, this was unexpected} Why... do you have some means of contacting the Old Man? 216
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic075 I can play his voice, yes. I have an audio log from him on my Pip-Boy. Surprise 10 {Pauses} You... {snarling} don't play it. {Snarls} If you do, I'll find a way to get out of the cage, end you. I'll murder you, crush your arms and legs until... 217
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic077 I want my freedom, too. You think I like having this collar on me? Neutral 50 {Low, quiet} They all wanted their freedom at first. Then... they realized they could get inside the Sierra Madre. 218
Neutral 50 After that, their freedom wasn't important any more. They couldn't let go, just like the Old Man. So you say you want your freedom... 219
Neutral 50 No... even if you feel that way, it won't last. You'll forget, get greed-blind, and you'll turn. 220
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic078 What if we go after the Old Man together? Neutral 50 No... I don't trust you. Even if you're not working with him, you'll fall into the same trap he did. 221
Disgust 10 {Slow taunting} You may think you can take your revenge... that'll change. You'll start thinking there's a way to have it all. 222
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic079 Goodbye, whoever you are... I'm going to let Dog out of his cage. Neutral 50 No! No, no, don't! I'll make you suffer for this, I promise you. 223
Goodbye, whoever you are... I'm going to let Dog out of his cage. Neutral 50 {End Bad Node} Although it may not matter... I suspect the Sierra Madre will be reward enough for ones like you. 224
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic080 Calm down. Follow me, willingly, I won't do it. Neutral 50 {Echoing the player} No, you wouldn't. If you did, you won't escape this place alive. I'd shatter every one of your limbs to splinters and leave you here. {First line is echoing the player, not saying no.} 225
Neutral 50 You think I'm afraid of your collar exploding, killing us? No, I'll leave you breathing, then keep walking until {emph} my collar goes cold. 226
Neutral 50 I'll prop your broken body in view of the Sierra Madre so you can see what you came to steal... forever out of reach as you die. 227
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic081 I have the power to let Dog out of his cage. I'm going to prove it by not doing it. Surprise 10 {Studying the player} Hnh. No... no, you're not. {Confused here, slow, since flies in the face of reason} Even though Dog's more docile... easier to control. {He's confused, echoing player's line again. The player's got a gun to him, yet not pulling the trigger - maybe the player's good people?} 228
Neutral 50 {Questioning} You may regret this. This place... this place is where creatures like Dog can survive. The people that fill its streets... 229
Neutral 50 He is as vicious, more vicious than them. His hunger can help you more than I can. When I am in control... this shell is difficult to... fight in. 230
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic082 You're blocking the eavesdropping with the alarm outside, too. Nice. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {DUPE} Very good. Yes... it's another layer of white noise to ensure privacy. Unfortunately, it's also acted as a dinner bell for the residents. 231
Neutral 50 As long as the holographic greeter outside is active, however, I can get by them... the Holograms fascinate them. Ghost-worship, perhaps. 232
I guess... the alarm outside sure is a racket, though. Neutral 50 [FAILED] {DUPE} Yes... interesting that. {To himself, irritated by Ghost People outside} More like a dinner bell to some. {Initially amused that the player doesn't know why... but there are bad guys outside, lured by police station alarm, irritated by that at the end.} 233
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic083 I can't convince you I'm not here for the Sierra Madre or the Old Man, so I'll prove it. Neutral 50 {Frowns} Prove it... how? Words are worthless. 234
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic085 Even if Dog is more helpful, we can manage. Neutral 50 {Chuckles, amused} I am not sure you belong here. No, you don't belong here. 235
Neutral 50 Yet... {appraising player} you came this far. And I'm not interested in remaining here any longer. I'll unlock the cage. 236
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic086 In that case, I will bring him along, I don't need you. Neutral 50 {Laughs} And so... greed, practical or otherwise, has its day. 237
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic087 What do you mean? Neutral 50 The... inhabitants of the Villa. They are difficult to kill. {Pause} They need to be chopped apart, hacked on the ground... disintegrated, if you can. 238
Neutral 50 They are difficult to kill... but not to devour. {Beat} And Dog is always hungry. 239
Neutral 50 If he is with you, when they fall, he will fall on them, end them. If I am with you... fighting will be far more difficult. 240
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic088 ...and the alarm sound outside helps as well. Your doing? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Very good. Yes... it's another layer of white noise to ensure privacy. Unfortunately, it's also acted as a dinner bell for the residents. 241
Neutral 50 As long as the holographic greeter outside is active, however, I can get by them... the Holograms fascinate them. Ghost-worship, perhaps. 242
Surprised they could hear you over the alarm bell outside. Neutral 50 [FAILED] Yes... interesting that. {To himself, irritated by Ghost People outside} More like a dinner bell to some. {Initially amused that the player doesn't know why... but there are bad guys outside, lured by police station alarm, irritated by that at the end.} 243
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic089 Why does that make him go away? Neutral 50 Dog is afraid of me as long as {emph} the Master isn't around. 244
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic090 Why did you put emphasis on the word "Master" before? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Slow, thoughtful} The "Master" - Elijah... reminds Dog of someone from long ago. His leader, commander. Commanders. {Commanders b/c Master had multiple personality disorder as well.} 245
Neutral 50 The Master was a strong personality... personalities as well. Dog is slavish, was conditioned to serve the Master until death. 246
Neutral 50 The Old Man... Elijah merely came along and opened that door in Dog's mind. Now Dog does whatever the Old Man wants. 247
