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This is a transcript for dialogue with Cursor Lucullus.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {Shocked} I warned them about that truck weeks ago. Always be prepared for any hazardous radiation I said. 1
Neutral 50 {Saddened sigh} Those headstrong fools should have listened... 2
Neutral 50 {Tired} Are you ready to head upriver? 3
GREETING Neutral 50 {AH-way} Ave. Are you ready to head upriver? 4
GREETING Neutral 50 {KAI-zar} Caesar awaits you in his tent. You have license to find your own way. 5
Neutral 50 I'll wait here, to ferry you back to the western shore when your visit has concluded. 6
GREETING Neutral 50 {AH-way} Ave. Are you ready to travel to the Fort? 7
GREETING Neutral 50 {KAI-zar} Caesar has permitted you to leave, but not with the Platinum Chip in your possession. Relinquish it and you may go. 8
GREETING Neutral 50 {AH-way} Ave. Are you ready to return to Cottonwood Cove? 9
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLucullusTopic000 I'm ready to travel with you. Neutral 50 The trip will take a few hours. Take your place on the boat. 10
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLucullusTopic001 What'll happen at the Fort? Neutral 50 You'll be meeting face-to-face with the mighty {KAI-zar} Caesar himself, founder of the Legion, conquerer of 86 tribes. 11
Neutral 50 To my knowledge, this is the first time {KAI-zar} Caesar has ever summoned one of the Dissolute to see him. Not even tribal chieftains receive this honor. 12
What'll happen at the Fort? Neutral 50 You'll be meeting face-to-face with the mighty {KAI-zar} Caesar himself, founder of the Legion, conquerer of 86 tribes. 13
Neutral 50 To my knowledge, this is the first time {KAI-zar} Caesar has ever summoned one of the Dissolute to see him. That it'd be a woman is even more surprising. 14
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLucullusTopic002 Who are you? Neutral 50 I am Cursor {Luh-CULL-us} Lucullus, and my orders are to escort you to the Legion's camp at Fortification Hill. Are you ready to go? 15
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLucullusTopic003 Here's the chip. Neutral 50 The guard in the weather station will return the Chip to you when you're ready for {KAI-zar's} Caesar's mission. Otherwise, we can return to Cottonwood Cove. 16
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLucullusTopic004 Goodbye. Neutral 50 {LATIN} {"wallae"} Vale. 17
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLucullusTopic004DUPLICATE000 Who are you calling "Dissolute?" Neutral 50 All who are not Legion are "Dissolute." They live in squalor, unrestrained by morality, lacking moderation, temper, and self-control. 18
Neutral 50 Their very existence is a blight on the common good. Even worse are the Profligates, the subtype of Dissolute one finds this side of the river. 19
Neutral 50 They hold themselves to be civilized, when in fact they are corrupt and self-interested. The truth will be made clear to them soon enough. 20
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLucullusTopic005 What have I done to earn this honor? Neutral 50 You'd know better than I would. But you must be remarkable, for {KAI-zar} Caesar to take such an interest. 21
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLucullusTopic006 Goodbye. Neutral 50 {WALL-ae} Vale, as you wish. My orders are to wait here until you're ready to make the trip. 22
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLucullusTopic007 Why are you surprised to see a woman receive this honor? Neutral 50 {a ridiculous question, but it's your duty to be polite} Women are physically and intellectually inferior to men. Their role is to bear children and ensure the survival of our species. 23
Neutral 50 Not to say that all women are equally incapable. I trust {KAI-zar} Caesar will find a worthy use for you. 24
VFreeformCottonwoodCoveNVCCLucullusTopic008 I'm ready to return to Cottonwood Cove. Neutral 50 Very well. 25


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 {LATIN} {"WALL-ae"} Vale. 26
HELLO Hello Neutral 50 {AH-way} Ave. 27