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This is a transcript for dialogue with Festus.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Howdy, pardner! Welcome to the headquarters of the Sunset Sarsaparilla Company. Wrangle up a stool and listen to ol' Festus jaw a while. 1
Neutral 50 If you and ol' Festus are old pals, say a command now. Otherwise, say "Pleased to meetcha" and we'll get acquainted. 2
Neutral 50 Or, if you have more important things to do than talk to ol' Festus, say "Goodbye". 3
SSHQFestusAdvisory Silly Ol' Advisory. Neutral 50 I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand that. Could you repeat it? 4
Silly Ol' Advisory. Neutral 50 I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand that. Could you repeat it? 5
Silly Ol' Advisory. Neutral 50 While Sunset Sarsaparilla is perfectly safe, a recent independent study - whose validity is currently being challenged - revealed the following: 6
Neutral 50 Excessive ingestion of sarsaparilla can lead to deleterious effects including, but not limited to: 7
Neutral 50 kidney damage, 8
Neutral 50 nausea, 9
Neutral 50 digital numbness, 10
Neutral 50 anxiety, 11
Neutral 50 loss of visual acuity, 12
Neutral 50 dizziness, 13
Neutral 50 occasional nosebleeds, 14
Neutral 50 joint inflammation, 15
Neutral 50 tooth decay, 16
Neutral 50 sore throat, 17
Neutral 50 bronchitis, 18
Neutral 50 organ rupture, 19
Neutral 50 and halitosis. 20
Neutral 50 Note that you'd have to drink a heap of Sunset Sarsaparilla to match the quantities used in the study. How much, you ask? 21
Neutral 50 A lot. A whole helluva lot. In fact, you'd have to get full as a tick on Sunset Sarsaparilla to even come close. 22
Neutral 50 Anyway, thanks for stopping by, partner! And keep drinking Sunset Sarsaparilla! 23
SSHQFestusDepositStars <Deposit your Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars in the slot.> Neutral 50 Wahoo, you did it pardner! Bully for you! Ol' Festus knew you could do it. I suppose you'll be wanting that prize now. 24
Neutral 50 Well then, hold onto your hat, because it's a doozy. Not many people have heard the true story behind Sunset Sarsaparilla. It's a right honor. 25
Neutral 50 And now, without further ado, your prize - The Legend of the Star... 26
Neutral 50 Looooong ago, people didn't have a heap of choices when it came to soft drinks. It was either water, or Nuka-cola. 27
Neutral 50 Now, the threat of legal action forces me to say that Nuka-cola is a swell beverage, but sometimes people just wanted something different, you know? 28
Neutral 50 So one day a man, a saloon owner in a small town, decided to make a new type of soft drink, and asked his patrons what flavor they'd like it to be. 29
Neutral 50 After getting no help from them, a stranger at the end of the bar suggested the man make a sarsaparilla flavored drink. 30
Neutral 50 The stranger said he would happily share his family's recipe for the drink, on one condition. 31
Neutral 50 The condition being that the stranger would be allowed to sample a bottle whenever he liked, to ensure the recipe was being followed to the letter. 32
Neutral 50 The man happily agreed, thinking the drink would make him rich, and the stranger promised to meet him by sundown the next day. 33
Neutral 50 The next morning, the sheriff stopped by and reported that the stranger's body was found on the side of the town road. He'd been killed by bandits. 34
Neutral 50 The man, cursing his luck, closed the saloon early that day, just as the sun began to set. 35
Neutral 50 But after he had locked the doors, he turned around to find an unfamiliar bottle on the bar, with a note beneath it. 36
Neutral 50 The note was sealed with blue wax in the shape of a star. Opening it, the man found it contained a recipe for a sarsaparilla-flavored drink. 37
Neutral 50 Sampling the bottle's contents and finding it singularly delicious, the man gave silent thanks to his mysterious benefactor, wherever he was. 38
Neutral 50 Being an honorable man, the saloon owner paid for the stranger's funeral, thinking it was the least he could do to repay him. 39
Neutral 50 The saloon owner went on to become rich selling the new drink, and to this day some bottles of Sunset Sarsaparilla have a blue star under their caps. 40
Neutral 50 Some say the saloon owner ordered it done, in honor of the stranger. Others say it's the stranger, sampling the bottles like he promised. 41
Neutral 50 And that's the Legend of the Star. Hope you enjoyed it, and hope you continue enjoying Sunset Sarsaparilla! 42
<Deposit your Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars in the slot.> Neutral 50 By my hat, you're flush with Stars, ain't you? Scratch up a few more and the prize's yours. 43
Neutral 50 Well, what in the Sam Hill are you doing still listening to me? Get a wiggle on and find those last few Stars! 44