Well... true enough. Sure uses the word "Master" a lot. Disgust 10 [FAILED] Habit. Conditioning. It doesn't matter. 248
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic091 Sounds like it makes you mad. Neutral 50 Mad? Mad doesn't even begin to describe... there's not a {emph} word for the hate I feel inside. It's consuming... twists every thought to red. 249
Neutral 50 {Snarling} After all that's laid ruin to the world... again and again, I thought at last, we could be free... thought Dog could be free. 250
Neutral 50 No... no, the world's always got another cage, waiting, keeping everything you want... just out of reach. 251
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic092 What does Elijah make Dog do that angers you so much? Neutral 50 Gather others, drag them here... fetch, like an animal... and hurt them if they resist. 252
Neutral 50 Dog doesn't even blink, even hear their cries when he's twisted their arms full circle... fragile things, screaming on the ground... {Hates this, hates what Elijah makes Dog do.} 253
Neutral 50 To listen to him... commanding Dog... to hurt others... and Dog just nods, eager and willing to serve. 254
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic093 Can't you do anything? Neutral 50 {Echoing, emph} Do anything? {Hurt and frustration coming through} Me... me, Dog puts in the cage, hurts himself to try and drown out my voice, when all I want to do... 255
Neutral 50 ...aah... hrrr, never mind, useless. Finally had to start fighting back, screaming on my own. Had to take matters into my own hands, lock Dog up. 256
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic094 You're trying to protect Dog. Having Elijah control him, hurt him - you want to protect him. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Starts weakening here, tired} I've watched over Dog for so long. Tried to stop him from... hurting others, killing others, {frustrated anger} quiet that mindless howling instinct of his. 257
Neutral 50 He doesn't understand, he has the brain of a child... he knows when he does wrong, he just can't help himself. 258
Does not being in control bother you so much? Neutral 50 [FAILED] No... because all I need to do is bide my time. I'll settle this... myself, as I always planned. 259
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic095 You care about him. Neutral 50 He's my brother - kin. Without him, I wouldn't exist. Maybe I was nothing more than his conscience, trying to rein him in. Useless. 260
Neutral 50 I... I just need him to show restraint, let go of the needs, the hungers. Ease the burden... just once, so I can have my thoughts to myself. 261
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic096 Why can't you control him? Neutral 50 The instinct is stronger than me. Dog is stronger than me. He's just a child... he knows when he does wrong, he just can't help himself. 262
Neutral 50 I don't know when I first spoke, or when I first started thinking for myself, it was so long ago. I... slept for a long time... before... 263
Neutral 50 ...I want to believe I was the one in control. Once. I don't know anymore. Then Dog got a new Master. A new voice. And I woke up, to protect him. 264
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic097 You have multiple personality disorder. Some trauma caused this? Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {DUPE: Slightly wary, player's onto something} Trauma... yes, in a manner of speaking. 265
{Global}Did getting hit in the head cause you to start acting this way? Neutral 50 [FAILED] {DUPE: Taunting, playing games} No... sometimes it simply wakes voices up. 266
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic100 What's Elijah doing here? Neutral 50 {Taunting} Heard the call of the Sierra Madre, just like you did... {emph} exactly the same way. 267
Neutral 50 {Slow, reflective here} Finds out it's more than a story, {sarcasm bleeds in} comes to this shining poisonous grail, this jewel of the desert. {More contemplative, shows a non-prick side.} 268
Anger 20 {Anger comes back} Dog knows him more than I do. Dog's always nodding, always obeying him, because he's weak and hungry and greedy for master's affection. 269
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic101 What does Dog know? Anger 20 {Snarl} Ask him. Or better, don't. It wouldn't be an interesting conversation, much like this one. 270
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic102 Dog said he triggered the Gala Event once already. Neutral 50 {Amused} He did, yes. A team did, with collars linked just like yours. Did he tell you everything, or just about the pretty lights? 271
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic103 Something about lights and colors, not much else. Neutral 50 {Sneers} There was more. Only he truly recalls, though... and should. I won't spoil it for you, especially when we have more... pressing matters. 272
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic104 He said the casino opened up. Neutral 50 {Impressed} Very good. As for the casino... yes, it did. 273
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic105 If the casino opened up, then why are we here? Neutral 50 Because something got left inside. The Old Man... Elijah. 274
Neutral 50 He's trapped in there. As I hoped he would be. 275
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic106 If he got trapped, why didn't he set off the collars? Neutral 50 {Smiles} Because he couldn't. As soon as he made his way into the casino, it sealed up... 276
Neutral 50 ...and the casino's construction allowed me an opportunity to escape. The collars... unhooked. I... was free. 277
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic107 Couldn't he have commanded you to rescue him? Neutral 50 No... I saw to that... 278
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic108 Does the casino block the signal? Neutral 50 It {emph} should have... the casino's construction is unusual. Signals in there get... scrambled, some alloy in the architecture... I don't know. 279
Neutral 50 I wasn't sure until the collars de-activated that I had won. Trapped him in his cage. Dog... {corrects self} I... could be free. 280
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic109 So what happened then? Neutral 50 Dog happened. When the collars came off... he got... hungry. And all my work, all my effort... wasted because of his hunger, his greed. 281
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic110 What are you talking about? Neutral 50 Ask Dog. It doesn't matter... it's in the past, as much as I try to forget it, it's always... with us. 282
