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This is a transcript for dialogue with Mrs. Weathers.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 Please, ma'am - take pity on us. Free us, I'm begging you! 1
GREETING Neutral 50 Please, sir - take pity on us. Free us, please! 2
GREETING Neutral 50 When will we be free? 3
GREETING Neutral 50 I can't ever thank you enough for saving me and mine! We're free now! 4
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCMrsWeathersTopic001 Frank sent me to free you. Neutral 50 {Afraid} That man knows where we are? Just when I didn't think this could get any worse! 5
Neutral 50 At least he's too much of a coward to come after us himself. What if he'd ended up in this pen with us? 6
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCMrsWeathersTopic002 He was hurting you? Neutral 50 Ever since he lost his job a few years back he hasn't been the same. He took a switch to us for the tiniest things. 7
Neutral 50 We were trying to get away when the Legion showed up. I'm glad he ran off like a coward, but slavery wasn't the kind of escape I was looking for. 8
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCMrsWeathersTopic004 Goodbye. Neutral 50 Anything you can do to help, just please get us out of here. 9
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCMrsWeathersTopic005 Trust me, your troubles are over. <Set off the explosive in her collar> Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {Screaming} No! Not like this! 10
Trust me, your troubles are over. <Set off the explosive in her collar> Neutral 50 [FAILED] I appreciate you trying, but you'll have to find another way to get us out of here. 11
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCMrsWeathersTopic007 I've paid for the three of you. You are free to go. Neutral 50 {shocked disbelief} Th-thank you! I don't know that we'll ever be able to repay you, but we'll do our best one day once I've found a place to settle. 12
<SPEECH - Player tells her to make a run for it>
Cry freedom! Run for it! Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {wanting to believe} You think we can make it? You really do? 13
Neutral 50 {shouting} FREEDOM! 14
Run for it! Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {wanting to believe} You think we can make it? You really do? 15
If you believe hard enough, you can do anything! Run! Neutral 50 [FAILED] Are you crazy? They'd run us down in an instant! 16
Neutral 50 If you want to help us, you'll have to come up with something better than suicide! 17
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCMrsWeathersTopic009 <Give Mrs. Weathers the key from Canyon Runner> Neutral 50 {shocked disbelief} Th-thank you! I don't know that we'll ever be able to repay you, but we'll do our best one day once I've found a place to settle. 18
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCMrsWeathersTopic010 I'll see what I can do. Neutral 50 {desperate} Thank you! Thank you so much! 19
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCMrsWeathersTopic011 Let me deactivate your collar. Neutral 50 No way. If the guard catches you, we'll be beaten. 20
Neutral 50 If you want to help, get that gate unlocked or see if you can get the one they call Canyon Runner to let us go. 21
Let me deactivate your collar. Neutral 50 {player killed one of your children doing this} All you're doing is killing us! Leave us alone! 22
Let me deactivate your collar. Neutral 50 If there's any chance you can free us, it's worth the risk... 23
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCMrsWeathersTopic012 Hold still. <Deactivate the charge and remove her collar> Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] My goodness! I swear my heart skipped a beat! 24
Hold still. <Deactivate the charge and remove her collar> Sad 50 [FAILED] That's enough of that! If you're going to get us out of here, it'll have to be another way. 25
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCMrsWeathersTopic013 Looks tougher than I thought. We'll have to find another solution. Neutral 50 {pleading} Anything that gets us out of here, please. 26
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCMrsWeathersTopic014 <Lie> I paid for your release. You're free to go. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] Finally! Let's get out of here! 27
I took care of your master. You're free as a bird. Neutral 50 [FAILED] I don't believe you. This key has to have been stolen. 28
Neutral 50 None of the guards have said we're free to go. As soon as we step out of here, we're just going to get caught again, or worse. 29
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCMrsWeathersTopic015 Goodbye. Neutral 50 One of these days we'll be free. 30
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCMrsWeathersTopic016 How were you captured? Neutral 50 My family was ambushed by a pack of Legion raiders near Searchlight and Frank ran off, the gutless coward! 31
Neutral 50 I have no idea where he is, but at least we're free from his abuse. 32


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 {Pleading} Anything that gets us out of here, please. 33