<Deposit your Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars in the slot.> Neutral 50 It looks like you've got a fair number of Stars in your saddlebags. You're still a few cards short of a hand, though. 45
<Deposit your Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars in the slot.> Neutral 50 That's a good start there, soft-horn, but that's not enough by a long chalk. 46
SSHQFestusGoodbye Goodbye. Neutral 50 Sorry to see you go so soon. Be sure to drink a Sunset Sarsaparilla for me! 47
SSHQFestusKiddingMe Is this some kind of joke? Neutral 50 The Sunset Sarsaparilla Company has received a number of complaints regarding the prize awarded for handing in Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars. 48
Neutral 50 Therefore, we have seen fit to provide another prize that we feel will placate the most discriminating customer. 49
Neutral 50 Just head through the double doors and follow the hallway to your left to the very end. An attendant will be there to present your prize, directly. 50
Neutral 50 We at the Sunset Sarsaparilla Company would once again like to thank you for your patronage. 51
SSHQFestusLHInstructions How do I play? Neutral 50 Lucky Horseshoes is played with cards numbered two through ten and aces, which have a value of one. 52
Neutral 50 You and ol' Festus will take turns drawing cards. Each time we draw a card, we add it to our total, trying to hit the magic number of twenty one. 53
Neutral 50 If either of us draws a card that brings our total up to the same number as the other, it pushes the other player's total up one. 54
Neutral 50 When this happens, it's called Lucky Horseshoes! Ol' Festus thought of the name himself, I'll have you know. 55
Neutral 50 When one of us is closer to twenty one and the other can't get any closer, either by going over or because he or she held, the closer player wins. 56
Neutral 50 Ol' Festus likes the game because there are no ties in Lucky Horseshoes. If someone's sitting pretty on twenty one, lady luck can still bump 'em off! 57
Neutral 50 But enough jawing. By now you're as eager as I am to get tossing. 58
SSHQFestusLHStart I feel lucky. Neutral 50 If this is your first rodeo with the ol' horseshoes, say "How do I play?". Otherwise, say "Lucky Horseshoes" to begin. 59
SSHQFestusLuckyHorseshoes Lucky Horseshoes. Neutral 50 All right, let's play, pardner! Press the blue button to draw a card, the red button to hold, or the yeller button to quit. 60
SSHQFestusMenu Pleased to meetcha. Neutral 50 New in town, pardner? Well, let ol' Festus give you the lay of the land. 61
Neutral 50 If you're here to redeem your Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars, dump 'em into the slot in the barrel below and I'll count 'em up. 62
Neutral 50 If you don't know what Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars are and think ol' Festus is just shooting his mouth off, say "Star Info". 63
Neutral 50 If you're here to challenge ol' Festus to a game of Lucky Horseshoes, say "I feel lucky". 64
Neutral 50 Lastly, if you're here about the health advisory that aired on channel 6 recently, say "Silly Ol' Advisory." 65
SSHQFestusStarInfo Star Info. Neutral 50 Ah, new to the hunt, are you? Well listen carefully, as ol' Festus don't like to repeat himself. 66
Neutral 50 Select Sunset Sarsaparilla bottles will have special caps with blue stars on them. These caps are known as Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars. 67
Neutral 50 Why are these stars there, and what do they mean? Nobody knows! Except maybe ol' Festus, hee hee. 68
Neutral 50 Rustle up enough of them and you can win a prize! So get out there, and start drinking Sunset Sarsaparilla! 69
SSHQFestusUmWhat Um, what? Is that it? Neutral 50 The Sunset Sarsaparilla Company has received a number of complaints regarding the prize awarded for handing in Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars. 70
Neutral 50 Therefore, we have seen fit to provide another prize that we feel will placate the most discriminating customer. 71
Neutral 50 Just head through the double doors and follow the hallway to your left to the very end. An attendant will be there to present your prize, directly. 72
Neutral 50 We at the Sunset Sarsaparilla Company would once again like to thank you for your patronage. 73
SSHQFestusWheresThePrize What the hell? Where's the real prize? Neutral 50 The Sunset Sarsaparilla Company has received a number of complaints regarding the prize awarded for handing in Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars. 74
Neutral 50 Therefore, we have seen fit to provide another prize that we feel will placate the most discriminating customer. 75