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic111 The Pip-Boy could boost the signal. If Elijah has a Pip-Boy, that would explain it. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Interesting... so it seems you have another link we don't. And... you're to blame for this. 283
Neutral 50 Yes... he wears a Pip-Boy on his wrist, just as you do. If he's feeding commands and signals, then I would be careful. 284
Neutral 50 He's most likely installed a contingency switch in the Pip-Boy. If the signal gets cut off, or you try and remove it... well, then we'll all die. 285
Then how are the collars active again? Neutral 50 [FAILED] That I don't know. The collars came back to life... I'm not sure how. 286
Neutral 50 {Snarling, low} I felt it when you woke me up... that kicking in my gut, the collar was coiled with a charge again, like a snake. 287
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic112 He can't have possibly have set up a deadman's switch like that. Neutral 50 Really. As much hatred as I hold for him, he is much, much smarter than many I've met... {sarcastic} no offense meant, of course. 288
Neutral 50 He seems to not only understand the workings of Pre-War tech, he seems to breathe it. And... these collars, commandeering your Pip-Boy... 289
Neutral 50 Are the marks of someone who makes mistakes - but he's not leaving much to chance when it comes to ensuring our compliance. 290
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic113 If you won't do it, then Dog will, like he did at the police station. Neutral 50 No... this time is different. The key is different. 291
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic114 Any reason why you're assigned to this point on the map? Neutral 50 {Taunting} Maybe it's familiar, comfortable. Practice makes perfect. 292
Neutral 50 And as much as it bruises my ego, some things require... brute strength. {Beat} In the right combination. 293
Neutral 50 {Grumbling, to himself} Besides, none of your assembled band of thieves look able to rip a 200 year rusted power switch down like a machete to fire up an entire town. 294
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic115 In Super Mutants, brain damage is usually the result of prolonged Stealth Boy usage. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {DUPE: Snarls} Hmm... Hrrr... That's the easy explanation, the one {emph} humans use. Pre-War technology, as if it's the cause of all ills, mind and body. 295
Anger 20 I {emph} needed to come out of the cage to protect Dog. {Disdain} From clever humans... like you. 296
{Global}I heard electricity and radios can cause, uh, voices in people's heads. Neutral 50 [FAILED] {DUPE: Taunting, playing games} Perhaps. Or maybe I was here all the time, watching. Waiting for you. 297
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic116 Do you know how to operate the switches? Neutral 50 I do. And after you threw me in the cage at the Police Station, I have no intention of telling you. 298
Do you know how to operate the switches? Neutral 50 I do... the diagram there tells me what I need to know. 299
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic117 Worried about being attacked if left here? The gate looks strong enough. Neutral 50 This Villa was built to decay, but parts... parts were well-defended, indeed. There was a method in the layout, you can... see it. 300
Neutral 50 The terminal outside... one of those means this place was designed... properly. No, if locked, it could hold others out... and even Dog inside. 301
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic118 I need you to trust me. I let you out of the cage in the Police Station. Neutral 50 You're right... but trust? Trust is such a... harsh word. I prefer... mutual need. It's more honest. 302
Neutral 50 No, I can help you. {Examining the wall} These wiring diagrams... I know how to operate the switches in sequence to make fire appear in the sky. 303
Neutral 50 I... we just need to make sure that Dog doesn't surface before that happens. To do that... he'll need to be fed. That makes him stay in the Cage. 304
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic119 What kind of food should I bring back? Neutral 50 Dog has torn apart a number of the inhabitants of this town... while he doesn't prefer them to... other flesh... it'll do for the time being. 305
Neutral 50 Find some of the inhabitants... it'll require some hunting on your part. Kill them, take some of the remains inside them, bring it back here. 306
Neutral 50 They're not easy to kill. {Cruel smile} But... I have faith in you, and the beast must be fed if you want him to stay in {emph} this cage. 307
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic120 You need to trust me if we're going to get through this. Disgust 10 {Slow chuckle} No, you'll throw me in the cage when you need to, just like at the Police Station. Trust you? No... you've made trust... difficult. 308
Neutral 50 I'm not staying here and doing what you "order" me to do. Not again... and the sequence here? Just {emph} see if Dog can figure it out on his own. 309
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic121 <Lie> I'll go hunt for food, you just stay here, and wait. Neutral 50 {Suspicious} All right... for a moment there, I thought... hnh. I'll wait here then, come back when you've found meat from two of the bodies. 310
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic123 All right, I'll go hunting, see what I can find. Neutral 50 {Quieter, more complacent} Two chunks of meat from their bodies should be enough. Hunt... quietly, so as not to draw more here. 311
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic125 We don't really have time for this. Neutral 50 If you don't... then I can't guarantee I'll remain in control long enough to help you. It is... your choice. 312
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic128 If that diagram over there holds the details, I can walk Dog through the instructions. Anger 30 [SUCCEEDED] {Getting really angry} You think you can figure out what to... {quieter, studying the player, slightly respectful} hnh. Of course you can. {God Voice Very Angry< God expresses hate for the player and gets into position. >} 313
Anger 10 {Resolved} I'll stand at my post. {Then threat comes out} Once you trigger the event... well, we'll see who makes it to the Sierra Madre. {He's knows when to choose his battles, and he'll wait for the right moment to strike back.} 314
Yeah, well, I'll make Dog help me. Can't be hard to figure all this wire stuff out. Neutral 50 [FAILED] No... you can barely give me instructions, let alone order Dog. Bark your orders somewhere else. 315
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic129 I don't want Dog to have to deal with this, I prefer to deal with you. Neutral 50 {Slight curious} Really. {Slow} And why is that? Dog is much more... docile. Obedient. 316