Neutral 50 Just head through the double doors and follow the hallway to your left to the very end. An attendant will be there to present your prize, directly. 76
Neutral 50 We at the Sunset Sarsaparilla Company would once again like to thank you for your patronage. 77
SSHQLHFestusDraw SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Ol' Festus is still holding. You go again, pardner. 78
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Ol' Festus thinks he's got this won. I'm holding. 79
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Ol' Festus is gonna draw. 80
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Looks like I got an ace, pardner. 81
<Watch Festus draw a card.> Neutral 50 Looks like I got a two, pardner. 82
<Watch Festus draw a card.> Neutral 50 Looks like I got a three, pardner. 83
<Watch Festus draw a card.> Neutral 50 Looks like I got a four, pardner. 84
<Watch Festus draw a card.> Neutral 50 Looks like I got a five, pardner. 85
<Watch Festus draw a card.> Neutral 50 Looks like I got a six, pardner. 86
<Watch Festus draw a card.> Neutral 50 Looks like I got a seven, pardner. 87
<Watch Festus draw a card.> Neutral 50 Looks like I got a eight, pardner. 88
<Watch Festus draw a card.> Neutral 50 Looks like I got a nine, pardner. 89
<Watch Festus draw a card.> Neutral 50 Looks like I got a ten, pardner. 90
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Your turn, pardner. Draw, hold, or quit? 91
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Looks like I win, pardner. You did well, but ol' Festus did a bit better, hee hee. 92
Neutral 50 If you'd like to play again, say "Play again". If you've had enough of ol' Festus' boots stompin all over ya, say "I'm done". 93
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Lucky horseshoes! I just nudged your total up one, pardner. No hard feelings, right? 94
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 You're holding, so ol' Festus'll just go again. 95
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Drat, ol' Festus needs more than that to catch you. 96
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Tarnation, ol' Festus's seen three-legged cattle move faster than this hand! 97
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Let's see, you're at 21, so ol' Festus knows you want to hit. Just kidding, heh heh. 98
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 See that? Ol' Festus is an old hand at this. 99
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Are you still there, pardner? Ol' Festus can hardly see you, you're so far behind! 100
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Twenty-one! Just where ol' Festus wants to be. Beat that, pardner! 101
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 You're doing well, but ol' Festus isn't out of this yet. 102
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Ol' Festus must be getting old. You're leaving me in the dust. 103
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Well, I'll be. That makes twenty-one for you, pardner. 104
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 You'll have to toss better than that, pardner! 105
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Ol' Festus doesn't like your chances, pardner. 106
SSHQLHFestusDraw Neutral 50 Ol' Festus is fine staying at twenty-one. 107
SSHQLHPlayerDraw <Press the blue button to draw a card.> Neutral 50 Looks like you got an ace, pardner. 108
<Press the blue Draw button.> Neutral 50 Looks like you got a two, pardner. 109
<Press the blue Draw button.> Neutral 50 Looks like you got a three, pardner. 110
<Press the blue Draw button.> Neutral 50 Looks like you got a four, pardner. 111
<Press the blue Draw button.> Neutral 50 Looks like you got a five, pardner. 112
<Press the blue Draw button.> Neutral 50 Looks like you got a six, pardner. 113
<Press the blue Draw button.> Neutral 50 Looks like you got a seven, pardner. 114
<Press the blue Draw button.> Neutral 50 Looks like you got a eight, pardner. 115
<Press the blue Draw button.> Neutral 50 Looks like you got a nine, pardner. 116
<Press the blue Draw button.> Neutral 50 Looks like you got a ten, pardner. 117
<Press the blue button to draw a card.> Neutral 50 Looks like you win, pardner. Ol' Festus just couldn't match those keen skills of yours. Here's your reward. 118
<Press the blue button to draw a card.> Neutral 50 If you'd like to play again, say "Play again". If you're done humiliating poor ol' Festus at his own game, say "I'm done". 119
<Press the blue button to draw a card.> Neutral 50 Lucky horseshoes! You just nudged ol' Festus' total up one. Don't worry, I won't hold it against you, heh heh. 120
<Press the red button to hold.>
<Press the red Hold button.> Neutral 50 If you hold now, pardner, I'll win! Let's pretend you drew, shall we? 121