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic132 If that's what it takes to make you listen, yes. Neutral 50 So you want me to listen. To obey. No... I can't. Because Dog wouldn't let me. I can already feel him clawing at me. 317
Neutral 50 If you want me to remain, then I'll need to stay aware... enough to operate the switches properly. 318
If that's what it takes to make you listen, yes. Neutral 50 I... we just need to make sure that Dog doesn't surface before that happens. To do that... he'll need to be fed. That makes him stay in the Cage. 319
NVDLC01DogDialogueNVDLC01GodTopic140 If you don't stay here, I'll bring Dog out and leave him here. Neutral 50 And what would that gain you? Are you so eager to slice off your hand to spite your arm? 320
NVDLC01EndingDog NVDLC01EndingDog Neutral 50 {Dog Alive, God Alive: Narration} Dog forgot himself, as did the voice that raged within him. After their passing, a new voice spoke within the mutant's shell. {End slide sequence, spoken in God's "new" voice that sounds calm, wondering, and at peace.} 321
Neutral 50 {Narration} It was difficult for the voice to remember the two it once was... there was the beast, Dog consumed by hunger... {Slight confusion. Who were his parents, again...?} 322
Neutral 50 {Narration} ...and the other in reverse... the one consumed by control. 323
Neutral 50 {Narration} Both were driven by need for the other. The Courier brought them together, somehow, joined the two into one. {Firm, realization.} 324
Neutral 50 {Narration} All that happened at the Sierra Madre, was a faint memory to the new personality... like a flickering light in the clouds of the mind. 325
Neutral 50 {Narration} The new voice did not think of the Courier again until the battle at the Divide reached his ears. {The Divide is a location in Fallout. Quiet, reverent in this line, like speaking of a horrible battle.} 326
Neutral 50 {Slow, reverent - this is quietly dramatic, ends on a sad downnote} The battle between the two couriers, beneath the torn skies and the Old World flag... {quiet, slower} each bearing a message for the other. {Slow, quiet, dramatic, draw this to a close as a foreshadowing of things to come.} 327
Neutral 50 {Narration} And the mutant prayed the Courier that had saved him... had been saved in return. {The final word, ending.} 328
NVDLC01EndingDog Neutral 50 {God Alive: Narration} Freed of both Dog and the one who held Dog's leash, the other voice resumed control. First the mind, then finally, the mutant's shell. {God has assumed control in this end slide, narrated as end credits play.} 329
Neutral 50 {Narration} His first act was to tend to the scars on the body with careful hands, slowly healing all the scars except the ragged name torn on his chest. {Slow, a little tender, like the scars are the last bits of his dead younger brother that he's burying.} 330
Disgust 10 {Narration} He briefly thought of remaining at the Sierra Madre. But it was a monument built by humans, representing something he no longer needed. {Throw this line away, slight disdain.} 331
Neutral 50 {Narration} He began walking west, in search of others like him. As he did, he spoke of the courier who had set him free and allowed his life to begin again. {Slow, draw to a close. God has begun preaching the gospel in this line, and the last sentence should be quieter, thankful.} 332
NVDLC01GalaEventActivate NVDLC01GalaEventActivate Anger 20 {Eager} I'll pull the switches. {Beat, snarling} And when I find you, I'll pull your head from your body. {AUDIO: From a speaker.} 333
NVDLC01GalaEventActivate Happy 20 {Eager, evil} Ready. {Chuckling} The both of us. I'll keep Dog locked in his cage... you just open the Sierra Madre. {AUDIO: From a speaker.} 334
NVDLC01GodToChristineTopic01 NVDLC01GodToChristineTopic01 Neutral 50 {Amused, evil} What's this? Why... it's a little doll. {Mock curiosity} Were you carved by a craftsman, {taunting, evil} or mauled by a drunk who didn't know his tools? {Referring to Christine in this line, she's a surgically-scarred mute girl in the party, so God's having his "fun."} 335
NVDLC01GodToChristineTopic01 Neutral 50 {Chuckles} I'm not going to hurt you... yet. Much. Scars tell a story, some old, some new... {slow} and the one on the throat is fresh and red. 336
NVDLC01GodToChristineTopic02 NVDLC01GodToChristineTopic02 Neutral 50 {Curious} Someone wanted to cut your voice, little doll. Or they didn't finish their work, or didn't know how to. 337
NVDLC01GodToChristineTopic02 Neutral 50 Oh, it wasn't me... I have no use for your neck beyond what encircles it. {Snarls, to himself, disgruntled} The lack of screams when I finally kill you... that is what I'll regret. 338
NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic01 NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic01 Neutral 50 Touched by radiation, and you choose to spend your time here. You could have just left... but you're too obsessed to let go. 339
NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic01 Neutral 50 Mirrors tell me my name when needed... and I have a name for you, several. Thief, coward... showman. Radiation couldn't kill the truth, could it. 340
NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic02 NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic02 Neutral 50 You could have left the Sierra Madre. Left this Villa, joined your own kind. 341
NVDLC01GodToDeanTopic02 Neutral 50 {Taunting} You can't abide it. There's no heart. You hate it, I can hear it in your words. 342
PLAYERINIRONSITES PLAYER IN IRON SITES Neutral 50 {Cold evil, player's pointing a gun at him} I didn't take you for suicidal. 343
PLAYERLAYMINE PLAYER LAY MINE Neutral 50 {Grim, pleased} Thinking ahead... good. 344
PLAYERTHROWGRENADE PLAYER THROW GRENADE Neutral 50 {Snarling, when grenade is thrown} Don't waste those - save one for when they get close. 345


NVDLC01DogDialogueClinicBark NVDLC01DogDialogueClinicBark Neutral 50 {Curious, malicious} It looks like someone was experimenting... {more interested} although they were doing so {emph} after the collars went off. {God sees a series of headless corpses laid on lab tables.} 346
NVDLC01DogDialogueCloudBark NVDLC01DogDialogueCloudBark Neutral 50 {Warning} Careful, the Villa's filled with pockets from the Cloud. Lethal. 347
NVDLC01DogDialogueVendingBark NVDLC01DogDialogueVendingBark Neutral 50 {Dismissive, grumbling} Those machines feed on Sierra Madre Chips. {Beat, quieter, throw line away} There's codes that unlock other things, too. 348
NVDLC01DogKitchenBarks NVDLC01DogKitchenBarks Neutral 50 {2 - "No more being..."} ...back in the cage. Stop what you're doing, we can... 349
NVDLC01DogKitchenBarks Neutral 50 {4 - snarling, "you're not..."} ...listening to me. {Frustrated, furious, emph} Tired of being your minder, tired... 350
NVDLC01DogKitchenBarks Neutral 50 {6 - "wants"} ...to protect you, always wanted to protect you, the reason I have to take control is... 351
NVDLC01DogKitchenBarks Neutral 50 {8 - "You need to"} ...listen to me. {Sudden moment of weakness, slight plea} If you do this, we {emph} both... 352
NVDLC01DogKitchenBarks Neutral 50 {10 - "Master will"} ...help us. Please let me help us. If you don't, then you're... 353
NVDLC01DogKitchenEnd NVDLC01DogKitchenEnd Neutral 50 {1G} I... {chuckles, not unkindly, more relieved} he's asleep. Finally. {To himself} Shhhhhh. {<Script Notes: This is after Dog's personality has been buried.>} 354
NVDLC01DogKitchenEnd Neutral 50 {2G - Tired, serious, no malice} Dog... all I wanted was for you to listen to me, let me care for you. Keep you from hurting yourself... {<Script Notes: God is being genuine here... all he wanted to do was keep Dog out of harm's way.>} 355
NVDLC01DogKitchenEnd Neutral 50 {3G - Stronger, to himself} Now I can. And one day, when you're ready, I'll let you out. When you're calm, and we... understand each other. {<Script Notes: This is after Dog's personality has been buried.>} 356
NVDLC01DogKitchenEnd Neutral 50 {4G} And we're at peace, you and I, mind and instinct. Then the world will be ready for us. {<Script Notes: Calm, resolved. Loop back to the second line.>} 357
NVDLC01DogKitchenEnd Neutral 50 {1B} What is this place? {<Script Notes: This is delivered in God's voice, but he's calm, and both God and Dog have been submerged, this is same voice, different personality, } 358
NVDLC01DogKitchenEnd Neutral 50 {2B} Feel strange, like... sleeping. On my neck, is this... a chain? I... {recognition, looks down and sees the name carved there} what's carved on my chest? {<Script Notes: This is delivered in God's voice, but he's calm, and both God and Dog have been submerged, this is same voice, different personality, } 359
NVDLC01DogKitchenEnd Neutral 50 {3B} "God." No... not God. Something in reverse... hnh. Was that one of them...? {<Script Notes: This is delivered in God's voice, but he's calm, and both God and Dog have been submerged, this is same voice, different personality, } 360
NVDLC01DogKitchenEnd Neutral 50 {4B} Should rest, get my strength back... then explore this place, see what it holds. {<Script Notes: This is delivered in God's voice, but he's calm, and both God and Dog have been submerged, this is same voice, different personality, } 361
NVDLC01DogKitchenIntercom NVDLC01DogKitchenIntercom Neutral 50 {2 - "No more being..."} ...back in the cage. Stop what you're doing, we can... 362
NVDLC01DogKitchenIntercom Neutral 50 {4 - snarling, "you're not..."} ...listening to me. {Frustrated, furious, emph} Tired of being your minder, tired... 363
NVDLC01DogKitchenIntercom Neutral 50 {6 - "wants"} ...to protect you, always wanted to protect you, the reason I have to take control is... 364
NVDLC01DogKitchenIntercom Neutral 50 {8 - "You need to"} ...listen to me. {Sudden moment of weakness, slight plea} If you do this, we {emph} both... 365
NVDLC01DogKitchenIntercom Neutral 50 {10 - "Master will"} ...help us. Please let me help us. If you don't, then you're... 366
NVDLC01DogKitchenSuicide NVDLC01DogKitchenSuicide Anger 20 {Furious, but also afraid} No! {Tries to be commanding} Dog, get back in the c-{"cage," doesn't finish as explosion rocks kitchen} {<God attempts to take control and screams no, trying to stop Dog from killing them both.>} 367
NVDLC01GodDialogueAloneIdleAct1 NVDLC01GodDialogueAloneIdleAct1 Neutral 50 Can't believe the idiot swallowed his collar. {God is making random comments while player isn't around.} 368
NVDLC01GodDialogueAloneIdleAct1 Neutral 50 What's taking that human so long. {God is making random comments while player isn't around.} 369
NVDLC01GodDialogueAloneIdleAct1 Neutral 50 {To himself} If that human wasn't wearing a collar... {God is making random comments while player isn't around.} 370
NVDLC01GodDialogueAloneIdleAct1 Neutral 50 Wonder what that human's insides would look like laid out over the fountain. {God is making random comments while player isn't around.} 371
NVDLC01GodDialogueAloneIdleAct1 Neutral 50 {To himself} Might be able to rip the Pip-Boy off his arm without killing him. Hmm. {God is making random comments while player isn't around.} 372
NVDLC01GodDialogueGenericidle NVDLC01GodDialogueGenericidle Neutral 50 {Snff} No toxins in the air in here. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 373
NVDLC01GodDialogueGenericidle Neutral 50 Well, {emph} this place has seen better days. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 374
NVDLC01GodDialogueGenericidle Neutral 50 If we need to fight, you should call Dog out... as much as I hate to admit it. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 375
NVDLC01GodDialogueGenericidle Neutral 50 {Thinking} Might be able to use the gas valves around here to set traps of our own. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 376
NVDLC01GodDialogueGenericidle Neutral 50 We'll need to move faster than this if we're going to outwit the Old Man. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 377
NVDLC01GodDialogueGenericidle Neutral 50 {Smirks} Happy you followed the Sierra Madre broadcast? Curiosity and greed, same thing. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 378
NVDLC01GodDialogueGenericidle Neutral 50 It's your own fault you're here. Couldn't leave well enough alone. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 379
NVDLC01GodDialogueGenericidle Neutral 50 That Pip-Boy... maybe I'll tear it off your arm, wear it on my neck. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 380
NVDLC01GodDialogueGenericidle Neutral 50 Air tastes like copper. {Beat, smiles} Or Old World gold. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 381
NVDLC01GodDialogueGenericidle Neutral 50 Almost got away... then the idiot's hunger screws it up. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 382
NVDLC01GodDialogueGenericidle Neutral 50 Why do you keep looking at your Pip-Boy? It won't help. {Snorts} Didn't help the Old Man. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 383
NVDLC01GodDialogueGenericidle Neutral 50 Can't believe the idiot swallowed his collar. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 384
NVDLC01GodDialoguePostGalaBad NVDLC01GodDialoguePostGalaBad Neutral 50 {Impressed} The human did it. {Evil} Good. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 385
NVDLC01GodDialoguePostGalaBad Neutral 50 Not going down like last time - Dog, you're staying in the cage. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 386