<Press the red Hold button.> Neutral 50 I'd hold on 21 too, heh heh. Looks like ol' Festus needs a miracle now, eh? 122
<Press the red Hold button.> Neutral 50 Okay, pardner. Guess it's up to me to catch up. 123
VFreeformSSHQNVCRFestusTopic000 <Press the yellow button to quit.> Neutral 50 That's too bad. Ol' Festus was looking forward to a good tussle. 124


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Take care, pardner. And keep drinking Sunset Sarsaparilla! 125
SSHQFestusAddendum1 SSHQFestusAddendum1 Neutral 50 It has come to our attention that some of our loyal customers are less than pleased with the reward for their Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars. 126
SSHQFestusAddendum2 SSHQFestusAddendum2 Neutral 50 Our motto at Sunset Sarsaparilla is that the customer always comes first, so we have seen fit to provide an alternate reward for your Stars. 127
SSHQFestusAddendum3 SSHQFestusAddendum3 Neutral 50 Head through the double doors and take a left at the intersection. Follow the hallway all the way to its end, and you'll come to our prize vault. 128
SSHQFestusAddendum4 SSHQFestusAddendum4 Neutral 50 An attendant will be there to distribute your prize. We here at Sunset Sarsaparilla would like to thank you once again for your patronage. 129
SSHQFestusLOS1 SSHQFestusLOS1 Neutral 50 Looooong ago, people didn't really have many choices when it came to soft drinks. It was either water, or Nuka-cola. 130
SSHQFestusLOS10 SSHQFestusLOS10 Neutral 50 The next day, the man came downstairs to find a single bottle with a note beneath it on the bar. 131
SSHQFestusLOS11 SSHQFestusLOS11 Neutral 50 The man picked up the note, and found it contained a recipe for making a sarsaparilla-flavored drink, and was signed with a blue star. 132
SSHQFestusLOS12 SSHQFestusLOS12 Neutral 50 Opening the bottle, the man found the inside of the cap had the same blue star on it. He also found that the drink was delicious. 133
SSHQFestusLOS13 SSHQFestusLOS13 Neutral 50 That night, the local sheriff visited the saloon and reported that the stranger had been found on the side of the town road, murdered. 134
SSHQFestusLOS14 SSHQFestusLOS14 Neutral 50 He had apparently been attacked by bandits on his way to the saloon the previous day. 135
SSHQFestusLOS15 SSHQFestusLOS15 Neutral 50 Stunned by the news, the man told the sheriff about the note, bottle, and the deal he had with the stranger. 136
SSHQFestusLOS16 SSHQFestusLOS16 Neutral 50 The sheriff suggested that maybe the bandits, in a fit of remorse, delivered the items. After taking all of the stranger's money, of course. 137
SSHQFestusLOS17 SSHQFestusLOS17 Neutral 50 Now, I don't know about you, but old Festus here never met a bandit that felt anything akin to remorse. 138
SSHQFestusLOS18 SSHQFestusLOS18 Neutral 50 The man felt the same, and had his own idea about what had happened. He went on to become rich selling the sarsaparilla drink, and started a company. 139
SSHQFestusLOS19 SSHQFestusLOS18 Neutral 50 And to this day, you can get a Sunset Sarsaparilla and enjoy the refreshing taste of that very same drink. 140
SSHQFestusLOS2 SSHQFestusLOS2 Neutral 50 Now, the threat of legal action forces me to say that Nuka-cola is a swell beverage, but sometimes people just wanted something different, you know? 141
SSHQFestusLOS20 SSHQFestusLOS20 Neutral 50 And sometimes, you can even find a blue star under the cap, just like that man did so many years ago. 142
SSHQFestusLOS21 SSHQFestusLOS21 Neutral 50 And that's the Legend of the Star. Hope you enjoyed it, and hope you continue enjoying Sunset Sarsaparilla! 143
SSHQFestusLOS3 SSHQFestusLOS3 Neutral 50 So one day a man, a saloon owner in a small town, decided to make a new type of soft drink, something that tasted far different than anything else. 144
SSHQFestusLOS4 SSHQFestusLOS4 Neutral 50 But the man was at a loss as to what kind of flavor to use. He asked all of his patrons for ideas, but they were no help at all. 145
SSHQFestusLOS5 SSHQFestusLOS5 Neutral 50 Then one day, a stranger walked into the saloon. When asked what he'd like, the stranger replied, "You got anything with sarsaparilla in it?" 146
SSHQFestusLOS6 SSHQFestusLOS6 Neutral 50 The man had never heard of a drink with sarsaparilla in it, and said so. The stranger told the man that he'd make a deal with him. 147
SSHQFestusLOS7 SSHQFestusLOS7 Neutral 50 If the man bought the ingredients, the stranger promised to meet him by sundown the next day and teach him how to make a sarsaparilla drink. 148
SSHQFestusLOS8 SSHQFestusLOS8 Neutral 50 The man happily agreed to the deal, and had the ingredients waiting the following day. But the sun came and went, and the stranger never came. 149
SSHQFestusLOS9 SSHQFestusLOS9 Neutral 50 The man figured he had been tricked and went to sleep, leaving the ingredients he had purchased down by the bar. 150