NVDLC01GodDialoguePostGalaBad Neutral 50 Time to get to the gate, "friends" or no friends. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 387
NVDLC01GodDialoguePostGalaBad Neutral 50 {To himself} Fires and speakers are going to bring the Ghost People out in full. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 388
NVDLC01GodDialoguePostGalaBad Neutral 50 {Eager} Coming for you, human... you just wait. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 389
NVDLC01GodDialoguePostGalaBad Neutral 50 Madre's mine. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 390
NVDLC01GodDialoguePostGalaGood NVDLC01GodDialoguePostGalaGood Neutral 50 {Surprised} Hnh. The human pulled it off. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 391
NVDLC01GodDialoguePostGalaGood Neutral 50 Just like last time. Come on, Dog, you know the drill. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 392
NVDLC01GodDialoguePostGalaGood Neutral 50 Gate won't be open for long. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 393
NVDLC01GodDialoguePostGalaGood Neutral 50 Need to stay out of sight... can't afford to be distracted now. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 394
NVDLC01GodDialoguePostGalaGood Neutral 50 What the Old World saw in these light shows is beyond me. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 395
NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaBad NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 {To himself} When this festival fires, I'm the first one in the door. {God's told to wait in a dangerous area to pull a lever and trigger an event. He's angry and pissed about it.} 396
NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 Last time I ever deal with human trash... {God's told to wait in a dangerous area to pull a lever and trigger an event. He's angry and pissed about it.} 397
NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 After the Bomb, still slaves to technology, events, Pip-Boys, collars... hnnnr. {God's told to wait in a dangerous area to pull a lever and trigger an event. He's angry and pissed about it.} 398
NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 I'll whip you for this, Dog. I'll crush your cage with you inside it for making me go through this. {God's told to wait in a dangerous area to pull a lever and trigger an event. He's angry and pissed about it.} 399
NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 All this - if I get inside the Sierra Madre, it's all worth it. All of it. {God's told to wait in a dangerous area to pull a lever and trigger an event. He's angry and pissed about it.} 400
NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaBad Neutral 50 As soon as those collars go off... we'll settle things, yes. {God's told to wait in a dangerous area to pull a lever and trigger an event. He's angry and pissed about it.} 401
NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaGood NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 {Urgent} Hurry, we're targets out here. {God has been told to wait in a dangerous area, but he understands the reason, even if it stresses him out.} 402
NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 Almost inside. Finally. {Beat, himself} Then I can get rid of the baggage. {God has been told to wait in a dangerous area, but he understands the reason, even if it stresses him out.} 403
NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 {To himself} Quiet, Dog, stay in the cage. {God has been told to wait in a dangerous area, but he understands the reason, even if it stresses him out.} 404
NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 {Disgust} Sick of these Old World deathtraps. {God has been told to wait in a dangerous area, but he understands the reason, even if it stresses him out.} 405
NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 {Low, eager} The Sierra Madre's almost mine. {God has been told to wait in a dangerous area, but he understands the reason, even if it stresses him out.} 406
NVDLC01GodDialoguePreGalaGood Neutral 50 {Snarling} They better not try and leave me here... {God has been told to wait in a dangerous area, but he understands the reason, even if it stresses him out.} 407


AcceptYield AcceptYield Neutral 50 Next time, I'll break your legs and hang you from the Madre gates. 408
Assault Assault Anger 20 {Evil, cold} If this is how you want to die, then so be it. 409
Attack Attack Anger 20 {Cold, ruthless} Something needs to die. 410
AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Anger 10 {Loud, commanding} Look out. 411
Crippled Crippled Disgust 20 {Frustrated that the host body is malfunctioning} Dog's damaged. 412
Death Death Neutral 50 Finally, the howling will end. 413
FireExplosive FireExplosive Happy 5 {Growls} Let sound and thunder answer this. 414
Flee Flee Anger 20 Find a defensible position, we'll kill them there. 415
Frenzy Frenzy Anger 20 {Cold, low} That's done it. 416
HealthHalf HealthHalf Neutral 50 {Frustrated} Losing blood. 417
HealthQuarter HealthQuarter Pained 20 Head swimming. Can't hold myself... {takes a breath} together much longer. 418
Hit Hit Neutral 50 Ennh! 419
KOed KOed Neutral 50 Rrr! 420
KnockedBack KnockedBack Neutral 50 Hnnhr! 421
NoAmmo NoAmmo Anger 30 Too many targets, not enough bullets. 422
OnFire OnFire Disgust 10 {Disgusted, on fire, but shrugging it off like not worth his time} Fire. 423
Poisoned Poison Anger 10 {Low} Won't get rid of me {emph} that easily. {<Watching the player enter a poisonous cloud, warning.>} 424
Poison Anger 10 {Low} Trying to lose me in the Cloud? Not a chance. {<Watching the player enter a poisonous cloud, warning.>} 425
PowerAttack PowerAttack Anger 20 {Angry} Die. 426
Regenerating Regenerating Disgust 20 Finally - pain's gone, can focus. 427
Steal Steal Anger 20 Take from me again, and I'll leave you for the Sierra Madre. 428
UsedDoctorBag UsedDoctorBag Neutral 50 {To himself, amused} Physician, heal thyself. 429
Wake Wake Neutral 50 {To himself} At least I woke up instead of remaining in the dark. 430
Wake Neutral 50 Whatever it is, I want to kill it. 431
WeaponIneffective WeaponIneffective Anger 30 {Snarling, commanding} Can't hurt this one, give me something that {emph} will. 432


AlertIdle AlertIdle Anger 10 Whatever it is, it's still out there. Waiting. 433
AlertIdle Happy 10 {Malicious, talking to self} It'll come to us, Dog. Just wait. We'll kill it together. 434
AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Neutral 50 Let's kill them, Dog. 435
AlertToCombat Happy 20 {Malicious} Ah, guests. Their mistake. 436
AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Disgust 20 Enough - the Sierra Madre is our target, not its ghosts. 437
AlertToNormal Neutral 50 Perhaps they ran. If not... we'll see them soon. 438
CombatToLost CombatToLost Neutral 50 {Under his breath} Where did you go? 439
CombatToLost Anger 10 No matter where you run, I'll find you. 440
CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Neutral 50 Finished here. 441
CombatToNormal Happy 10 {Malicious, just murdered someone} That felt... good. 442
LostIdle LostIdle Anger 10 {Under his breath} Where are you? 443
LostIdle Disgust 10 I'll find you, you can't hide. 444
LostToCombat LostToCombat Anger 10 Should've stayed lost. 445
LostToCombat Anger 10 {Under his breath} Won't get away again. 446
LostToNormal LostToNormal Disgust 10 {Dismissive} Nothing. 447
NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Neutral 50 {Cold} Trespassers. 448
NormalToAlert Neutral 50 Something's out there. 449
NormalToCombat StartCombat Neutral 50 {Under his breath} Kill this one before they call others. 450
StartCombat Anger 20 I'll end you. 451
StartCombatResponse StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 {Irritated} So be it. 452
StartCombatResponse Neutral 50 Don't have {emph} time for this. 453


NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 {Chuckles} I'm not going to hurt you... yet. Much. Scars tell a story, some old, some new... {slow} and the one on the throat is fresh and red. 454
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct1 Neutral 50 {Amused, evil} What's this little doll? Were you carved by a craftsman, little doll, or were you mauled by a drunk who didn't know his tools? 455
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 Neutral 50 Oh, it wasn't me... I have no use for your neck beyond what encircles it. {Snarls, to himself, disgruntled} The lack of screams when I finally kill you... that is what I'll regret. 456
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 Neutral 50 Don't get me wrong, that's a plus in my book. 457
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 Neutral 50 Still, are you getting any shred of your voice healed up, or...? Like anything? 458
NVDLC01RadioChristineAct2 Neutral 50 {Curious} Someone wanted to cut your voice, little doll. Or they didn't finish their work, or didn't know how to. 459
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 Mirrors tell me my name when needed... and I have a name for you, several. Thief, coward... showman. Radiation couldn't kill the truth, could it. 460
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 Touched by radiation, and you choose to spend your time here. You could have just left... but you're too obsessed to let go. 461
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 Can't believe the idiot swallowed his collar. {God is making random comments while player isn't around.} 462
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 What's taking that human so long. {God is making random comments while player isn't around.} 463
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 {To himself} If that human wasn't wearing a collar... {God is making random comments while player isn't around.} 464
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 Wonder what that human's insides would look like laid out over the fountain. {God is making random comments while player isn't around.} 465
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 {To himself} Might be able to rip the Pip-Boy off his arm without killing him. Hmm. {God is making random comments while player isn't around.} 466
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 Air tastes like copper. {Beat, smiles} Or Old World gold. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 467
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 Almost got away... then the idiot's hunger screws it up. {God is making random comments while with the player.} 468
NVDLC01RadioDogAct1 Neutral 50 {To himself} Quiet, Dog, stay in the cage. {God has been told to wait in a dangerous area, but he understands the reason, even if it stresses him out.} 469
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Taunting} You can't abide it. There's no heart. You hate it, I can hear it in your words. 470
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 You could have left the Sierra Madre. Left this Villa, joined your own kind. 471
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Urgent} Hurry, we're targets out here. {God has been told to wait in a dangerous area, but he understands the reason, even if it stresses him out.} 472
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Almost inside. Finally. {Beat, himself} Then I can get rid of the baggage. {God has been told to wait in a dangerous area, but he understands the reason, even if it stresses him out.} 473
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {To himself} Quiet, Dog, stay in the cage. {God has been told to wait in a dangerous area, but he understands the reason, even if it stresses him out.} 474
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Disgust} Sick of these Old World deathtraps. {God has been told to wait in a dangerous area, but he understands the reason, even if it stresses him out.} 475
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Low, eager} The Sierra Madre's almost mine. {God has been told to wait in a dangerous area, but he understands the reason, even if it stresses him out.} 476
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Snarling} They better not try and leave me here... {God has been told to wait in a dangerous area, but he understands the reason, even if it stresses him out.} 477
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {To himself} When this festival fires, I'm the first one in the door. {God's told to wait in a dangerous area to pull a lever and trigger an event. He's angry and pissed about it.} 478
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Last time I ever deal with human trash... {God's told to wait in a dangerous area to pull a lever and trigger an event. He's angry and pissed about it.} 479
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 After the Bomb, still slaves to technology, events, Pip-Boys, collars... hnnnr. {God's told to wait in a dangerous area to pull a lever and trigger an event. He's angry and pissed about it.} 480
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 I'll whip you for this, Dog. I'll crush your cage with you inside it for making me go through this. {God's told to wait in a dangerous area to pull a lever and trigger an event. He's angry and pissed about it.} 481
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 All this - if I get inside the Sierra Madre, it's all worth it. All of it. {God's told to wait in a dangerous area to pull a lever and trigger an event. He's angry and pissed about it.} 482
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 As soon as those collars go off... we'll settle things, yes. {God's told to wait in a dangerous area to pull a lever and trigger an event. He's angry and pissed about it.} 483
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Impressed} The human did it. {Evil} Good. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 484
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Not going down like last time - Dog, you're staying in the cage. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 485
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Time to get to the gate, "friends" or no friends. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 486
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {To himself} Fires and speakers are going to bring the Ghost People out in full. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 487
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Eager} Coming for you, human... you just wait. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 488
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Madre's mine. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 489
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 {Surprised} Hnh. The human pulled it off. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 490
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Just like last time. Come on, Dog, you know the drill. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 491
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Gate won't be open for long. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 492
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 Need to stay out of sight... can't afford to be distracted now. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 493
NVDLC01RadioDogAct2 Neutral 50 What the Old World saw in these light shows is beyond me. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 494
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {1G} I... {chuckles, not unkindly, more relieved} he's asleep. Finally. {To himself} Shhhhhh. {<Script Notes: This is after Dog's personality has been buried.>} 495
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {2G - Tired, serious, no malice} Dog... all I wanted was for you to listen to me, let me care for you. Keep you from hurting yourself... {<Script Notes: God is being genuine here... all he wanted to do was keep Dog out of harm's way.>} 496
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {3G - Stronger, to himself} Now I can. And one day, when you're ready, I'll let you out. When you're calm, and we... understand each other. {<Script Notes: This is after Dog's personality has been buried.>} 497
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {4G} And we're at peace, you and I, mind and instinct. Then the world will be ready for us. {<Script Notes: Calm, resolved. Loop back to the second line.>} 498
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {1B} What is this place? {<Script Notes: This is delivered in God's voice, but he's calm, and both God and Dog have been submerged, this is same voice, different personality, } 499
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {2B} Feel strange, like... sleeping. On my neck, is this... a chain? I... {recognition, looks down and sees the name carved there} what's carved on my chest. {<Script Notes: This is delivered in God's voice, but he's calm, and both God and Dog have been submerged, this is same voice, different personality, } 500
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {3B} "God." No... not God. Something in reverse... hnh. Was that one of them...? {<Script Notes: This is delivered in God's voice, but he's calm, and both God and Dog have been submerged, this is same voice, different personality, } 501
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {4B} Should rest, get my strength back... then explore this place, see what it holds. {<Script Notes: This is delivered in God's voice, but he's calm, and both God and Dog have been submerged, this is same voice, different personality, } 502
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {2 - "No more being..."} ...back in the cage. Stop what you're doing, we can... 503
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {4 - snarling, "you're not..."} ...listening to me. {Frustrated, furious, emph} Tired of being your minder, tired... 504
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {6 - "wants"} ...to protect you, always wanted to protect you, the reason I have to take control is... 505
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {8 - "You need to"} ...listen to me. {Sudden moment of weakness, slight plea} If you do this, we {emph} both... 506
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {10 - "Master will"} ...help us. Please let me help us. If you don't, then you're... 507
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {Surprised} Hnh. The human pulled it off. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 508
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 Just like last time. Come on, Dog, you know the drill. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 509
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 What the Old World saw in these light shows is beyond me. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 510
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {Impressed} The human did it. {Evil} Good. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 511
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 Not going down like last time - Dog, you're staying in the cage. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 512
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 Time to get to the gate, "friends" or no friends. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 513
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {To himself} Fires and speakers are going to bring the Ghost People out in full. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 514
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 {Eager} Coming for you, human... you just wait. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 515
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 Madre's mine. {God hates player. God's watching a festival erupt in the Villa, talking to himself, impressed the player pulled it off.} 516
NVDLC01RadioDogAct3 Neutral 50 Need to stay out of sight... can't afford to be distracted now. {God is watching a festival erupt in the Villa, and he's impressed the player pulled it off. He's talking to himself.} 517